/* Copyright (C) 2013 Waves Audio Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __WUErrors_h__ #define __WUErrors_h__ /* Copy to include: #include "WUErrors.h" */ #include "BasicTypes/WUTypes.h" // General errors //const WTErr eNoErr = 0; // moved to #include "WavesPublicAPI/WTErr.h" const WTErr eGenericErr = -1; const WTErr eUserCanceled = -2; const WTErr eUnknownErr = -3; const WTErr eExceptionErr = -4; const WTErr eEndianError = -5; const WTErr eThreadSafeError = -6; const WTErr eSomeThingNotInitailzed = -7; const WTErr eWrongObjectState = -8; //!< object was not in an acceptable state const WTErr eUninitalized = -9; const WTErr eDeprecated = -10; const WTErr eCommandLineParameter = -11; const WTErr eNotANumber = -12; //!< expected a number but none was found const WTErr eNotJustANumber = -13; //!< expected a number and found one but also other stuff (e.g. "123XYZ") const WTErr eNegativeNumber = -14; //!< expected a positive number and found a negative const WTErr eTimeOut = -15; //!< something timed out const WTErr eCoreAudioFailed = -16; //!< Error in a core audio call const WTErr eSomeThingInitailzedTwice = -17; const WTErr eGenerateHelpInfo = -18; const WTErr eOutOfRangeNumber = -19; const WTErr eMacOnlyCode = -20; const WTErr eWinOnlyCode = -21; const WTErr eAppLaunchFailed = -22; //!< failed to launch an application const WTErr eAppTerminateFailed = -23; //!< failed to terminate an application const WTErr eAppReturnedError = -24; //!< Non zero exit code from application const WTErr eNotImplemented = -25; //!< Function is not implmemented const WTErr eNotEmpty = -26; //!< Something was expected to be empty but is not // File Manager errors const WTErr eFMNoSuchVolume = -1001; const WTErr eFMFileNotFound = -1002; const WTErr eFMFileAllreadyExists = -1003; const WTErr eFMAllreadyOpenWithWritePerm = -1004; const WTErr eFMEndOfFile = -1005; const WTErr eFMPermissionErr = -1006; const WTErr eFMBusyErr = -1007; const WTErr eFMOpenFailed = -1008; const WTErr eFMTranslateFileNameFailed = -1009; const WTErr eFMWTPathRefCreationFailed = -1010; const WTErr eFMReadFailed = -1011; const WTErr eFMIllegalPathRef = -1012; const WTErr eFMFileNotOpened = -1013; const WTErr eFMFileSizeTooBig = -1014; const WTErr eFMNoSuchDomain = -1015; const WTErr eFMNoSuchSystemFolder = -1016; const WTErr eFMWrongParameters = -1017; const WTErr eFMIsNotAFolder = -1018; const WTErr eFMIsAFolder = -1019; const WTErr eFMIsNotAFile = -1020; const WTErr eFMIsAFile = -1021; const WTErr eFMDeleteFailed = -1022; const WTErr eFMCreateFailed = -1023; const WTErr eFMPathTooLong = -1024; const WTErr eFMIOError = -1025; const WTErr eFMIllegalOpenFileRef = -1026; const WTErr eFMDiskFull = -1027; const WTErr eFMFileNotEmpty = -1028; const WTErr eFMEndOfFolder = -1029; const WTErr eFMSamePath = -1030; const WTErr eFMPathTooShort = -1031; const WTErr eFMIncompletePath = -1032; const WTErr eFMIsNoAFileSystemLink = -1033; const WTErr eFMSymlinkBroken = -1034; const WTErr eFMMoveFailed = -1035; const WTErr eFMWriteFailed = -1036; const WTErr eFMTooManyOpenFiles = -1037; const WTErr eFMTooManySymlinks = -1038; // System errors const WTErr eGenericSystemError = -2000; const WTErr