/* Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/io.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/track.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/data_type.h" #include "io_selector.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "i18n.h" /** Add a port to a group. * @param p Port name, with or without prefix. */ void PortGroup::add (std::string const & p) { if (prefix.empty() == false && p.substr (0, prefix.length()) == prefix) { ports.push_back (p.substr (prefix.length())); } else { ports.push_back (p); } } PortGroupTable::PortGroupTable ( PortGroup& g, boost::shared_ptr io, bool for_input ) : _port_group (g), _ignore_check_button_toggle (false), _io (io), _for_input (for_input) { ARDOUR::DataType const t = _io->default_type(); int rows; if (_for_input) { rows = _io->n_inputs().get(t); } else { rows = _io->n_outputs().get(t); } int const ports = _port_group.ports.size(); if (rows == 0 || ports == 0) { return; } /* Sort out the table and the checkbuttons inside it */ _table.resize (rows, ports); _check_buttons.resize (rows); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { _check_buttons[i].resize (ports); } for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _port_group.ports.size(); ++j) { Gtk::CheckButton* b = new Gtk::CheckButton; b->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortGroupTable::check_button_toggled), b, i, _port_group.prefix + _port_group.ports[j])); _check_buttons[i][j] = b; _table.attach (*b, j, j + 1, i, i + 1); } } _box.add (_table); _ignore_check_button_toggle = true; /* Set the state of the check boxes according to current connections */ for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { const char **connections = _for_input ? _io->input(i)->get_connections() : _io->output(i)->get_connections(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _port_group.ports.size(); ++j) { std::string const t = _port_group.prefix + _port_group.ports[j]; int k = 0; bool required_state = false; while (connections && connections[k]) { if (std::string(connections[k]) == t) { required_state = true; break; } ++k; } _check_buttons[i][j]->set_active (required_state); } } _ignore_check_button_toggle = false; } /** @return Width and height of a single check button in a port group table */ std::pair PortGroupTable::unit_size () const { if (_check_buttons.empty() || _check_buttons[0].empty()) { return std::pair (0, 0); } return std::make_pair ( _check_buttons[0][0]->get_width() + _table.get_col_spacing (0), _check_buttons[0][0]->get_height() + _table.get_row_spacing (0) ); } Gtk::Widget& PortGroupTable::get_widget () { return _box; } /** Handle a toggle of a check button */ void PortGroupTable::check_button_toggled (Gtk::CheckButton* b, int r, std::string const & p) { if (_ignore_check_button_toggle) { return; } bool const new_state = b->get_active (); if (new_state) { if (_for_input) { _io->connect_input (_io->input(r), p, 0); } else { _io->connect_output (_io->output(r), p, 0); } } else { if (_for_input) { _io->disconnect_input (_io->input(r), p, 0); } else { _io->disconnect_output (_io->output(r), p, 0); } } } RotatedLabelSet::RotatedLabelSet (PortGroupList& g) : Glib::ObjectBase ("RotatedLabelSet"), Gtk::Widget (), _port_group_list (g), _base_width (128) { set_flags (Gtk::NO_WINDOW); set_angle (30); } RotatedLabelSet::~RotatedLabelSet () { } /** Set the angle that the labels are drawn at. * @param degrees New angle in degrees. */ void RotatedLabelSet::set_angle (int degrees) { _angle_degrees = degrees; _angle_radians = M_PI * _angle_degrees / 180; queue_resize (); } void RotatedLabelSet::on_size_request (Gtk::Requisition* requisition) { *requisition = Gtk::Requisition (); if (_pango_layout == 0) { return; } /* Our height is the highest label */ requisition->height = 0; for (PortGroupList::const_iterator i = _port_group_list.begin(); i != _port_group_list.end(); ++i) { for (std::vector::const_iterator j = (*i)->ports.begin(); j != (*i)->ports.end(); ++j) { std::pair const d = setup_layout (*j); if (d.second > requisition->height) { requisition->height = d.second; } } } /* And our width is the base plus the width of the last label */ requisition->width = _base_width; int const n = _port_group_list.n_visible_ports (); if (n > 0) { std::pair const d = setup_layout (_port_group_list.get_port_by_index (n - 1, false)); requisition->width += d.first; } } void RotatedLabelSet::on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& allocation) { set_allocation (allocation); if (_gdk_window) { _gdk_window->move_resize ( allocation.get_x(), allocation.get_y(), allocation.get_width(), allocation.get_height() ); } } void RotatedLabelSet::on_realize () { Gtk::Widget::on_realize (); Glib::RefPtr style = get_style (); if (!