/* This software is being provided to you, the licensee, by Ville Pulkki, under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute, including the right to grant others rights to distribute at any tier, this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, and that the same appear on ALL copies of the software and documentation, including modifications that you make for internal use or for distribution: Copyright 1998 by Ville Pulkki, Helsinki University of Technology. All rights reserved. The software may be used, distributed, and included to commercial products without any charges. When included to a commercial product, the method "Vector Base Amplitude Panning" and its developer Ville Pulkki must be referred to in documentation. This software is provided "as is", and Ville Pulkki or Helsinki University of Technology make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied. By way of example, but not limitation, Helsinki University of Technology or Ville Pulkki make no representations or warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of the licensed software or documentation will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights. The name of Ville Pulkki or Helsinki University of Technology may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software. */ #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/cartesian.h" #include "vbap_speakers.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace std; const double VBAPSpeakers::MIN_VOL_P_SIDE_LGTH = 0.01; VBAPSpeakers::VBAPSpeakers (boost::shared_ptr s) : _dimension (2) , _parent (s) { _parent->Changed.connect_same_thread (speaker_connection, boost::bind (&VBAPSpeakers::update, this)); update (); } VBAPSpeakers::~VBAPSpeakers () { } void VBAPSpeakers::update () { int dim = 2; _speakers = _parent->speakers(); for (vector::const_iterator i = _speakers.begin(); i != _speakers.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).angles().ele != 0.0) { dim = 3; break; } } _dimension = dim; if (_speakers.size() < 2) { /* nothing to be done with less than two speakers */ return; } if (_dimension == 3) { ls_triplet_chain *ls_triplets = 0; choose_speaker_triplets (&ls_triplets); if (ls_triplets) { calculate_3x3_matrixes (ls_triplets); free (ls_triplets); } } else { choose_speaker_pairs (); } } void VBAPSpeakers::choose_speaker_triplets(struct ls_triplet_chain **ls_triplets) { /* Selects the loudspeaker triplets, and calculates the inversion matrices for each selected triplet. A line (connection) is drawn between each loudspeaker. The lines denote the sides of the triangles. The triangles should not be intersecting. All crossing connections are searched and the longer connection is erased. This yields non-intesecting triangles, which can be used in panning. */ #if 0 // DEVEL/DEBUG for (vector::iterator i = _speakers.begin(); i != _speakers.end(); ++i) { cout << "Speaker " << (*i).id << " @ " << (*i).coords().x << ", " << (*i).coords().y << ", " << (*i).coords().z << " azimuth " << (*i).angles().azi << " elevation " << (*i).angles().ele << " distance " << (*i).angles().length << endl; } #endif int i,j,k,l,table_size; int n_speakers = _speakers.size (); if (n_speakers == 0) { return; } /* variable length arrays arrived in C99, became optional in C11, and are only planned for C++14. Use alloca which is functionally identical (but uglier to read). */ int* connections = (int*) alloca (sizeof (int) * n_speakers * n_speakers); float* distance_table = (float *) alloca (sizeof (float) * ((n_speakers * (n_speakers - 1)) / 2)); int* distance_table_i = (int *) alloca (sizeof (int) * ((n_speakers * (n_speakers - 1)) / 2)); int* distance_table_j = (int *) alloca (sizeof (int) * ((n_speakers * (n_speakers - 1)) / 2)); float distance; struct ls_triplet_chain *trip_ptr, *prev, *tmp_ptr; for (i = 0; i < n_speakers * n_speakers; i++) { connections[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < n_speakers; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < n_speakers; j++) { for(k = j+1; k < n_speakers; k++) { if (vol_p_side_lgth(i, j, k, _speakers) > MIN_VOL_P_SIDE_LGTH) { connections[(i*n_speakers)+j]=1; connections[(j*n_speakers)+i]=1; connections[(i*n_speakers)+k]=1; connections[(k*n_speakers)+i]=1; connections[(j*n_speakers)+k]=1; connections[(k*n_speakers)+j]=1; add_ldsp_triplet(i,j,k,ls_triplets); } } } } /*calculate distancies between all speakers and sorting them*/ table_size =(((n_speakers - 1) * (n_speakers)) / 2); for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++) { distance_table[i] = 100000.0; } for (i = 0;i < n_speakers; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < n_speakers; j++) { if (connections[(i*n_speakers)+j] == 1) { distance = fabs(vec_angle(_speakers[i].coords(),_speakers[j].coords())); k=0; while(distance_table[k] < distance) { k++; } for (l = table_size - 1; l > k ; l--) { distance_table[l] = distance_table[l-1]; distance_table_i[l] = distance_table_i[l-1]; distance_table_j[l] = distance_table_j[l-1]; } distance_table[k] = distance; distance_table_i[k] = i; distance_table_j[k] = j; } else table_size--; } } /* disconnecting connections which are crossing shorter ones, starting from shortest one and removing all that cross it, and proceeding to next shortest */ for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++) { int fst_ls = distance_table_i[i]; int sec_ls = distance_table_j[i]; if (connections[(fst_ls*n_speakers)+sec_ls] == 1) { for (j = 0; j < n_speakers; j++) { for (k = j+1; k < n_speakers; k++) { if ((j != fst_ls) && (k != sec_ls) && (k != fst_ls) && (j != sec_ls)) { if (lines_intersect(fst_ls, sec_ls, j, k) == 1){ connections[(j*n_speakers)+k] = 0; connections[(k*n_speakers)+j] = 0; } } } } } } /* remove triangles which had crossing sides with smaller triangles or include loudspeakers*/ trip_ptr = *ls_triplets; prev = 0; while (trip_ptr != 0){ i = trip_ptr->ls_nos[0]; j = trip_ptr->ls_nos[1]; k = trip_ptr->ls_nos[2]; if (connections[(i*n_speakers)+j] == 0 || connections[(i*n_speakers)+k] == 0 || connections[(j*n_speakers)+k] == 0 || any_ls_inside_triplet(i,j,k) == 1 ){ if (prev != 0) { prev->next = trip_ptr->next; tmp_ptr = trip_ptr; trip_ptr = trip_ptr->next; free(tmp_ptr); } else { *ls_triplets = trip_ptr->next; tmp_ptr = trip_ptr; trip_ptr = trip_ptr->next; free(tmp_ptr); } } else { prev = trip_ptr; trip_ptr = trip_ptr->next; } } } int VBAPSpeakers::any_ls_inside_triplet(int a, int b, int c) { /* returns 1 if there is loudspeaker(s) inside given ls triplet */ float invdet; const CartesianVector* lp1; const CartesianVector* lp2; const CartesianVector* lp3; float invmx[9]; int i,j; float tmp; bool any_ls_inside; bool this_inside; int n_speakers = _speakers.size(); lp1 = &(_speakers[a].coords()); lp2 = &(_speakers[b].coords()); lp3 = &(_speakers[c].coords()); /* matrix inversion */ invdet = 1.0 / ( lp1->x * ((lp2->y * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->y)) - lp1->y * ((lp2->x * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->x)) + lp1->z * ((lp2->x * lp3->y) - (lp2->y * lp3->x))); invmx[0] = ((lp2->y * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->y)) * invdet; invmx[3] = ((lp1->y * lp3->z) - (lp1->z * lp3->y)) * -invdet; invmx[6] = ((lp1->y * lp2->z) - (lp1->z * lp2->y)) * invdet; invmx[1] = ((lp2->x * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->x)) * -invdet; invmx[4] = ((lp1->x * lp3->z) - (lp1->z * lp3->x)) * invdet; invmx[7] = ((lp1->x * lp2->z) - (lp1->z * lp2->x)) * -invdet; invmx[2] = ((lp2->x * lp3->y) - (lp2->y * lp3->x)) * invdet; invmx[5] = ((lp1->x * lp3->y) - (lp1->y * lp3->x)) * -invdet; invmx[8] = ((lp1->x * lp2->y) - (lp1->y * lp2->x)) * invdet; any_ls_inside = false; for (i = 0; i < n_speakers; i++) { if (i != a && i!