/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "redirect_automation_time_axis.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "canvas_impl.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView (Session& s, boost::shared_ptr r, PublicEditor& e, TimeAxisView& parent, Canvas& canvas, std::string n, uint32_t prt, Insert& i, string state_name) : AxisView (s), AutomationTimeAxisView (s, r, e, parent, canvas, n, state_name, i.name()), insert (i), port (prt) { char buf[32]; xml_node = 0; _marked_for_display = false; ensure_xml_node (); XMLNodeList kids; XMLNodeConstIterator iter; kids = xml_node->children (); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Port_%" PRIu32, port); for (iter = kids.begin(); iter != kids.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->name() == buf) { XMLProperty *shown = (*iter)->property("shown_editor"); if (shown && shown->value() == "yes") { _marked_for_display = true; } break; } } } RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::~RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView () { } void RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::add_automation_event (ArdourCanvas::Item* item, GdkEvent* event, nframes_t when, double y) { double x = 0; canvas_display->w2i (x, y); /* compute vertical fractional position */ if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > height) y = height; y = 1.0 - (y / height); /* map to model space */ if (!lines.empty()) { AutomationList& alist (insert.automation_list(port)); string description = _("add automation event to "); description += insert.describe_parameter (port); lines.front()->view_to_model_y (y); _session.begin_reversible_command (description); XMLNode &before = alist.get_state(); alist.add (when, y); XMLNode &after = alist.get_state(); _session.add_command(new MementoCommand(alist, &before, &after)); _session.commit_reversible_command (); _session.set_dirty (); } } void RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::ensure_xml_node () { if (xml_node == 0) { if ((xml_node = insert.extra_xml ("GUI")) == 0) { xml_node = new XMLNode ("GUI"); insert.add_extra_xml (*xml_node); } } } guint32 RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::show_at (double y, int& nth, Gtk::VBox *parent) { ensure_xml_node (); update_extra_xml_shown (true); return TimeAxisView::show_at (y, nth, parent); } void RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::hide () { ensure_xml_node (); update_extra_xml_shown (false); TimeAxisView::hide (); } void RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::update_extra_xml_shown (bool editor_shown) { char buf[32]; XMLNodeList nlist = xml_node->children (); XMLNodeConstIterator i; XMLNode * port_node = 0; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Port_%" PRIu32, port); for (i = nlist.begin(); i != nlist.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == buf) { port_node = (*i); break; } } if (!port_node) { port_node = new XMLNode(buf); xml_node->add_child_nocopy(*port_node); } port_node->add_property ("shown_editor", editor_shown ? "yes": "no"); } void RedirectAutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state (AutoState state) { if (!ignore_state_request) { insert.automation_list (port).set_automation_state (state); } }