/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Hans Baier * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 John Emmas * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Ben Loftis * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Nick Mainsbridge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/ffs.h" #include "pbd/stl_delete.h" #include "pbd/whitespace.h" #include "pbd/basename.h" #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/stateful_diff_command.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "ardour/event_type_map.h" #include "ardour/midi_patch_manager.h" #include "ardour/midi_playlist.h" #include "ardour/midi_region.h" #include "ardour/midi_source.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/operations.h" #include "ardour/pannable.h" #include "ardour/panner.h" #include "ardour/panner_shell.h" #include "ardour/playlist.h" #include "ardour/plugin_insert.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/region.h" #include "ardour/region_factory.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/session_object.h" #include "ardour/source.h" #include "ardour/track.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "editor.h" #include "enums.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "midi_channel_selector.h" #include "midi_scroomer.h" #include "midi_streamview.h" #include "midi_region_view.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "patch_change_dialog.h" #include "patch_change_widget.h" #include "piano_roll_header.h" #include "playlist_selector.h" #include "plugin_selector.h" #include "plugin_ui.h" #include "point_selection.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "selection.h" #include "step_editor.h" #include "utils.h" #include "note_base.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Editing; using namespace std; // Minimum height at which a control is displayed static const uint32_t MIDI_CONTROLS_BOX_MIN_HEIGHT = 160; static const uint32_t KEYBOARD_MIN_HEIGHT = 130; #define DEFAULT_MIDNAM_MODEL (X_("Generic")) MidiTimeAxisView::MidiTimeAxisView (PublicEditor& ed, Session* sess, ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas) : SessionHandlePtr (sess) , RouteTimeAxisView (ed, sess, canvas) , _ignore_signals(false) , _range_scroomer(0) , _piano_roll_header(0) , _note_mode(Sustained) , _note_mode_item(0) , _percussion_mode_item(0) , _color_mode(MeterColors) , _meter_color_mode_item(0) , _channel_color_mode_item(0) , _track_color_mode_item(0) , _channel_selector (0) , _step_edit_item (0) , controller_menu (0) , _step_editor (0) { _midnam_model_selector.disable_scrolling(); _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.disable_scrolling(); } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_highlight (uint8_t note) { _piano_roll_header->set_note_highlight (note); } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_route (boost::shared_ptr rt) { _route = rt; _view = new MidiStreamView (*this); if (is_track ()) { _piano_roll_header = new PianoRollHeader(*midi_view()); _range_scroomer = new MidiScroomer(midi_view()->note_range_adjustment); _range_scroomer->DoubleClicked.connect ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range), MidiStreamView::ContentsRange, false)); } /* This next call will result in our height being set up, so it must come after * the creation of the piano roll / range scroomer as their visibility is set up * when our height is. */ RouteTimeAxisView::set_route (rt); _view->apply_color (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::gdk_color_to_rgba (color()), StreamView::RegionColor); subplugin_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); _note_range_changed_connection.disconnect(); if (!gui_property ("note-range-min").empty ()) { midi_view()->apply_note_range (atoi (gui_property ("note-range-min").c_str()), atoi (gui_property ("note-range-max").c_str()), true); } _view->ContentsHeightChanged.connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::contents_height_changed)); ignore_toggle = false; if (is_midi_track()) { _note_mode = midi_track()->note_mode(); } /* if set_state above didn't create a gain automation child, we need to make one */ if (automation_child (GainAutomation) == 0) { create_automation_child (GainAutomation, false); } /* if set_state above didn't create a mute automation child, we need to make one */ if (automation_child (MuteAutomation) == 0) { create_automation_child (MuteAutomation, false); } if (_route->panner_shell()) { _route->panner_shell()->Changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::ensure_pan_views, this, false), gui_context()); } /* map current state of the route */ ensure_pan_views (false); update_control_names(); processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange ()); if (is_track()) { _piano_roll_header->SetNoteSelection.connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_selection)); _piano_roll_header->AddNoteSelection.connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection)); _piano_roll_header->ExtendNoteSelection.connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection)); _piano_roll_header->ToggleNoteSelection.connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection)); /* Put the scroomer and the keyboard in a VBox with a padding * label so that they can be reduced in height for stacked-view * tracks. */ HSeparator* separator = manage (new HSeparator()); separator->set_name("TrackSeparator"); separator->set_size_request(-1, 1); separator->show(); VBox* v = manage (new VBox); HBox* h = manage (new HBox); h->pack_end (*_piano_roll_header); h->pack_end (*_range_scroomer); v->pack_start (*separator, false, false); v->pack_start (*h, true, true); v->show (); h->show (); top_hbox.remove(scroomer_placeholder); time_axis_hbox.pack_end(*v, false, false, 0); midi_scroomer_size_group->add_widget (*v); /* callback from StreamView scroomer drags, as well as * automatic changes of note-range (e.g. at rec-stop). * This callback is used to save the note-range-min/max * GUI Object property */ _note_range_changed_connection = midi_view()->NoteRangeChanged.connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::note_range_changed)); /* ask for notifications of any new RegionViews */ _view->RegionViewAdded.connect ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::region_view_added)); if (!