/* Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/stl_delete.h" #include "pbd/whitespace.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "pbd/stateful_diff_command.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/amp.h" #include "ardour/meter.h" #include "ardour/event_type_map.h" #include "ardour/processor.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/route_group.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/session_playlists.h" #include "evoral/Parameter.hpp" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "ardour_button.h" #include "debug.h" #include "global_signals.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "enums.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "playlist_selector.h" #include "point_selection.h" #include "prompter.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "selection.h" #include "streamview.h" #include "utils.h" #include "route_group_menu.h" #include "ardour/track.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Editing; using namespace std; using std::list; RouteTimeAxisView::RouteTimeAxisView (PublicEditor& ed, Session* sess, ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas) : AxisView(sess) , RouteUI(sess) , TimeAxisView(sess,ed,(TimeAxisView*) 0, canvas) , _view (0) , parent_canvas (canvas) , no_redraw (false) , button_table (3, 3) , route_group_button (_("g")) , playlist_button (_("p")) , automation_button (_("a")) , automation_action_menu (0) , plugins_submenu_item (0) , route_group_menu (0) , playlist_action_menu (0) , mode_menu (0) , color_mode_menu (0) , gm (sess, true, 125, 18) , _ignore_set_layer_display (false) { } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_route (boost::shared_ptr rt) { RouteUI::set_route (rt); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_canvas_display, string_compose ("main for %1", rt->name())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (selection_group, string_compose ("selections for %1", rt->name())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_ghost_group, string_compose ("ghosts for %1", rt->name())); int meter_width = 3; if (_route && _route->shared_peak_meter()->input_streams().n_total() == 1) { meter_width = 6; } gm.set_controls (_route, _route->shared_peak_meter(), _route->amp()); gm.get_level_meter().set_no_show_all(); gm.get_level_meter().setup_meters(50, meter_width); gm.update_gain_sensitive (); string str = gui_property ("height"); if (!str.empty()) { set_height (atoi (str)); } else { set_height (preset_height (HeightNormal)); } if (!_route->is_auditioner()) { if (gui_property ("visible").empty()) { set_gui_property ("visible", true); } } else { set_gui_property ("visible", false); } mute_changed (0); update_solo_display (); timestretch_rect = 0; no_redraw = false; ignore_toggle = false; route_group_button.set_name ("route button"); playlist_button.set_name ("route button"); automation_button.set_name ("route button"); route_group_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::route_group_click), false); playlist_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::playlist_click)); automation_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::automation_click)); if (is_track()) { /* use icon */ switch (track()->mode()) { case ARDOUR::Normal: case ARDOUR::NonLayered: rec_enable_button->set_image (::get_icon (X_("record_normal_red"))); break; case ARDOUR::Destructive: rec_enable_button->set_image (::get_icon (X_("record_tape_red"))); break; } controls_table.attach (*rec_enable_button, 5, 6, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); if (is_midi_track()) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(*rec_enable_button, _("Record (Right-click for Step Edit)")); gm.set_fader_name ("MidiTrackFader"); } else { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(*rec_enable_button, _("Record")); gm.set_fader_name ("AudioTrackFader"); } rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (_session->writable()); /* set playlist button tip to the current playlist, and make it update when it changes */ update_playlist_tip (); track()->PlaylistChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), ui_bind(&RouteTimeAxisView::update_playlist_tip, this), gui_context()); } else { gm.set_fader_name ("AudioBusFader"); } Gtk::VBox *mtrbox = manage(new Gtk::VBox()); mtrbox->pack_start(gm.get_level_meter(), false, false, 2); controls_hbox.pack_start(*mtrbox, false, false, 4); mtrbox->show(); _route->meter_change.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::meter_changed, this), gui_context()); _route->input()->changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::io_changed, this, _1, _2), gui_context()); _route->output()->changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::io_changed, this, _1, _2), gui_context()); controls_table.attach (*mute_button, 6, 7, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); if (!_route->is_master()) { controls_table.attach (*solo_button, 7, 8, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); } if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_trx()) { controls_table.attach (route_group_button, 7, 8, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); controls_table.attach (gm.get_gain_slider(), 0, 5, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::AttachOptions (0), 3, 0); } ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(*solo_button,_("Solo")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(*mute_button,_("Mute")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(route_group_button, _("Route Group")); if (is_midi_track()) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(automation_button, _("MIDI Controllers and Automation")); } else { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip(automation_button, _("Automation")); } label_view (); if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_trx()) { controls_table.attach (automation_button, 6, 7, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND); } if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_trx() && is_track() && track()->mode() == ARDOUR::Normal) { controls_table.attach (playlist_button, 5, 6, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND); } _y_position = -1; _route->processors_changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::processors_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _route->PropertyChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::route_property_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); if (is_track()) { str = gui_property ("layer-display"); if (!str.empty()) { set_layer_display (LayerDisplay (string_2_enum (str, _view->layer_display ()))); } track()->FreezeChange.