/* Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "color_manager.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace PBD; /* the global color map */ ColorMap color_map; /* lookup table of color IDs as strings */ #undef COLORID #define COLORID(s) #s, static const char *color_id_strs[] = { #include "colors.h" }; #undef COLORID /* global color change signals */ sigc::signal ColorsChanged; sigc::signal ColorChanged; ColorManager::ColorManager() : ArdourDialog ("ColorManager") { color_list = ListStore::create (columns); color_display.set_model (color_list); color_display.append_column (_("Object"), columns.name); color_display.append_column (_("Color"), columns.color); color_display.get_column (0)->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER(0)); color_display.get_column (1)->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER(1)); color_display.set_reorderable (false); color_display.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_NONE); color_display.set_headers_visible (true); CellRenderer* color_cell = color_display.get_column_cell_renderer (1); TreeViewColumn* color_column = color_display.get_column (1); color_column->add_attribute (color_cell->property_cell_background_gdk(), columns.gdkcolor); scroller.add (color_display); scroller.set_policy (POLICY_NEVER, POLICY_AUTOMATIC); get_vbox()->pack_start (scroller); color_display.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &ColorManager::button_press_event), false); color_dialog.get_colorsel()->set_has_opacity_control (true); color_dialog.get_colorsel()->set_has_palette (true); color_dialog.get_ok_button()->signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun (color_dialog, &Gtk::Dialog::response), RESPONSE_ACCEPT)); color_dialog.get_cancel_button()->signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun (color_dialog, &Gtk::Dialog::response), RESPONSE_CANCEL)); set_size_request (-1, 400); } ColorManager::~ColorManager() { } int ColorManager::load (string path) { ifstream in (path.c_str()); if (!in) { error << string_compose (_("cannot open color definition file %1: %2"), path, strerror(errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } cerr << "Loading color definition file " << path << endl; while (in) { string name; double r, g, b, a; in >> name; if (!in) break; in >> r; if (!in) break; in >> g; if (!in) break; in >> b; if (!in) break; in >> a; if (!in) break; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof (color_id_strs)/sizeof(color_id_strs[0]); ++i) { if (name == color_id_strs[i]) { /* set color map */ int ir,ig,ib,ia; int rgba; ir = (int) floor (r * 255.0); ig = (int) floor (g * 255.0); ib = (int) floor (b * 255.0); ia = (int) floor (a * 255.0); rgba = RGBA_TO_UINT (ir, ig, ib, ia); color_map[(ColorID)i] = rgba; /* set up list entry */ Gdk::Color col; col.set_rgb_p (r,g,b); TreeModel::Row row = *(color_list->append()); /* all the color names are prefixed by 'c' to avoid naming collisions when used as enums. trim this leading character from the displayed value. */ row[columns.name] = name.substr (1); row[columns.color] = ""; row[columns.id] = (ColorID) i; row[columns.gdkcolor] = col; row[columns.rgba] = rgba; break; } } } ColorsChanged(); /* emit signal */ return 0; } int ColorManager::save (string path) { return 0; } bool ColorManager::button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { TreeIter iter; TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* column; int cellx; int celly; if (!color_display.get_path_at_pos ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, path, column, cellx, celly)) { return false; } switch (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (column->get_data (X_("colnum")))) { case 0: /* allow normal processing to occur */ return false; case 1: /* color */ if ((iter = color_list->get_iter (path))) { ColorID edit_color_id = (*iter)[columns.id]; int r,g, b, a; uint32_t rgba; Gdk::Color color; ResponseType result = (ResponseType) color_dialog.run(); switch (result) { case RESPONSE_CANCEL: break; case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: color = color_dialog.get_colorsel()->get_current_color(); a = color_dialog.get_colorsel()->get_current_alpha(); r = (int) floor (color.get_red_p() * 255.0); g = (int) floor (color.get_green_p() * 255.0); b = (int) floor (color.get_blue_p() * 255.0); rgba = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a); (*iter)[columns.rgba] = rgba; (*iter)[columns.gdkcolor] = color; color_map[edit_color_id] = rgba; ColorChanged (edit_color_id, rgba); break; default: break; } color_dialog.hide (); } return true; default: break; } return false; }