=b && i != c) { this_inside = true; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tmp = _speakers[i].coords().x * invmx[0 + j*3]; tmp += _speakers[i].coords().y * invmx[1 + j*3]; tmp += _speakers[i].coords().z * invmx[2 + j*3]; if (tmp < -0.001) { this_inside = false; } } if (this_inside) { any_ls_inside = true; } } } return any_ls_inside; } void VBAPSpeakers::add_ldsp_triplet(int i, int j, int k, struct ls_triplet_chain **ls_triplets) { /* adds i,j,k triplet to triplet chain*/ struct ls_triplet_chain *trip_ptr, *prev; trip_ptr = *ls_triplets; prev = 0; while (trip_ptr != 0){ prev = trip_ptr; trip_ptr = trip_ptr->next; } trip_ptr = (struct ls_triplet_chain*) malloc (sizeof (struct ls_triplet_chain)); if (prev == 0) { *ls_triplets = trip_ptr; } else { prev->next = trip_ptr; } trip_ptr->next = 0; trip_ptr->ls_nos[0] = i; trip_ptr->ls_nos[1] = j; trip_ptr->ls_nos[2] = k; } double VBAPSpeakers::vec_angle(CartesianVector v1, CartesianVector v2) { double inner= ((v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z)/ (vec_length(v1) * vec_length(v2))); if (inner > 1.0) { inner = 1.0; } if (inner < -1.0) { inner = -1.0; } return fabs(acos(inner)); } double VBAPSpeakers::vec_length(CartesianVector v1) { double rv = sqrt(v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y + v1.z*v1.z); if (rv > 1e-14) return rv; return 0; } double VBAPSpeakers::vec_prod(CartesianVector v1, CartesianVector v2) { return (v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z); } double VBAPSpeakers::vol_p_side_lgth(int i, int j, int k, const vector& speakers) { /* calculate volume of the parallelepiped defined by the loudspeaker direction vectors and divide it with total length of the triangle sides. This is used when removing too narrow triangles. */ double volper, lgth; CartesianVector xprod; cross_prod (speakers[i].coords(), speakers[j].coords(), &xprod); volper = fabs (vec_prod(xprod, speakers[k].coords())); lgth = ( fabs (vec_angle(speakers[i].coords(), speakers[j].coords())) + fabs (vec_angle(speakers[i].coords(), speakers[k].coords())) + fabs (vec_angle(speakers[j].coords(), speakers[k].coords()))); if (lgth > 0.00001) { return volper / lgth; } else { return 0.0; } } void VBAPSpeakers::cross_prod(CartesianVector v1,CartesianVector v2, CartesianVector *res) { double length; res->x = (v1.y * v2.z) - (v1.z * v2.y); res->y = (v1.z * v2.x) - (v1.x * v2.z); res->z = (v1.x * v2.y) - (v1.y * v2.x); length = vec_length(*res); if (length > 0) { res->x /= length; res->y /= length; res->z /= length; } else { res->x = 0; res->y = 0; res->z = 0; } } int VBAPSpeakers::lines_intersect (int i, int j, int k, int l) { /* checks if two lines intersect on 3D sphere see theory in paper Pulkki, V. Lokki, T. "Creating Auditory Displays with Multiple Loudspeakers Using VBAP: A Case Study with DIVA Project" in International Conference on Auditory Displays -98. E-mail Ville.Pulkki@hut.fi if you want to have that paper. */ CartesianVector v1; CartesianVector v2; CartesianVector v3, neg_v3; float dist_ij,dist_kl,dist_iv3,dist_jv3,dist_inv3,dist_jnv3; float dist_kv3,dist_lv3,dist_knv3,dist_lnv3; cross_prod(_speakers[i].coords(),_speakers[j].coords(),&v1); cross_prod(_speakers[k].coords(),_speakers[l].coords(),&v2); cross_prod(v1,v2,&v3); neg_v3.x= 0.0 - v3.x; neg_v3.y= 0.0 - v3.y; neg_v3.z= 0.0 - v3.z; dist_ij = (vec_angle(_speakers[i].coords(),_speakers[j].coords())); dist_kl = (vec_angle(_speakers[k].coords(),_speakers[l].coords())); dist_iv3 = (vec_angle(_speakers[i].coords(),v3)); dist_jv3 = (vec_angle(v3,_speakers[j].coords())); dist_inv3 = (vec_angle(_speakers[i].coords(),neg_v3)); dist_jnv3 = (vec_angle(neg_v3,_speakers[j].coords())); dist_kv3 = (vec_angle(_speakers[k].coords(),v3)); dist_lv3 = (vec_angle(v3,_speakers[l].coords())); dist_knv3 = (vec_angle(_speakers[k].coords(),neg_v3)); dist_lnv3 = (vec_angle(neg_v3,_speakers[l].coords())); /* if one of loudspeakers is close to crossing point, don't do anything*/ if(fabsf(dist_iv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_jv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_kv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_lv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_inv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_jnv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_knv3) <= 0.01 || fabsf(dist_lnv3) <= 0.01 ) { return(0); } /* if crossing point is on line between both loudspeakers return 1 */ if (((fabsf(dist_ij - (dist_iv3 + dist_jv3)) <= 0.01 ) && (fabsf(dist_kl - (dist_kv3 + dist_lv3)) <= 0.01)) || ((fabsf(dist_ij - (dist_inv3 + dist_jnv3)) <= 0.01) && (fabsf(dist_kl - (dist_knv3 + dist_lnv3)) <= 0.01 ))) { return (1); } else { return (0); } } void VBAPSpeakers::calculate_3x3_matrixes(struct ls_triplet_chain *ls_triplets) { /* Calculates the inverse matrices for 3D */ float invdet; const CartesianVector* lp1; const CartesianVector* lp2; const CartesianVector* lp3; float *invmx; struct ls_triplet_chain *tr_ptr = ls_triplets; int triplet_count = 0; int triplet; assert (tr_ptr); /* counting triplet amount */ while (tr_ptr != 0) { triplet_count++; tr_ptr = tr_ptr->next; } #if 0 // DEVEL/DEBUG cerr << "@@@ VBAP triplets generate " << triplet_count << " of speaker tuples\n"; #endif triplet = 0; _matrices.clear (); _speaker_tuples.clear (); for (int n = 0; n < triplet_count; ++n) { _matrices.push_back (threeDmatrix()); _speaker_tuples.push_back (tmatrix()); } tr_ptr = ls_triplets; while (tr_ptr != 0) { lp1 = &(_speakers[tr_ptr->ls_nos[0]].coords()); lp2 = &(_speakers[tr_ptr->ls_nos[1]].coords()); lp3 = &(_speakers[tr_ptr->ls_nos[2]].coords()); /* matrix inversion */ invmx = tr_ptr->inv_mx; invdet = 1.0 / ( lp1->x * ((lp2->y * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->y)) - lp1->y * ((lp2->x * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->x)) + lp1->z * ((lp2->x * lp3->y) - (lp2->y * lp3->x))); invmx[0] = ((lp2->y * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->y)) * invdet; invmx[3] = ((lp1->y * lp3->z) - (lp1->z * lp3->y)) * -invdet; invmx[6] = ((lp1->y * lp2->z) - (lp1->z * lp2->y)) * invdet; invmx[1] = ((lp2->x * lp3->z) - (lp2->z * lp3->x)) * -invdet; invmx[4] = ((lp1->x * lp3->z) - (lp1->z * lp3->x)) * invdet; invmx[7] = ((lp1->x * lp2->z) - (lp1->z * lp2->x)) * -invdet; invmx[2] = ((lp2->x * lp3->y) - (lp2->y * lp3->x)) * invdet; invmx[5] = ((lp1->x * lp3->y) - (lp1->y * lp3->x)) * -invdet; invmx[8] = ((lp1->x * lp2->y) - (lp1->y * lp2->x)) * invdet; /* copy the matrix */ _matrices[triplet][0] = invmx[0]; _matrices[triplet][1] = invmx[1]; _matrices[triplet][2] = invmx[2]; _matrices[triplet][3] = invmx[3]; _matrices[triplet][4] = invmx[4]; _matrices[triplet][5] = invmx[5]; _matrices[triplet][6] = invmx[6]; _matrices[triplet][7] = invmx[7]; _matrices[triplet][8] = invmx[8]; _speaker_tuples[triplet][0] = tr_ptr->ls_nos[0]; _speaker_tuples[triplet][1] = tr_ptr->ls_nos[1]; _speaker_tuples[triplet][2] = tr_ptr->ls_nos[2]; #if 0 // DEVEL/DEBUG cerr << "Triplet[" << triplet << "] = " << tr_ptr->ls_nos[0] << " + " << tr_ptr->ls_nos[1] << " + " << tr_ptr->ls_nos[2] << endl; #endif