/* Copyright (C) 2013 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "jack/jack.h" #include "jack/thread.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "jack_audiobackend.h" #include "jack_connection.h" #include "jack_portengine.h" #include "jack_utils.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::cerr; using std::endl; #define GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER(localvar) jack_client_t* localvar = _jack_connection->jack(); if (!(localvar)) { return; } #define GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET(localvar,r) jack_client_t* localvar = _jack_connection->jack(); if (!(localvar)) { return r; } JACKAudioBackend::JACKAudioBackend (AudioEngine& e, boost::shared_ptr jc) : AudioBackend (e) , _jack_connection (jc) , _running (false) , _freewheeling (false) , _target_sample_rate (48000) , _target_buffer_size (1024) , _target_sample_format (FormatFloat) , _target_interleaved (false) , _target_input_channels (-1) , _target_output_channels (-1) , _target_systemic_input_latency (0) , _target_systemic_output_latency (0) , _current_sample_rate (0) , _current_buffer_size (0) { _jack_connection->Disconnected.connect_same_thread (disconnect_connection, boost::bind (&JACKAudioBackend::disconnected, this, _1)); } JACKAudioBackend::~JACKAudioBackend() { } string JACKAudioBackend::name() const { return X_("JACK"); } void* JACKAudioBackend::private_handle() const { return _jack_connection->jack(); } bool JACKAudioBackend::connected() const { return (private_handle() != 0); } bool JACKAudioBackend::is_realtime () const { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack,false); return jack_is_realtime (_priv_jack); } bool JACKAudioBackend::requires_driver_selection() const { return true; } vector JACKAudioBackend::enumerate_drivers () const { vector currently_available; get_jack_audio_driver_names (currently_available); return currently_available; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_driver (const std::string& name) { _target_driver = name; return 0; } vector JACKAudioBackend::enumerate_devices () const { vector currently_available = get_jack_device_names_for_audio_driver (_target_driver); vector statuses; if (all_devices.find (_target_driver) == all_devices.end()) { all_devices.insert (make_pair (_target_driver, std::set())); } /* store every device we've found, by driver name. * * This is so we do not confuse ALSA, FFADO, netjack etc. devices * with each other. */ DeviceList& all (all_devices[_target_driver]); for (vector::const_iterator d = currently_available.begin(); d != currently_available.end(); ++d) { all.insert (*d); } for (DeviceList::const_iterator d = all.begin(); d != all.end(); ++d) { if (find (currently_available.begin(), currently_available.end(), *d) == currently_available.end()) { statuses.push_back (DeviceStatus (*d, false)); } else { statuses.push_back (DeviceStatus (*d, false)); } } return statuses; } vector JACKAudioBackend::available_sample_rates (const string& /*device*/) const { vector f; if (connected()) { f.push_back (sample_rate()); return f; } /* if JACK is not already running, just list a bunch of reasonable values and let the future sort it all out. */ f.push_back (8000.0); f.push_back (16000.0); f.push_back (24000.0); f.push_back (32000.0); f.push_back (44100.0); f.push_back (48000.0); f.push_back (88200.0); f.push_back (96000.0); f.push_back (192000.0); f.push_back (384000.0); return f; } vector JACKAudioBackend::available_buffer_sizes (const string& /*device*/) const { vector s; if (connected()) { s.push_back (buffer_size()); return s; } s.push_back (8); s.push_back (16); s.push_back (32); s.push_back (64); s.push_back (128); s.push_back (256); s.push_back (512); s.push_back (1024); s.push_back (2048); s.push_back (4096); s.push_back (8192); return s; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::available_input_channel_count (const string& /*device*/) const { return 128; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::available_output_channel_count (const string& /*device*/) const { return 128; } /* -- parameter setting -- */ int JACKAudioBackend::set_device_name (const string& dev) { if (connected()) { /* need to stop and restart JACK for this to work, at present */ return -1; } _target_device = dev; return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_sample_rate (float sr) { if (!connected()) { _target_sample_rate = sr; return 0; } GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); if (sr == jack_get_sample_rate (_priv_jack)) { return 0; } return -1; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_buffer_size (uint32_t nframes) { if (!connected()) { _target_buffer_size = nframes; return 0; } GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); if (nframes == jack_get_buffer_size (_priv_jack)) { return 0; } return jack_set_buffer_size (_priv_jack, nframes); } int JACKAudioBackend::set_sample_format (SampleFormat sf) { /* as far as JACK clients are concerned, the hardware is always * floating point