/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/amp.h" #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/internal_send.h" #include "ardour/internal_return.h" #include "ardour/ladspa_plugin.h" #include "ardour/meter.h" #include "ardour/plugin_insert.h" #include "ardour/port_insert.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/return.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/send.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "actions.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "io_selector.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "mixer_strip.h" #include "plugin_selector.h" #include "plugin_ui.h" #include "port_insert_ui.h" #include "processor_box.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "return_ui.h" #include "route_processor_selection.h" #include "send_ui.h" #include "utils.h" #include "i18n.h" #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOUNITS class AUPluginUI; #endif using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; ProcessorBox* ProcessorBox::_current_processor_box = 0; RefPtr ProcessorBox::paste_action; RefPtr ProcessorBox::cut_action; RefPtr ProcessorBox::rename_action; RefPtr ProcessorBox::edit_action; Glib::RefPtr SendProcessorEntry::_slider; ProcessorEntry::ProcessorEntry (boost::shared_ptr p, Width w) : _processor (p) , _width (w) { _hbox.pack_start (_active, false, false); _event_box.add (_name); _hbox.pack_start (_event_box, true, true); _vbox.pack_start (_hbox); _frame.add (_vbox); _frame.set_name ("ProcessorFrame"); _name.set_alignment (0, 0.5); _name.set_text (name ()); _name.set_padding (2, 2); if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (p)) { /* Fader processor gets a special look */ _event_box.set_name ("ProcessorFader"); _name.set_padding (2, 4); } _active.set_active (_processor->active ()); _active.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorEntry::active_toggled)); _processor->ActiveChanged.connect (active_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ProcessorEntry::processor_active_changed, this), gui_context()); _processor->PropertyChanged.connect (name_connection, invalidator (*this), ui_bind (&ProcessorEntry::processor_property_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } EventBox& ProcessorEntry::action_widget () { return _event_box; } Gtk::Widget& ProcessorEntry::widget () { return _frame; } string ProcessorEntry::drag_text () const { return name (); } boost::shared_ptr ProcessorEntry::processor () const { return _processor; } void ProcessorEntry::set_enum_width (Width w) { _width = w; } void ProcessorEntry::active_toggled () { if (_active.get_active ()) { if (!_processor->active ()) { _processor->activate (); } } else { if (_processor->active ()) { _processor->deactivate (); } } } void ProcessorEntry::processor_active_changed () { if (_active.get_active () != _processor->active ()) { _active.set_active (_processor->active ()); } } void ProcessorEntry::processor_property_changed (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { _name.set_text (name ()); } } string ProcessorEntry::name () const { boost::shared_ptr send; string name_display; if ((send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (_processor)) != 0 && !boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_processor)) { name_display += '>'; /* grab the send name out of its overall name */ string::size_type lbracket, rbracket; lbracket = send->name().find ('['); rbracket = send->name().find (']'); switch (_width) { case Wide: name_display += send->name().substr (lbracket+1, lbracket-rbracket-1); break; case Narrow: name_display += PBD::short_version (send->name().substr (lbracket+1, lbracket-rbracket-1), 4); break; } } else { switch (_width) { case Wide: name_display += _processor->display_name(); break; case Narrow: name_display += PBD::short_version (_processor->display_name(), 5); break; } } return name_display; } SendProcessorEntry::SendProcessorEntry (boost::shared_ptr s, Width w) : ProcessorEntry (s, w), _send (s), _adjustment (0, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1), _fader (_slider, &_adjustment, 0, false), _ignore_gain_change (false) { _fader.set_name ("SendFader"); _fader.set_controllable (_send->amp()->gain_control ()); _vbox.pack_start (_fader); _adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SendProcessorEntry::gain_adjusted)); _send->amp()->gain_control()->Changed.connect (send_gain_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&SendProcessorEntry::show_gain, this), gui_context()); show_gain (); } void SendProcessorEntry::setup_slider_pix () { _slider = ::get_icon ("fader_belt_h_thin"); assert (_slider); } void SendProcessorEntry::show_gain () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &SendProcessorEntry::show_gain) float const value = gain_to_slider_position (_send->amp()->gain ()); if (_adjustment.get_value() != value) { _ignore_gain_change = true; _adjustment.set_value (value); _ignore_gain_change = false; } } void SendProcessorEntry::gain_adjusted () { if (_ignore_gain_change) { return; } _send->amp()->set_gain (slider_position_to_gain (_adjustment.get_value()), this); } void SendProcessorEntry::set_pixel_width (int p) { _fader.set_fader_length (p); } ProcessorBox::ProcessorBox (ARDOUR::Session* sess, boost::function get_plugin_selector, RouteRedirectSelection& rsel, MixerStrip* parent, bool owner_is_mixer) : _parent_strip (parent) , _owner_is_mixer (owner_is_mixer) , ab_direction (true) , _get_plugin_selector (get_plugin_selector) , _placement(PreFader) , _rr_selection(rsel) { set_session (sess); _width = Wide; processor_menu = 0; send_action_menu = 0; no_processor_redisplay = false; processor_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); processor_scroller.add (processor_display); pack_start (processor_scroller, true, true); processor_display.set_flags (CAN_FOCUS); processor_display.set_name ("ProcessorList"); processor_display.set_size_request (48, -1); processor_display.set_data ("processorbox", this); processor_display.set_spacing (2); processor_display.signal_enter_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::enter_notify), false); processor_display.signal_leave_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::leave_notify), false); processor_display.