/* Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis Author: Sakari Bergen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "export_channel_selector.h" #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/export_channel_configuration.h" #include "ardour/io.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Glib; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; PortExportChannelSelector::PortExportChannelSelector (ARDOUR::Session * session, ProfileManagerPtr manager) : ExportChannelSelector (session, manager), channels_label (_("Channels:"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT), split_checkbox (_("Split to mono files")), max_channels (20), channel_view (max_channels) { channels_hbox.pack_start (channels_label, false, false, 0); channels_hbox.pack_end (channels_spinbutton, false, false, 0); channels_vbox.pack_start (channels_hbox, false, false, 0); channels_vbox.pack_start (split_checkbox, false, false, 6); channel_alignment.add (channel_scroller); channel_alignment.set_padding (0, 0, 12, 0); channel_scroller.add (channel_view); channel_scroller.set_size_request (-1, 130); channel_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); pack_start (channels_vbox, false, false, 0); pack_start (channel_alignment, true, true, 0); /* Channels spinbutton */ channels_spinbutton.set_digits (0); channels_spinbutton.set_increments (1, 2); channels_spinbutton.set_range (1, max_channels); channels_spinbutton.set_value (2); channels_spinbutton.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortExportChannelSelector::update_channel_count)); /* Other signals */ split_checkbox.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortExportChannelSelector::update_split_state)); channel_view.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (CriticalSelectionChanged.make_slot()); /* Finalize */ sync_with_manager(); show_all_children (); } PortExportChannelSelector::~PortExportChannelSelector () { // if (session) { // session->add_instant_xml (get_state(), false); // } } void PortExportChannelSelector::sync_with_manager () { state = manager->get_channel_configs().front(); split_checkbox.set_active (state->config->get_split()); channels_spinbutton.set_value (state->config->get_n_chans()); fill_route_list (); channel_view.set_config (state->config); } void PortExportChannelSelector::fill_route_list () { channel_view.clear_routes (); RouteList routes = *_session->get_routes(); /* Add master bus and then everything else */ ARDOUR::IO* master = _session->master_out()->output().get(); channel_view.add_route (master); for (RouteList::iterator it = routes.begin(); it != routes.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->is_master () || (*it)->is_monitor ()) { continue; } channel_view.add_route ((*it)->output().get()); } update_channel_count (); } void PortExportChannelSelector::update_channel_count () { uint32_t chans = static_cast (channels_spinbutton.get_value()); channel_view.set_channel_count (chans); CriticalSelectionChanged(); } void PortExportChannelSelector::update_split_state () { state->config->set_split (split_checkbox.get_active()); CriticalSelectionChanged(); } void PortExportChannelSelector::RouteCols::add_channels (uint32_t chans) { while (chans > 0) { channels.push_back (Channel (*this)); ++n_channels; --chans; } } PortExportChannelSelector::RouteCols::Channel & PortExportChannelSelector::RouteCols::get_channel (uint32_t channel) { if (channel > n_channels) { std::cout << "Invalid channel cout for get_channel!" << std::endl; } std::list::iterator it = channels.begin(); while (channel > 1) { // Channel count starts from one! ++it; --channel; } return *it; } PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::ChannelTreeView (uint32_t max_channels) : n_channels (0) { /* Main columns */ route_cols.add_channels (max_channels); route_list = Gtk::ListStore::create(route_cols); set_model (route_list); /* Add column with toggle and text */ append_column_editable (_("Bus or Track"), route_cols.selected); Gtk::CellRendererText* text_renderer = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText); text_renderer->property_editable() = false; Gtk::TreeView::Column* column = get_column (0); column->pack_start (*text_renderer); column->add_attribute (text_renderer->property_text(), route_cols.name); Gtk::CellRendererToggle *toggle = dynamic_cast(get_column_cell_renderer (0)); toggle->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::update_toggle_selection)); static_columns = get_columns().size(); } void PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::set_config (ChannelConfigPtr c) { /* TODO Without the following line, the state might get reset. * Pointing to the same address does not mean the state of the configuration hasn't changed. * In the current code this is safe, but the actual cause of the problem would be good to fix */ if (config == c) { return; } config = c; uint32_t i = 1; ExportChannelConfiguration::ChannelList chan_list = config->get_channels(); for (ExportChannelConfiguration::ChannelList::iterator c_it = chan_list.begin(); c_it != chan_list.end(); ++c_it) { for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator r_it = route_list->children().begin(); r_it != route_list->children().end(); ++r_it) { ARDOUR::PortExportChannel * pec; if (!