triplet++; tr_ptr = tr_ptr->next; } } void VBAPSpeakers::choose_speaker_pairs (){ /* selects the loudspeaker pairs, calculates the inversion matrices and stores the data to a global array */ const int n_speakers = _speakers.size(); if (n_speakers == 0) { return; } const double AZIMUTH_DELTA_THRESHOLD_DEGREES = (180.0/M_PI) * (M_PI - 0.175); /* variable length arrays arrived in C99, became optional in C11, and are only planned for C++14. Use alloca which is functionally identical (but uglier to read). */ int* sorted_speakers = (int*) alloca (sizeof (int) * n_speakers); bool* exists = (bool*) alloca (sizeof(bool) * n_speakers); double* inverse_matrix = (double*) alloca (sizeof (double) * n_speakers * 4); int expected_pairs = 0; int pair; int speaker; for (speaker = 0; speaker < n_speakers; ++speaker) { exists[speaker] = false; } /* sort loudspeakers according their aximuth angle */ sort_2D_lss (sorted_speakers); /* adjacent loudspeakers are the loudspeaker pairs to be used.*/ for (speaker = 0; speaker < n_speakers-1; speaker++) { if ((_speakers[sorted_speakers[speaker+1]].angles().azi - _speakers[sorted_speakers[speaker]].angles().azi) <= AZIMUTH_DELTA_THRESHOLD_DEGREES) { if (calc_2D_inv_tmatrix( _speakers[sorted_speakers[speaker]].angles().azi, _speakers[sorted_speakers[speaker+1]].angles().azi, &inverse_matrix[4 * speaker]) != 0){ exists[speaker] = true; expected_pairs++; } } } if (((6.283 - _speakers[sorted_speakers[n_speakers-1]].angles().azi) +_speakers[sorted_speakers[0]].angles().azi) <= AZIMUTH_DELTA_THRESHOLD_DEGREES) { if (calc_2D_inv_tmatrix(_speakers[sorted_speakers[n_speakers-1]].angles().azi, _speakers[sorted_speakers[0]].angles().azi, &inverse_matrix[4*(n_speakers-1)]) != 0) { exists[n_speakers-1] = true; expected_pairs++; } } pair = 0; _matrices.clear (); _speaker_tuples.clear (); for (int n = 0; n < expected_pairs; ++n) { _matrices.push_back (twoDmatrix()); _speaker_tuples.push_back (tmatrix()); } for (speaker = 0; speaker < n_speakers - 1; speaker++) { if (exists[speaker]) { _matrices[pair][0] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+0]; _matrices[pair][1] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+1]; _matrices[pair][2] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+2]; _matrices[pair][3] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+3]; _speaker_tuples[pair][0] = sorted_speakers[speaker]; _speaker_tuples[pair][1] = sorted_speakers[speaker+1]; pair++; } } if (exists[n_speakers-1]) { _matrices[pair][0] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+0]; _matrices[pair][1] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+1]; _matrices[pair][2] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+2]; _matrices[pair][3] = inverse_matrix[(speaker*4)+3]; _speaker_tuples[pair][0] = sorted_speakers[n_speakers-1]; _speaker_tuples[pair][1] = sorted_speakers[0]; } } void VBAPSpeakers::sort_2D_lss (int* sorted_speakers) { vector tmp = _speakers; vector::iterator s; azimuth_sorter sorter; int n; sort (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), sorter); for (n = 0, s = tmp.begin(); s != tmp.end(); ++s, ++n) { sorted_speakers[n] = (*s).id; } } int VBAPSpeakers::calc_2D_inv_tmatrix (double azi1, double azi2, double* inverse_matrix) { double x1,x2,x3,x4; double det; x1 = cos (azi1 * (M_PI/180.0)); x2 = sin (azi1 * (M_PI/180.0)); x3 = cos (azi2 * (M_PI/180.0)); x4 = sin (azi2 * (M_PI/180.0)); det = (x1 * x4) - ( x3 * x2 ); if (fabs(det) <= 0.001) { inverse_matrix[0] = 0.0; inverse_matrix[1] = 0.0; inverse_matrix[2] = 0.0; inverse_matrix[3] = 0.0; return 0; } else { inverse_matrix[0] = x4 / det; inverse_matrix[1] = -x3 / det; inverse_matrix[2] = -x2 / det; inverse_matrix[3] = x1 / det; return 1; } }