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::processor_key_press_event)); processor_display.signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::processor_key_release_event)); processor_display.ButtonPress.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::processor_button_press_event)); processor_display.ButtonRelease.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::processor_button_release_event)); processor_display.Reordered.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::reordered)); processor_display.DropFromAnotherBox.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::object_drop)); processor_display.SelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::selection_changed)); if (parent) { parent->DeliveryChanged.connect ( _mixer_strip_connections, invalidator (*this), ui_bind (&ProcessorBox::mixer_strip_delivery_changed, this, _1), gui_context () ); } } ProcessorBox::~ProcessorBox () { } void ProcessorBox::set_route (boost::shared_ptr r) { if (_route == r) { return; } _route_connections.drop_connections(); /* new route: any existing block on processor redisplay must be meaningless */ no_processor_redisplay = false; _route = r; _route->processors_changed.connect ( _route_connections, invalidator (*this), ui_bind (&ProcessorBox::route_processors_changed, this, _1), gui_context() ); _route->DropReferences.connect ( _route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ProcessorBox::route_going_away, this), gui_context() ); _route->PropertyChanged.connect ( _route_connections, invalidator (*this), ui_bind (&ProcessorBox::route_property_changed, this, _1), gui_context() ); redisplay_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::route_going_away () { /* don't keep updating display as processors are deleted */ no_processor_redisplay = true; } void ProcessorBox::object_drop(DnDVBox* source, ProcessorEntry* position, Glib::RefPtr const & context) { boost::shared_ptr p; if (position) { p = position->processor (); } list children = source->selection (); list > procs; for (list::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { procs.push_back ((*i)->processor ()); } for (list >::const_iterator i = procs.begin(); i != procs.end(); ++i) { XMLNode& state = (*i)->get_state (); XMLNodeList nlist; nlist.push_back (&state); paste_processor_state (nlist, p); delete &state; } /* since the dndvbox doesn't take care of this properly, we have to delete the originals ourselves. */ if ((context->get_suggested_action() == Gdk::ACTION_MOVE) && source) { ProcessorBox* other = reinterpret_cast (source->get_data ("processorbox")); if (other) { cerr << "source was another processor box, delete the selected items\n"; other->delete_dragged_processors (procs); } } } void ProcessorBox::update() { redisplay_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::set_width (Width w) { if (_width == w) { return; } _width = w; list children = processor_display.children (); for (list::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_enum_width (w); } redisplay_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::build_send_action_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; send_action_menu = new Menu; send_action_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = send_action_menu->items(); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New send"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::new_send))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show send controls"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::show_send_controls))); } Gtk::Menu* ProcessorBox::build_possible_aux_menu () { boost::shared_ptr rl = _session->get_routes_with_internal_returns(); if (rl->empty()) { return 0; } using namespace Menu_Helpers; Menu* menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& items = menu->items(); for (RouteList::iterator r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { if (!_route->internal_send_for (*r) && *r != _route) { items.push_back (MenuElem ((*r)->name(), sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_choose_aux), boost::weak_ptr(*r)))); } } return menu; } void ProcessorBox::show_send_controls () { } void ProcessorBox::new_send () { } void ProcessorBox::show_processor_menu (gint arg) { if (processor_menu == 0) { processor_menu = build_processor_menu (); } Gtk::MenuItem* plugin_menu_item = dynamic_cast(ActionManager::get_widget("/processormenu/newplugin")); if (plugin_menu_item) { plugin_menu_item->set_submenu (*_get_plugin_selector()->plugin_menu()); } Gtk::MenuItem* aux_menu_item = dynamic_cast(ActionManager::get_widget("/processormenu/newaux")); if (aux_menu_item) { Menu* m = build_possible_aux_menu(); if (m && !m->items().empty()) { aux_menu_item->set_submenu (*m); aux_menu_item->set_sensitive (true); } else { /* stupid gtkmm: we need to pass a null reference here */ gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (aux_menu_item->gobj(), 0); aux_menu_item->set_sensitive (false); } } cut_action->set_sensitive (can_cut()); paste_action->set_sensitive (!