#!/usr/bin/env python from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf from waflib import Options from waflib import TaskGen import os import sys # Version of this package (even if built as a child) MAJOR = '4' MINOR = '1' MICRO = '0' LIBPBD_VERSION = "%s.%s.%s" % (MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # major increment <=> incompatible changes # minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions) # micro increment <=> no interface changes LIBPBD_LIB_VERSION = '4.1.0' LIBPBD_MAJOR_VERSION = '4' # Variables for 'waf dist' APPNAME = 'libpbd' VERSION = LIBPBD_VERSION I18N_PACKAGE = 'libpbd4' # Mandatory variables top = '.' out = 'build' path_prefix = 'libs/pbd/' libpbd_sources = [ 'basename.cc', 'base_ui.cc', 'boost_debug.cc', 'cartesian.cc', 'command.cc', 'configuration_variable.cc', 'convert.cc', 'controllable.cc', 'crossthread.cc', 'cpus.cc', 'debug.cc', 'demangle.cc', 'downloader.cc', 'enumwriter.cc', 'event_loop.cc', 'enums.cc', 'epa.cc', 'error.cc', 'ffs.cc', 'file_archive.cc', 'file_utils.cc', 'fpu.cc', 'glib_event_source.cc', 'id.cc', 'inflater.cc', 'locale_guard.cc', 'localtime_r.cc', 'malign.cc', 'md5.cc', 'microseconds.cc', 'mountpoint.cc', 'openuri.cc', 'pathexpand.cc', 'pbd.cc', 'pcg_rand.cc', 'pool.cc', 'property_list.cc', 'pthread_utils.cc', 'reallocpool.cc', 'receiver.cc', 'resource.cc', 'search_path.cc', 'semutils.cc', 'shortpath.cc', 'signals.cc', 'spinlock.cc', 'stacktrace.cc', 'stateful_diff_command.cc', 'stateful.cc', 'string_convert.cc', 'strreplace.cc', 'strsplit.cc', 'system_exec.cc', 'textreceiver.cc', 'timer.cc', 'timing.cc', 'tlsf.cc', 'transmitter.cc', 'undo.cc', 'utf8_utils.cc', 'uuid.cc', 'whitespace.cc', 'xml++.cc', ] def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx') autowaf.set_options(opt) opt.add_option('--ppc', action='store_true', default=False, dest='ppc', help='Compile with -arch ppc (OS X ONLY)') opt.add_option('--dist-target', type='string', default='auto', dest='dist_target', help='Specify the target for cross-compiling [auto,none,x86,i386,i686,x86_64,tiger,leopard,mingw,msvc]') opt.add_option('--internal-shared-libs', action='store_true', default=True, dest='internal_shared_libs', help='Build internal libs as shared libraries') def configure(conf): autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libxml-2.0', uselib_store='XML') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sigc++-2.0', uselib_store='SIGCPP', atleast_version='2.0') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libcurl', uselib_store='CURL', atleast_version='7.0.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libarchive', uselib_store='ARCHIVE', atleast_version='3.0.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'glibmm-2.4', uselib_store='GLIBMM', atleast_version='2.32.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'giomm-2.4', uselib_store='GIOMM', atleast_version='2.2', mandatory=True) conf.check(header_name='execinfo.h', define_name='HAVE_EXECINFO',mandatory=False) conf.check(header_name='unistd.h', define_name='HAVE_UNISTD',mandatory=False) if not Options.options.ppc: conf.check_cc( msg="Checking for function 'posix_memalign' in stdlib.h", fragment = "#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600\n #include \n int main(void) { return posix_memalign (0, 64, 1); }\n", define_name='HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN', execute = False, mandatory=False) conf.check_cc( msg="Checking for function 'getmntent' in mntent.h", fragment = "#include \n int main(void) { return (int)getmntent(0); }\n", define_name='HAVE_GETMNTENT', execute = False, mandatory=False) conf.check_cc( msg="Checking for function 'localtime_r' in time.h", fragment = "#include \n int main(void) { return localtime_r(NULL, NULL); }\n", define_name='HAVE_LOCALTIME_R', execute = False, mandatory=False) # Boost headers if Options.options.dist_target == 'mingw': conf.check(compiler='cxx', lib='ole32', mandatory=True, uselib_store='OLE') if Options.options.internal_shared_libs: conf.define('INTERNAL_SHARED_LIBS', 1) conf.write_config_header('libpbd-config.h', remove=False) def build(bld): if not autowaf.is_child(): # Building standalone, install dev stuff # C++ Headers includedir = '${INCLUDEDIR}/pbd-%s/pbd' % LIBPBD_MAJOR_VERSION bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('pbd/*.h')) bld.install_files(includedir, 'build/pbd/signals_generated.h') # Pkgconfig file autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'libpbd', LIBPBD_VERSION, LIBPBD_MAJOR_VERSION, [], {'LIBPBD_VERSION' : LIBPBD_VERSION, 'LIBPBD_MAJOR_VERSION' : LIBPBD_MAJOR_VERSION}) # Make signals_generated.h using signals.py bld(rule = sys.executable + ' ${SRC} ${TGT}', source = 'pbd/signals.py', target = 'pbd/signals_generated.h', name="pbdsignals", features='use', ext_out=['.h']) # Library if bld.is_defined ('INTERNAL_SHARED_LIBS'): obj = bld.shlib(features = 'cxx cxxshlib', source=libpbd_sources) obj.defines = [ 'LIBPBD_DLL_EXPORTS=1' ] else: obj = bld.stlib(features = 'cxx cxxstlib', source=libpbd_sources) obj.cxxflags = [ bld.env['compiler_flags_dict']['pic'] ] obj.cflags = [ bld.env['compiler_flags_dict']['pic'] ] obj.defines = [] if bld.is_defined('DEBUG_RT_ALLOC'): obj.source += 'debug_rt_alloc.c' obj.export_includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.'] obj.name = 'libpbd' obj.target = 'pbd' obj.use = 'pbdsignals' obj.uselib = 'GLIBMM SIGCPP XML UUID SNDFILE GIOMM ARCHIVE CURL' if sys.platform == 'darwin': TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.mm'] = TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.cc'] if 'cocoa_open_uri.mm' not in obj.source: obj.source += [ 'cocoa_open_uri.mm' ] obj.uselib += ' OSX' obj.vnum = LIBPBD_LIB_VERSION obj.install_path = bld.env['LIBDIR'] obj.defines += [ 'PACKAGE="' + I18N_PACKAGE + '"' ] if sys.platform.startswith('netbsd'): obj.linkflags = '-lexecinfo' if bld.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64': obj.defines += [ 'USE_X86_64_ASM' ] if bld.env['build_target'] == 'mingw': obj.defines += [ 'NO_POSIX_MEMALIGN' ] obj.source += [ 'windows_special_dirs.cc' ] obj.source += [ 'windows_timer_utils.cc' ] obj.source += [ 'windows_mmcss.cc' ] obj.uselib += ' OLE' if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.is_defined('HAVE_CPPUNIT'): # Unit tests testobj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram') testobj.source = ''' test/testrunner.cc test/xpath.cc test/mutex_test.cc test/scalar_properties.cc test/signals_test.cc test/string_convert_test.cc test/convert_test.cc test/filesystem_test.cc test/natsort_test.cc test/rcu_test.cc test/reallocpool_test.cc test/xml_test.cc test/test_common.cc '''.split() if bld.env['build_target'] == 'mingw': testobj.source += [ 'test/windows_timer_utils_test.cc' ] testobj.target = 'run-tests' testobj.includes = obj.includes + ['test', '../pbd'] testobj.uselib = 'GLIBMM SIGCPP XML UUID SNDFILE GIOMM ARCHIVE CURL XML OSX CPPUNIT' testobj.use = 'libpbd' testobj.name = 'libpbd-tests' testobj.defines = [ 'PACKAGE="' + I18N_PACKAGE + '"' ] if sys.platform != 'darwin' and bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw': testobj.lib = ['rt', 'dl']