_editor.have_idled()) { /* first idle will do what we need */ } else { first_idle (); } } ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (_midnam_model_selector, _("External MIDI Device")); ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector, _("External Device Mode")); _midi_controls_box.pack_start (_midnam_model_selector, false, false, 2); _midi_controls_box.pack_start (_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector, false, false, 2); _midi_controls_box.set_homogeneous(false); _midi_controls_box.set_border_width (2); /* this directly calls use_midnam_info() if there are midnam's already */ MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager::instance().maybe_use (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::use_midnam_info, this), gui_context()); controls_vbox.pack_start(_midi_controls_box, false, false); const string color_mode = gui_property ("color-mode"); if (!color_mode.empty()) { _color_mode = ColorMode (string_2_enum(color_mode, _color_mode)); if (_channel_selector && _color_mode == ChannelColors) { _channel_selector->set_channel_colors(NoteBase::midi_channel_colors); } } set_color_mode (_color_mode, true, false); const string note_mode = gui_property ("note-mode"); if (!note_mode.empty()) { _note_mode = NoteMode (string_2_enum (note_mode, _note_mode)); if (_percussion_mode_item) { _percussion_mode_item->set_active (_note_mode == Percussive); } } /* Look for any GUI object state nodes that represent automation children * that should exist, and create the children. */ const list gui_ids = gui_object_state().all_ids (); for (list::const_iterator i = gui_ids.begin(); i != gui_ids.end(); ++i) { PBD::ID route_id; bool has_parameter; Evoral::Parameter parameter (0, 0, 0); bool const p = AutomationTimeAxisView::parse_state_id ( *i, route_id, has_parameter, parameter); if (p && route_id == _route->id () && has_parameter) { const std::string& visible = gui_object_state().get_string (*i, X_("visible")); create_automation_child (parameter, string_to (visible)); } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::first_idle () { if (is_track ()) { _view->attach (); } } MidiTimeAxisView::~MidiTimeAxisView () { delete _channel_selector; delete _piano_roll_header; _piano_roll_header = 0; delete _range_scroomer; _range_scroomer = 0; delete controller_menu; delete _step_editor; } void MidiTimeAxisView::check_step_edit () { ensure_step_editor (); _step_editor->check_step_edit (); } void MidiTimeAxisView::processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange c) { RouteTimeAxisView::processors_changed (c); maybe_trigger_model_change (); } void MidiTimeAxisView::use_midnam_info () { /* Rebuild controller menu */ _controller_menu_map.clear (); delete controller_menu; controller_menu = 0; setup_midnam_patches (); /* update names on any automation lane with MIDNAM names */ for (AutomationTracks::iterator i = _automation_tracks.begin(); i != _automation_tracks.end(); ++i) { switch (i->first.type()) { case MidiCCAutomation: i->second->update_name_from_param (); break; default: continue; } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::maybe_trigger_model_change () { if (_route->instrument_info().have_custom_plugin_info ()) { /* ensure that "Plugin Provided" is at the top of the list */ if (_midnam_model_selector.items().empty () || _midnam_model_selector.items().begin()->get_label() != _("Plugin Provided")) { /* setup_midnam_patches unconditionally calls model_changed() */ setup_midnam_patches (); } } else { /* no plugin provided MIDNAM for this plugin */ if (!_midnam_model_selector.items().empty () && _midnam_model_selector.items().begin()->get_label() == _("Plugin Provided")) { /* setup_midnam_patches unconditionally calls model_changed() */ setup_midnam_patches (); } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::setup_midnam_patches () { typedef MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager PatchManager; PatchManager& patch_manager = PatchManager::instance(); _midnam_model_selector.clear_items (); if (_route->instrument_info().have_custom_plugin_info ()) { Menu_Helpers::MenuElem elem = Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Plugin Provided"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::model_changed), "")); _midnam_model_selector.AddMenuElem(elem); } for (PatchManager::DeviceNamesByMaker::const_iterator m = patch_manager.devices_by_manufacturer().begin(); m != patch_manager.devices_by_manufacturer().end(); ++m) { Menu* menu = Gtk::manage(new Menu); Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items = menu->items(); /* Build manufacturer submenu */ for (MIDI::Name::MIDINameDocument::MasterDeviceNamesList::const_iterator n = m->second.begin(); n != m->second.end(); ++n) { if (patch_manager.is_custom_model (n->first)) { continue; } Menu_Helpers::MenuElem elem = Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( n->first.c_str(), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::model_changed), n->first.c_str())); items.push_back(elem); } if (items.empty ()) { delete menu; continue; } /* Add manufacturer submenu to selector */ _midnam_model_selector.AddMenuElem(Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(m->first, *menu)); } if (patch_manager.all_models().empty()) { _midnam_model_selector.hide (); _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.hide (); } else { _midnam_model_selector.show (); if (_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.items().size() > 1) { _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.show (); } } /* call _midnam_model_selector.set_text () * and show/hide _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector */ std::string model = gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")); if (model.empty() && _route->instrument_info().have_custom_plugin_info ()) { /* use plugin's MIDNAM */ model_changed (""); } else if (model.empty() || ! MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager::instance ().master_device_by_model (model)) { /* invalid model, switch to use default */ model_changed (""); } else { model_changed (model); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::model_changed (const std::string& m) { typedef MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager PatchManager; PatchManager& patch_manager = PatchManager::instance(); std::string model (m); bool save_model = m != ""; if (model.empty() && !