_rr_selection.processors.empty()); processor_menu->popup (1, arg); } bool ProcessorBox::enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing*) { _current_processor_box = this; Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus (); processor_display.grab_focus (); return false; } bool ProcessorBox::leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing* ev) { switch (ev->detail) { case GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR: break; default: Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus (); } return false; } bool ProcessorBox::processor_key_press_event (GdkEventKey *) { /* do real stuff on key release */ return false; } bool ProcessorBox::processor_key_release_event (GdkEventKey *ev) { bool ret = false; ProcSelection targets; get_selected_processors (targets); if (targets.empty()) { int x, y; processor_display.get_pointer (x, y); pair const pointer = processor_display.get_child_at_position (y); if (pointer.first) { targets.push_back (pointer.first->processor ()); } } switch (ev->keyval) { case GDK_a: if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { processor_display.select_all (); ret = true; } break; case GDK_c: if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { copy_processors (targets); ret = true; } break; case GDK_x: if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { cut_processors (targets); ret = true; } break; case GDK_v: if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { if (targets.empty()) { paste_processors (); } else { paste_processors (targets.front()); } ret = true; } break; case GDK_Up: break; case GDK_Down: break; case GDK_Delete: case GDK_BackSpace: delete_processors (targets); ret = true; break; case GDK_Return: for (ProcSelection::iterator i = targets.begin(); i != targets.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->active()) { (*i)->deactivate (); } else { (*i)->activate (); } } ret = true; break; case GDK_slash: ab_plugins (); ret = true; break; default: break; } return ret; } bool ProcessorBox::processor_button_press_event (GdkEventButton *ev, ProcessorEntry* child) { boost::shared_ptr processor; if (child) { processor = child->processor (); } int ret = false; bool selected = processor_display.selected (child); if (processor && (Keyboard::is_edit_event (ev) || (ev->button == 1 && ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS))) { if (_session->engine().connected()) { /* XXX giving an error message here is hard, because we may be in the midst of a button press */ toggle_edit_processor (processor); } ret = true; } else if (processor && ev->button == 1 && selected) { // this is purely informational but necessary for route params UI ProcessorSelected (processor); // emit } else if (!processor && ev->button == 1 && ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) { choose_plugin (); _get_plugin_selector()->show_manager (); } return ret; } bool ProcessorBox::processor_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *ev, ProcessorEntry* child) { boost::shared_ptr processor; if (child) { processor = child->processor (); } int ret = false; if (processor && Keyboard::is_delete_event (ev)) { Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::idle_delete_processor), boost::weak_ptr(processor))); ret = true; } else if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { /* figure out if we are above or below the fader/amp processor, and set the next insert position appropriately. */ if (processor) { if (_route->processor_is_prefader (processor)) { _placement = PreFader; } else { _placement = PostFader; } } else { _placement = PostFader; } show_processor_menu (ev->time); ret = true; } else if (processor && Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev) #ifndef GTKOSX && (Keyboard::no_modifier_keys_pressed (ev) && ((ev->state & Gdk::BUTTON2_MASK) == Gdk::BUTTON2_MASK)) #endif ) { /* button2-click with no/appropriate modifiers */ if (processor->active()) { processor->deactivate (); } else { processor->activate (); } ret = true; } return false; } Menu * ProcessorBox::build_processor_menu () { processor_menu = dynamic_cast(ActionManager::get_widget("/processormenu") ); processor_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); show_all_children(); return processor_menu; } void ProcessorBox::selection_changed () { bool const sensitive = (processor_display.selection().empty()) ? false : true; ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::plugin_selection_sensitive_actions, sensitive); edit_action->set_sensitive (one_processor_can_be_edited ()); /* disallow rename for multiple selections and for plugin inserts */ rename_action->set_sensitive ( processor_display.selection().size() == 1 && boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor_display.selection().front()->processor()) == 0 ); } void ProcessorBox::select_all_processors () { processor_display.select_all (); } void ProcessorBox::deselect_all_processors () { processor_display.select_none (); } void ProcessorBox::choose_plugin () { _get_plugin_selector()->set_interested_object (*this); } /** @return true if an error occurred, otherwise false */ bool ProcessorBox::use_plugins (const SelectedPlugins& plugins) { for (SelectedPlugins::const_iterator p = plugins.begin(); p != plugins.end(); ++p) { boost::shared_ptr processor (new PluginInsert (*_session, *p)); Route::ProcessorStreams err_streams; if (Config->get_new_plugins_active()) { processor->activate (); } if (_route->add_processor (processor, _placement, &err_streams)) { weird_plugin_dialog (**p, err_streams); return true; // XXX SHAREDPTR delete plugin here .. do we even need to care? } else { if (Profile->get_sae()) { processor->activate (); } } } return false; } void ProcessorBox::weird_plugin_dialog (Plugin& p, Route::ProcessorStreams streams) { ArdourDialog dialog (_("Plugin Incompatibility")); Label label; string text = string_compose(_("You attempted to add the plugin \"%1\" at index %2.