format. */ if (sf == FormatFloat) { return 0; } return -1; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_interleaved (bool yn) { /* as far as JACK clients are concerned, the hardware is always * non-interleaved */ if (!yn) { return 0; } return -1; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_input_channels (uint32_t cnt) { if (connected()) { return -1; } _target_input_channels = cnt; return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_output_channels (uint32_t cnt) { if (connected()) { return -1; } _target_output_channels = cnt; return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_systemic_input_latency (uint32_t l) { if (connected()) { return -1; } _target_systemic_input_latency = l; return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::set_systemic_output_latency (uint32_t l) { if (connected()) { return -1; } _target_systemic_output_latency = l; return 0; } /* --- Parameter retrieval --- */ std::string JACKAudioBackend::device_name () const { if (connected()) { return "???"; } return _target_device; } float JACKAudioBackend::sample_rate () const { if (connected()) { return _current_sample_rate; } return _target_sample_rate; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::buffer_size () const { if (connected()) { return _current_buffer_size; } return _target_buffer_size; } SampleFormat JACKAudioBackend::sample_format () const { return FormatFloat; } bool JACKAudioBackend::interleaved () const { return false; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::input_channels () const { if (connected()) { return n_physical (JackPortIsInput).n_audio(); } return _target_input_channels; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::output_channels () const { if (connected()) { return n_physical (JackPortIsOutput).n_audio(); } return _target_output_channels; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::systemic_input_latency () const { return _target_systemic_output_latency; } uint32_t JACKAudioBackend::systemic_output_latency () const { return _target_systemic_output_latency; } size_t JACKAudioBackend::raw_buffer_size(DataType t) { std::map::const_iterator s = _raw_buffer_sizes.find(t); return (s != _raw_buffer_sizes.end()) ? s->second : 0; } void JACKAudioBackend::setup_jack_startup_command () { /* first we map the parameters that have been set onto a * JackCommandLineOptions object. */ JackCommandLineOptions options; get_jack_default_server_path (options.server_path); options.driver = _target_driver; options.samplerate = _target_sample_rate; options.period_size = _target_buffer_size; options.num_periods = 2; options.input_device = _target_device; options.output_device = _target_device; options.input_latency = _target_systemic_input_latency; options.output_latency = _target_systemic_output_latency; options.input_channels = _target_input_channels; options.output_channels = _target_output_channels; if (_target_sample_format == FormatInt16) { options.force16_bit = _target_sample_format; } options.realtime = true; options.ports_max = 2048; /* this must always be true for any server instance we start ourselves */ options.temporary = true; string cmdline; if (!get_jack_command_line_string (options, cmdline)) { /* error, somehow */ return; } std::cerr << "JACK command line will be: " << cmdline << std::endl; write_jack_config_file (get_jack_server_user_config_file_path(), cmdline); } /* ---- BASIC STATE CONTROL API: start/stop/pause/freewheel --- */ int JACKAudioBackend::start () { if (!connected()) { if (!_jack_connection->server_running()) { setup_jack_startup_command (); } if (_jack_connection->open ()) { return -1; } } GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); /* get the buffer size and sample rates established */ jack_sample_rate_callback (jack_get_sample_rate (_priv_jack)); jack_bufsize_callback (jack_get_buffer_size (_priv_jack)); /* Now that we have buffer size and sample rate established, the engine can go ahead and do its stuff */ engine.reestablish_ports (); if (!jack_port_type_get_buffer_size) { warning << _("This version of JACK is old - you should upgrade to a newer version that supports jack_port_type_get_buffer_size()") << endmsg; } set_jack_callbacks (); if (jack_activate (_priv_jack) == 0) { _running = true; } else { // error << _("cannot activate JACK client") << endmsg; } engine.reconnect_ports (); return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::stop () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); _jack_connection->close (); _current_buffer_size = 0; _current_sample_rate = 0; _raw_buffer_sizes.clear(); return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::pause () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); if (_priv_jack) { jack_deactivate (_priv_jack); } return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::freewheel (bool onoff) { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); if (onoff == _freewheeling) { /* already doing what has been asked for */ return 0; } if (jack_set_freewheel (_priv_jack, onoff) == 0) { _freewheeling = true; return 0; } return -1; } /* --- TRANSPORT STATE MANAGEMENT --- */ void JACKAudioBackend::transport_stop () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER (_priv_jack); jack_transport_stop (_priv_jack); } void JACKAudioBackend::transport_start () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER (_priv_jack); jack_transport_start (_priv_jack); } void JACKAudioBackend::transport_locate (framepos_t where) { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER (_priv_jack); jack_transport_locate (_priv_jack, where); } framepos_t JACKAudioBackend::transport_frame () const { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, 0); return jack_get_current_transport_frame (_priv_jack); } TransportState JACKAudioBackend::transport_state () const { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, ((TransportState) JackTransportStopped)); jack_position_t pos; return (TransportState) jack_transport_query (_priv_jack, &pos); } int JACKAudioBackend::set_time_master (bool yn) { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, -1); if (yn) { return jack_set_timebase_callback (_priv_jack, 0, _jack_timebase_callback, this); } else { return jack_release_timebase (_priv_jack); } } /* process-time */ bool JACKAudioBackend::get_sync_offset (pframes_t& offset) const { #ifdef HAVE_JACK_VIDEO_SUPPORT GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, false); jack_position_t pos; if (_priv_jack) { (void) jack_transport_query (_priv_jack, &pos); if (pos.valid & JackVideoFrameOffset) { offset = pos.video_offset; return true; } } #else /* keep gcc happy */ offset = 0; #endif return false; } pframes_t JACKAudioBackend::sample_time () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, 0); return jack_frame_time (_priv_jack); } pframes_t JACKAudioBackend::sample_time_at_cycle_start () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, 0); return jack_last_frame_time (_priv_jack); } pframes_t JACKAudioBackend::samples_since_cycle_start () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, 0); return jack_frames_since_cycle_start (_priv_jack); } /* JACK Callbacks */ static void ardour_jack_error (const char* msg) { error << "JACK: " << msg << endmsg; } void JACKAudioBackend::set_jack_callbacks () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER (_priv_jack); jack_set_thread_init_callback (_priv_jack, AudioEngine::thread_init_callback, 0); jack_set_process_thread (_priv_jack, _process_thread, this); jack_set_sample_rate_callback (_priv_jack, _sample_rate_callback, this); jack_set_buffer_size_callback (_priv_jack, _bufsize_callback, this); jack_set_xrun_callback (_priv_jack, _xrun_callback, this); jack_set_sync_callback (_priv_jack, _jack_sync_callback, this); jack_set_freewheel_callback (_priv_jack, _freewheel_callback, this); #ifdef HAVE_JACK_SESSION if( jack_set_session_callback) jack_set_session_callback (_priv_jack, _session_callback, this); #endif if (jack_set_latency_callback) { jack_set_latency_callback (_priv_jack, _latency_callback, this); } jack_set_error_function (ardour_jack_error); } void JACKAudioBackend::_jack_timebase_callback (jack_transport_state_t state, pframes_t nframes, jack_position_t* pos, int new_position, void *arg) { static_cast (arg)->jack_timebase_callback (state, nframes, pos, new_position); } void JACKAudioBackend::jack_timebase_callback (jack_transport_state_t state, pframes_t nframes, jack_position_t* pos, int new_position) { ARDOUR::Session* session = engine.session(); if (session) { session->jack_timebase_callback (state, nframes, pos, new_position); } } int JACKAudioBackend::_jack_sync_callback (jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t* pos, void* arg) { return static_cast (arg)->jack_sync_callback (state, pos); } int JACKAudioBackend::jack_sync_callback (jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t* pos) { TransportState tstate; switch (state) { case JackTransportStopped: tstate = TransportStopped; break; case JackTransportRolling: tstate = TransportRolling; break; case JackTransportLooping: tstate = TransportLooping; break; case JackTransportStarting: tstate = TransportStarting; break; } return engine.sync_callback (tstate, pos->frame); return true; } int JACKAudioBackend::_xrun_callback (void *arg) { JACKAudioBackend* ae = static_cast (arg); if (ae->connected()) { ae->engine.Xrun (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_JACK_SESSION void JACKAudioBackend::_session_callback (jack_session_event_t *event, void *arg) { JACKAudioBackend* ae = static_cast (arg); ARDOUR::Session* session = ae->engine.session(); if (session) { session->jack_session_event (event); } } #endif void JACKAudioBackend::_freewheel_callback (int onoff, void *arg) { static_cast(arg)->freewheel_callback (onoff); } void JACKAudioBackend::freewheel_callback (int onoff) { _freewheeling = onoff; engine.freewheel_callback (onoff); } void JACKAudioBackend::_latency_callback (jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode, void* arg) { return