/* This file is part of Evoral. * Copyright (C) 2008 Dave Robillard * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Paul Davis * * Evoral is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Evoral is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace Evoral { inline bool event_time_less_than (ControlEvent* a, ControlEvent* b) { return a->when < b->when; } ControlList::ControlList (const Parameter& id) : _parameter(id) , _interpolation(Linear) , _curve(new Curve(*this)) { _frozen = 0; _changed_when_thawed = false; _min_yval = id.min(); _max_yval = id.max(); _max_xval = 0; // means "no limit" _rt_insertion_point = _events.end(); _lookup_cache.left = -1; _lookup_cache.range.first = _events.end(); _search_cache.left = -1; _search_cache.range.first = _events.end(); _sort_pending = false; } ControlList::ControlList (const ControlList& other) : _parameter(other._parameter) , _interpolation(Linear) , _curve(new Curve(*this)) { _frozen = 0; _changed_when_thawed = false; _min_yval = other._min_yval; _max_yval = other._max_yval; _max_xval = other._max_xval; _default_value = other._default_value; _rt_insertion_point = _events.end(); _lookup_cache.range.first = _events.end(); _search_cache.range.first = _events.end(); _sort_pending = false; for (const_iterator i = other._events.begin(); i != other._events.end(); ++i) { _events.push_back (new ControlEvent (**i)); } mark_dirty (); } ControlList::ControlList (const ControlList& other, double start, double end) : _parameter(other._parameter) , _interpolation(Linear) , _curve(new Curve(*this)) { _frozen = 0; _changed_when_thawed = false; _min_yval = other._min_yval; _max_yval = other._max_yval; _max_xval = other._max_xval; _default_value = other._default_value; _rt_insertion_point = _events.end(); _lookup_cache.range.first = _events.end(); _search_cache.range.first = _events.end(); _sort_pending = false; /* now grab the relevant points, and shift them back if necessary */ boost::shared_ptr section = const_cast(&other)->copy (start, end); if (!section->empty()) { for (iterator i = section->begin(); i != section->end(); ++i) { _events.push_back (new ControlEvent ((*i)->when, (*i)->value)); } } mark_dirty (); } ControlList::~ControlList() { for (EventList::iterator x = _events.begin(); x != _events.end(); ++x) { delete (*x); } } boost::shared_ptr ControlList::create(Parameter id) { return boost::shared_ptr(new ControlList(id)); } bool ControlList::operator== (const ControlList& other) { return _events == other._events; } ControlList& ControlList::operator= (const ControlList& other) { if (this != &other) { _events.clear (); for (const_iterator i = other._events.begin(); i != other._events.end(); ++i) { _events.push_back (new ControlEvent (**i)); } _min_yval = other._min_yval; _max_yval = other._max_yval; _max_xval = other._max_xval; _default_value = other._default_value; mark_dirty (); maybe_signal_changed (); } return *this; } void ControlList::maybe_signal_changed () { mark_dirty (); if (_frozen) _changed_when_thawed = true; } void ControlList::clear () { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); _events.clear (); mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::x_scale (double factor) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); _x_scale (factor); } bool ControlList::extend_to (double when) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); if (_events.empty() || _events.back()->when == when) { return false; } double factor = when / _events.back()->when; _x_scale (factor); return true; } void ControlList::_x_scale (double factor) { for (iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { (*i)->when = floor ((*i)->when * factor); } mark_dirty (); } void ControlList::reposition_for_rt_add (double when) { _rt_insertion_point = _events.end(); } void ControlList::rt_add (double when, double value) { //cerr << "RT: alist " << this << " add " << value << " @ " << when << endl; { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); iterator where; ControlEvent cp (when, 0.0); bool done = false; if ((_rt_insertion_point != _events.end()) && ((*_rt_insertion_point)->when < when) ) { /* we have a previous insertion point, so we should delete everything between it and the position where we are going to insert this point. */ iterator after = _rt_insertion_point; if (++after != _events.end()) { iterator far = after; while (far != _events.end()) { if ((*far)->when > when) { break; } ++far; } if (_new_value) { where = far; _rt_insertion_point = where; if ((*where)->when == when) { (*where)->value = value; done = true; } } else { where = _events.erase (after, far); } } else { where = after; } iterator previous = _rt_insertion_point; --previous; if (_rt_insertion_point != _events.begin() && (*_rt_insertion_point)->value == value && (*previous)->value == value) { (*_rt_insertion_point)->when = when; done = true; } } else { where = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); if (where != _events.end()) { if ((*where)->when == when) { (*where)->value = value; done = true; } } } if (!done) { _rt_insertion_point = _events.insert (where, new ControlEvent (when, value)); } _new_value = false; mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::fast_simple_add (double when, double value) { /* to be used only for loading pre-sorted data from saved state */ _events.insert (_events.end(), new ControlEvent (when, value)); assert(_events.back()); } void ControlList::add (double when, double value) { /* this is for graphical editing */ { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); ControlEvent cp (when, 0.0f); bool insert = true; iterator insertion_point; for (insertion_point = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); insertion_point != _events.end(); ++insertion_point) { /* only one point allowed per time point */ if ((*insertion_point)->when == when) { (*insertion_point)->value = value; insert = false; break; } if ((*insertion_point)->when >= when) { break; } } if (insert) { _events.insert (insertion_point, new ControlEvent (when, value)); reposition_for_rt_add (0); } mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::erase (iterator i) { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); _events.erase (i); reposition_for_rt_add (0); mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::erase (iterator start, iterator end) { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); _events.erase (start, end); reposition_for_rt_add (0); mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::reset_range (double start, double endt) { bool reset = false; { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); ControlEvent cp (start, 0.0f); iterator s; iterator e; if ((s = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator)) != _events.end()) { cp.when = endt; e = upper_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); for (iterator i = s; i != e; ++i) { (*i)->value = _default_value; } reset = true; mark_dirty (); } } if (reset) { maybe_signal_changed (); } } void ControlList::erase_range (double start, double endt) { bool erased = false; { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); ControlEvent cp (start, 0.0f); iterator s; iterator e; if ((s = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator)) != _events.end()) { cp.when = endt; e = upper_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); _events.erase (s, e); reposition_for_rt_add (0); erased = true; mark_dirty (); } } if (erased) { maybe_signal_changed (); } } void ControlList::move_range (iterator start, iterator end, double xdelta, double ydelta) { /* note: we assume higher level logic is in place to avoid this reordering the time-order of control events in the list. ie. all points after end are later than (end)->when. */ { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); while (start != end) { (*start)->when += xdelta; (*start)->value += ydelta; if (isnan ((*start)->value)) { abort (); } ++start; } if (!_frozen) { _events.sort (event_time_less_than); } else { _sort_pending = true; } mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::slide (iterator before, double distance) { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); if (before == _events.end()) { return; } while (before != _events.end()) { (*before)->when += distance; ++before; } } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::modify (iterator iter, double when, double val) { /* note: we assume higher level logic is in place to avoid this reordering the time-order of control events in the list. ie. all points after *iter are later than when. */ { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); (*iter)->when = when; (*iter)->value = val; if (isnan (val)) { abort (); } if (!_frozen) { _events.sort (event_time_less_than); } else { _sort_pending = true; } mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); } std::pair ControlList::control_points_adjacent (double xval) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); iterator i; ControlEvent cp (xval, 0.0f); std::pair ret; ret.first = _events.end(); ret.second = _events.end(); for (i = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if (ret.first == _events.end()) { if ((*i)->when >= xval) { if (i != _events.begin()) { ret.first = i; --ret.first; } else { return ret; } } } if ((*i)->when > xval) { ret.second = i; break; } } return ret; } void ControlList::set_max_xval (double x) { _max_xval = x; } void ControlList::freeze () { _frozen++; } void ControlList::thaw () { assert(_frozen > 0); if (--_frozen > 0) { return; } { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); if (_sort_pending) { _events.sort (event_time_less_than); _sort_pending = false; } } } void ControlList::mark_dirty () const { _lookup_cache.left = -1; _search_cache.left = -1; if (_curve) _curve->mark_dirty(); } void ControlList::truncate_end (double last_coordinate) { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); ControlEvent cp (last_coordinate, 0); ControlList::reverse_iterator i; double last_val; if (_events.empty()) { return; } if (last_coordinate == _events.back()->when) { return; } if (last_coordinate > _events.back()->when) { /* extending end: */ iterator foo = _events.begin(); bool lessthantwo; if (foo == _events.end()) { lessthantwo = true; } else if (++foo == _events.end()) { lessthantwo = true; } else { lessthantwo = false; } if (lessthantwo) { /* less