\n"), p.name(), streams.index); bool has_midi = streams.count.n_midi() > 0 || p.get_info()->n_inputs.n_midi() > 0; bool has_audio = streams.count.n_audio() > 0 || p.get_info()->n_inputs.n_audio() > 0; text += _("\nThis plugin has:\n"); if (has_midi) { uint32_t const n = p.get_info()->n_inputs.n_midi (); text += string_compose (ngettext ("\t%1 MIDI input", "\t%1 MIDI inputs", n), n); } if (has_audio) { uint32_t const n = p.get_info()->n_inputs.n_audio (); text += string_compose (ngettext ("\t%1 audio input", "\t%1 audio inputs", n), n); } text += _("\nBut at the insertion point, there are:\n"); if (has_midi) { uint32_t const n = streams.count.n_midi (); text += string_compose (ngettext ("\t%1 MIDI channel\n", "\t%1 MIDI channels\n", n), n); } if (has_audio) { uint32_t const n = streams.count.n_audio (); text += string_compose (ngettext ("\t%1 audio channel\n", "\t%1 audio channels\n", n), n); } text += string_compose (_("\n%1 is unable to insert this plugin here.\n"), PROGRAM_NAME); label.set_text(text); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (label); dialog.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_name (X_("PluginIODialog")); dialog.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); dialog.set_modal (true); dialog.show_all (); dialog.run (); } void ProcessorBox::choose_insert () { boost::shared_ptr processor (new PortInsert (*_session, _route->mute_master())); _route->add_processor (processor, _placement); } /* Caller must not hold process lock */ void ProcessorBox::choose_send () { boost::shared_ptr send (new Send (*_session, _route->mute_master())); /* make an educated guess at the initial number of outputs for the send */ ChanCount outs = (_session->master_out()) ? _session->master_out()->n_outputs() : _route->n_outputs(); /* XXX need processor lock on route */ try { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (AudioEngine::instance()->process_lock()); send->output()->ensure_io (outs, false, this); } catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { error << string_compose (_("Cannot set up new send: %1"), err.what()) << endmsg; return; } /* let the user adjust the IO setup before creation. Note: this dialog is NOT modal - we just leave it to run and it will return when its Finished signal is emitted - typically when the window is closed. */ IOSelectorWindow *ios = new IOSelectorWindow (_session, send->output(), true); ios->show_all (); /* keep a reference to the send so it doesn't get deleted while the IOSelectorWindow is doing its stuff */ _processor_being_created = send; ios->selector().Finished.connect (sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ProcessorBox::send_io_finished), boost::weak_ptr(send), ios)); } void ProcessorBox::send_io_finished (IOSelector::Result r, boost::weak_ptr weak_processor, IOSelectorWindow* ios) { boost::shared_ptr processor (weak_processor.lock()); /* drop our temporary reference to the new send */ _processor_being_created.reset (); if (!processor) { return; } switch (r) { case IOSelector::Cancelled: // processor will go away when all shared_ptrs to it vanish break; case IOSelector::Accepted: _route->add_processor (processor, _placement); if (Profile->get_sae()) { processor->activate (); } break; } delete_when_idle (ios); } void ProcessorBox::return_io_finished (IOSelector::Result r, boost::weak_ptr weak_processor, IOSelectorWindow* ios) { boost::shared_ptr processor (weak_processor.lock()); /* drop our temporary reference to the new return */ _processor_being_created.reset (); if (!processor) { return; } switch (r) { case IOSelector::Cancelled: // processor will go away when all shared_ptrs to it vanish break; case IOSelector::Accepted: _route->add_processor (processor, _placement); if (Profile->get_sae()) { processor->activate (); } break; } delete_when_idle (ios); } void ProcessorBox::choose_aux (boost::weak_ptr wr) { if (!_route) { return; } boost::shared_ptr target = wr.lock(); if (!target) { return; } boost::shared_ptr rlist (new RouteList); rlist->push_back (_route); _session->add_internal_sends (target, PreFader, rlist); } void ProcessorBox::route_processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange c) { if (c.type == RouteProcessorChange::MeterPointChange && c.meter_visibly_changed == false) { /* the meter has moved, but it was and still is invisible to the user, so nothing to do */ return; } redisplay_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::redisplay_processors () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ProcessorBox::redisplay_processors) if (no_processor_redisplay) { return; } processor_display.clear (); _route->foreach_processor (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::add_processor_to_display)); build_processor_tooltip (processor_eventbox, _("Inserts, sends & plugins:")); for (list::iterator i = _processor_window_proxies.begin(); i != _processor_window_proxies.end(); ++i) { (*i)->marked = false; } _route->foreach_processor (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::maybe_add_processor_to_ui_list)); /* trim dead wood from the processor window proxy list */ list::iterator i = _processor_window_proxies.begin(); while (i != _processor_window_proxies.end()) { list::iterator j = i; ++j; if (!(*i)->marked) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->remove_window_proxy (*i); delete *i; _processor_window_proxies.erase (i); } i = j; } setup_entry_widget_names (); } /** Add a ProcessorWindowProxy for a processor to our list, if that processor does * not already have one. */ void ProcessorBox::maybe_add_processor_to_ui_list (boost::weak_ptr w) { boost::shared_ptr p = w.lock (); if (!p) { return; } list::iterator i = _processor_window_proxies.begin (); while (i != _processor_window_proxies.end()) { boost::shared_ptr t = (*i)->processor().lock (); if (p == t) { /* this processor is already on the list; done */ (*i)->marked = true; return; } ++i; } /* not on the list; add it */ string loc; if (_parent_strip) { if (_parent_strip->mixer_owned()) { loc = X_("M"); } else { loc = X_("R"); } } else { loc = X_("P"); } ProcessorWindowProxy* wp = new ProcessorWindowProxy ( string_compose ("%1-%2-%3", loc, _route->id(), p->id()), _session->extra_xml (X_("UI")), this, w); wp->marked = true; _processor_window_proxies.push_back (wp); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->add_window_proxy (wp); } void ProcessorBox::add_processor_to_display (boost::weak_ptr p) { boost::shared_ptr processor (p.lock ()); if (!processor || !processor->display_to_user()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor); ProcessorEntry* e = 0; if (send) { e = new SendProcessorEntry (send, _width); } else { e = new ProcessorEntry (processor, _width); } e->set_pixel_width (get_allocation().get_width()); processor_display.add_child (e); } void ProcessorBox::build_processor_tooltip (EventBox& box, string start) { string tip(start); list children = processor_display.children (); for (list::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { tip += '\n'; tip += (*i)->processor()->name(); } ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (box, tip); } void ProcessorBox::reordered () { compute_processor_sort_keys (); setup_entry_widget_names (); } /* Name the Entry widgets according to pre- or post-fader so that they get coloured right */ void ProcessorBox::setup_entry_widget_names () { list children = processor_display.children (); bool pre_fader = true; for (list::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)->processor())) { pre_fader = false; } else { if (pre_fader) { (*i)->action_widget().set_name ("ProcessorPreFader"); } else { (*i)->action_widget().set_name ("ProcessorPostFader"); } } } } void ProcessorBox::compute_processor_sort_keys () { list children = processor_display.children (); Route::ProcessorList our_processors; for (list::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { our_processors.push_back ((*iter)->processor ()); } if (_route->reorder_processors (our_processors)) { /* Reorder failed, so report this to the user. As far as I can see this must be done in an idle handler: it seems that the redisplay_processors() that happens below destroys widgets that were involved in the drag-and-drop on the processor list, which causes problems when the drag is torn down after this handler function is finished. */ Glib::signal_idle().connect_once (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProcessorBox::report_failed_reorder)); } } void ProcessorBox::report_failed_reorder () { /* reorder failed, so redisplay */ redisplay_processors (); /* now tell them about the problem */ ArdourDialog dialog (_("Plugin Incompatibility")); Label label; label.set_text (_("\ You cannot reorder these plugins/sends/inserts\n\ in that way because the inputs and\n\ outputs will not work correctly.")); dialog.get_vbox()->set_border_width (12); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (label); dialog.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_name (X_("PluginIODialog")); dialog.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); dialog.set_modal (true); dialog.show_all (); dialog.run (); } void ProcessorBox::rename_processors () { ProcSelection to_be_renamed; get_selected_processors (to_be_renamed); if (to_be_renamed.empty()) { return; } for (ProcSelection::iterator i = to_be_renamed.begin(); i != to_be_renamed.end(); ++i) { rename_processor (*i); } } bool ProcessorBox::can_cut () const { vector > sel; get_selected_processors (sel); /* cut_processors () does not cut inserts */ for (vector >::const_iterator i = sel.begin (); i != sel.end (); ++i) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0 || (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0) || (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0)) { return true; } } return false; } void ProcessorBox::cut_processors () { ProcSelection to_be_removed; get_selected_processors (to_be_removed); } void ProcessorBox::cut_processors (const ProcSelection& to_be_removed) { if (to_be_removed.empty()) { return; } XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("cut")); Route::ProcessorList to_cut; no_processor_redisplay = true; for (ProcSelection::const_iterator i = to_be_removed.begin(); i != to_be_removed.end(); ++i) { // Cut only plugins, sends and returns if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0 || (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0) || (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0)) { Window* w = get_processor_ui (*i); if (w) { w->hide (); } XMLNode& child ((*i)->get_state()); node->add_child_nocopy (child); to_cut.push_back (*i); } } if (_route->remove_processors (to_cut) != 0) { delete node; no_processor_redisplay = false; return; } _rr_selection.set (node); no_processor_redisplay = false; redisplay_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::copy_processors () { ProcSelection to_be_copied; get_selected_processors (to_be_copied); copy_processors (to_be_copied); } void ProcessorBox::copy_processors (const ProcSelection& to_be_copied) { if (to_be_copied.empty()) { return; } XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("copy")); for (ProcSelection::const_iterator i = to_be_copied.begin(); i != to_be_copied.end(); ++i) { // Copy only plugins, sends, returns if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0 || (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0) || (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast((*i)) != 0)) { node->add_child_nocopy ((*i)->get_state()); } } _rr_selection.set (node); } void ProcessorBox::delete_processors () { ProcSelection to_be_deleted; get_selected_processors (to_be_deleted); delete_processors (to_be_deleted); } void ProcessorBox::delete_processors (const ProcSelection& targets) { if (targets.empty()) { return; } no_processor_redisplay = true; for (ProcSelection::const_iterator i = targets.begin(); i != targets.end(); ++i) { Window* w = get_processor_ui (*i); if (w) { w->hide (); } _route->remove_processor(*i); } no_processor_redisplay = false; redisplay_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::delete_dragged_processors (const