(pec = dynamic_cast (c_it->get()))) { continue; } Glib::RefPtr port_list = r_it->get_value (route_cols.port_list_col); std::set > route_ports; std::set > intersection; std::map, string> port_labels; for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::const_iterator p_it = port_list->children().begin(); p_it != port_list->children().end(); ++p_it) { route_ports.insert ((*p_it)->get_value (route_cols.port_cols.port)); port_labels.insert (make_pair ((*p_it)->get_value (route_cols.port_cols.port), (*p_it)->get_value (route_cols.port_cols.label))); } std::set_intersection (pec->get_ports().begin(), pec->get_ports().end(), route_ports.begin(), route_ports.end(), std::insert_iterator > > (intersection, intersection.begin())); intersection.erase (boost::weak_ptr ()); // Remove "none" selection if (intersection.empty()) { continue; } if (!r_it->get_value (route_cols.selected)) { r_it->set_value (route_cols.selected, true); /* Set previous channels (if any) to none */ for (uint32_t chn = 1; chn < i; ++chn) { r_it->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (chn).port, boost::weak_ptr ()); r_it->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (chn).label, string ("(none)")); } } boost::weak_ptr port = *intersection.begin(); std::map, string>::iterator label_it = port_labels.find (port); string label = label_it != port_labels.end() ? label_it->second : "error"; r_it->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).port, port); r_it->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).label, label); } ++i; } } void PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::add_route (ARDOUR::IO * io) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = route_list->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[route_cols.selected] = false; row[route_cols.name] = io->name(); row[route_cols.io] = io; /* Initialize port list */ Glib::RefPtr port_list = Gtk::ListStore::create (route_cols.port_cols); row[route_cols.port_list_col] = port_list; uint32_t outs = io->n_ports().n_audio(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outs; ++i) { iter = port_list->append(); row = *iter; row[route_cols.port_cols.selected] = false; row[route_cols.port_cols.port] = io->audio (i); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Out-" << (i + 1); row[route_cols.port_cols.label] = oss.str(); } iter = port_list->append(); row = *iter; row[route_cols.port_cols.selected] = false; row[route_cols.port_cols.port] = boost::weak_ptr (); row[route_cols.port_cols.label] = "(none)"; } void PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::set_channel_count (uint32_t channels) { int offset = channels - n_channels; while (offset > 0) { ++n_channels; std::ostringstream oss; oss << n_channels; /* New column */ Gtk::TreeView::Column* column = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeView::Column (oss.str())); Gtk::CellRendererCombo* combo_renderer = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererCombo); combo_renderer->property_text_column() = 2; column->pack_start (*combo_renderer); append_column (*column); column->add_attribute (combo_renderer->property_text(), route_cols.get_channel(n_channels).label); column->add_attribute (combo_renderer->property_model(), route_cols.port_list_col); column->add_attribute (combo_renderer->property_editable(), route_cols.selected); combo_renderer->signal_edited().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::update_selection_text), n_channels)); /* put data into view */ for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator it = route_list->children().begin(); it != route_list->children().end(); ++it) { std::string label = it->get_value(route_cols.selected) ? "(none)" : ""; it->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (n_channels).label, label); it->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (n_channels).port, boost::weak_ptr ()); } /* set column width */ get_column (static_columns + n_channels - 1)->set_min_width (80); --offset; } while (offset < 0) { --n_channels; remove_column (*get_column (n_channels + static_columns)); ++offset; } update_config (); } void PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::update_config () { if (!config) { return; } config->clear_channels(); for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= n_channels; ++i) { ExportChannelPtr channel (new PortExportChannel ()); PortExportChannel * pec = static_cast (channel.get()); for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator it = route_list->children().begin(); it != route_list->children().end(); ++it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; if (!row[route_cols.selected]) { continue; } boost::weak_ptr weak_port = row[route_cols.get_channel (i).port]; boost::shared_ptr port = weak_port.lock (); if (port) { pec->add_port (port); } } config->register_channel (channel); } CriticalSelectionChanged (); } void PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::update_toggle_selection (std::string const & path) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = get_model ()->get_iter (path); bool selected = iter->get_value (route_cols.selected); for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= n_channels; ++i) { if (!selected) { iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).label, std::string ("")); continue; } iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).label, std::string("(none)")); iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).port, boost::weak_ptr ()); Glib::RefPtr port_list = iter->get_value (route_cols.port_list_col); Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator port_it; uint32_t port_number = 1; for (port_it = port_list->children().begin(); port_it != port_list->children().end(); ++port_it) { if (port_number == i) { iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).label, (std::string) (*port_it)->get_value (route_cols.port_cols.label)); iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (i).port, (*port_it)->get_value (route_cols.port_cols.port)); } ++port_number; } } update_config (); } void PortExportChannelSelector::ChannelTreeView::update_selection_text (std::string const & path, std::string const & new_text, uint32_t channel) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = get_model ()->get_iter (path); iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (channel).label, new_text); Glib::RefPtr port_list = iter->get_value (route_cols.port_list_col); Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator port_it; for (port_it = port_list->children().begin(); port_it != port_list->children().end(); ++port_it) { std::string label = port_it->get_value (route_cols.port_cols.label); if (label == new_text) { boost::weak_ptr w = (*port_it)[route_cols.port_cols.port]; iter->set_value (route_cols.get_channel (channel).port, w); } } update_config (); } RegionExportChannelSelector::RegionExportChannelSelector (ARDOUR::Session * _session, ProfileManagerPtr manager, ARDOUR::AudioRegion const & region, ARDOUR::AudioTrack & track) : ExportChannelSelector (_session, manager), region (region), track (track), region_chans (region.n_channels()), track_chans (track.n_outputs().n_audio()), raw_button (type_group), fades_button (type_group), processed_button (type_group) { pack_start (vbox); /* make fades+region gain be the default */ fades_button.set_active (); raw_button.set_label (string_compose (_("Region contents without fades nor region gain (channels: %1)"), region_chans)); raw_button.signal_toggled ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegionExportChannelSelector::handle_selection)); vbox.pack_start (raw_button); fades_button.set_label (string_compose (_("Region contents with fades and region gain (channels: %1)"), region_chans)); fades_button.signal_toggled ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegionExportChannelSelector::handle_selection)); vbox.pack_start (fades_button); processed_button.set_label (string_compose (_("Track output (channels: %1)"), track_chans)); processed_button.signal_toggled ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegionExportChannelSelector::handle_selection)); vbox.pack_start (processed_button); sync_with_manager(); vbox.show_all_children (); show_all_children (); } void RegionExportChannelSelector::sync_with_manager () { state = manager->get_channel_configs().front(); if (!state) { return; } switch (state->config->region_processing_type()) { case RegionExportChannelFactory::None: // Do nothing break; case RegionExportChannelFactory::Raw: raw_button.set_active (true); break; case RegionExportChannelFactory::Fades: fades_button.set_active (true); break; case RegionExportChannelFactory::Processed: processed_button.set_active (true); break; } handle_selection (); } void RegionExportChannelSelector::handle_selection () { if (!state) { return; } state->config->clear_channels (); RegionExportChannelFactory::Type type = RegionExportChannelFactory::None; if (raw_button.get_active ()) { type = RegionExportChannelFactory::Raw; } else if (fades_button.get_active ()) { type = RegionExportChannelFactory::Fades; } else if (processed_button.get_active ()) { type = RegionExportChannelFactory::Processed; } else { CriticalSelectionChanged (); return; } factory.reset (new RegionExportChannelFactory (_session, region, track, type)); state->config->set_region_processing_type (type); for (size_t chan = 0; chan < region_chans; ++chan) { state->config->register_channel (factory->create (chan)); } CriticalSelectionChanged (); } TrackExportChannelSelector::TrackExportChannelSelector (ARDOUR::Session * session, ProfileManagerPtr manager) : ExportChannelSelector(session, manager) { track_scroller.add (track_view); track_scroller.set_size_request (-1, 130); track_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); pack_start(track_scroller); // Track list track_list = Gtk::ListStore::create (track_cols); track_view.set_model (track_list); track_view.set_headers_visible (true); track_view.append_column_editable (_("Track"), track_cols.selected); Gtk::CellRendererToggle *toggle = dynamic_cast(track_view.get_column_cell_renderer (0)); toggle->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TrackExportChannelSelector::update_config))); Gtk::CellRendererText* text_renderer = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText); text_renderer->property_editable() = false; Gtk::TreeView::Column* column = track_view.get_column (0); column->pack_start (*text_renderer); column->add_attribute (text_renderer->property_text(), track_cols.label); fill_list(); show_all_children (); } void TrackExportChannelSelector::sync_with_manager () { // TODO implement properly update_config(); } void TrackExportChannelSelector::fill_list() { track_list->clear(); RouteList routes = *_session->get_routes(); for (RouteList::iterator it = routes.begin(); it != routes.end(); ++it) { Route * route = it->get(); if(!dynamic_cast(route)) { // not a track, must be a bus if ((*it)->is_master () || (*it)->is_monitor ()) { continue; } // not monitor or master bus add_track(route); } } for (RouteList::iterator it = routes.begin(); it != routes.end(); ++it) { Route * route = it->get(); if(dynamic_cast(route)) { add_track(route); } } } void TrackExportChannelSelector::add_track(Route * route) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = track_list->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[track_cols.selected] = true; row[track_cols.label] = route->name(); row[track_cols.track] = route; } void TrackExportChannelSelector::update_config() { manager->clear_channel_configs(); for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator it = track_list->children().begin(); it != track_list->children().end(); ++it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; if (!row[track_cols.selected]) { continue; } ExportProfileManager::ChannelConfigStatePtr state = manager->add_channel_config(); Route * track = row[track_cols.track]; /* Output of track code. TODO make this an option also uint32_t outs = track->n_ports().n_audio(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outs; ++i) { AudioPort * port = track->audio (i); if(port) { ExportChannelPtr channel (new PortExportChannel ()); PortExportChannel * pec = static_cast (channel.get()); pec->add_port(port); state->config->register_channel(channel); } } */ std::list list; RouteExportChannel::create_from_route (list, *track); state->config->register_channels (list); state->config->set_name(track->name()); } CriticalSelectionChanged (); }