_gdk_window) { GdkWindowAttr attributes; memset (&attributes, 0, sizeof (attributes)); Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation (); attributes.x = allocation.get_x (); attributes.y = allocation.get_y (); attributes.width = allocation.get_width (); attributes.height = allocation.get_height (); attributes.event_mask = get_events () | Gdk::EXPOSURE_MASK; attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD; attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT; _gdk_window = Gdk::Window::create (get_window (), &attributes, GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y); unset_flags (Gtk::NO_WINDOW); set_window (_gdk_window); _bg_colour = style->get_bg (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL ); modify_bg (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, _bg_colour); _fg_colour = style->get_fg (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL); ; _gdk_window->set_user_data (gobj ()); /* Set up Pango stuff */ _pango_context = create_pango_context (); Pango::Matrix matrix = PANGO_MATRIX_INIT; pango_matrix_rotate (&matrix, _angle_degrees); _pango_context->set_matrix (matrix); _pango_layout = Pango::Layout::create (_pango_context); _gc = Gdk::GC::create (get_window ()); } } void RotatedLabelSet::on_unrealize() { _gdk_window.clear (); Gtk::Widget::on_unrealize (); } /** Set up our Pango layout to plot a given string, and compute its dimensions once * it has been rotated. * @param s String to use. * @return width and height of the rotated string, in pixels. */ std::pair RotatedLabelSet::setup_layout (std::string const & s) { _pango_layout->set_text (s); /* Here's the unrotated size */ int w; int h; _pango_layout->get_pixel_size (w, h); /* Rotate the width and height as appropriate. I thought Pango might be able to do this for us, but I can't find out how... */ std::pair d; d.first = int (w * cos (_angle_radians) - h * sin (_angle_radians)); d.second = int (w * sin (_angle_radians) + h * cos (_angle_radians)); return d; } bool RotatedLabelSet::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* event) { if (!_gdk_window) { return true; } int const height = get_allocation().get_height (); double const spacing = double (_base_width) / _port_group_list.n_visible_ports(); /* Plot all the visible labels; really we should clip for efficiency */ int n = 0; for (PortGroupList::const_iterator i = _port_group_list.begin(); i != _port_group_list.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->visible) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (*i)->ports.size(); ++j) { std::pair const d = setup_layout ((*i)->ports[j]); get_window()->draw_layout (_gc, int ((n + 0.25) * spacing), height - d.second, _pango_layout, _fg_colour, _bg_colour); ++n; } } } return true; } /** Set the `base width'. This is the width of the base of the label set, ie: * * L L L L * E E E E * B B B B * A A A A * L L L L * <--w--> */ void RotatedLabelSet::set_base_width (int w) { _base_width = w; queue_resize (); } /** Construct an IOSelector. * @param session Session to operate on. * @param io IO to operate on. * @param for_input true if the selector is for an input, otherwise false. */ IOSelector::IOSelector (ARDOUR::Session& session, boost::shared_ptr io, bool for_input) : _port_group_list (session, io, for_input), _io (io), _for_input (for_input), _column_labels (_port_group_list) { _row_labels_vbox[0] = _row_labels_vbox[1] = 0; _side_vbox_pad[0] = _side_vbox_pad[1] = 0; Gtk::HBox* c = new Gtk::HBox; for (PortGroupList::iterator i = _port_group_list.begin(); i != _port_group_list.end(); ++i) { Gtk::CheckButton* b = new Gtk::CheckButton ((*i)->name); b->set_active (true); b->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &IOSelector::group_visible_toggled), b, (*i)->name)); c->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (b), false, false); } pack_start (*Gtk::manage (c)); _side_vbox[0].pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (""))); _overall_hbox.pack_start (_side_vbox[0], false, false); _scrolled_window.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER); _scrolled_window.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_NONE); Gtk::VBox* b = new Gtk::VBox; b->pack_start (_column_labels, false, false); b->pack_start (_port_group_hbox, false, false); Gtk::Alignment* a = new Gtk::Alignment (0, 1, 0, 0); a->add (*Gtk::manage (b)); _scrolled_window.add (*Gtk::manage (a)); _overall_hbox.pack_start (_scrolled_window); _side_vbox[1].pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (""))); _overall_hbox.pack_start (_side_vbox[1]); pack_start (_overall_hbox); _port_group_hbox.signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &IOSelector::setup_dimensions))); /* Listen for ports changing on the IO */ if (_for_input) { _io->input_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::ports_changed)); } else { _io->output_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::ports_changed)); } } IOSelector::~IOSelector () { clear (); } /** Clear out the things that change when the number of source or destination ports changes */ void IOSelector::clear () { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (std::vector::iterator j = _row_labels[i].begin(); j != _row_labels[i].end(); ++j) { delete *j; } _row_labels[i].clear (); if (_row_labels_vbox[i]) { _side_vbox[i].remove (*_row_labels_vbox[i]); } delete _row_labels_vbox[i]; _row_labels_vbox[i] = 0; if (_side_vbox_pad[i]) { _side_vbox[i].remove (*_side_vbox_pad[i]); } delete _side_vbox_pad[i]; _side_vbox_pad[i] = 0; } for (std::vector::iterator i = _port_group_tables.begin(); i != _port_group_tables.end(); ++i) { _port_group_hbox.remove ((*i)->get_widget()); delete *i; } _port_group_tables.clear (); } /** Set up dimensions of some of our widgets which depend on other dimensions * within the dialogue. */ void IOSelector::setup_dimensions () { /* Get some dimensions from various places */ int const scrollbar_height = _scrolled_window.get_hscrollbar()->get_height(); std::pair unit_size (0, 0); int port_group_tables_height = 0; for (std::vector::iterator i = _port_group_tables.begin(); i != _port_group_tables.end(); ++i) { std::pair const u = (*i)->unit_size (); unit_size.first = std::max (unit_size.first, u.first); unit_size.second = std::max (unit_size.second, u.second); port_group_tables_height = std::max ( port_group_tables_height, (*i)->get_widget().get_height() ); } /* Column labels */ _column_labels.set_base_width (_port_group_list.n_visible_ports () * unit_size.first); /* Scrolled window */ /* XXX: really shouldn't set a minimum horizontal size here, but if we don't the window starts up very small */ _scrolled_window.set_size_request ( std::min (_column_labels.get_width(), 640), _column_labels.get_height() + port_group_tables_height + scrollbar_height + 16 ); /* Row labels */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (std::vector::iterator j = _row_labels[i].begin(); j != _row_labels[i].end(); ++j) { (*j)->get_child()->set_size_request (-1, unit_size.second); } if (_side_vbox_pad[i]) { _side_vbox_pad[i]->set_size_request (-1, scrollbar_height + unit_size.second / 4); } } } /** Set up the dialogue */ void IOSelector::setup () { clear (); /* Work out how many rows we have */ ARDOUR::DataType const t = _io->default_type(); int rows; if (_for_input) { rows = _io->n_inputs().get(t); } else { rows = _io->n_outputs().get(t); } /* Row labels */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { _row_labels_vbox[i] = new Gtk::VBox; for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) { Gtk::Label* label = new Gtk::Label (_for_input ? _io->input(j)->name() : _io->output(j)->name()); Gtk::EventBox* b = new Gtk::EventBox; b->set_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); b->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &IOSelector::row_label_button_pressed), j)); b->add (*Gtk::manage (label)); _row_labels[i].push_back (b); _row_labels_vbox[i]->pack_start (*b, false, false); } _side_vbox[i].pack_start (*_row_labels_vbox[i], false, false); _side_vbox_pad[i] = new Gtk::Label (""); _side_vbox[i].pack_start (*_side_vbox_pad[i], false, false); } /* Checkbutton tables */ int n = 0; for (PortGroupList::iterator i = _port_group_list.begin(); i != _port_group_list.end(); ++i) { PortGroupTable* t = new PortGroupTable (**i, _io, _for_input); /* XXX: this is a bit of a hack; should probably use a configurable colour here */ Gdk::Color alt_bg = get_style()->get_bg (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL); alt_bg.set_rgb (alt_bg.get_red() + 4096, alt_bg.get_green() + 4096, alt_bg.get_blue () + 4096); if ((n % 2) == 0) { t->get_widget().modify_bg (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, alt_bg); } _port_group_tables.push_back (t); _port_group_hbox.pack_start (t->get_widget(), false, false); ++n; } show_all (); set_port_group_table_visibility (); } void IOSelector::ports_changed (ARDOUR::IOChange change, void *src) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun (*this, &IOSelector::ports_changed), change, src)); redisplay (); } void IOSelector::redisplay () { _port_group_list.refresh (); setup (); } /** Handle a button press on a row label */ bool IOSelector::row_label_button_pressed (GdkEventButton* e, int r) { if (e->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS || e->button != 3) { return false; } Gtk::Menu* menu = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Menu); Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items = menu->items (); menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); bool can_add; bool can_remove; std::string name; ARDOUR::DataType const t = _io->default_type(); if (_for_input) { can_add = _io->input_maximum().get(t) > _io->n_inputs().get(t); can_remove = _io->input_minimum().get(t) < _io->n_inputs().get(t); name = _io->input(r)->name(); } else { can_add = _io->output_maximum().get(t) > _io->n_outputs().get(t); can_remove = _io->output_minimum().get(t) < _io->n_outputs().get(t); name = _io->output(r)->name(); } items.push_back ( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem (_("Add port"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &IOSelector::add_port)) ); items.back().set_sensitive (can_add); items.push_back ( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem (_("Remove port '") + name + _("'"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &IOSelector::remove_port), r)) ); items.back().set_sensitive (can_remove); menu->popup (e->button, e->time); return true; } void IOSelector::add_port () { // The IO selector only works for single typed IOs const ARDOUR::DataType t = _io->default_type (); if (_for_input) { try { _io->add_input_port ("", this); } catch (ARDOUR::AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { Gtk::MessageDialog msg (0, _("There are no more JACK ports available.")); msg.run (); } } else { try { _io->add_output_port ("", this); } catch (ARDOUR::AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { Gtk::MessageDialog msg (0, _("There are no more JACK ports available.")); msg.run (); } } } void IOSelector::remove_port (int r) { // The IO selector only works for single typed IOs const ARDOUR::DataType t = _io->default_type (); if (_for_input) { _io->remove_input_port (_io->input (r), this); } else { _io->remove_output_port (_io->output (r), this); } } void IOSelector::group_visible_toggled (Gtk::CheckButton* b, std::string const & n) { PortGroupList::iterator i = _port_group_list.begin(); while (i != _port_group_list.end() & (*i)->name != n) { ++i; } if (i == _port_group_list.end()) { return; } (*i)->visible = b->get_active (); set_port_group_table_visibility (); _column_labels.queue_draw (); } void IOSelector::set_port_group_table_visibility () { for (std::vector::iterator j = _port_group_tables.begin(); j != _port_group_tables.end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->port_group().visible) { (*j)->get_widget().show(); } else { (*j)->get_widget().hide(); } } } PortGroupList::PortGroupList (ARDOUR::Session & session, boost::shared_ptr io, bool for_input) : _session (session), _io (io), _for_input (for_input), buss (_("Buss"), "ardour:"), track (_("Track"), "ardour:"), system (_("System"), "system:"), other (_("Other"), "") { refresh (); } void PortGroupList::refresh () { clear (); buss.ports.clear (); track.ports.clear (); system.ports.clear (); other.ports.clear (); /* Find the ports provided by ardour; we can't derive their type just from their names, so we'll have to be more devious. */ boost::shared_ptr routes = _session.get_routes (); for (ARDOUR::Session::RouteList::const_iterator i = routes->begin(); i != routes->end(); ++i) { PortGroup* g = 0; if (_io->default_type() == ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO && dynamic_cast ((*i).get())) { /* Audio track for an audio IO */ g = &track; } else if (_io->default_type() == ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI && dynamic_cast ((*i).get())) { /* Midi track for a MIDI IO */ g = &track; } else if (_io->default_type() == ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO && dynamic_cast ((*i).get()) == 0) { /* Non-MIDI track for an Audio IO; must be an audio buss */ g = &buss; } if (g) { ARDOUR::PortSet const & p = _for_input ? ((*i)->outputs()) : ((*i)->inputs()); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < p.num_ports(); ++j) { g->add (p.port(j)->name ()); } std::sort (g->ports.begin(), g->ports.end()); } } /* XXX: inserts, sends, plugin inserts? */ /* Now we need to find the non-ardour ports; we do this by first finding all the ports that we can connect to. */ const char **ports = _session.engine().get_ports ( "", _io->default_type().to_jack_type(), _for_input ? JackPortIsOutput : JackPortIsInput ); if (ports) { int n = 0; while (ports[n]) { std::string const p = ports[n]; if (p.substr(0, strlen ("system:")) == "system:") { /* system: prefix */ system.add (p); } else { if (p.substr(0, strlen("ardour:")) != "ardour:") { /* other (non-ardour) prefix */ other.add (p); } } ++n; } } push_back (&buss); push_back (&track); push_back (&system); push_back (&other); } int PortGroupList::n_visible_ports () const { int n = 0; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->visible) { n += (*i)->ports.size(); } } return n; } std::string PortGroupList::get_port_by_index (int n, bool with_prefix) const { /* XXX: slightly inefficient algorithm */ for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { for (std::vector::const_iterator j = (*i)->ports.begin(); j != (*i)->ports.end(); ++j) { if (n == 0) { if (with_prefix) { return (*i)->prefix + *j; } else { return *j; } } --n; } } return ""; } IOSelectorWindow::IOSelectorWindow ( ARDOUR::Session& session, boost::shared_ptr io, bool for_input, bool can_cancel ) : ArdourDialog ("I/O selector"), _selector (session, io, for_input), ok_button (can_cancel ? _("OK"): _("Close")), cancel_button (_("Cancel")), rescan_button (_("Rescan")) { add_events (Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); set_name ("IOSelectorWindow2"); string title; if (for_input) { title = string_compose(_("%1 input"), io->name()); } else { title = string_compose(_("%1 output"), io->name()); } ok_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); if (!can_cancel) { ok_button.set_image (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); } cancel_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); rescan_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); rescan_button.set_image (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (Gtk::Stock::REFRESH, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); get_action_area()->pack_start (rescan_button, false, false); if (can_cancel) { cancel_button.set_image (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); get_action_area()->pack_start (cancel_button, false, false); } else { cancel_button.hide(); } get_action_area()->pack_start (ok_button, false, false); get_vbox()->set_spacing (8); get_vbox()->pack_start (_selector); ok_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelectorWindow::accept)); cancel_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelectorWindow::cancel)); rescan_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelectorWindow::rescan)); set_title (title); set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); show_all (); signal_delete_event().connect (bind (sigc::ptr_fun (just_hide_it), reinterpret_cast (this))); } IOSelectorWindow::~IOSelectorWindow() { } void IOSelectorWindow::rescan () { _selector.redisplay (); } void IOSelectorWindow::cancel () { _selector.Finished (IOSelector::Cancelled); hide (); } void IOSelectorWindow::accept () { _selector.Finished (IOSelector::Accepted); hide (); } void IOSelectorWindow::on_map () { _selector.redisplay (); Window::on_map (); } PortInsertUI::PortInsertUI (ARDOUR::Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr pi) : input_selector (sess, pi->io(), true), output_selector (sess, pi->io(), false) { hbox.pack_start (output_selector, true, true); hbox.pack_start (input_selector, true, true); pack_start (hbox); } void PortInsertUI::redisplay () { input_selector.redisplay(); output_selector.redisplay(); } void PortInsertUI::finished (IOSelector::Result r) { input_selector.Finished (r); output_selector.Finished (r); } PortInsertWindow::PortInsertWindow (ARDOUR::Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr pi, bool can_cancel) : ArdourDialog ("port insert dialog"), _portinsertui (sess, pi), ok_button (can_cancel ? _("OK"): _("Close")), cancel_button (_("Cancel")), rescan_button (_("Rescan")) { set_name ("IOSelectorWindow"); string title = _("ardour: "); title += pi->name(); set_title (title); ok_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); if (!can_cancel) { ok_button.set_image (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); } cancel_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); rescan_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); rescan_button.set_image (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (Gtk::Stock::REFRESH, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); get_action_area()->pack_start (rescan_button, false, false); if (can_cancel) { cancel_button.set_image (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); get_action_area()->pack_start (cancel_button, false, false); } else { cancel_button.hide(); } get_action_area()->pack_start (ok_button, false, false); get_vbox()->pack_start (_portinsertui); ok_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &PortInsertWindow::accept)); cancel_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &PortInsertWindow::cancel)); rescan_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &PortInsertWindow::rescan)); signal_delete_event().connect (bind (sigc::ptr_fun (just_hide_it), reinterpret_cast (this))); going_away_connection = pi->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun (*this, &PortInsertWindow::plugin_going_away)); } void PortInsertWindow::plugin_going_away () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun (*this, &PortInsertWindow::plugin_going_away)); going_away_connection.disconnect (); delete_when_idle (this); } void PortInsertWindow::on_map () { _portinsertui.redisplay (); Window::on_map (); } void PortInsertWindow::rescan () { _portinsertui.redisplay (); } void PortInsertWindow::cancel () { _portinsertui.finished (IOSelector::Cancelled); hide (); } void PortInsertWindow::accept () { _portinsertui.finished (IOSelector::Accepted); hide (); }