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::map_frozen, this), gui_context()); track()->SpeedChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::speed_changed, this), gui_context()); /* pick up the correct freeze state */ map_frozen (); } _editor.ZoomChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::reset_samples_per_pixel)); ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::color_handler)); PropertyList* plist = new PropertyList(); plist->add (ARDOUR::Properties::mute, true); plist->add (ARDOUR::Properties::solo, true); route_group_menu = new RouteGroupMenu (_session, plist); gm.get_gain_slider().signal_scroll_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::controls_ebox_scroll), false); gm.get_level_meter().signal_scroll_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::controls_ebox_scroll), false); } RouteTimeAxisView::~RouteTimeAxisView () { CatchDeletion (this); for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } delete playlist_action_menu; playlist_action_menu = 0; delete _view; _view = 0; _automation_tracks.clear (); delete route_group_menu; } void RouteTimeAxisView::post_construct () { /* map current state of the route */ update_diskstream_display (); setup_processor_menu_and_curves (); reset_processor_automation_curves (); } /** Set up the processor menu for the current set of processors, and * display automation curves for any parameters which have data. */ void RouteTimeAxisView::setup_processor_menu_and_curves () { _subplugin_menu_map.clear (); subplugin_menu.items().clear (); _route->foreach_processor (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::add_processor_to_subplugin_menu)); _route->foreach_processor (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::add_existing_processor_automation_curves)); } gint RouteTimeAxisView::route_group_click (GdkEventButton *ev) { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { if (_route->route_group()) { _route->route_group()->remove (_route); } return false; } WeakRouteList r; r.push_back (route ()); route_group_menu->build (r); route_group_menu->menu()->popup (ev->button, ev->time); return false; } void RouteTimeAxisView::playlist_changed () { label_view (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::label_view () { string x = _route->name(); if (x != name_label.get_text()) { name_label.set_text (x); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::route_property_changed (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { label_view (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::take_name_changed (void *src) { if (src != this) { label_view (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::playlist_click () { build_playlist_menu (); conditionally_add_to_selection (); playlist_action_menu->popup (1, gtk_get_current_event_time()); } void RouteTimeAxisView::automation_click () { conditionally_add_to_selection (); build_automation_action_menu (false); automation_action_menu->popup (1, gtk_get_current_event_time()); } void RouteTimeAxisView::build_automation_action_menu (bool for_selection) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; /* detach subplugin_menu from automation_action_menu before we delete automation_action_menu, otherwise bad things happen (see comment for similar case in MidiTimeAxisView::build_automation_action_menu) */ detach_menu (subplugin_menu); _main_automation_menu_map.clear (); delete automation_action_menu; automation_action_menu = new Menu; MenuList& items = automation_action_menu->items(); automation_action_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All Automation"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::show_all_automation), for_selection))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show Existing Automation"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation), for_selection))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All Automation"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::hide_all_automation), for_selection))); /* Attach the plugin submenu. It may have previously been used elsewhere, so it was detached above */ if (!subplugin_menu.items().empty()) { items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Processor automation"), subplugin_menu)); items.back().set_sensitive (!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1);; } } void RouteTimeAxisView::build_display_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; /* prepare it */ TimeAxisView::build_display_menu (); /* now fill it with our stuff */ MenuList& items = display_menu->items(); display_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Color..."), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::choose_color))); if (_size_menu) { detach_menu (*_size_menu); } build_size_menu (); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Height"), *_size_menu)); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); if (!Profile->get_sae()) { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Remote Control ID..."), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::open_remote_control_id_dialog))); items.back().set_sensitive (_editor.get_selection().tracks.size() <= 1); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); } // Hook for derived classes to add type specific stuff append_extra_display_menu_items (); if (is_track()) { Menu* layers_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList &layers_items = layers_menu->items(); layers_menu->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); RadioMenuItem::Group layers_group; /* Find out how many overlaid/stacked tracks we have in the selection */ int overlaid = 0; int stacked = 0; TrackSelection const & s = _editor.get_selection().tracks; for (TrackSelection::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { StreamView* v = (*i)->view (); if (!v) { continue; } switch (v->layer_display ()) { case Overlaid: ++overlaid; break; case Stacked: case Expanded: ++stacked; break; } } /* We're not connecting to signal_toggled() here; in the case where these two items are set to be in the `inconsistent' state, it seems that one or other will end up active as well as inconsistent (presumably due to the RadioMenuItem::Group). Then when you select the active one, no toggled signal is emitted so nothing happens. */ _ignore_set_layer_display = true; layers_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (layers_group, _("Overlaid"))); RadioMenuItem* i = dynamic_cast (&layers_items.back ()); i->set_active (overlaid != 0 && stacked == 0); i->set_inconsistent (overlaid != 0 && stacked != 0); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_layer_display), Overlaid, true)); layers_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (layers_group, _("Stacked"))); i = dynamic_cast (&layers_items.back ()); i->set_active (overlaid == 0 && stacked != 0); i->set_inconsistent (overlaid != 0 && stacked != 0); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_layer_display), Stacked, true)); _ignore_set_layer_display = false; items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Layers"), *layers_menu)); if (!Profile->get_sae()) { Menu* alignment_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& alignment_items = alignment_menu->items(); alignment_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); RadioMenuItem::Group align_group; /* Same verbose hacks as for the layering options above */ int existing = 0; int capture = 0; int automatic = 0; int styles = 0; boost::shared_ptr first_track; TrackSelection const & s = _editor.get_selection().tracks; for (TrackSelection::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* r = dynamic_cast (*i); if (!r || !r->is_track ()) { continue; } if (!first_track) { first_track = r->track(); } switch (r->track()->alignment_choice()) { case Automatic: ++automatic; styles |= 0x1; switch (r->track()->alignment_style()) { case ExistingMaterial: ++existing; break; case CaptureTime: ++capture; break; } break; case UseExistingMaterial: ++existing; styles |= 0x2; break; case UseCaptureTime: ++capture; styles |= 0x4; break; } } bool inconsistent; switch (styles) { case 1: case 2: case 4: inconsistent = false; break; default: inconsistent = true; break; } RadioMenuItem* i; if (!inconsistent && first_track) { alignment_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (align_group, _("Automatic (based on I/O connections)"))); i = dynamic_cast (&alignment_items.back()); i->set_active (automatic != 0 && existing == 0 && capture == 0); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_align_choice), i, Automatic, true)); switch (first_track->alignment_choice()) { case Automatic: switch (first_track->alignment_style()) { case ExistingMaterial: alignment_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("(Currently: Existing Material)"))); break; case CaptureTime: alignment_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("(Currently: Capture Time)"))); break; } break; default: break; } alignment_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (align_group, _("Align With Existing Material"))); i = dynamic_cast (&alignment_items.back()); i->set_active (existing != 0 && capture == 0 && automatic == 0); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_align_choice), i, UseExistingMaterial, true)); alignment_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (align_group, _("Align With Capture Time"))); i = dynamic_cast (&alignment_items.back()); i->set_active (existing == 0 && capture != 0 && automatic == 0); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_align_choice), i, UseCaptureTime, true)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Alignment"), *alignment_menu)); } else { /* show nothing */ } Menu* mode_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& mode_items = mode_menu->items (); mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); RadioMenuItem::Group mode_group; int normal = 0; int tape = 0; int non_layered = 0; for (TrackSelection::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* r = dynamic_cast (*i); if (!r || !r->is_track ()) { continue; } switch (r->track()->mode()) { case Normal: ++normal; break; case Destructive: ++tape; break; case NonLayered: ++non_layered; break; } } mode_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Normal Mode"))); i = dynamic_cast (&mode_items.back ()); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_track_mode), ARDOUR::Normal, true)); i->set_active (normal != 0 && tape == 0 && non_layered == 0); i->set_inconsistent (normal != 0 && (tape != 0 || non_layered != 0)); mode_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Tape Mode"))); i = dynamic_cast (&mode_items.back ()); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_track_mode), ARDOUR::Destructive, true)); i->set_active (normal == 0 && tape != 0 && non_layered == 0); i->set_inconsistent (tape != 0 && (normal != 0 || non_layered != 0)); mode_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Non-Layered Mode"))); i = dynamic_cast (&mode_items.back ()); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::set_track_mode), ARDOUR::NonLayered, true)); i->set_active (normal == 0 && tape == 0 && non_layered != 0); i->set_inconsistent (non_layered != 0 && (normal != 0 || tape != 0)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Mode"), *mode_menu)); } items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); build_playlist_menu (); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Playlist"), *playlist_action_menu)); items.back().set_sensitive (_editor.get_selection().tracks.size() <= 1); } route_group_menu->detach (); WeakRouteList r; for (TrackSelection::iterator i = _editor.get_selection().tracks.begin(); i != _editor.get_selection().tracks.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = dynamic_cast (*i); if (rtv) { r.push_back (rtv->route ()); } } if (r.empty ()) { r.push_back (route ()); } route_group_menu->build (r); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Group"), *route_group_menu->menu ())); build_automation_action_menu (true); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Automation"), *automation_action_menu)); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); int active = 0; int inactive = 0; TrackSelection const & s = _editor.get_selection().tracks; for (TrackSelection::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* r = dynamic_cast (*i); if (!r) { continue; } if (r->route()->active()) { ++active; } else { ++inactive; } } items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Active"))); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* i = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); bool click_sets_active = true; if (active > 0 && inactive == 0) { i->set_active (true); click_sets_active = false; } else if (active > 0 && inactive > 0) { i->set_inconsistent (true); } i->set_sensitive(! _session->transport_rolling()); i->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::set_route_active), click_sets_active, true)); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(_editor, &PublicEditor::hide_track_in_display), this, true))); if (!Profile->get_sae()) { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Remove"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::remove_this_route), true))); } else { items.push_front (SeparatorElem()); items.push_front (MenuElem (_("Delete"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::remove_this_route), true))); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_track_mode (TrackMode mode, bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_time_axis (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::set_track_mode, _1, mode, false)); } else { bool needs_bounce = false; if (!track()->can_use_mode (mode, needs_bounce)) { if (!needs_bounce) { /* cannot be done */ return; } else { cerr << "would bounce this one\n"; return; } } track()->set_mode (mode); rec_enable_button->remove (); switch (mode) { case ARDOUR::NonLayered: case ARDOUR::Normal: rec_enable_button->set_image (::get_icon (X_("record_normal_red"))); rec_enable_button->set_text (string()); break; case ARDOUR::Destructive: rec_enable_button->set_image (::get_icon (X_("record_tape_red"))); rec_enable_button->set_text (string()); break; } rec_enable_button->show_all (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::show_timestretch (framepos_t start, framepos_t end, int layers, int layer) { TimeAxisView::show_timestretch (start, end, layers, layer); hide_timestretch (); #if 0 if (ts.empty()) { return; } /* check that the time selection was made in our route, or our route group. remember that route_group() == 0 implies the route is *not* in a edit group. */ if (!(ts.track == this || (ts.group != 0 && ts.group == _route->route_group()))) { /* this doesn't apply to us */ return; } /* ignore it if our edit group is not active */ if ((ts.track != this) && _route->route_group() && !_route->route_group()->is_active()) { return; } #endif if (timestretch_rect == 0) { timestretch_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (canvas_display ()); timestretch_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_TimeStretchFill()); timestretch_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_TimeStretchOutline()); } timestretch_rect->show (); timestretch_rect->raise_to_top (); double const x1 = start / _editor.get_current_zoom(); double const x2 = (end - 1) / _editor.get_current_zoom(); timestretch_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (x1, current_height() * (layers - layer - 1) / layers, x2, current_height() * (layers - layer) / layers)); } void RouteTimeAxisView::hide_timestretch () { TimeAxisView::hide_timestretch (); if (timestretch_rect) { timestretch_rect->hide (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::show_selection (TimeSelection& ts) { #if 0 /* ignore it if our edit group is not active or if the selection was started in some other track or route group (remember that route_group() == 0 means that the track is not in an route group). */ if (((ts.track != this && !is_child (ts.track)) && _route->route_group() && !_route->route_group()->is_active()) || (!(ts.track == this || is_child (ts.track) || (ts.group != 0 && ts.group == _route->route_group())))) { hide_selection (); return; } #endif TimeAxisView::show_selection (ts); } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_height (uint32_t h) { int gmlen = h - 9; bool height_changed = (height == 0) || (h != height); int meter_width = 3; if (_route && _route->shared_peak_meter()->input_streams().n_total() == 1) { meter_width = 6; } gm.get_level_meter().setup_meters (gmlen, meter_width); TimeAxisView::set_height (h); if (_view) { _view->set_height ((double) current_height()); } if (height >= preset_height (HeightNormal)) { reset_meter(); gm.get_gain_slider().show(); mute_button->show(); if (!