/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "osc.h" #include "osc_controllable.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace std; using namespace Glib; #include "pbd/abstract_ui.cc" // instantiate template #define ui_bind(f, ...) boost::protect (boost::bind (f, __VA_ARGS__)) OSC* OSC::_instance = 0; #ifdef DEBUG static void error_callback(int num, const char *m, const char *path) { fprintf(stderr, "liblo server error %d in path %s: %s\n", num, path, m); } #else static void error_callback(int, const char *, const char *) { } #endif OSC::OSC (Session& s, uint32_t port) : ControlProtocol (s, "OSC", this) , AbstractUI ("osc") , _port(port) { _instance = this; _shutdown = false; _osc_server = 0; _osc_unix_server = 0; _namespace_root = "/ardour"; _send_route_changes = true; /* glibmm hack */ local_server = 0; remote_server = 0; // "Application Hooks" session_loaded (s); session->Exported.connect (*this, ui_bind (&OSC::session_exported, this, _1, _2), this); } OSC::~OSC() { stop (); _instance = 0; } void OSC::do_request (OSCUIRequest* req) { if (req->type == CallSlot) { call_slot (req->the_slot); } else if (req->type == Quit) { stop (); } } int OSC::set_active (bool yn) { if (yn) { return start (); } else { return stop (); } } bool OSC::get_active () const { return _osc_server != 0; } int OSC::set_feedback (bool yn) { _send_route_changes = yn; return 0; } bool OSC::get_feedback () const { return _send_route_changes; } int OSC::start () { char tmpstr[255]; if (_osc_server) { /* already started */ return 0; } for (int j=0; j < 20; ++j) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%d", _port); if ((_osc_server = lo_server_new (tmpstr, error_callback))) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG cerr << "can't get osc at port: " << _port << endl; #endif _port++; continue; } #ifdef ARDOUR_OSC_UNIX_SERVER // APPEARS sluggish for now // attempt to create unix socket server too snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "/tmp/sooperlooper_XXXXXX"); int fd = mkstemp(tmpstr); if (fd >= 0 ) { unlink (tmpstr); close (fd); _osc_unix_server = lo_server_new (tmpstr, error_callback); if (_osc_unix_server) { _osc_unix_socket_path = tmpstr; } } #endif cerr << "OSC @ " << get_server_url () << endl; PBD::sys::path url_file; if (find_file_in_search_path (ardour_search_path() + system_config_search_path(), "osc_url", url_file)) { _osc_url_file = url_file.to_string(); ofstream urlfile; urlfile.open(_osc_url_file.c_str(), ios::trunc); if ( urlfile ) { urlfile << get_server_url () << endl; urlfile.close(); } else { cerr << "Couldn't write '" << _osc_url_file << "'" < src = IOSource::create (lo_server_get_socket_fd (_osc_unix_server), IO_IN|IO_HUP|IO_ERR); src->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &OSC::osc_input_handler), _osc_unix_server)); src->attach (_main_loop->get_context()); local_server = src->gobj(); g_source_ref (local_server); } if (_osc_server) { Glib::RefPtr src = IOSource::create (lo_server_get_socket_fd (_osc_server), IO_IN|IO_HUP|IO_ERR); src->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &OSC::osc_input_handler), _osc_server)); src->attach (_main_loop->get_context()); remote_server = src->gobj(); g_source_ref (remote_server); } PBD::notify_gui_about_thread_creation (X_("gui"), pthread_self(), X_("OSC"), 2048); SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool (X_("OSC"), 128); } int OSC::stop () { /* stop main loop */ if (local_server) { g_source_destroy (local_server); g_source_unref (local_server); local_server = 0; } if (remote_server) { g_source_destroy (remote_server); g_source_unref (remote_server); remote_server = 0; } BaseUI::quit (); if (_osc_server) { int fd = lo_server_get_socket_fd(_osc_server); if (fd >=0) { close(fd); } lo_server_free (_osc_server); _osc_server = 0; } if (_osc_unix_server) { int fd = lo_server_get_socket_fd(_osc_unix_server); if (fd >=0) { close(fd); } lo_server_free (_osc_unix_server); _osc_unix_server = 0; } if (!_osc_unix_socket_path.empty()) { unlink (_osc_unix_socket_path.c_str()); } if (!_osc_url_file.empty() ) { unlink (_osc_url_file.c_str() ); } return 0; } void OSC::register_callbacks() { lo_server srvs[2]; lo_server serv; srvs[0] = _osc_server; srvs[1] = _osc_unix_server; for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (!srvs[i]) { continue; } serv = srvs[i]; /* this is a special catchall handler */ lo_server_add_method (serv, 0, 0, _catchall, this); #define REGISTER_CALLBACK(serv,path,types, function) lo_server_add_method (serv, path, types, OSC::_ ## function, this) REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/add_marker", "", add_marker); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/access_action", "s", access_action); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/loop_toggle", "", loop_toggle); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/goto_start", "", goto_start); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/goto_end", "", goto_end); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/rewind", "", rewind); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/ffwd", "", ffwd); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/transport_stop", "", transport_stop); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/transport_play", "", transport_play); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/set_transport_speed", "f", set_transport_speed); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/save_state", "", save_state); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/prev_marker", "", prev_marker); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/next_marker", "", next_marker); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/undo", "", undo); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/redo", "", redo); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/toggle_punch_in", "", toggle_punch_in); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/toggle_punch_out", "", toggle_punch_out); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/rec_enable_toggle", "", rec_enable_toggle); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/toggle_all_rec_enables", "", toggle_all_rec_enables); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/routes/mute", "ii", route_mute); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/routes/solo", "ii", route_solo); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/routes/recenable", "ii", route_recenable); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/routes/gainabs", "if", route_set_gain_abs); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/routes/gaindB", "if", route_set_gain_dB); #if 0 /* still not-really-standardized query interface */ REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/*/#current_value", "", current_value); REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/set", "", set); #endif #if 0 // un/register_update args= s:ctrl s:returl s:retpath lo_server_add_method(serv, "/register_update", "sss", OSC::global_register_update_handler, this); lo_server_add_method(serv, "/unregister_update", "sss", OSC::global_unregister_update_handler, this); lo_server_add_method(serv, "/register_auto_update", "siss", OSC::global_register_auto_update_handler, this); lo_server_add_method(serv, "/unregister_auto_update", "sss", OSC::_global_unregister_auto_update_handler, this); #endif } } bool OSC::osc_input_handler (IOCondition ioc, lo_server srv) { if (ioc & ~IO_IN) { return false; } if (ioc & IO_IN) { lo_server_recv (srv); } return true; } std::string OSC::get_server_url() { string url; char * urlstr; if (_osc_server) { urlstr = lo_server_get_url (_osc_server); url = urlstr; free (urlstr); } return url; } std::string OSC::get_unix_server_url() { string url; char * urlstr; if (_osc_unix_server) { urlstr = lo_server_get_url (_osc_unix_server); url = urlstr; free (urlstr); } return url; } void OSC::current_value_query (const char* path, size_t len, lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg) { char* subpath; subpath = (char*) malloc (len-15+1); memcpy (subpath, path, len-15); subpath[len-15] = '\0'; send_current_value (subpath, argv, argc, msg); free (subpath); } void OSC::send_current_value (const char* path, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg) { if (!session) { return; } lo_message reply = lo_message_new (); boost::shared_ptr r; int id; lo_message_add_string (reply, path); if (argc == 0) { lo_message_add_string (reply, "bad syntax"); } else { id = argv[0]->i; r = session->route_by_remote_id (id); if (!r) { lo_message_add_string (reply, "not found"); } else { if (strcmp (path, "/routes/state") == 0) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(r)) { lo_message_add_string (reply, "AT"); } else if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(r)) { lo_message_add_string (reply, "MT"); } else { lo_message_add_string (reply, "B"); } lo_message_add_string (reply, r->name().c_str()); lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->n_inputs().n_audio()); lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->n_outputs().n_audio()); lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->muted()); lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->soloed()); } else if (strcmp (path, "/routes/mute") == 0) { lo_message_add_int32 (reply, (float) r->muted()); } else if (strcmp (path, "/routes/solo") == 0) { lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->soloed()); } } } lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "#reply", reply); lo_message_free (reply); } int OSC::_catchall (const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { return ((OSC*)user_data)->catchall (path, types, argv, argc, data); } int OSC::catchall (const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg) { size_t len; int ret = 1; /* unhandled */ cerr << "Received a message, path = " << path << " types = \"" << (types ? types : "NULL") << '"' << endl; /* 15 for /#current_value plus 2 for / */ len = strlen (path); if (len >= 17 && !strcmp (&path[len-15], "/#current_value")) { current_value_query (path, len, argv, argc, msg); ret = 0; } else if (strcmp (path, "/routes/listen") == 0) { cerr << "set up listener\n"; lo_message reply = lo_message_new (); if (argc <= 0) { lo_message_add_string (reply, "syntax error"); } else { for (int n = 0; n < argc; ++n) { boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (argv[n]->i); if (!r) { lo_message_add_string (reply, "not found"); cerr << "no such route\n"; break; } else { cerr << "add listener\n"; listen_to_route (r, lo_message_get_source (msg)); lo_message_add_int32 (reply, argv[n]->i); } } } lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "#reply", reply); lo_message_free (reply); } else if (strcmp (path, "/routes/ignore") == 0) { for (int n = 0; n < argc; ++n) { boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (argv[n]->i); if (r) { end_listen (r, lo_message_get_source (msg)); } } } return ret; } void OSC::listen_to_route (boost::shared_ptr route, lo_address addr) { Controllables::iterator x; bool route_exists = false; cerr << "listen to route\n"; /* avoid duplicate listens */ for (x = controllables.begin(); x != controllables.end(); ++x) { OSCRouteControllable* rc; if ((rc = dynamic_cast(*x)) != 0) { if (rc->route() == route) { route_exists = true; /* XXX NEED lo_address_equal() */ if (rc->address() == addr) { return; } } } } cerr << "listener binding to signals\n"; OSCControllable* c; string path; path = X_("/route/solo"); c = new OSCRouteControllable (addr, path, route->solo_control(), route); controllables.push_back (c); path = X_("/route/mute"); c = new OSCRouteControllable (addr, path, route->mute_control(), route); controllables.push_back (c); path = X_("/route/gain"); c = new OSCRouteControllable (addr, path, route->gain_control(), route); controllables.push_back (c); cerr << "Now have " << controllables.size() << " controllables\n"; /* if there is no existing controllable related to this route, make sure we clean up if it is ever deleted. */ if (!route_exists) { route->DropReferences.connect (*this, boost::bind (&OSC::drop_route, this, boost::weak_ptr (route)), this); } } void OSC::drop_route (boost::weak_ptr wr) { boost::shared_ptr r = wr.lock (); if (!r) { return; } for (Controllables::iterator x = controllables.begin(); x != controllables.end();) { OSCRouteControllable* rc; if ((rc = dynamic_cast(*x)) != 0) { if (rc->route() == r) { delete *x; x = controllables.erase (x); } else { ++x; } } else { ++x; } } } void OSC::end_listen (boost::shared_ptr r, lo_address addr) { Controllables::iterator x; for (x = controllables.begin(); x != controllables.end(); ++x) { OSCRouteControllable* rc; if ((rc = dynamic_cast(*x)) != 0) { /* XXX NEED lo_address_equal () */ if (rc->route() == r && rc->address() == addr) { controllables.erase (x); return; } } } } // "Application Hook" Handlers // void OSC::session_loaded( Session& s ) { lo_address listener = lo_address_new( NULL, "7770" ); lo_send( listener, "/session/loaded", "ss", s.path().c_str(), s.name().c_str() ); } void OSC::session_exported( std::string path, std::string name ) { lo_address listener = lo_address_new( NULL, "7770" ); lo_send( listener, "/session/exported", "ss", path.c_str(), name.c_str() ); } // end "Application Hook" Handlers // /* path callbacks */ int OSC::current_value (const char */*path*/, const char */*types*/, lo_arg **/*argv*/, int /*argc*/, void */*data*/, void* /*user_data*/) { #if 0 const char* returl; if (argc < 3 || types == 0 || strlen (types) < 3 || types[0] != 's' || types[1] != 's' || types[2] != s) { return 1; } const char *returl = argv[1]->s; lo_address addr = find_or_cache_addr (returl); const char *retpath = argv[2]->s; if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "transport_frame") == 0) { if (session) { lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame()); } } else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "transport_speed") == 0) { if (session) { lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame()); } } else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "transport_locked") == 0) { if (session) { lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame()); } } else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "punch_in") == 0) { if (session) { lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame()); } } else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "punch_out") == 0) { if (session) { lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame()); } } else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "rec_enable") == 0) { if (session) { lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame()); } } else { /* error */ } #endif return 0; } int OSC::route_mute (int rid, int yn) { if (!session) return -1; boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (rid); if (r) { r->set_mute (yn, this); } return 0; } int OSC::route_solo (int rid, int yn) { if (!session) return -1; boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (rid); if (r) { r->set_solo (yn, this); } return 0; } int OSC::route_recenable (int rid, int yn) { if (!session) return -1; boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (rid); if (r) { r->set_record_enable (yn, this); } return 0; } int OSC::route_set_gain_abs (int rid, float level) { if (!session) return -1; boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (rid); if (r) { r->set_gain (level, this); } return 0; } int OSC::route_set_gain_dB (int rid, float dB) { if (!session) return -1; boost::shared_ptr r = session->route_by_remote_id (rid); if (r) { r->set_gain (dB_to_coefficient (dB), this); } return 0; } XMLNode& OSC::get_state () { return *(new XMLNode ("OSC")); } int OSC::set_state (const XMLNode&, int /*version*/) { return 0; }