eSysNoEnvironmentVariable = -2001; const WTErr eDLLLoadingFailed = -2002; const WTErr eFuncPoinerNotFound = -2003; const WTErr eDLLNotFound = -2004; const WTErr eBundleNotLoaded = -2005; const WTErr eBundleCreateFailed = -2006; const WTErr eBundleExecutableNotFound = -2007; const WTErr eNotABundle = -2008; const WTErr eInvalideDate = -2009; const WTErr eNoNetDevice = -2010; const WTErr eCacheCreatedFromResource = -2011; const WTErr eNotAValidApplication = -2012; // Resource Manager errors const WTErr eRMResNotFound = -3000; const WTErr eRMResExists = -3001; //!< a resource exist even though it's not expected to const WTErr eRMContainerNotFound = -3002; //!< The container was not found in the list of containers const WTErr eRMResRefNotFound = -3003; //!< The resRef was not found in container's resource list const WTErr eRMInvalidResRef = -3004; const WTErr eRMInvalidResContainer = -3005; const WTErr eRMInvalidNativeResContainer = -3006; const WTErr eRMAttachResContainerFailed = -3007; const WTErr eRMInvalidResID = -3008; const WTErr eRMResUpdateFailed = -3009; // Graphic Manager & GUI errors const WTErr eGMIsNotInitailzed = -3500; const WTErr eGMInvalidImage = -3501; const WTErr eGMGenericErr = -3502; const WTErr eGMNoCurrentContext = -3503; const WTErr eGUISkinNotFound = -3504; const WTErr eGMNoVertices = -3505; const WTErr eGMNoColors = -3506; const WTErr eGMNoTexture = -3507; const WTErr eGMIncompatibleOGLVersion = -3508; const WTErr eGMNoDeviceContext = -3509; const WTErr eGMNoPixelFormat = -3510; const WTErr eGMNoOGLContext = -3511; const WTErr eGMNoOGLContextSharing = -3512; const WTErr eGMUnsupportedImageFormat = -3513; const WTErr eGMUninitializedContext = -3514; const WTErr eControlOutOfRange = -3515; const WTErr eGMUninitializedFont = -3516; const WTErr eGMInvalidFontDrawMethod = -3517; const WTErr eGMUnreleasedTextures = -3518; const WTErr eGMWrongThread = -3519; const WTErr eGMDontCommitDraw = -3520; // Errors in the -5000 -> -5999 are defined in Waves-incs.h // Memory errors const WTErr eMemNewFailed = -4001; //!< Something = new CSomething, returned null const WTErr eMemNewTPtrFailed = -4002; //!< NewTPtr or NewTPtrClear failed const WTErr eMemNullPointer = -4003; //!< a null pointer was encountered where it should not const WTErr eMemObjNotInitialized = -4004; const WTErr eMemBuffTooShort = -4005; //!< the buffer in question did not have enough space for the operation const WTErr eInstanciationFailed = -4006; const WTErr eMemAddressSpaceError = -4007; //!< memory falls outside the legal address space const WTErr eMemBadPointer = -4008; const WTErr eMemOutOfMemory = -4009; // XML Errors const WTErr eXMLParserFailed = -6001; const WTErr eXMLTreeNotValid = -6002; const WTErr eXMLTreeEmpty = -6003; const WTErr eXMLElementMissing = -6004; const WTErr eXMLElementUninitalized = -6005; //!< element was default constructed it has not element name, etc.. const WTErr eXMLElementIncomplete = -6006; //!