_route || _route->is_monitor()) { solo_button->hide(); } else { solo_button->show(); } if (rec_enable_button) rec_enable_button->show(); route_group_button.show(); automation_button.show(); if (is_track() && track()->mode() == ARDOUR::Normal) { playlist_button.show(); } } else { reset_meter(); gm.get_gain_slider().hide(); mute_button->show(); if (!_route || _route->is_monitor()) { solo_button->hide(); } else { solo_button->show(); } if (rec_enable_button) rec_enable_button->show(); route_group_button.hide (); automation_button.hide (); if (is_track() && track()->mode() == ARDOUR::Normal) { playlist_button.hide (); } } if (height_changed && !no_redraw) { /* only emit the signal if the height really changed */ request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::route_color_changed () { if (_view) { _view->apply_color (color(), StreamView::RegionColor); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::reset_samples_per_pixel () { set_samples_per_pixel (_editor.get_current_zoom()); } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { double speed = 1.0; if (track()) { speed = track()->speed(); } if (_view) { _view->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp * speed); } TimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (fpp * speed); } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_align_choice (RadioMenuItem* mitem, AlignChoice choice, bool apply_to_selection) { if (!mitem->get_active()) { /* this is one of the two calls made when these radio menu items change status. this one is for the item that became inactive, and we want to ignore it. */ return; } if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_time_axis (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::set_align_choice, _1, mitem, choice, false)); } else { if (track ()) { track()->set_align_choice (choice); } } } void RouteTimeAxisView::rename_current_playlist () { ArdourPrompter prompter (true); string name; boost::shared_ptr tr = track(); if (!tr || tr->destructive()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr pl = tr->playlist(); if (!pl) { return; } prompter.set_title (_("Rename Playlist")); prompter.set_prompt (_("New name for playlist:")); prompter.set_initial_text (pl->name()); prompter.add_button (_("Rename"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); prompter.set_response_sensitive (Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT, false); switch (prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: prompter.get_result (name); if (name.length()) { pl->set_name (name); } break; default: break; } } std::string RouteTimeAxisView::resolve_new_group_playlist_name(std::string &basename, vector > const & playlists) { std::string ret (basename); std::string const group_string = "." + route_group()->name() + "."; // iterate through all playlists int maxnumber = 0; for (vector >::const_iterator i = playlists.begin(); i != playlists.end(); ++i) { std::string tmp = (*i)->name(); std::string::size_type idx = tmp.find(group_string); // find those which belong to this group if (idx != string::npos) { tmp = tmp.substr(idx + group_string.length()); // and find the largest current number int x = atoi(tmp); if (x > maxnumber) { maxnumber = x; } } } maxnumber++; char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", maxnumber); ret = this->name() + "." + route_group()->name () + "." + buf; return ret; } void RouteTimeAxisView::use_copy_playlist (bool prompt, vector > const & playlists_before_op) { string name; boost::shared_ptr tr = track (); if (!tr || tr->destructive()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr pl = tr->playlist(); if (!pl) { return; } name = pl->name(); if (route_group() && route_group()->is_active() && route_group()->enabled_property (ARDOUR::Properties::select.property_id)) { name = resolve_new_group_playlist_name(name, playlists_before_op); } while (_session->playlists->by_name(name)) { name = Playlist::bump_name (name, *_session); } // TODO: The prompter "new" button should be de-activated if the user // specifies a playlist name which already exists in the session. if (prompt) { ArdourPrompter prompter (true); prompter.set_title (_("New Copy Playlist")); prompter.set_prompt (_("Name for new playlist:")); prompter.set_initial_text (name); prompter.add_button (Gtk::Stock::NEW, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); prompter.set_response_sensitive (Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT, true); prompter.show_all (); switch (prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: prompter.get_result (name); break; default: return; } } if (name.length()) { tr->use_copy_playlist (); tr->playlist()->set_name (name); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::use_new_playlist (bool prompt, vector > const & playlists_before_op) { string name; boost::shared_ptr tr = track (); if (!tr || tr->destructive()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr pl = tr->playlist(); if (!pl) { return; } name = pl->name(); if (route_group() && route_group()->is_active() && route_group()->enabled_property (ARDOUR::Properties::select.property_id)) { name = resolve_new_group_playlist_name(name,playlists_before_op); } while (_session->playlists->by_name(name)) { name = Playlist::bump_name (name, *_session); } if (prompt) { ArdourPrompter prompter (true); prompter.set_title (_("New Playlist")); prompter.set_prompt (_("Name for new playlist:")); prompter.set_initial_text (name); prompter.add_button (Gtk::Stock::NEW, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); prompter.set_response_sensitive (Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT, true); switch (prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: prompter.get_result (name); break; default: return; } } if (name.length()) { tr->use_new_playlist (); tr->playlist()->set_name (name); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::clear_playlist () { boost::shared_ptr tr = track (); if (!tr || tr->destructive()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr pl = tr->playlist(); if (!pl) { return; } _editor.clear_playlist (pl); } void RouteTimeAxisView::speed_changed () { Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::reset_samples_per_pixel, this)); } void RouteTimeAxisView::update_diskstream_display () { if (!track()) { return; } map_frozen (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::selection_click (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, (Keyboard::TertiaryModifier|Keyboard::PrimaryModifier))) { /* special case: select/deselect all tracks */ if (_editor.get_selection().selected (this)) { _editor.get_selection().clear_tracks (); } else { _editor.select_all_tracks (); } return; } switch (ArdourKeyboard::selection_type (ev->state)) { case Selection::Toggle: _editor.get_selection().toggle (this); break; case Selection::Set: _editor.get_selection().set (this); break; case Selection::Extend: _editor.extend_selection_to_track (*this); break; case Selection::Add: _editor.get_selection().add (this); break; } } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_selected_points (PointSelection& points) { for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected_points (points); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_selected_regionviews (RegionSelection& regions) { if (_view) { _view->set_selected_regionviews (regions); } } /** Add the selectable things that we have to a list. * @param results List to add things to. */ void RouteTimeAxisView::get_selectables (framepos_t start, framepos_t end, double top, double bot, list& results) { double speed = 1.0; if (track() != 0) { speed = track()->speed(); } framepos_t const start_adjusted = session_frame_to_track_frame(start, speed); framepos_t