than 2 points: add a new point */ _events.push_back (new ControlEvent (last_coordinate, _events.back()->value)); } else { /* more than 2 points: check to see if the last 2 values are equal. if so, just move the position of the last point. otherwise, add a new point. */ iterator penultimate = _events.end(); --penultimate; /* points at last point */ --penultimate; /* points at the penultimate point */ if (_events.back()->value == (*penultimate)->value) { _events.back()->when = last_coordinate; } else { _events.push_back (new ControlEvent (last_coordinate, _events.back()->value)); } } } else { /* shortening end */ last_val = unlocked_eval (last_coordinate); last_val = max ((double) _min_yval, last_val); last_val = min ((double) _max_yval, last_val); i = _events.rbegin(); /* make i point to the last control point */ ++i; /* now go backwards, removing control points that are beyond the new last coordinate. */ uint32_t sz = _events.size(); while (i != _events.rend() && sz > 2) { ControlList::reverse_iterator tmp; tmp = i; ++tmp; if ((*i)->when < last_coordinate) { break; } _events.erase (i.base()); --sz; i = tmp; } _events.back()->when = last_coordinate; _events.back()->value = last_val; } reposition_for_rt_add (0); mark_dirty(); } maybe_signal_changed (); } void ControlList::truncate_start (double overall_length) { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); iterator i; double first_legal_value; double first_legal_coordinate; assert(!_events.empty()); if (overall_length == _events.back()->when) { /* no change in overall length */ return; } if (overall_length > _events.back()->when) { /* growing at front: duplicate first point. shift all others */ double shift = overall_length - _events.back()->when; uint32_t np; for (np = 0, i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i, ++np) { (*i)->when += shift; } if (np < 2) { /* less than 2 points: add a new point */ _events.push_front (new ControlEvent (0, _events.front()->value)); } else { /* more than 2 points: check to see if the first 2 values are equal. if so, just move the position of the first point. otherwise, add a new point. */ iterator second = _events.begin(); ++second; /* points at the second point */ if (_events.front()->value == (*second)->value) { /* first segment is flat, just move start point back to zero */ _events.front()->when = 0; } else { /* leave non-flat segment in place, add a new leading point. */ _events.push_front (new ControlEvent (0, _events.front()->value)); } } } else { /* shrinking at front */ first_legal_coordinate = _events.back()->when - overall_length; first_legal_value = unlocked_eval (first_legal_coordinate); first_legal_value = max (_min_yval, first_legal_value); first_legal_value = min (_max_yval, first_legal_value); /* remove all events earlier than the new "front" */ i = _events.begin(); while (i != _events.end() && !_events.empty()) { ControlList::iterator tmp; tmp = i; ++tmp; if ((*i)->when > first_legal_coordinate) { break; } _events.erase (i); i = tmp; } /* shift all remaining points left to keep their same relative position */ for (i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { (*i)->when -= first_legal_coordinate; } /* add a new point for the interpolated new value */ _events.push_front (new ControlEvent (0, first_legal_value)); } reposition_for_rt_add (0); mark_dirty(); } maybe_signal_changed (); } double ControlList::unlocked_eval (double x) const { pair range; int32_t npoints; double lpos, upos; double lval, uval; double fraction; npoints = _events.size(); switch (npoints) { case 0: return _default_value; case 1: if (x >= _events.front()->when) { return _events.front()->value; } else { // return _default_value; return _events.front()->value; } case 2: if (x >= _events.back()->when) { return _events.back()->value; } else if (x == _events.front()->when) { return _events.front()->value; } else if (x < _events.front()->when) { // return _default_value; return _events.front()->value; } lpos = _events.front()->when; lval = _events.front()->value; upos = _events.back()->when; uval = _events.back()->value; if (_interpolation == Discrete) return lval; /* linear interpolation betweeen the two points */ fraction = (double) (x - lpos) / (double) (upos - lpos); return lval + (fraction * (uval - lval)); default: if (x >= _events.back()->when) { return _events.back()->value; } else if (x == _events.front()->when) { return _events.front()->value; } else if (x < _events.front()->when) { // return _default_value; return _events.front()->value; } return multipoint_eval (x); break; } /*NOTREACHED*/ /* stupid gcc */ return 0.0; } double ControlList::multipoint_eval (double x) const { double upos, lpos; double uval, lval; double fraction; /* "Stepped" lookup (no interpolation) */ /* FIXME: no cache. significant? */ if (_interpolation == Discrete) { const ControlEvent cp (x, 0); EventList::const_iterator i = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); // shouldn't have made it to multipoint_eval assert(i != _events.end()); if (i == _events.begin() || (*i)->when == x) return (*i)->value; else return (*(--i))->value; } /* Only do the range lookup if x is in a different range than last time * this was called (or if the lookup cache has been marked "dirty" (left<0) */ if ((_lookup_cache.left < 0) || ((_lookup_cache.left > x) || (_lookup_cache.range.first == _events.end()) || ((*_lookup_cache.range.second)->when < x))) { const ControlEvent cp (x, 0); _lookup_cache.range = equal_range (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); } pair range = _lookup_cache.range; if (range.first == range.second) { /* x does not exist within the list as a control point */ _lookup_cache.left = x; if (range.first != _events.begin()) { --range.first; lpos = (*range.first)->when; lval = (*range.first)->value; } else { /* we're before the first point */ // return _default_value; return _events.front()->value; } if (range.second == _events.end()) { /* we're after the last point */ return _events.back()->value; } upos = (*range.second)->when; uval = (*range.second)->value; /* linear interpolation betweeen the two points on either side of x */ fraction = (double) (x - lpos) / (double) (upos - lpos); return lval + (fraction * (uval - lval)); } /* x is a control point in the data */ _lookup_cache.left = -1; return (*range.first)->value; } void ControlList::build_search_cache_if_necessary(double start, double end) const { /* Only do the range lookup if x is in a different range than last time * this was called (or if the search cache has been marked "dirty" (left<0) */ if (!_events.empty() && ((_search_cache.left < 0) || ((_search_cache.left > start) || (_search_cache.right < end)))) { const ControlEvent start_point (start, 0); const ControlEvent end_point (end, 0); //cerr << "REBUILD: (" << _search_cache.left << ".." << _search_cache.right << ") := (" // << start << ".." << end << ")" << endl; _search_cache.range.first = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &start_point, time_comparator); _search_cache.range.second = upper_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &end_point, time_comparator); _search_cache.left = start; _search_cache.right = end; } } /** Get the earliest event between \a start and \a end, using the current interpolation style. * * If an event is found, \a x and \a y are set to its coordinates. * * \param inclusive Include events with timestamp exactly equal to \a start * \return true if event is found (and \a x and \a y are valid). */ bool ControlList::rt_safe_earliest_event(double start, double end, double& x, double& y, bool inclusive) const { // FIXME: It would be nice if this was unnecessary.. Glib::Mutex::Lock lm(_lock, Glib::TRY_LOCK); if (!lm.locked()) { return false; } return rt_safe_earliest_event_unlocked(start, end, x, y, inclusive); } /** Get the earliest event between \a start and \a end, using the current interpolation style. * * If an event is found, \a x and \a y are set to its coordinates. * * \param inclusive Include events with timestamp exactly equal to \a start * \return true if event is found (and \a x and \a y are valid). */ bool ControlList::rt_safe_earliest_event_unlocked(double start, double end, double& x, double& y, bool inclusive) const { if (_interpolation == Discrete) return rt_safe_earliest_event_discrete_unlocked(start, end, x, y, inclusive); else return rt_safe_earliest_event_linear_unlocked(start, end, x, y, inclusive); } /** Get the earliest event between \a start and \a end (Discrete (lack of) interpolation) * * If an event is found, \a x and \a y are set to its coordinates. * * \param inclusive Include events with timestamp exactly equal to \a start * \return true if event is found (and \a x and \a y are valid). */ bool ControlList::rt_safe_earliest_event_discrete_unlocked (double start, double end, double& x, double& y, bool inclusive) const { build_search_cache_if_necessary(start, end); const pair& range = _search_cache.range; if (range.first != _events.end()) { const ControlEvent* const first = *range.first; const bool past_start = (inclusive ? first->when >= start : first->when > start); /* Earliest points is in range, return it */ if (past_start >= start && first->when < end) { x = first->when; y = first->value; /* Move left of cache to this point * (Optimize for immediate call this cycle within range) */ _search_cache.left = x; ++_search_cache.range.first; assert(x >= start); assert(x < end); return true; } else { return false; } /* No points in range */ } else { return false; } } /** Get the earliest time the line crosses an integer (Linear interpolation). * * If an event is found, \a x and \a y are set to its coordinates. * * \param inclusive Include events with timestamp exactly equal to \a start * \return true if event is found (and \a x and \a y are valid). */ bool ControlList::rt_safe_earliest_event_linear_unlocked (double start, double end, double& x, double& y, bool inclusive) const { //cerr << "earliest_event(" << start << ", " << end << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << inclusive << endl; if (_events.size() == 0) return false; else if (_events.size() == 1) return rt_safe_earliest_event_discrete_unlocked(start, end, x, y, inclusive); // Hack to avoid infinitely repeating the same event build_search_cache_if_necessary(start, end); pair range = _search_cache.range; if (range.first != _events.end()) { const ControlEvent* first = NULL; const ControlEvent* next = NULL; /* Step is after first */ if (range.first == _events.begin() || (*range.first)->when == start) { first = *range.first; next = *(++range.first); ++_search_cache.range.first; /* Step is before first */ } else { const_iterator prev = range.first; --prev; first = *prev; next = *range.first; } if (inclusive && first->when == start) { x = first->when; y = first->value; /* Move left of cache to this point * (Optimize for immediate call this cycle within range) */ _search_cache.left = x; //++_search_cache.range.first; assert(inclusive ? x >= start : x > start); return true; } if (abs(first->value - next->value) <= 1) { if (next->when <= end && (!inclusive || next->when > start)) { x = next->when; y = next->value; /* Move left of cache to this point * (Optimize for immediate call this cycle within range) */ _search_cache.left = x; //++_search_cache.range.first; assert(inclusive ? x >= start : x > start); return true; } else { return false; } } const double slope = (next->value - first->value) / (double)(next->when - first->when); //cerr << "start y: " << start_y << endl; //y = first->value + (slope * fabs(start - first->when)); y = first->value; if (first->value < next->value) // ramping up y = ceil(y); else // ramping down y = floor(y); x = first->when + (y - first->value) / (double)slope; while ((inclusive && x < start) || (x <= start && y != next->value)) { if (first->value < next->value) // ramping up y += 1.0; else // ramping down y -= 1.0; x = first->when + (y - first->value) / (double)slope; } /*cerr << first->value << " @ " << first->when << " ... " << next->value << " @ " << next->when << " = " << y << " @ " << x << endl;*/ assert( (y >= first->value && y <= next->value) || (y <= first->value && y >= next->value) ); const bool past_start = (inclusive ? x >= start : x > start); if (past_start && x < end) { /* Move left of cache to this point * (Optimize for immediate call this cycle within range) */ _search_cache.left = x; assert(inclusive ? x >= start : x > start); return true; } else { return false; } /* No points in the future, so no steps (towards them) in the future */ } else { return false; } } boost::shared_ptr ControlList::cut (iterator start, iterator end) { boost::shared_ptr nal = create (_parameter); { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); for (iterator x = start; x != end; ) { iterator tmp; tmp = x; ++tmp; nal->_events.push_back (new ControlEvent (**x)); _events.erase (x); reposition_for_rt_add (0); x = tmp; } mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); return nal; } boost::shared_ptr ControlList::cut_copy_clear (double start, double end, int op) { boost::shared_ptr nal = create (_parameter); iterator s, e; ControlEvent cp (start, 0.0); bool changed = false; { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); if ((s = lower_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator)) == _events.end()) { return nal; } cp.when = end; e = upper_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); if (op != 2 && (*s)->when != start) { nal->_events.push_back (new ControlEvent (0, unlocked_eval (start))); } for (iterator x = s; x != e; ) { iterator tmp; tmp = x; ++tmp; changed = true; /* adjust new points to be relative to start, which has been set to zero. */ if (op != 2) { nal->_events.push_back (new ControlEvent ((*x)->when - start, (*x)->value)); } if (op != 1) { _events.erase (x); } x = tmp; } if (op != 2 && nal->_events.back()->when != end - start) { nal->_events.push_back (new ControlEvent (end - start, unlocked_eval (end))); } if (changed) { reposition_for_rt_add (0); } mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); return nal; } boost::shared_ptr ControlList::copy (iterator start, iterator end) { boost::shared_ptr nal = create (_parameter); { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); for (iterator x = start; x != end; ) { iterator tmp; tmp = x; ++tmp; nal->_events.push_back (new ControlEvent (**x)); x = tmp; } } return nal; } boost::shared_ptr ControlList::cut (double start, double end) { return cut_copy_clear (start, end, 0); } boost::shared_ptr ControlList::copy (double start, double end) { return cut_copy_clear (start, end, 1); } void ControlList::clear (double start, double end) { (void) cut_copy_clear (start, end, 2); } bool ControlList::paste (ControlList& alist, double pos, float times) { if (alist._events.empty()) { return false; } { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock); iterator where; iterator prev; double end = 0; ControlEvent cp (pos, 0.0); where = upper_bound (_events.begin(), _events.end(), &cp, time_comparator); for (iterator i = alist.begin();i != alist.end(); ++i) { _events.insert (where, new ControlEvent( (*i)->when+pos,( *i)->value)); end = (*i)->when + pos; } /* move all points after the insertion along the timeline by the correct amount. */ while (where != _events.end()) { iterator tmp; if ((*where)->when <= end) { tmp = where; ++tmp; _events.erase(where); where = tmp; } else { break; } } reposition_for_rt_add (0); mark_dirty (); } maybe_signal_changed (); return true; } } // namespace Evoral