list >& procs) { list >::const_iterator x; no_processor_redisplay = true; for (x = procs.begin(); x != procs.end(); ++x) { Window* w = get_processor_ui (*x); if (w) { w->hide (); } _route->remove_processor(*x); } no_processor_redisplay = false; redisplay_processors (); } gint ProcessorBox::idle_delete_processor (boost::weak_ptr weak_processor) { boost::shared_ptr processor (weak_processor.lock()); if (!processor) { return false; } /* NOT copied to _mixer.selection() */ no_processor_redisplay = true; _route->remove_processor (processor); no_processor_redisplay = false; redisplay_processors (); return false; } void ProcessorBox::rename_processor (boost::shared_ptr processor) { ArdourPrompter name_prompter (true); string result; name_prompter.set_title (_("Rename Processor")); name_prompter.set_prompt (_("New name:")); name_prompter.set_initial_text (processor->name()); name_prompter.add_button (_("Rename"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); name_prompter.set_response_sensitive (Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT, false); name_prompter.show_all (); switch (name_prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: name_prompter.get_result (result); if (result.length()) { int tries = 0; string test = result; while (tries < 100) { if (_session->io_name_is_legal (test)) { result = test; break; } tries++; test = string_compose ("%1-%2", result, tries); } if (tries < 100) { processor->set_name (result); } else { /* unlikely! */ ARDOUR_UI::instance()->popup_error (string_compose (_("At least 100 IO objects exist with a name like %1 - name not changed"), result)); } } break; } return; } void ProcessorBox::paste_processors () { if (_rr_selection.processors.empty()) { return; } paste_processor_state (_rr_selection.processors.get_node().children(), boost::shared_ptr()); } void ProcessorBox::paste_processors (boost::shared_ptr before) { if (_rr_selection.processors.empty()) { return; } paste_processor_state (_rr_selection.processors.get_node().children(), before); } void ProcessorBox::paste_processor_state (const XMLNodeList& nlist, boost::shared_ptr p) { XMLNodeConstIterator niter; list > copies; if (nlist.empty()) { return; } for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { XMLProperty const * type = (*niter)->property ("type"); assert (type); boost::shared_ptr p; try { if (type->value() == "meter" || type->value() == "main-outs" || type->value() == "amp" || type->value() == "intsend" || type->value() == "intreturn") { /* do not paste meter, main outs, amp or internal send/returns */ continue; } else if (type->value() == "send") { XMLNode n (**niter); Send::make_unique (n, *_session); Send* s = new Send (*_session, _route->mute_master()); if (s->set_state (n, Stateful::loading_state_version)) { delete s; return; } p.reset (s); } else if (type->value() == "return") { XMLNode n (**niter); Return::make_unique (n, *_session); Return* r = new Return (*_session); if (r->set_state (n, Stateful::loading_state_version)) { delete r; return; } p.reset (r); } else { /* XXX its a bit limiting to assume that everything else is a plugin. */ p.reset (new PluginInsert (*_session)); p->set_state (**niter, Stateful::current_state_version); } copies.push_back (p); } catch (...) { cerr << "plugin insert constructor failed\n"; } } if (copies.empty()) { return; } if (_route->add_processors (copies, p)) { string msg = _( "Copying the set of processors on the clipboard failed,\n\ probably because the I/O configuration of the plugins\n\ could not match the configuration of this track."); MessageDialog am (msg); am.run (); } } void ProcessorBox::activate_processor (boost::shared_ptr r) { r->activate (); } void ProcessorBox::deactivate_processor (boost::shared_ptr r) { r->deactivate (); } void ProcessorBox::get_selected_processors (ProcSelection& processors) const { const list selection = processor_display.selection (); for (list::const_iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { processors.push_back ((*i)->processor ()); } } void ProcessorBox::for_selected_processors (void (ProcessorBox::*method)(boost::shared_ptr)) { list selection = processor_display.selection (); for (list::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { (this->*method) ((*i)->processor ()); } } void ProcessorBox::all_processors_active (bool state) { _route->all_processors_active (_placement, state); } void ProcessorBox::ab_plugins () { _route->ab_plugins (ab_direction); ab_direction = !ab_direction; } void ProcessorBox::clear_processors () { string prompt; vector choices; prompt = string_compose (_("Do you really want to remove all processors from %1?\n" "(this cannot be undone)"), _route->name()); choices.push_back (_("Cancel")); choices.push_back (_("Yes, remove them all")); Gtkmm2ext::Choice prompter (_("Remove processors"), prompt, choices); if (prompter.run () == 1) { _route->clear_processors (PreFader); _route->clear_processors (PostFader); } } void ProcessorBox::clear_processors (Placement p) { string prompt; vector choices; if (p == PreFader) { prompt = string_compose (_("Do you really want to remove all pre-fader processors from %1?\n" "(this cannot be undone)"), _route->name()); } else { prompt = string_compose (_("Do you really want to remove all post-fader processors from %1?