const end_adjusted = session_frame_to_track_frame(end, speed); if ((_view && ((top < 0.0 && bot < 0.0))) || touched (top, bot)) { _view->get_selectables (start_adjusted, end_adjusted, top, bot, results); } /* pick up visible automation tracks */ for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->hidden()) { (*i)->get_selectables (start_adjusted, end_adjusted, top, bot, results); } } } void RouteTimeAxisView::get_inverted_selectables (Selection& sel, list& results) { if (_view) { _view->get_inverted_selectables (sel, results); } for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->hidden()) { (*i)->get_inverted_selectables (sel, results); } } return; } RouteGroup* RouteTimeAxisView::route_group () const { return _route->route_group(); } string RouteTimeAxisView::name() const { return _route->name(); } boost::shared_ptr RouteTimeAxisView::playlist () const { boost::shared_ptr tr; if ((tr = track()) != 0) { return tr->playlist(); } else { return boost::shared_ptr (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::name_entry_changed () { TimeAxisView::name_entry_changed (); string x = name_entry->get_text (); if (x == _route->name()) { return; } strip_whitespace_edges (x); if (x.length() == 0) { name_entry->set_text (_route->name()); return; } if (_session->route_name_internal (x)) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->popup_error (string_compose (_("You cannot create a track with that name as it is reserved for %1"), PROGRAM_NAME)); name_entry->grab_focus (); } else if (RouteUI::verify_new_route_name (x)) { _route->set_name (x); } else { name_entry->grab_focus (); } } boost::shared_ptr RouteTimeAxisView::find_next_region (framepos_t pos, RegionPoint point, int32_t dir) { boost::shared_ptr pl = playlist (); if (pl) { return pl->find_next_region (pos, point, dir); } return boost::shared_ptr (); } framepos_t RouteTimeAxisView::find_next_region_boundary (framepos_t pos, int32_t dir) { boost::shared_ptr pl = playlist (); if (pl) { return pl->find_next_region_boundary (pos, dir); } return -1; } void RouteTimeAxisView::cut_copy_clear (Selection& selection, CutCopyOp op) { boost::shared_ptr what_we_got; boost::shared_ptr tr = track (); boost::shared_ptr playlist; if (tr == 0) { /* route is a bus, not a track */ return; } playlist = tr->playlist(); TimeSelection time (selection.time); float const speed = tr->speed(); if (speed != 1.0f) { for (TimeSelection::iterator i = time.begin(); i != time.end(); ++i) { (*i).start = session_frame_to_track_frame((*i).start, speed); (*i).end = session_frame_to_track_frame((*i).end, speed); } } playlist->clear_changes (); playlist->clear_owned_changes (); switch (op) { case Delete: if (playlist->cut (time) != 0) { vector cmds; playlist->rdiff (cmds); _session->add_commands (cmds); _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist)); } break; case Cut: if ((what_we_got = playlist->cut (time)) != 0) { _editor.get_cut_buffer().add (what_we_got); vector cmds; playlist->rdiff (cmds); _session->add_commands (cmds); _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist)); } break; case Copy: if ((what_we_got = playlist->copy (time)) != 0) { _editor.get_cut_buffer().add (what_we_got); } break; case Clear: if ((what_we_got = playlist->cut (time)) != 0) { vector cmds; playlist->rdiff (cmds); _session->add_commands (cmds); _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist)); what_we_got->release (); } break; } } bool RouteTimeAxisView::paste (framepos_t pos, float times, Selection& selection, size_t nth) { if (!is_track()) { return false; } boost::shared_ptr pl = playlist (); PlaylistSelection::iterator p; for (p = selection.playlists.begin(); p != selection.playlists.end() && nth; ++p, --nth) {} if (p == selection.playlists.end()) { return false; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::CutNPaste, string_compose ("paste to %1\n", pos)); if (track()->speed() != 1.0f) { pos = session_frame_to_track_frame (pos, track()->speed()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::CutNPaste, string_compose ("modified paste to %1\n", pos)); } pl->clear_changes (); pl->paste (*p, pos, times); _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (pl)); return true; } struct PlaylistSorter { bool operator() (boost::shared_ptr a, boost::shared_ptr b) const { return a->sort_id() < b->sort_id(); } }; void RouteTimeAxisView::build_playlist_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (!is_track()) { return; } delete playlist_action_menu; playlist_action_menu = new Menu; playlist_action_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& playlist_items = playlist_action_menu->items(); playlist_action_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); playlist_items.clear(); RadioMenuItem::Group playlist_group; boost::shared_ptr tr = track (); vector > playlists_tr = _session->playlists->playlists_for_track (tr); /* sort the playlists */ PlaylistSorter cmp; sort (playlists_tr.begin(), playlists_tr.end(), cmp); /* add the playlists to the menu */ for (vector >::iterator i = playlists_tr.begin(); i != playlists_tr.end(); ++i) { playlist_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (playlist_group, (*i)->name())); RadioMenuItem *item = static_cast(&playlist_items.back()); item->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::use_playlist), item, boost::weak_ptr (*i))); if (tr->playlist()->id() == (*i)->id()) { item->set_active(); } } playlist_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Rename..."), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::rename_current_playlist))); playlist_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); if (!route_group() || !route_group()->is_active() || !route_group()->enabled_property (ARDOUR::Properties::select.property_id)) { playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New..."), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_editor, &PublicEditor::new_playlists), this))); playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Copy..."), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_editor, &PublicEditor::copy_playlists), this))); } else { // Use a label which tells the user what is happening playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Take"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_editor, &PublicEditor::new_playlists), this))); playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Copy Take"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_editor, &PublicEditor::copy_playlists), this))); } playlist_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear Current"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_editor, &PublicEditor::clear_playlists), this))); playlist_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); playlist_items.push_back (MenuElem(_("Select From All..."), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::show_playlist_selector))); } void RouteTimeAxisView::use_playlist (RadioMenuItem *item, boost::weak_ptr wpl) { assert (is_track()); // exit if we were triggered by deactivating the old playlist if (!item->get_active()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr pl (wpl.lock()); if (!pl) { return; } if (track()->playlist() == pl) { // exit when use_playlist is called by the creation of the playlist menu // or the playlist choice is unchanged return; } track()->use_playlist (pl); RouteGroup* rg = route_group(); if (rg && rg->is_active() && rg->enabled_property (ARDOUR::Properties::select.property_id)) { std::string group_string = "." + rg->name() + "."; std::string take_name = pl->name(); std::string::size_type idx = take_name.find(group_string); if (idx == std::string::npos) return; take_name = take_name.substr(idx + group_string.length()); // find the bit containing the take number / name boost::shared_ptr rl (rg->route_list()); for (RouteList::const_iterator i = rl->begin(); i != rl->end(); ++i) { if ((*i) == this->route()) { continue; } std::string playlist_name = (*i)->name()+group_string+take_name; boost::shared_ptr track = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*i); if (!track) { continue; } if (track->freeze_state() == Track::Frozen) { /* Don't change playlists of frozen tracks */ continue; } boost::shared_ptr ipl = session()->playlists->by_name(playlist_name); if (!ipl) { // No playlist for this track for this take yet, make it track->use_new_playlist(); track->playlist()->set_name(playlist_name); } else { track->use_playlist(ipl); } } } } void RouteTimeAxisView::update_playlist_tip () { RouteGroup* rg = route_group (); if (rg && rg->is_active() && rg->enabled_property (ARDOUR::Properties::select.property_id)) { string group_string = "." + rg->name() + "."; string take_name = track()->playlist()->name(); string::size_type idx = take_name.find(group_string); if (idx != string::npos) { /* find the bit containing the take number / name */ take_name = take_name.substr (idx + group_string.length()); /* set the playlist button tooltip to the take name */ ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip ( playlist_button, string_compose(_("Take: %1.%2"), Glib::Markup::escape_text(rg->name()), Glib::Markup::escape_text(take_name)) ); return; } } /* set the playlist button tooltip to the playlist name */ ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (playlist_button, _("Playlist") + std::string(": ") + Glib::Markup::escape_text(track()->playlist()->name())); } void RouteTimeAxisView::show_playlist_selector () { _editor.playlist_selector().show_for (this); } void RouteTimeAxisView::map_frozen () { if (!is_track()) { return; } ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::map_frozen) switch (track()->freeze_state()) { case Track::Frozen: playlist_button.set_sensitive (false); rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (false); break; default: playlist_button.set_sensitive (true); rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (true); break; } } void RouteTimeAxisView::color_handler () { //case cTimeStretchOutline: if (timestretch_rect) { timestretch_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_TimeStretchOutline()); } //case cTimeStretchFill: if (timestretch_rect) { timestretch_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_TimeStretchFill()); } reset_meter(); } /** Toggle an automation track for a fully-specified Parameter (type,channel,id) * Will add track if necessary. */ void RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track (const Evoral::Parameter& param) { boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child (param); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (param); if (!track) { /* it doesn't exist yet, so we don't care about the button state: just add it */ create_automation_child (param, true); } else { assert (menu); bool yn = menu->get_active(); bool changed = false; if ((changed = track->set_marked_for_display (menu->get_active())) && yn) { /* we made it visible, now trigger a redisplay. if it was hidden, then automation_track_hidden() will have done that for us. */ if (changed && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } } } } void RouteTimeAxisView::automation_track_hidden (Evoral::Parameter param) { boost::shared_ptr track = automation_child (param); if (!track) { return; } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (param); if (menu && !_hidden) { ignore_toggle = true; menu->set_active (false); ignore_toggle = false; } if (_route && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::show_all_automation (bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_time_axis (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::show_all_automation, _1, false)); } else { no_redraw = true; /* Show our automation */ for (AutomationTracks::iterator i = _automation_tracks.begin(); i != _automation_tracks.end(); ++i) { i->second->set_marked_for_display (true); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (i->first); if (menu) { menu->set_active(true); } } /* Show processor automation */ for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ++i) { for (vector::iterator ii = (*i)->lines.begin(); ii != (*i)->lines.end(); ++ii) { if ((*ii)->view == 0) { add_processor_automation_curve ((*i)->processor, (*ii)->what); } (*ii)->menu_item->set_active (true); } } no_redraw = false; /* Redraw */ request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation (bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_time_axis (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation, _1, false)); } else { no_redraw = true; /* Show our automation */ for (AutomationTracks::iterator i = _automation_tracks.begin(); i != _automation_tracks.end(); ++i) { if (i->second->has_automation()) { i->second->set_marked_for_display (true); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (i->first); if (menu) { menu->set_active(true); } } } /* Show processor automation */ for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ++i) { for (vector::iterator ii = (*i)->lines.begin(); ii != (*i)->lines.end(); ++ii) { if ((*ii)->view != 0 && (*i)->processor->control((*ii)->what)->list()->size() > 0) { (*ii)->menu_item->set_active (true); } } } no_redraw = false; request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::hide_all_automation (bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_time_axis (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::hide_all_automation, _1, false)); } else { no_redraw = true; /* Hide our automation */ for (AutomationTracks::iterator i = _automation_tracks.begin(); i != _automation_tracks.end(); ++i) { i->second->set_marked_for_display (false); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (i->first); if (menu) { menu->set_active (false); } } /* Hide processor automation */ for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ++i) { for (vector::iterator ii = (*i)->lines.begin(); ii != (*i)->lines.end(); ++ii) { (*ii)->menu_item->set_active (false); } } no_redraw = false; request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::region_view_added (RegionView* rv) { /* XXX need to find out if automation children have automationstreamviews. If yes, no ghosts */ for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr atv; if ((atv = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i)) != 0) { atv->add_ghost(rv); } } for (UnderlayMirrorList::iterator i = _underlay_mirrors.begin(); i != _underlay_mirrors.end(); ++i) { (*i)->add_ghost(rv); } } RouteTimeAxisView::ProcessorAutomationInfo::~ProcessorAutomationInfo () { for (vector::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } } RouteTimeAxisView::ProcessorAutomationNode::~ProcessorAutomationNode () { parent.remove_processor_automation_node (this); } void RouteTimeAxisView::remove_processor_automation_node (ProcessorAutomationNode* pan) { if (pan->view) { remove_child (pan->view); } } RouteTimeAxisView::ProcessorAutomationNode* RouteTimeAxisView::find_processor_automation_node (boost::shared_ptr processor, Evoral::Parameter what) { for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->processor == processor) { for (vector::iterator ii = (*i)->lines.begin(); ii != (*i)->lines.end(); ++ii) { if ((*ii)->what == what) { return *ii; } } } } return 0; } /** Add an AutomationTimeAxisView to display automation for a processor's parameter */ void RouteTimeAxisView::add_processor_automation_curve (boost::shared_ptr processor, Evoral::Parameter what) { string name; ProcessorAutomationNode* pan; if ((pan = find_processor_automation_node (processor, what)) == 0) { /* session state may never have been saved with new plugin */ error << _("programming error: ") << string_compose (X_("processor automation curve for %1:%2/%3/%4 not registered with track!"), processor->name(), what.type(), (int) what.channel(), what.id() ) << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ return; } if (pan->view) { return; } boost::shared_ptr control = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(processor->control(what, true)); pan->view = boost::shared_ptr( new AutomationTimeAxisView (_session, _route, processor, control, control->parameter (), _editor, *this, false, parent_canvas, processor->describe_parameter (what), processor->name())); pan->view->Hiding.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::processor_automation_track_hidden), pan, processor)); add_automation_child (control->parameter(), pan->view, pan->view->marked_for_display ()); if (_view) { _view->foreach_regionview (sigc::mem_fun(*pan->view.get(), &TimeAxisView::add_ghost)); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::processor_automation_track_hidden (RouteTimeAxisView::ProcessorAutomationNode* pan, boost::shared_ptr) { if (!_hidden) { pan->menu_item->set_active (false); } if (!no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::add_existing_processor_automation_curves (boost::weak_ptr p) { boost::shared_ptr processor (p.lock ()); if (!processor || boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor)) { /* The Amp processor is a special case and is dealt with separately */ return; } set existing; processor->what_has_data (existing); for (set::iterator i = existing.begin(); i != existing.end(); ++i) { Evoral::Parameter param (*i); boost::shared_ptr al; if ((al = find_processor_automation_curve (processor, param)) != 0) { al->queue_reset (); } else { add_processor_automation_curve (processor, param); } } } void RouteTimeAxisView::add_automation_child (Evoral::Parameter param, boost::shared_ptr track, bool show) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; add_child (track); track->Hiding.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::automation_track_hidden), param)); _automation_tracks[param] = track; /* existing state overrides "show" argument */ string s = track->gui_property ("visible"); if (!s.empty()) { show = string_is_affirmative (s); } /* this might or might not change the visibility status, so don't rely on it */ track->set_marked_for_display (show); if (show && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } if (!EventTypeMap::instance().is_midi_parameter(param)) { /* MIDI-related parameters are always in the menu, there's no reason to rebuild the menu just because we added a automation lane for one of them. But if we add a non-MIDI automation lane, then we need to invalidate the display menu. */ delete display_menu; display_menu = 0; } } void RouteTimeAxisView::add_processor_to_subplugin_menu (boost::weak_ptr p) { boost::shared_ptr processor (p.lock ()); if (!processor || !processor->display_to_user ()) { return; } /* we use this override to veto the Amp processor from the plugin menu, as its automation lane can be accessed using the special "Fader" menu option */ if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (processor) != 0) { return; } using namespace Menu_Helpers; ProcessorAutomationInfo *rai; list::iterator x; const std::set& automatable = processor->what_can_be_automated (); if (automatable.empty()) { return; } for (x = processor_automation.begin(); x != processor_automation.end(); ++x) { if ((*x)->processor == processor) { break; } } if (x == processor_automation.end()) { rai = new ProcessorAutomationInfo (processor); processor_automation.push_back (rai); } else { rai = *x; } /* any older menu was deleted at the top of processors_changed() when we cleared the subplugin menu. */ rai->menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& items = rai->menu->items(); rai->menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); items.clear (); std::set has_visible_automation; AutomationTimeAxisView::what_has_visible_automation (processor, has_visible_automation); for (std::set::const_iterator i = automatable.begin(); i != automatable.end(); ++i) { ProcessorAutomationNode* pan; Gtk::CheckMenuItem* mitem; string name = processor->describe_parameter (*i); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (name)); mitem = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); _subplugin_menu_map[*i] = mitem; if (has_visible_automation.find((*i)) != has_visible_automation.end()) { mitem->set_active(true); } if ((pan = find_processor_automation_node (processor, *i)) == 0) { /* new item */ pan = new ProcessorAutomationNode (*i, mitem, *this); rai->lines.push_back (pan); } else { pan->menu_item = mitem; } mitem->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::processor_menu_item_toggled), rai, pan)); } /* add the menu for this processor, because the subplugin menu is always cleared at the top of processors_changed(). this is the result of some poor design in gtkmm and/or GTK+. */ subplugin_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (processor->name(), *rai->menu)); rai->valid = true; } void RouteTimeAxisView::processor_menu_item_toggled (RouteTimeAxisView::ProcessorAutomationInfo* rai, RouteTimeAxisView::ProcessorAutomationNode* pan) { bool showit = pan->menu_item->get_active(); bool redraw = false; if (pan->view == 0 && showit) { add_processor_automation_curve (rai->processor, pan->what); redraw = true; } if (pan->view && pan->view->set_marked_for_display (showit)) { redraw = true; } if (redraw && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange c) { if (c.type == RouteProcessorChange::MeterPointChange) { /* nothing to do if only the meter point has changed */ return; } using namespace Menu_Helpers; for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ++i) { (*i)->valid = false; } setup_processor_menu_and_curves (); bool deleted_processor_automation = false; for (list::iterator i = processor_automation.begin(); i != processor_automation.end(); ) { list::iterator tmp; tmp = i; ++tmp; if (!(*i)->valid) { delete *i; processor_automation.erase (i); deleted_processor_automation = true; } i = tmp; } if (deleted_processor_automation && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } } boost::shared_ptr RouteTimeAxisView::find_processor_automation_curve (boost::shared_ptr processor, Evoral::Parameter what) { ProcessorAutomationNode* pan; if ((pan = find_processor_automation_node (processor, what)) != 0) { if (pan->view) { pan->view->line(); } } return boost::shared_ptr(); } void RouteTimeAxisView::reset_processor_automation_curves () { for (ProcessorAutomationCurves::iterator i = processor_automation_curves.begin(); i != processor_automation_curves.end(); ++i) { (*i)->reset(); } } bool RouteTimeAxisView::can_edit_name () const { /* we do not allow track name changes if it is record enabled */ return !