< XML parser did not complete building the element const WTErr eXMLAttribMissing = -6007; // Preset errors const WTErr ePresetFileProblem = -7860; const WTErr eInvalidFileFormatProblem = -7861; const WTErr ePresetLockedProblem = -7862; const WTErr ePresetInfoNotFound = -7863; const WTErr eDuplicatePluginSpecificTag = -7959; const WTErr ePluginSpecifcNotExisting = -7960; const WTErr eBuffSizeToSmall = -7961; const WTErr eCreatingPopupWhereAnItemExists = -7962; const WTErr eDeletePluginSpecifcFailed = -7963; const WTErr eFactoryPresetNumOutOfRange = -7964; const WTErr eNoFactoryPresets = -7965; const WTErr eLoadPresetToPlugin_vec_empty = -7966; const WTErr eFactoryPresetNotFound = -7967; const WTErr eCantCreateUserPrefFile = -7968; const WTErr eDataFormatNotSupported = -7969; const WTErr eCantLoadProcessFunction = -7970; const WTErr eIllegalChunkIndex = -7971; const WTErr eIllegalChunkID = -7972; const WTErr eIllegalChunkVersion = -7973; // Shell errors const WTErr eNotAPluginFile = -8001; const WTErr eFaildToLoadPluginDLL = -8002; const WTErr eNoPluginManager = -8003; const WTErr eGetAvailablePluginsFailed = -8004; const WTErr eNoPluginsAvailable = -8005; const WTErr ePluginSubComponentNotFound = -8006; const WTErr ePluginOpenFailed = -8007; const WTErr eSubComponentRejected = -8009; //!< user did not want this sub-component - probably through preferences const WTErr eIncompatibleNumOfIOs = -8010; //!< e.g. surround sub-component in stereo only shell const WTErr eStemProblem = -8011; //!< Some problem with stems const WTErr eComponentTypeNotSupported = -8012; const WTErr ePluginNotLoaded = -8013; const WTErr ePluginInstanceNotCreate = -8014; const WTErr ePluginAlgNotCreate = -8015; const WTErr ePluginGUINotCreate = -8016; const WTErr eMissmatchChannelCount = -8017; const WTErr eIncompatibleVersion = -8018; const WTErr eIncompatibleAffiliation = -8019; const WTErr eNoSubComponentsFound = -8020; // Net-shell errors const WTErr eNetShellInitFailed = -9001; // Protection errors const WTErr eWLSLicenseFileNotFound = -10001; const WTErr eWLSPluginNotAuthorized = -10002; const WTErr eWLSNoLicenseForPlugin = -10003; const WTErr eWLSInvalidLicenseFileName = -10004; const WTErr eWLSInvalidLicenseFileContents = -10005; const WTErr eWLSInvalidDeviceID = -10006; const WTErr eWLSInvalidClientID = -10007; const WTErr eWLSLicenseFileDownloadFailed = -10008; const WTErr eWLSNoLicensesForClientOrDevice = -10009; const WTErr eWLSNoLicensesForSomePlugins = -10010; // Communication errors const WTErr eCommEndOfRecievedMessage = -11001; const WTErr eCommSocketDisconnected = -11002; // Window Manager Errors const WTErr eWMEventNotHandled = -12001; const WTErr eWMDisposeViewFailed = -12002; // Plugin View Manager Errors const WTErr ePVMPlatformNotSupported = -13001; const WTErr ePVMAlreadyInitialized = -13002; const WTErr ePVMIllegalParent = -13003; const WTErr ePVMCannotCreateView = -13004; const WTErr ePVMNothingSelected = -13005; const WTErr ePVMDisabledItemChosen = -13006; const WTErr ePVMMenuItemNotFound = -13007; const WTErr ePVMMenuItemNotASubMenu = -13008; const WTErr ePVMUnknownMenu = -13009; const WTErr ePVMEmptyNativeViewRef = -13010; const WTErr ePVMGenericError = -13011; const WTErr ePVMFunctionNotImplemented = -13012; // Plugin View Manager - Menu Errors const WTErr ePVMCannotCreateMenu = -13501; const WTErr ePVMCannotSetMenuFont = -13502; const WTErr ePVMCannotSetMenu = -13503; const WTErr ePVMItemParentNotExists = -13504; // Plugin View Manager - TextField Errors const WTErr ePVMCannotCreateTextField = -13553; const WTErr ePVMCannotEmbedTextField = -13554; const WTErr ePVMNoTextToValidate = -13555; const WTErr ePVMTextTooLong = -13556; const WTErr ePVMIllegalCharacter = -13557; // Meter Manager Errors const WTErr eMM_MeterGetMeterValueForParameterNotConnected = -14000 ; //Surface Driver Manager Errors const WTErr eSDM_SurfaceDriverAPIFailed = -14101; // IPC Errors const WTErr eIPC_CreateNamedPipeFailed = -14200; const WTErr eIPC_OpenPipeTimeout = -14201; const WTErr eIPC_DeleteNamedPipeFailed = -14202; const WTErr eIPC_SelectOnNamedPipeFailed = -14203; const WTErr eIPC_ReadFromNamedPipeFailed = -14204; const WTErr eIPC_ReadEndOfFileFromNamedPipe = -14205; const WTErr eIPC_CloseNamedPipeFailed = -14206; const WTErr eIPC_ParseArgsFailed = -14207; const WTErr eIPC_OpenPipeFailed = -14208; const WTErr eIPC_SendMsgFailed = -14209; const WTErr eIPC_SendCommandInvalid = -14210; const WTErr eIPC_QtTestMode = -14211; const WTErr eIPC_ChangePermissionOnPipe = -14212; const WTErr eIPC_ConnectionLost = -14213; const WTErr eIPC_InvalidRole = -14213; const WTErr eIPC_CreateNamedPipeM2SFailed = -14214; const WTErr eIPC_CreateNamedPipeS2MFailed = -14215; const WTErr eIPC_ChangePermissionOnPipeM2S = -14216; const WTErr eIPC_ChangePermissionOnPipeS2M = -14217; const WTErr eIPC_OpenReadPipeFailed = -14218; const WTErr eIPC_OpenReadPipeDIsableSigPipe = -14219; const WTErr eIPC_OpenWritePipeFailed = -14220; const WTErr eIPC_WritePipeFailed = -14221; const WTErr eIPC_WritePipeNotOpen = -14222; const WTErr eIPC_WriteBufferResizeFailed = -14223; const WTErr eIPC_NotConnectedSendMsgFailed = -14224; const WTErr eIPC_OpenWritePipeWorkerStoping = -14225; const WTErr eIPC_SoketSendFailed = -14226; const WTErr eIPC_PtonFailed = -14227; const WTErr eIPC_SocketFailed = -14228; const WTErr eIPC_BindFailed = -14229; const WTErr eIPC_ListenFailed = -14230; const WTErr eIPC_ConnectFailed = -14231; const WTErr eIPC_WsaStartupFailed = -14232; const WTErr eIPC_UdpSocketCreateFailed = -14233; const WTErr eIPC_UdpSocketConnectFailed = -14234; const WTErr eIPC_UdpSocketBinFailed = -14235; const WTErr eIPC_SetBufferPreambleFailed = -14226; // Database errors const WTErr eDB_BatchRollback = -15501; // inventory related errors const WTErr eUnknown_Device = -16001; const WTErr eInvNoDevice = -16002; // SG protocol service errors const WTErr eSGProtocolService_Not_Running = -17001; const WTErr eSGProtocolService_Version_MisMatch = -17002; // Error code related to Param const WTErr eInvalidParam = -18001; #define WUIsError(theErrorCode) (eNoErr != (theErrorCode)) #define WUNoError(theErrorCode) (eNoErr == (theErrorCode)) #define WUThrowError(theErrorCode) {if(WUIsError(theErrorCode))throw (theErrorCode);} #define WUThrowErrorIfNil(thePtr , theErrorCode) {if (0 == thePtr )throw (theErrorCode);} #define WUThrowErrorIfFalse(theBool , theErrorCode) {if (!(theBool))throw (theErrorCode);} #define WUThrowErrorCodeIfError(err,theErrorCode) {if(WUIsError(err))throw (theErrorCode);} // Get the error string that match the error code. DllExport const char* WTErrName(WTErr wtErr); #endif //__WUErrors_h__: