ardour { ["type"] = "dsp", name = "Lua Fluid Synth", category = "Instrument", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[An Example Synth for Prototyping.]] } function dsp_ioconfig () return { { midi_in = 1, audio_in = 0, audio_out = 2}, } end fluidsynth = nil function dsp_init (rate) fluidsynth = ARDOUR.FluidSynth (rate, 32) assert (fluidsynth:load_sf2 ("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2")) end function dsp_run (ins, outs, n_samples) local tme = 1 assert (#outs == 2) -- parse midi messages assert (type(midiin) == "table") -- global table of midi events (for now) for _, e in pairs (midiin) do local t = e["time"] -- t = [ 1 .. n_samples ] -- synth sound until event if t > tme then local off = tme - 1 local len = t - tme fluidsynth:synth (outs[1]:offset (off), outs[2]:offset (off), len) end tme = t + 1 fluidsynth:midi_event (e["bytes"], e["size"]) -- parse midi event end -- synth rest of cycle if tme <= n_samples then local off = tme - 1 local len = 1 + n_samples - tme fluidsynth:synth (outs[1]:offset (off), outs[2]:offset (off), len) end end