_route->record_enabled(); } void RouteTimeAxisView::update_rec_display () { RouteUI::update_rec_display (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_layer_display (LayerDisplay d, bool apply_to_selection) { if (_ignore_set_layer_display) { return; } if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_time_axis (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::set_layer_display, _1, d, false)); } else { if (_view) { _view->set_layer_display (d); } set_gui_property (X_("layer-display"), enum_2_string (d)); } } LayerDisplay RouteTimeAxisView::layer_display () const { if (_view) { return _view->layer_display (); } /* we don't know, since we don't have a _view, so just return something */ return Overlaid; } boost::shared_ptr RouteTimeAxisView::automation_child(Evoral::Parameter param) { AutomationTracks::iterator i = _automation_tracks.find(param); if (i != _automation_tracks.end()) { return i->second; } else { return boost::shared_ptr(); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::fast_update () { gm.get_level_meter().update_meters (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::hide_meter () { clear_meter (); gm.get_level_meter().hide_meters (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::show_meter () { reset_meter (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::reset_meter () { if (Config->get_show_track_meters()) { int meter_width = 3; if (_route && _route->shared_peak_meter()->input_streams().n_total() == 1) { meter_width = 6; } gm.get_level_meter().setup_meters (height - 9, meter_width); } else { hide_meter (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::clear_meter () { gm.get_level_meter().clear_meters (); } void RouteTimeAxisView::meter_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::meter_changed) reset_meter(); if (_route && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } // reset peak when meter point changes gm.reset_peak_display(); } void RouteTimeAxisView::io_changed (IOChange /*change*/, void */*src*/) { reset_meter (); if (_route && !no_redraw) { request_redraw (); } } void RouteTimeAxisView::build_underlay_menu(Gtk::Menu* parent_menu) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (!_underlay_streams.empty()) { MenuList& parent_items = parent_menu->items(); Menu* gs_menu = manage (new Menu); gs_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& gs_items = gs_menu->items(); parent_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Underlays"), *gs_menu)); for(UnderlayList::iterator it = _underlay_streams.begin(); it != _underlay_streams.end(); ++it) { gs_items.push_back(MenuElem(string_compose(_("Remove \"%1\""), (*it)->trackview().name()), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::remove_underlay), *it))); } } } bool RouteTimeAxisView::set_underlay_state() { if (!underlay_xml_node) { return false; } XMLNodeList nlist = underlay_xml_node->children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLNode *child_node; for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { child_node = *niter; if (child_node->name() != "Underlay") { continue; } XMLProperty* prop = child_node->property ("id"); if (prop) { PBD::ID id (prop->value()); RouteTimeAxisView* v = _editor.get_route_view_by_route_id (id); if (v) { add_underlay(v->view(), false); } } } return false; } void RouteTimeAxisView::add_underlay (StreamView* v, bool /*update_xml*/) { if (!v) { return; } RouteTimeAxisView& other = v->trackview(); if (find(_underlay_streams.begin(), _underlay_streams.end(), v) == _underlay_streams.end()) { if (find(other._underlay_mirrors.begin(), other._underlay_mirrors.end(), this) != other._underlay_mirrors.end()) { fatal << _("programming error: underlay reference pointer pairs are inconsistent!") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } _underlay_streams.push_back(v); other._underlay_mirrors.push_back(this); v->foreach_regionview(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::add_ghost)); #ifdef GUI_OBJECT_STATE_FIX_REQUIRED if (update_xml) { if (!underlay_xml_node) { underlay_xml_node = xml_node->add_child("Underlays"); } XMLNode* node = underlay_xml_node->add_child("Underlay"); XMLProperty* prop = node->add_property("id"); prop->set_value(v->trackview().route()->id().to_s()); } #endif } } void RouteTimeAxisView::remove_underlay (StreamView* v) { if (!v) { return; } UnderlayList::iterator it = find(_underlay_streams.begin(), _underlay_streams.end(), v); RouteTimeAxisView& other = v->trackview(); if (it != _underlay_streams.end()) { UnderlayMirrorList::iterator gm = find(other._underlay_mirrors.begin(), other._underlay_mirrors.end(), this); if (gm == other._underlay_mirrors.end()) { fatal << _("programming error: underlay reference pointer pairs are inconsistent!") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } v->foreach_regionview(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::remove_ghost)); _underlay_streams.erase(it); other._underlay_mirrors.erase(gm); if (underlay_xml_node) { underlay_xml_node->remove_nodes_and_delete("id", v->trackview().route()->id().to_s()); } } } void RouteTimeAxisView::set_button_names () { if (_route && _route->solo_safe()) { solo_button->set_visual_state (Gtkmm2ext::VisualState (solo_button->visual_state() | Gtkmm2ext::Insensitive)); } else { solo_button->set_visual_state (Gtkmm2ext::VisualState (solo_button->visual_state() & ~Gtkmm2ext::Insensitive)); } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { switch (Config->get_listen_position()) { case AfterFaderListen: solo_button->set_text (_("A")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (*solo_button, _("After-fade listen (AFL)")); break; case PreFaderListen: solo_button->set_text (_("P")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (*solo_button, _("Pre-fade listen (PFL)")); break; } } else { solo_button->set_text (_("s")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (*solo_button, _("Solo")); } mute_button->set_text (_("m")); } Gtk::CheckMenuItem* RouteTimeAxisView::automation_child_menu_item (Evoral::Parameter param) { ParameterMenuMap::iterator i = _main_automation_menu_map.find (param); if (i != _main_automation_menu_map.end()) { return i->second; } i = _subplugin_menu_map.find (param); if (i != _subplugin_menu_map.end()) { return i->second; } return 0; } void RouteTimeAxisView::create_gain_automation_child (const Evoral::Parameter& param, bool show) { boost::shared_ptr c = _route->gain_control(); if (!c) { error << "Route has no gain automation, unable to add automation track view." << endmsg; return; } gain_track.reset (new AutomationTimeAxisView (_session, _route, _route->amp(), c, param, _editor, *this, false, parent_canvas, _route->amp()->describe_parameter(param))); if (_view) { _view->foreach_regionview (sigc::mem_fun (*gain_track.get(), &TimeAxisView::add_ghost)); } add_automation_child (Evoral::Parameter(GainAutomation), gain_track, show); } static void add_region_to_list (RegionView* rv, RegionList* l) { l->push_back (rv->region()); } RegionView* RouteTimeAxisView::combine_regions () { /* as of may 2011, we do not offer uncombine for MIDI tracks */ if (!is_audio_track()) { return 0; } if (!_view) { return 0; } RegionList selected_regions; boost::shared_ptr playlist = track()->playlist(); _view->foreach_selected_regionview (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (add_region_to_list), &selected_regions)); if (selected_regions.size() < 2) { return 0; } playlist->clear_changes (); boost::shared_ptr compound_region = playlist->combine (selected_regions); _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist)); /* make the new region be selected */ return _view->find_view (compound_region); } void RouteTimeAxisView::uncombine_regions () { /* as of may 2011, we do not offer uncombine for MIDI tracks */ if (!is_audio_track()) { return; } if (!_view) { return; } RegionList selected_regions; boost::shared_ptr playlist = track()->playlist(); /* have to grab selected regions first because the uncombine is going * to change that in the middle of the list traverse */ _view->foreach_selected_regionview (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (add_region_to_list), &selected_regions)); playlist->clear_changes (); for (RegionList::iterator i = selected_regions.begin(); i != selected_regions.end(); ++i) { playlist->uncombine (*i); } _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist)); } string RouteTimeAxisView::state_id() const { return string_compose ("rtav %1", _route->id().to_s()); } void RouteTimeAxisView::remove_child (boost::shared_ptr c) { TimeAxisView::remove_child (c); boost::shared_ptr a = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (c); if (a) { for (AutomationTracks::iterator i = _automation_tracks.begin(); i != _automation_tracks.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == a) { _automation_tracks.erase (i); return; } } } }