/* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/fpu.h" #include "pbd/cpus.h" #include "midi++/manager.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/rc_configuration.h" #include "ardour/control_protocol_manager.h" #include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h" #include "ardour_window.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "midi_tracer.h" #include "rc_option_editor.h" #include "utils.h" #include "midi_port_dialog.h" #include "sfdb_ui.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; class ClickOptions : public OptionEditorBox { public: ClickOptions (RCConfiguration* c, Gtk::Window* p) : _rc_config (c), _parent (p) { Table* t = manage (new Table (2, 3)); t->set_spacings (4); Label* l = manage (new Label (_("Click audio file:"))); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL); t->attach (_click_path_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, FILL); Button* b = manage (new Button (_("Browse..."))); b->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ClickOptions::click_browse_clicked)); t->attach (*b, 2, 3, 0, 1, FILL); l = manage (new Label (_("Click emphasis audio file:"))); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL); t->attach (_click_emphasis_path_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL); b = manage (new Button (_("Browse..."))); b->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ClickOptions::click_emphasis_browse_clicked)); t->attach (*b, 2, 3, 1, 2, FILL); _box->pack_start (*t, false, false); _click_path_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ClickOptions::click_changed)); _click_emphasis_path_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ClickOptions::click_emphasis_changed)); } void parameter_changed (string const & p) { if (p == "click-sound") { _click_path_entry.set_text (_rc_config->get_click_sound()); } else if (p == "click-emphasis-sound") { _click_emphasis_path_entry.set_text (_rc_config->get_click_emphasis_sound()); } } void set_state_from_config () { parameter_changed ("click-sound"); parameter_changed ("click-emphasis-sound"); } private: void click_browse_clicked () { SoundFileChooser sfdb (*_parent, _("Choose Click")); sfdb.show_all (); sfdb.present (); if (sfdb.run () == RESPONSE_OK) { click_chosen (sfdb.get_filename()); } } void click_chosen (string const & path) { _click_path_entry.set_text (path); _rc_config->set_click_sound (path); } void click_changed () { click_chosen (_click_path_entry.get_text ()); } void click_emphasis_browse_clicked () { SoundFileChooser sfdb (*_parent, _("Choose Click Emphasis")); sfdb.show_all (); sfdb.present (); if (sfdb.run () == RESPONSE_OK) { click_emphasis_chosen (sfdb.get_filename()); } } void click_emphasis_chosen (string const & path) { _click_emphasis_path_entry.set_text (path); _rc_config->set_click_emphasis_sound (path); } void click_emphasis_changed () { click_emphasis_chosen (_click_emphasis_path_entry.get_text ()); } RCConfiguration* _rc_config; Gtk::Window* _parent; Entry _click_path_entry; Entry _click_emphasis_path_entry; }; class UndoOptions : public OptionEditorBox { public: UndoOptions (RCConfiguration* c) : _rc_config (c), _limit_undo_button (_("Limit undo history to")), _save_undo_button (_("Save undo history of")) { Table* t = new Table (2, 3); t->set_spacings (4); t->attach (_limit_undo_button, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL); _limit_undo_spin.set_range (0, 512); _limit_undo_spin.set_increments (1, 10); t->attach (_limit_undo_spin, 1, 2, 0, 1, FILL | EXPAND); Label* l = manage (new Label (_("commands"))); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 2, 3, 0, 1); t->attach (_save_undo_button, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL); _save_undo_spin.set_range (0, 512); _save_undo_spin.set_increments (1, 10); t->attach (_save_undo_spin, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND); l = manage (new Label (_("commands"))); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 2, 3, 1, 2); _box->pack_start (*t); _limit_undo_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &UndoOptions::limit_undo_toggled)); _limit_undo_spin.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &UndoOptions::limit_undo_changed)); _save_undo_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &UndoOptions::save_undo_toggled)); _save_undo_spin.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &UndoOptions::save_undo_changed)); } void parameter_changed (string const & p) { if (p == "history-depth") { int32_t const d = _rc_config->get_history_depth(); _limit_undo_button.set_active (d != 0); _limit_undo_spin.set_sensitive (d != 0); _limit_undo_spin.set_value (d); } else if (p == "save-history") { bool const x = _rc_config->get_save_history (); _save_undo_button.set_active (x); _save_undo_spin.set_sensitive (x); } else if (p == "save-history-depth") { _save_undo_spin.set_value (_rc_config->get_saved_history_depth()); } } void set_state_from_config () { parameter_changed ("save-history"); parameter_changed ("history-depth"); parameter_changed ("save-history-depth"); } void limit_undo_toggled () { bool const x = _limit_undo_button.get_active (); _limit_undo_spin.set_sensitive (x); int32_t const n = x ? 16 : 0; _limit_undo_spin.set_value (n); _rc_config->set_history_depth (n); } void limit_undo_changed () { _rc_config->set_history_depth (_limit_undo_spin.get_value_as_int ()); } void save_undo_toggled () { bool const x = _save_undo_button.get_active (); _rc_config->set_save_history (x); } void save_undo_changed () { _rc_config->set_saved_history_depth (_save_undo_spin.get_value_as_int ()); } private: RCConfiguration* _rc_config; CheckButton _limit_undo_button; SpinButton _limit_undo_spin; CheckButton _save_undo_button; SpinButton _save_undo_spin; }; static const struct { const char *name; guint modifier; } modifiers[] = { { "Unmodified", 0 }, #ifdef GTKOSX /* Command = Meta Option/Alt = Mod1 */ { "Shift", GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Command", GDK_META_MASK }, { "Control", GDK_CONTROL_MASK }, { "Option", GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Command-Shift", GDK_META_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Command-Option", GDK_MOD1_MASK|GDK_META_MASK }, { "Shift-Option", GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Shift-Command-Option", GDK_MOD5_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_META_MASK }, #else { "Shift", GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Control", GDK_CONTROL_MASK }, { "Alt (Mod1)", GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Control-Shift", GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Control-Alt", GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Shift-Alt", GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Control-Shift-Alt", GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Mod2", GDK_MOD2_MASK }, { "Mod3", GDK_MOD3_MASK }, { "Mod4", GDK_MOD4_MASK }, { "Mod5", GDK_MOD5_MASK }, #endif { 0, 0 } }; class KeyboardOptions : public OptionEditorBox { public: KeyboardOptions () : _delete_button_adjustment (3, 1, 12), _delete_button_spin (_delete_button_adjustment), _edit_button_adjustment (3, 1, 5), _edit_button_spin (_edit_button_adjustment), _insert_note_button_adjustment (3, 1, 5), _insert_note_button_spin (_insert_note_button_adjustment) { /* internationalize and prepare for use with combos */ vector dumb; for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { dumb.push_back (_(modifiers[i].name)); } set_popdown_strings (_edit_modifier_combo, dumb); _edit_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::edit_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == Keyboard::edit_modifier ()) { _edit_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } Table* t = manage (new Table (4, 4)); t->set_spacings (4); Label* l = manage (new Label (_("Edit using:"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_edit_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); l = manage (new Label (_("+ button"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); t->attach (*l, 3, 4, 0, 1, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_edit_button_spin, 4, 5, 0, 1, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); _edit_button_spin.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); _edit_button_adjustment.set_value (Keyboard::edit_button()); _edit_button_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::edit_button_changed)); set_popdown_strings (_delete_modifier_combo, dumb); _delete_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::delete_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == Keyboard::delete_modifier ()) { _delete_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } l = manage (new Label (_("Delete using:"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_delete_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); l = manage (new Label (_("+ button"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); t->attach (*l, 3, 4, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_delete_button_spin, 4, 5, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); _delete_button_spin.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); _delete_button_adjustment.set_value (Keyboard::delete_button()); _delete_button_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::delete_button_changed)); set_popdown_strings (_insert_note_modifier_combo, dumb); _insert_note_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::insert_note_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == Keyboard::insert_note_modifier ()) { _insert_note_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } l = manage (new Label (_("Insert note using:"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_insert_note_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); l = manage (new Label (_("+ button"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); t->attach (*l, 3, 4, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_insert_note_button_spin, 4, 5, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); _insert_note_button_spin.