_route->instrument_info().have_custom_plugin_info ()) { model = DEFAULT_MIDNAM_MODEL; } std::list device_modes = patch_manager.custom_device_mode_names_by_model (model); if (device_modes.empty()) { save_model = false; if (_route->instrument_info().have_custom_plugin_info ()) { model = ""; } else { model = DEFAULT_MIDNAM_MODEL; } device_modes = patch_manager.custom_device_mode_names_by_model (model); } if (model == "") { _midnam_model_selector.set_text (_("Plugin Provided")); } else { _midnam_model_selector.set_text (model); } if (save_model) { set_gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name"), model); } else { remove_gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")); } /* set new mode */ const std::string current_mode = gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode")); std::string mode; if (find (device_modes.begin(), device_modes.end(), current_mode) == device_modes.end()) { if (device_modes.size() > 0) { mode = device_modes.front(); if (save_model) { custom_device_mode_changed (device_modes.front()); } } else { mode = ""; } } else { mode = current_mode; } /* set backend state */ _route->instrument_info().set_external_instrument (model, mode); /* query effective model/mode -- may be plugin provided */ if (_effective_model == _route->instrument_info().model () && _effective_mode == _route->instrument_info().mode ()) { /* no change */ return; } _effective_model = _route->instrument_info().model (); _effective_mode = _route->instrument_info().mode (); /* update GUI */ _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.clear_items(); for (std::list::const_iterator i = device_modes.begin(); i != device_modes.end(); ++i) { _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.AddMenuElem (Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(*i, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::custom_device_mode_changed), *i))); } if (device_modes.size() > 1) { _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.show(); } else { _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.hide(); } /* set _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector */ custom_device_mode_changed (mode); /* Rebuild controller menu */ _controller_menu_map.clear (); delete controller_menu; controller_menu = 0; if (patch_change_dialog ()) { patch_change_dialog ()->refresh (); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::custom_device_mode_changed(const std::string& mode) { const std::string model = gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")); set_gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode"), mode); _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.set_text (mode); if (model.empty () && !mode.empty ()) { /* model.empty () && model.empty () -> plugin provided * otherwise at least a model must be set. */ return; } /* inform the backend, route owned instrument info */ _route->instrument_info().set_external_instrument (model, mode); } MidiStreamView* MidiTimeAxisView::midi_view() { return dynamic_cast(_view); } void MidiTimeAxisView::update_midi_controls_visibility (uint32_t h) { if (_route && !_route->active ()) { h = 0; } if (h >= MIDI_CONTROLS_BOX_MIN_HEIGHT) { _midi_controls_box.show (); } else { _midi_controls_box.hide(); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_height (uint32_t h, TrackHeightMode m) { update_midi_controls_visibility (h); if (h >= MIDI_CONTROLS_BOX_MIN_HEIGHT) { _midi_controls_box.show (); } else { _midi_controls_box.hide(); } if (h >= KEYBOARD_MIN_HEIGHT) { if (is_track() && _range_scroomer) { _range_scroomer->show(); } if (is_track() && _piano_roll_header) { _piano_roll_header->show(); } } else { if (is_track() && _range_scroomer) { _range_scroomer->hide(); } if (is_track() && _piano_roll_header) { _piano_roll_header->hide(); } } /* We need to do this after changing visibility of our stuff, as it will * eventually trigger a call to Editor::reset_controls_layout_width(), * which needs to know if we have just shown or hidden a scroomer / * piano roll. */ RouteTimeAxisView::set_height (h, m); } void MidiTimeAxisView::append_extra_display_menu_items () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; MenuList& items = display_menu->items(); // Note range Menu *range_menu = manage(new Menu); MenuList& range_items = range_menu->items(); range_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); range_items.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Show Full Range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range), MidiStreamView::FullRange, true))); range_items.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Fit Contents"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range), MidiStreamView::ContentsRange, true))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Note Range"), *range_menu)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Note Mode"), *build_note_mode_menu())); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Channel Selector..."), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_channel_selector))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Patch Selector..."), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::select_midi_patch))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Color Mode"), *build_color_mode_menu ())); items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); } void MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_channel_selector () { if (!