\n" "(this cannot be undone)"), _route->name()); } choices.push_back (_("Cancel")); choices.push_back (_("Yes, remove them all")); Gtkmm2ext::Choice prompter (_("Remove processors"), prompt, choices); if (prompter.run () == 1) { _route->clear_processors (p); } } bool ProcessorBox::processor_can_be_edited (boost::shared_ptr processor) { boost::shared_ptr at = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (_route); if (at && at->freeze_state() == AudioTrack::Frozen) { return false; } if ( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor) || boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor) || boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor) || boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor) ) { return true; } return false; } bool ProcessorBox::one_processor_can_be_edited () { list selection = processor_display.selection (); list::iterator i = selection.begin(); while (i != selection.end() && processor_can_be_edited ((*i)->processor()) == false) { ++i; } return (i != selection.end()); } void ProcessorBox::toggle_edit_processor (boost::shared_ptr processor) { boost::shared_ptr send; boost::shared_ptr retrn; boost::shared_ptr plugin_insert; boost::shared_ptr port_insert; Window* gidget = 0; if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route) != 0) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (_route)->freeze_state() == AudioTrack::Frozen) { return; } } if ((send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) != 0) { if (!_session->engine().connected()) { return; } if (_parent_strip) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (_parent_strip->current_delivery()) == send) { _parent_strip->revert_to_default_display (); } else { _parent_strip->show_send (send); } } } else if ((retrn = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) != 0) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (retrn)) { /* no GUI for these */ return; } if (!_session->engine().connected()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr retrn = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor); ReturnUIWindow *return_ui; Window* w = get_processor_ui (retrn); if (w == 0) { return_ui = new ReturnUIWindow (retrn, _session); return_ui->set_title (retrn->name ()); set_processor_ui (send, return_ui); } else { return_ui = dynamic_cast (w); } gidget = return_ui; } else if ((plugin_insert = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) != 0) { PluginUIWindow *plugin_ui; /* these are both allowed to be null */ Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); Window* win = dynamic_cast(toplevel); Window* w = get_processor_ui (plugin_insert); if (w == 0) { plugin_ui = new PluginUIWindow (win, plugin_insert); plugin_ui->set_title (generate_processor_title (plugin_insert)); set_processor_ui (plugin_insert, plugin_ui); } else { plugin_ui = dynamic_cast (w); plugin_ui->set_parent (win); } gidget = plugin_ui; } else if ((port_insert = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) != 0) { if (!_session->engine().connected()) { MessageDialog msg ( _("Not connected to JACK - no I/O changes are possible")); msg.run (); return; } PortInsertWindow *io_selector; Window* w = get_processor_ui (port_insert); if (w == 0) { io_selector = new PortInsertWindow (_session, port_insert); set_processor_ui (port_insert, io_selector); } else { io_selector = dynamic_cast (w); } gidget = io_selector; } if (gidget) { if (gidget->is_visible()) { gidget->hide (); } else { gidget->show_all (); gidget->present (); } } } void ProcessorBox::register_actions () { Glib::RefPtr popup_act_grp = Gtk::ActionGroup::create(X_("processormenu")); Glib::RefPtr act; /* new stuff */ ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("newplugin"), _("New Plugin"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_choose_plugin)); act = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("newinsert"), _("New Insert"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_choose_insert)); ActionManager::jack_sensitive_actions.push_back (act); act = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("newsend"), _("New Send ..."), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_choose_send)); ActionManager::jack_sensitive_actions.push_back (act); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("newaux"), _("New Aux Send ...")); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("clear"), _("Clear (all)"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_clear)); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("clear_pre"), _("Clear (pre-fader)"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_clear_pre)); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("clear_post"), _("Clear (post-fader)"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_clear_post)); /* standard editing stuff */ cut_action = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("cut"), _("Cut"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_cut)); ActionManager::plugin_selection_sensitive_actions.push_back(cut_action); act = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("copy"), _("Copy"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_copy)); ActionManager::plugin_selection_sensitive_actions.push_back(act); act = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("delete"), _("Delete"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_delete)); ActionManager::plugin_selection_sensitive_actions.push_back(act); // ?? paste_action = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("paste"), _("Paste"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_paste)); rename_action = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("rename"), _("Rename"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_rename)); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("selectall"), _("Select All"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_select_all)); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("deselectall"), _("Deselect All"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_deselect_all)); /* activation etc. */ ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("activate_all"), _("Activate all"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_activate_all)); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("deactivate_all"), _("Deactivate all"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_deactivate_all)); ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("ab_plugins"), _("A/B