/* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #ifndef __gtk_ardour_region_view_h__ #define __gtk_ardour_region_view_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "time_axis_view_item.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "enums.h" #include "canvas-waveview.h" namespace ARDOUR { class AudioRegion; class PeakData; }; class AudioTimeAxisView; class AudioRegionGainLine; class AudioRegionEditor; class GhostRegion; class AutomationTimeAxisView; class AudioRegionView : public TimeAxisViewItem { public: AudioRegionView (GtkCanvasGroup *, AudioTimeAxisView&, ARDOUR::AudioRegion&, double initial_samples_per_unit, double amplitude_above_axis, GdkColor& base_color, bool wait_for_waves); ~AudioRegionView (); ARDOUR::AudioRegion& region; // ok, let 'em have it bool is_valid() const { return valid; } void set_valid (bool yn) { valid = yn; } std::string get_item_name(); void set_height (double); void set_samples_per_unit (double); bool set_duration (jack_nframes_t, void*); void set_amplitude_above_axis (gdouble spp); void move (double xdelta, double ydelta); void raise (); void raise_to_top (); void lower (); void lower_to_bottom (); bool set_position(jack_nframes_t pos, void* src, double* delta = 0); void temporarily_hide_envelope (); // dangerous void unhide_envelope (); // dangerous void set_envelope_visible (bool); void set_waveform_visible (bool yn); void set_waveform_shape (WaveformShape); bool waveform_rectified() const { return _flags & WaveformRectified; } bool waveform_visible() const { return _flags & WaveformVisible; } bool envelope_visible() const { return _flags & EnvelopeVisible; } void show_region_editor (); void hide_region_editor(); void add_gain_point_event (GtkCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event); void remove_gain_point_event (GtkCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event); AudioRegionGainLine* get_gain_line() const { return gain_line; } void region_changed (ARDOUR::Change); void envelope_active_changed (); static SigC::Signal1 AudioRegionViewGoingAway; SigC::Signal0 GoingAway; GhostRegion* add_ghost (AutomationTimeAxisView&); void remove_ghost (GhostRegion*); void reset_fade_in_shape_width (jack_nframes_t); void reset_fade_out_shape_width (jack_nframes_t); void set_fade_in_active (bool); void set_fade_out_active (bool); uint32_t get_fill_color (); virtual void entered (); virtual void exited (); private: enum Flags { EnvelopeVisible = 0x1, WaveformVisible = 0x4, WaveformRectified = 0x8 }; vector waves; /* waveviews */ vector tmp_waves; /* see ::create_waves()*/ GtkCanvasItem* sync_mark; /* polgyon for sync position */ GtkCanvasItem* no_wave_msg; /* text */ GtkCanvasItem* zero_line; /* simpleline */ GtkCanvasItem* fade_in_shape; /* polygon */ GtkCanvasItem* fade_out_shape; /* polygon */ GtkCanvasItem* fade_in_handle; /* simplerect */ GtkCanvasItem* fade_out_handle; /* simplerect */ AudioRegionGainLine* gain_line; AudioRegionEditor *editor; vector control_points; double _amplitude_above_axis; double current_visible_sync_position; uint32_t _flags; uint32_t fade_color; bool valid; /* see StreamView::redisplay_diskstream() */ double _pixel_width; double _height; bool in_destructor; bool wait_for_waves; void reset_fade_shapes (); void reset_fade_in_shape (); void reset_fade_out_shape (); void fade_in_changed (); void fade_out_changed (); void fade_in_active_changed (); void fade_out_active_changed (); void region_resized (ARDOUR::Change); void region_moved (void *); void region_muted (); void region_locked (); void region_opacity (); void region_layered (); void region_renamed (); void region_sync_changed (); void region_scale_amplitude_changed (); static gint _lock_toggle (GtkCanvasItem*, GdkEvent*, void*); void lock_toggle (); void create_waves (); void create_one_wave (uint32_t, bool); void manage_zero_line (); void peaks_ready_handler (uint32_t); void reset_name (gdouble width); void set_flags (XMLNode *); void store_flags (); void set_colors (); void compute_colors (GdkColor&); void set_frame_color (); void reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width); void set_waveview_data_src(); vector wave_caches; vector ghosts; }; #endif /* __gtk_ardour_region_view_h__ */