_channel_selector) { _channel_selector = new MidiChannelSelectorWindow (midi_track()); if (_color_mode == ChannelColors) { _channel_selector->set_channel_colors(NoteBase::midi_channel_colors); } else { _channel_selector->set_default_channel_color (); } _channel_selector->show_all (); } else { _channel_selector->cycle_visibility (); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::build_automation_action_menu (bool for_selection) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; /* If we have a controller menu, we need to detach it before * RouteTimeAxis::build_automation_action_menu destroys the * menu it is attached to. Otherwise GTK destroys * controller_menu's gobj, meaning that it can't be reattached * below. See bug #3134. */ if (controller_menu) { detach_menu (*controller_menu); } _channel_command_menu_map.clear (); RouteTimeAxisView::build_automation_action_menu (for_selection); MenuList& automation_items = automation_action_menu->items(); uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); if (selected_channels != 0) { automation_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); /* these 2 MIDI "command" types are semantically more like automation * than note data, but they are not MIDI controllers. We give them * special status in this menu, since they will not show up in the * controller list and anyone who actually knows something about MIDI * (!) would not expect to find them there. */ add_channel_command_menu_item (automation_items, _("Bender"), MidiPitchBenderAutomation, 0); automation_items.back().set_sensitive (!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1); add_channel_command_menu_item (automation_items, _("Pressure"), MidiChannelPressureAutomation, 0); automation_items.back().set_sensitive (!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1); /* now all MIDI controllers. Always offer the possibility that we will * rebuild the controllers menu since it might need to be updated after * a channel mode change or other change. Also detach it first in case * it has been used anywhere else. */ build_controller_menu (); automation_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Controllers"), *controller_menu)); add_channel_command_menu_item (automation_items, _("Polyphonic Pressure"), MidiNotePressureAutomation, 0); automation_items.back().set_sensitive (!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1); } else { automation_items.push_back ( MenuElem (string_compose ("%1", _("No MIDI Channels selected")))); dynamic_cast (automation_items.back().get_child())->set_use_markup (true); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility (bool yn, Evoral::Parameter param) { const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (param.type(), chn, param.id()); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (fully_qualified_param); if (menu) { menu->set_active (yn); } } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::add_channel_command_menu_item (Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items, const string& label, AutomationType auto_type, uint8_t cmd) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; /* count the number of selected channels because we will build a different menu * structure if there is more than 1 selected. */ const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); int chn_cnt = 0; for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { if (++chn_cnt > 1) { break; } } } if (chn_cnt > 1) { /* multiple channels - create a submenu, with 1 item per channel */ Menu* chn_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& chn_items (chn_menu->items()); Evoral::Parameter param_without_channel (auto_type, 0, cmd); /* add a couple of items to hide/show all of them */ chn_items.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Hide all channels"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility), false, param_without_channel))); chn_items.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Show all channels"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility), true, param_without_channel))); for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { /* for each selected channel, add a menu item for this controller */ Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (auto_type, chn, cmd); chn_items.push_back ( CheckMenuElem (string_compose (_("Channel %1"), chn+1), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track), fully_qualified_param))); boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child (fully_qualified_param); bool visible = false; if (track) { if (track->marked_for_display()) { visible = true; } } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast(&chn_items.back()); _channel_command_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi; cmi->set_active (visible); } } /* now create an item in the parent menu that has the per-channel list as a submenu */ items.push_back (MenuElem (label, *chn_menu)); } else { /* just one channel - create a single menu item for this command+channel combination*/ for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (auto_type, chn, cmd); items.push_back ( CheckMenuElem (label, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track), fully_qualified_param))); boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child (fully_qualified_param); bool visible = false; if (track) { if (track->marked_for_display()) { visible = true; } } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast(&items.back()); _channel_command_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi; cmi->set_active (visible); /* one channel only */ break; } } } } /** Add a single menu item for a controller on one channel. */ void MidiTimeAxisView::add_single_channel_controller_item(Menu_Helpers::MenuList& ctl_items, int ctl, const std::string& name) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl); ctl_items.push_back ( CheckMenuElem ( string_compose ("%1: %2 [%3]", ctl, name, int (chn + 1)), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track), fully_qualified_param))); dynamic_cast (ctl_items.back().get_child())->set_use_markup (true); boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child ( fully_qualified_param); bool visible = false; if (track) { if (track->marked_for_display()) { visible = true; } } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast(&ctl_items.back()); _controller_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi; cmi->set_active (visible); /* one channel only */ break; } } } /** Add a submenu with 1 item per channel for a controller on many channels. */ void MidiTimeAxisView::add_multi_channel_controller_item(Menu_Helpers::MenuList& ctl_items, const uint16_t channels, int ctl, const std::string& name) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; Menu* chn_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& chn_items (chn_menu->items()); /* add a couple of items to hide/show this controller on all channels */ Evoral::Parameter param_without_channel (MidiCCAutomation, 0, ctl); chn_items.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Hide all channels"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility), false, param_without_channel))); chn_items.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Show all channels"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility), true, param_without_channel))); for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { /* for each selected channel, add a menu item for this controller */ Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl); chn_items.push_back ( CheckMenuElem (string_compose (_("Channel %1"), chn+1), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track), fully_qualified_param))); boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child ( fully_qualified_param); bool visible = false; if (track) { if (track->marked_for_display()) { visible = true; } } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast(&chn_items.back()); _controller_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi; cmi->set_active (visible); } } /* add the per-channel menu to the list of controllers, with the name of the controller */ ctl_items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose ("%1: %2", ctl, name), *chn_menu)); dynamic_cast (ctl_items.back().get_child())->set_use_markup (true); } void MidiTimeAxisView::build_controller_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (controller_menu) { /* it exists and has not been invalidated by a channel mode change */ return; } controller_menu = new Menu; // explicitly managed by us MenuList& items (controller_menu->items()); /* create several "top level" menu items for sets of controllers (16 at a * time), and populate each one with a submenu for each controller+channel * combination covering the currently selected channels for this track */ size_t total_ctrls = _route->instrument_info().master_controller_count (); if (total_ctrls > 0) { /* Controllers names available in midnam file, generate fancy menu */ using namespace MIDI::Name; unsigned n_items = 0; unsigned n_groups = 0; /* keep track of CC numbers that are added */ uint16_t ctl_start = 1; uint16_t ctl_end = 1; MasterDeviceNames::ControlNameLists const& ctllist (_route->instrument_info().master_device_names ()->controls ()); bool per_name_list = ctllist.size () > 1; bool to_top_level = total_ctrls < 32 && !per_name_list; /* reverse lookup which "ChannelNameSet" has "UsesControlNameList " * then check for which channels it is valid "AvailableForChannels" */ for (MasterDeviceNames::ControlNameLists::const_iterator l = ctllist.begin(); l != ctllist.end(); ++l) { uint16_t channels = _route->instrument_info().channels_for_control_list (l->first); bool multi_channel = 0 != (channels & (channels - 1)); boost::shared_ptr name_list = l->second; Menu* ctl_menu = NULL; for (ControlNameList::Controls::const_iterator c = name_list->controls().begin(); c != name_list->controls().end();) { const uint16_t ctl = c->second->number(); /* Skip bank select controllers since they're handled specially */ if (ctl != MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK && ctl != MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK) { if (to_top_level) { ctl_menu = controller_menu; } else if (!ctl_menu) { /* Create a new submenu */ ctl_menu = manage (new Menu); ctl_start = ctl; } MenuList& ctl_items (ctl_menu->items()); if (multi_channel) { add_multi_channel_controller_item(ctl_items, channels, ctl, c->second->name()); } else { add_single_channel_controller_item(ctl_items, ctl, c->second->name()); } ctl_end = ctl; } ++c; if (!ctl_menu || to_top_level) { continue; } if (++n_items == 32 || ctl < ctl_start || c == name_list->controls().end()) { /* Submenu has 32 items or we're done, or a new name-list started: * add it to controller menu and reset */ items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose ("%1 %2-%3", (per_name_list ? l->first.c_str() : _("Controllers")), ctl_start, ctl_end), *ctl_menu)); ctl_menu = NULL; n_items = 0; ++n_groups; } } } } else { /* No controllers names, generate generic numeric menu */ const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); /* count the number of selected channels because we will build a different menu * structure if there is more than 1 selected. */ int chn_cnt = 0; for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) { if (++chn_cnt > 1) { break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < 127; i += 32) { Menu* ctl_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& ctl_items (ctl_menu->items()); for (int ctl = i; ctl < i + 32; ++ctl) { if (ctl == MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK || ctl == MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK) { /* Skip bank select controllers since they're handled specially */ continue; } if (chn_cnt > 1) { add_multi_channel_controller_item( ctl_items, selected_channels, ctl, string_compose(_("Controller %1"), ctl)); } else { add_single_channel_controller_item( ctl_items, ctl, string_compose(_("Controller %1"), ctl)); } } /* Add submenu for this block of controllers to controller menu */ switch (i) { case 0: case 32: /* skip 0x00 and 0x20 (bank-select) */ items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose (_("Controllers %1-%2"), i + 1, i + 31), *ctl_menu)); break; default: items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose (_("Controllers %1-%2"), i, i + 31), *ctl_menu)); break; } } } } Gtk::Menu* MidiTimeAxisView::build_note_mode_menu() { using namespace Menu_Helpers; Menu* mode_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& items = mode_menu->items(); mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); RadioMenuItem::Group mode_group; items.push_back ( RadioMenuElem (mode_group,_("Sustained"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode), Sustained, true))); _note_mode_item = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); _note_mode_item->set_active(_note_mode == Sustained); items.push_back ( RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Percussive"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode), Percussive, true))); _percussion_mode_item = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); _percussion_mode_item->set_active(_note_mode == Percussive); return mode_menu; } Gtk::Menu* MidiTimeAxisView::build_color_mode_menu() { using namespace Menu_Helpers; Menu* mode_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& items = mode_menu->items(); mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); RadioMenuItem::Group mode_group; items.push_back ( RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Meter Colors"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode), MeterColors, false, true, true))); _meter_color_mode_item = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); _meter_color_mode_item->set_active(_color_mode == MeterColors); items.push_back ( RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Channel Colors"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode), ChannelColors, false, true, true))); _channel_color_mode_item = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); _channel_color_mode_item->set_active(_color_mode == ChannelColors); items.push_back ( RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Track Color"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode), TrackColor, false, true, true))); _channel_color_mode_item = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); _channel_color_mode_item->set_active(_color_mode == TrackColor); return mode_menu; } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode(NoteMode mode, bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis ( boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode, _1, mode, false)); } else { if (_note_mode != mode || midi_track()->note_mode() != mode) { _note_mode = mode; midi_track()->set_note_mode(mode); set_gui_property ("note-mode", enum_2_string(_note_mode)); _view->redisplay_track(); } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode (ColorMode mode, bool force, bool redisplay, bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis ( boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode, _1, mode, force, redisplay, false)); } else { if (_color_mode == mode && !force) { return; } if (_channel_selector) { if (mode == ChannelColors) { _channel_selector->set_channel_colors(NoteBase::midi_channel_colors); } else { _channel_selector->set_default_channel_color(); } } _color_mode = mode; set_gui_property ("color-mode", enum_2_string(_color_mode)); if (redisplay) { _view->redisplay_track(); } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range (MidiStreamView::VisibleNoteRange range, bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis ( boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range, _1, range, false)); } else { if (!_ignore_signals) { midi_view()->set_note_range(range); } } } void MidiTimeAxisView::show_all_automation (bool apply_to_selection) { using namespace MIDI::Name; if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis ( boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::show_all_automation, _1, false)); } else { no_redraw = true; // unset in RouteTimeAxisView::show_all_automation if (midi_track()) { // Show existing automation const set params = midi_track()->midi_playlist()->contained_automation(); for (set::const_iterator i = params.begin(); i != params.end(); ++i) { create_automation_child(*i, true); } /* Show automation for all controllers named in midnam file */ if (_route->instrument_info().master_controller_count () > 0) { const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); for (uint32_t chn = 0; chn < 16; ++chn) { if ((selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) == 0) { // Channel not in use continue; } boost::shared_ptr control_names = _route->instrument_info().control_name_list (chn); if (!control_names) { continue; } for (ControlNameList::Controls::const_iterator c = control_names->controls().begin(); c != control_names->controls().end(); ++c) { const uint16_t ctl = c->second->number(); if (ctl != MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK && ctl != MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK) { /* Skip bank select controllers since they're handled specially */ const Evoral::Parameter param(MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl); create_automation_child(param, true); } } } } } RouteTimeAxisView::show_all_automation (); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation (bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis ( boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation, _1, false)); } else { if (midi_track()) { const set params = midi_track()->midi_playlist()->contained_automation(); for (set::const_iterator i = params.begin(); i != params.end(); ++i) { create_automation_child (*i, true); } } RouteTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation (); } } /** Create an automation track for the given parameter (pitch bend, channel pressure). */ void MidiTimeAxisView::create_automation_child (const Evoral::Parameter& param, bool show) { if (param.type() == NullAutomation) { return; } AutomationTracks::iterator existing = _automation_tracks.find (param); if (existing != _automation_tracks.end()) { /* automation track created because we had existing data for * the processor, but visibility may need to be controlled * since it will have been set visible by default. */ existing->second->set_marked_for_display (show); if (!no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } return; } boost::shared_ptr track; boost::shared_ptr control; switch (param.type()) { case GainAutomation: case BusSendLevel: create_gain_automation_child (param, show); break; case MuteAutomation: create_mute_automation_child (param, show); break; case PluginAutomation: /* handled elsewhere */ break; case MidiCCAutomation: case MidiPgmChangeAutomation: case MidiPitchBenderAutomation: case MidiChannelPressureAutomation: case MidiNotePressureAutomation: case MidiSystemExclusiveAutomation: /* These controllers are region "automation" - they are owned * by regions (and their MidiModels), not by the track. As a * result there is no AutomationList/Line for the track, but we create * a controller for the user to write immediate events, so the editor * can act as a control surface for the present MIDI controllers. * * TODO: Record manipulation of the controller to regions? */ control = _route->automation_control(param, true); track.reset (new AutomationTimeAxisView ( _session, _route, control ? _route : boost::shared_ptr (), control, param, _editor, *this, true, parent_canvas, /* this calls MidiTrack::describe_parameter() * -> instrument_info().get_controller_name() */ _route->describe_parameter(param))); if (_view) { _view->foreach_regionview ( sigc::mem_fun (*track.get(), &TimeAxisView::add_ghost)); } add_automation_child (param, track, show); if (selected ()) { reshow_selection (_editor.get_selection().time); } break; case PanWidthAutomation: case PanElevationAutomation: case PanAzimuthAutomation: ensure_pan_views (show); break; default: error << "MidiTimeAxisView: unknown automation child " << EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol(param) << endmsg; } } void MidiTimeAxisView::route_active_changed () { RouteTimeAxisView::route_active_changed (); update_control_names(); update_midi_controls_visibility (height); if (!_route->active()) { controls_table.hide(); inactive_table.show(); RouteTimeAxisView::hide_all_automation(); } else { inactive_table.hide(); controls_table.show(); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::update_control_names () { if (is_track()) { if (_route->active()) { controls_base_selected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseSelected"; controls_base_unselected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseUnselected"; } else { controls_base_selected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseInactiveSelected"; controls_base_unselected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseInactiveUnselected"; } } else { // MIDI bus (which doesn't exist yet..) if (_route->active()) { controls_base_selected_name = "BusControlsBaseSelected"; controls_base_unselected_name = "BusControlsBaseUnselected"; } else { controls_base_selected_name = "BusControlsBaseInactiveSelected"; controls_base_unselected_name = "BusControlsBaseInactiveUnselected"; } } if (selected()) { controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_selected_name); time_axis_frame.set_name (controls_base_selected_name); } else { controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); time_axis_frame.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_selection (uint8_t note) { uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); _editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Set Note Selection")); /* set_note_selection_region_view() will not work with multiple regions, * as each individual `foreach` call will clear prior selection. * Use clear_midi_notes() and add_note_selection_region_view() instead. */ _editor.get_selection().clear_midi_notes(); if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) { _view->foreach_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } else { _view->foreach_selected_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } _editor.commit_reversible_selection_op(); } void MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection (uint8_t note) { const uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); _editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Add Note Selection")); if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) { _view->foreach_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } else { _view->foreach_selected_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } _editor.commit_reversible_selection_op(); } void MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection (uint8_t note) { const uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); _editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Extend Note Selection")); if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) { _view->foreach_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } else { _view->foreach_selected_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } _editor.commit_reversible_selection_op(); } void MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection (uint8_t note) { const uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); _editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Toggle Note Selection")); if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) { _view->foreach_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } else { _view->foreach_selected_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection_region_view), note, chn_mask)); } _editor.commit_reversible_selection_op(); } void MidiTimeAxisView::get_per_region_note_selection (list > > > >& selection) { _view->foreach_regionview ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::get_per_region_note_selection_region_view), sigc::ref(selection))); } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask) { dynamic_cast(rv)->select_matching_notes (note, chn_mask, false, false); } void MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask) { dynamic_cast(rv)->select_matching_notes (note, chn_mask, true, false); } void MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask) { dynamic_cast(rv)->select_matching_notes (note, chn_mask, true, true); } void MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask) { dynamic_cast(rv)->toggle_matching_notes (note, chn_mask); } void MidiTimeAxisView::get_per_region_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, list > > > > &selection) { Evoral::Sequence::Notes selected; dynamic_cast(rv)->selection_as_notelist (selected, false); std::set > > notes; Evoral::Sequence::Notes::iterator sel_it; for (sel_it = selected.begin(); sel_it != selected.end(); ++sel_it) { notes.insert (*sel_it); } if (!notes.empty()) { selection.push_back (make_pair ((rv)->region()->id(), notes)); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::set_channel_mode (ChannelMode, uint16_t) { /* hide all automation tracks that use the wrong channel(s) and show all those thatcw * use the right ones. */ const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); bool changed = false; no_redraw = true; for (uint32_t ctl = 0; ctl < 127; ++ctl) { for (uint32_t chn = 0; chn < 16; ++chn) { Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl); boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child (fully_qualified_param); if (!track) { continue; } if ((selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) == 0) { /* channel not in use. hiding it will trigger RouteTimeAxisView::automation_track_hidden() * which will cause a redraw. We don't want one per channel, so block that with no_redraw. */ changed = track->set_marked_for_display (false) || changed; } else { changed = track->set_marked_for_display (true) || changed; } } } no_redraw = false; /* TODO: Bender, Pressure */ /* invalidate the controller menu, so that we rebuild it next time */ _controller_menu_map.clear (); delete controller_menu; controller_menu = 0; if (changed) { request_redraw (); } } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* MidiTimeAxisView::automation_child_menu_item (Evoral::Parameter param) { Gtk::CheckMenuItem* m = RouteTimeAxisView::automation_child_menu_item (param); if (m) { return m; } ParameterMenuMap::iterator i = _controller_menu_map.find (param); if (i != _controller_menu_map.end()) { return i->second; } i = _channel_command_menu_map.find (param); if (i != _channel_command_menu_map.end()) { return i->second; } return 0; } boost::shared_ptr MidiTimeAxisView::add_region (samplepos_t f, samplecnt_t length, bool commit) { Editor* real_editor = dynamic_cast (&_editor); MusicSample pos (f, 0); if (commit) { real_editor->begin_reversible_command (Operations::create_region); } playlist()->clear_changes (); real_editor->snap_to (pos, RoundNearest); boost::shared_ptr src = _session->create_midi_source_by_stealing_name (view()->trackview().track()); PropertyList plist; plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start, 0); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length, length); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name, PBD::basename_nosuffix(src->name())); boost::shared_ptr region = (RegionFactory::create (src, plist)); /* sets beat position */ region->set_position (pos.sample, pos.division); playlist()->add_region (region, pos.sample, 1.0, false, pos.division); _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist())); if (commit) { real_editor->commit_reversible_command (); } return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(region); } void MidiTimeAxisView::ensure_step_editor () { if (!_step_editor) { _step_editor = new StepEditor (_editor, midi_track(), *this); } } void MidiTimeAxisView::start_step_editing () { ensure_step_editor (); _step_editor->start_step_editing (); } void MidiTimeAxisView::stop_step_editing () { if (_step_editor) { _step_editor->stop_step_editing (); } } /** @return channel (counted from 0) to add an event to, based on the current setting * of the channel selector. */ uint8_t MidiTimeAxisView::get_channel_for_add () const { uint16_t const chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); int chn_cnt = 0; uint8_t channel = 0; /* pick the highest selected channel, unless all channels are selected, * which is interpreted to mean channel 1 (zero) */ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (chn_mask & (1<lowest_note ()); set_gui_property ("note-range-max", (int) midi_view()->highest_note ()); } void MidiTimeAxisView::contents_height_changed () { _range_scroomer->queue_resize (); } bool MidiTimeAxisView::paste (samplepos_t pos, const Selection& selection, PasteContext& ctx, const int32_t sub_num) { if (!_editor.internal_editing()) { // Non-internal paste, paste regions like any other route return RouteTimeAxisView::paste(pos, selection, ctx, sub_num); } return midi_view()->paste(pos, selection, ctx, sub_num); } void MidiTimeAxisView::get_regions_with_selected_data (RegionSelection& rs) { midi_view()->get_regions_with_selected_data (rs); }