static_cast (arg)->jack_latency_callback (mode); } int JACKAudioBackend::create_process_thread (boost::function f, pthread_t* thread, size_t stacksize) { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, 0); ThreadData* td = new ThreadData (this, f, stacksize); if (jack_client_create_thread (_priv_jack, thread, jack_client_real_time_priority (_priv_jack), jack_is_realtime (_priv_jack), _start_process_thread, td)) { return -1; } return 0; } void* JACKAudioBackend::_start_process_thread (void* arg) { ThreadData* td = reinterpret_cast (arg); boost::function f = td->f; delete td; f (); return 0; } void* JACKAudioBackend::_process_thread (void *arg) { return static_cast (arg)->process_thread (); } void* JACKAudioBackend::process_thread () { /* JACK doesn't do this for us when we use the wait API */ AudioEngine::thread_init_callback (this); while (1) { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET(_priv_jack,0); pframes_t nframes = jack_cycle_wait (_priv_jack); if (engine.process_callback (nframes)) { return 0; } jack_cycle_signal (_priv_jack, 0); } return 0; } int JACKAudioBackend::_sample_rate_callback (pframes_t nframes, void *arg) { return static_cast (arg)->jack_sample_rate_callback (nframes); } int JACKAudioBackend::jack_sample_rate_callback (pframes_t nframes) { _current_sample_rate = nframes; return engine.sample_rate_change (nframes); } void JACKAudioBackend::jack_latency_callback (jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode) { engine.latency_callback (mode == JackPlaybackLatency); } int JACKAudioBackend::_bufsize_callback (pframes_t nframes, void *arg) { return static_cast (arg)->jack_bufsize_callback (nframes); } int JACKAudioBackend::jack_bufsize_callback (pframes_t nframes) { /* if the size has not changed, this should be a no-op */ if (nframes == _current_buffer_size) { return 0; } GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, 1); _current_buffer_size = nframes; if (jack_port_type_get_buffer_size) { _raw_buffer_sizes[DataType::AUDIO] = jack_port_type_get_buffer_size (_priv_jack, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE); _raw_buffer_sizes[DataType::MIDI] = jack_port_type_get_buffer_size (_priv_jack, JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE); } else { /* Old version of JACK. These crude guesses, see below where we try to get the right answers. Note that our guess for MIDI deliberatey tries to overestimate by a little. It would be nicer if we could get the actual size from a port, but we have to use this estimate in the event that there are no MIDI ports currently. If there are the value will be adjusted below. */ _raw_buffer_sizes[DataType::AUDIO] = nframes * sizeof (Sample); _raw_buffer_sizes[DataType::MIDI] = nframes * 4 - (nframes/2); } engine.buffer_size_change (nframes); return 0; } void JACKAudioBackend::disconnected (const char* why) { bool was_running = _running; _running = false; _current_buffer_size = 0; _current_sample_rate = 0; if (was_running) { engine.halted_callback (why); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } } float JACKAudioBackend::cpu_load() const { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET(_priv_jack,0); return jack_cpu_load (_priv_jack); } void JACKAudioBackend::update_latencies () { GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER (_priv_jack); jack_recompute_total_latencies (_priv_jack); } ChanCount JACKAudioBackend::n_physical (unsigned long flags) const { ChanCount c; GET_PRIVATE_JACK_POINTER_RET (_priv_jack, c); const char ** ports = jack_get_ports (_priv_jack, NULL, NULL, JackPortIsPhysical | flags); if (ports) { for (uint32_t i = 0; ports[i]; ++i) { if (!strstr (ports[i], "Midi-Through")) { DataType t (jack_port_type (jack_port_by_name (_priv_jack, ports[i]))); c.set (t, c.get (t) + 1); } } jack_free (ports); } return c; } bool JACKAudioBackend::can_change_sample_rate_when_running () const { return false; } bool JACKAudioBackend::can_change_buffer_size_when_running () const { return true; } string JACKAudioBackend::control_app_name () const { /* Since JACK/ALSA really don't provide particularly integrated support for the idea of a control app to be used to control a device, allow the user to take some control themselves if necessary. */ const char* env_value = g_getenv ("ARDOUR_DEVICE_CONTROL_APP"); string appname; if (!env_value) { if (_target_driver.empty() || _target_device.empty()) { return appname; } if (_target_driver == "ALSA") { if (_target_device == "Hammerfall DSP") { appname = "hdspconf"; } else if (_target_device == "M Audio Delta 1010") { appname = "mudita"; } } } else { appname = env_value; } return appname; } void JACKAudioBackend::launch_control_app () { string appname = control_app_name(); if (appname.empty()) { error << string_compose (_("There is no control application for the device \"%1\""), _target_device) << endmsg; return; } std::list args; args.push_back (appname); Glib::spawn_async ("", args, Glib::SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH); }