Plugins"), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_ab_plugins)); /* show editors */ edit_action = ActionManager::register_action (popup_act_grp, X_("edit"), _("Edit..."), sigc::ptr_fun (ProcessorBox::rb_edit)); ActionManager::add_action_group (popup_act_grp); } void ProcessorBox::rb_ab_plugins () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->ab_plugins (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_choose_plugin () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->choose_plugin (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_choose_insert () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->choose_insert (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_choose_send () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->choose_send (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_choose_aux (boost::weak_ptr wr) { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->choose_aux (wr); } void ProcessorBox::rb_clear () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->clear_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_clear_pre () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->clear_processors (PreFader); } void ProcessorBox::rb_clear_post () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->clear_processors (PostFader); } void ProcessorBox::rb_cut () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->cut_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_delete () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->delete_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_copy () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->copy_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_paste () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->paste_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_rename () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->rename_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_select_all () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->select_all_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_deselect_all () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->deselect_all_processors (); } void ProcessorBox::rb_activate_all () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->all_processors_active (true); } void ProcessorBox::rb_deactivate_all () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->all_processors_active (false); } void ProcessorBox::rb_edit () { if (_current_processor_box == 0) { return; } _current_processor_box->for_selected_processors (&ProcessorBox::toggle_edit_processor); } void ProcessorBox::route_property_changed (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { if (!what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { return; } ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ProcessorBox::route_property_changed, what_changed); boost::shared_ptr processor; boost::shared_ptr plugin_insert; boost::shared_ptr send; list children = processor_display.children(); for (list::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { processor = (*iter)->processor (); Window* w = get_processor_ui (processor); if (!w) { continue; } /* rename editor windows for sends and plugins */ if ((send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) != 0) { w->set_title (send->name ()); } else if ((plugin_insert = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) != 0) { w->set_title (generate_processor_title (plugin_insert)); } } } string ProcessorBox::generate_processor_title (boost::shared_ptr pi) { string maker = pi->plugin()->maker() ? pi->plugin()->maker() : ""; string::size_type email_pos; if ((email_pos = maker.find_first_of ('<')) != string::npos) { maker = maker.substr (0, email_pos - 1); } if (maker.length() > 32) { maker = maker.substr (0, 32); maker += " ..."; } return string_compose(_("%1: %2 (by %3)"), _route->name(), pi->name(), maker); } void ProcessorBox::on_size_allocate (Allocation& a) { HBox::on_size_allocate (a); list children = processor_display.children (); for (list::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_pixel_width (a.get_width ()); } } /** @param p Processor. * @return the UI window for \a p. */ Window * ProcessorBox::get_processor_ui (boost::shared_ptr p) const { list::const_iterator i = _processor_window_proxies.begin (); while (i != _processor_window_proxies.end()) { boost::shared_ptr t = (*i)->processor().lock (); if (t && t == p) { return (*i)->get (); } ++i; } /* we shouldn't get here, because the ProcessorUIList should always contain an entry for each processor. */ assert (false); return 0; } /** Make a note of the UI window that a processor is using. * @param p Processor. * @param w UI window. */ void ProcessorBox::set_processor_ui (boost::shared_ptr p, Gtk::Window* w) { list::iterator i = _processor_window_proxies.begin (); while (i != _processor_window_proxies.end()) { boost::shared_ptr t = (*i)->processor().lock (); if (t && t == p) { (*i)->set (w); return; } ++i; } /* we shouldn't get here, because the ProcessorUIList should always contain an entry for each processor. */ assert (false); } void ProcessorBox::mixer_strip_delivery_changed (boost::weak_ptr w) { boost::shared_ptr d = w.lock (); if (!d) { return; } list children = processor_display.children (); list::const_iterator i = children.begin(); while (i != children.end() && (*i)->processor() != d) { ++i; } if (i == children.end()) { processor_display.set_active (0); } else { processor_display.set_active (*i); } } ProcessorWindowProxy::ProcessorWindowProxy ( string const & name, XMLNode const * node, ProcessorBox* box, boost::weak_ptr processor ) : WindowProxy (name, node) , marked (false) , _processor_box (box) , _processor (processor) { } void ProcessorWindowProxy::show () { boost::shared_ptr p = _processor.lock (); if (!p) { return; } _processor_box->toggle_edit_processor (p); }