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); _insert_note_button_adjustment.set_value (Keyboard::insert_note_button()); _insert_note_button_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::insert_note_button_changed)); set_popdown_strings (_snap_modifier_combo, dumb); _snap_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &KeyboardOptions::snap_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == (guint) Keyboard::snap_modifier ()) { _snap_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } l = manage (new Label (_("Toggle snap using:"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 3, 4, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_snap_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 3, 4, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); vector strs; for (map::iterator bf = Keyboard::binding_files.begin(); bf != Keyboard::binding_files.end(); ++bf) { strs.push_back (bf->first); } set_popdown_strings (_keyboard_layout_selector, strs); _keyboard_layout_selector.set_active_text (Keyboard::current_binding_name()); _keyboard_layout_selector.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &KeyboardOptions::bindings_changed)); l = manage (new Label (_("Keyboard layout:"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 4, 5, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); t->attach (_keyboard_layout_selector, 1, 2, 4, 5, FILL | EXPAND, FILL); _box->pack_start (*t, false, false); } void parameter_changed (string const &) { /* XXX: these aren't really config options... */ } void set_state_from_config () { /* XXX: these aren't really config options... */ } private: void bindings_changed () { string const txt = _keyboard_layout_selector.get_active_text(); /* XXX: config...? for all this keyboard stuff */ for (map::iterator i = Keyboard::binding_files.begin(); i != Keyboard::binding_files.end(); ++i) { if (txt == i->first) { if (Keyboard::load_keybindings (i->second)) { Keyboard::save_keybindings (); } } } } void edit_modifier_chosen () { string const txt = _edit_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_edit_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void delete_modifier_chosen () { string const txt = _delete_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_delete_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void insert_note_modifier_chosen () { string const txt = _insert_note_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_insert_note_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void snap_modifier_chosen () { string const txt = _snap_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_snap_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void delete_button_changed () { Keyboard::set_delete_button (_delete_button_spin.get_value_as_int()); } void edit_button_changed () { Keyboard::set_edit_button (_edit_button_spin.get_value_as_int()); } void insert_note_button_changed () { Keyboard::set_insert_note_button (_insert_note_button_spin.get_value_as_int()); } ComboBoxText _keyboard_layout_selector; ComboBoxText _edit_modifier_combo; ComboBoxText _delete_modifier_combo; ComboBoxText _insert_note_modifier_combo; ComboBoxText _snap_modifier_combo; Adjustment _delete_button_adjustment; SpinButton _delete_button_spin; Adjustment _edit_button_adjustment; SpinButton _edit_button_spin; Adjustment _insert_note_button_adjustment; SpinButton _insert_note_button_spin; }; class FontScalingOptions : public OptionEditorBox { public: FontScalingOptions (RCConfiguration* c) : _rc_config (c), _dpi_adjustment (50, 50, 250, 1, 10), _dpi_slider (_dpi_adjustment) { _dpi_adjustment.set_value (_rc_config->get_font_scale () / 1024); Label* l = manage (new Label (_("Font scaling:"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); _dpi_slider.set_update_policy (UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); HBox* h = manage (new HBox); h->set_spacing (4); h->pack_start (*l, false, false); h->pack_start (_dpi_slider, true, true); _box->pack_start (*h, false, false); _dpi_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &FontScalingOptions::dpi_changed)); } void parameter_changed (string const & p) { if (p == "font-scale") { _dpi_adjustment.set_value (_rc_config->get_font_scale() / 1024); } } void set_state_from_config () { parameter_changed ("font-scale"); } private: void dpi_changed () { _rc_config->set_font_scale ((long) floor (_dpi_adjustment.get_value() * 1024)); /* XXX: should be triggered from the parameter changed signal */ reset_dpi (); } RCConfiguration* _rc_config; Adjustment _dpi_adjustment; HScale _dpi_slider; }; class BufferingOptions : public OptionEditorBox { public: BufferingOptions (RCConfiguration* c) : _rc_config (c) , _playback_adjustment (5, 1, 60, 1, 4) , _capture_adjustment (5, 1, 60, 1, 4) , _playback_slider (_playback_adjustment) , _capture_slider (_capture_adjustment) { _playback_adjustment.set_value (_rc_config->get_audio_playback_buffer_seconds()); Label* l = manage (new Label (_("Playback (seconds of buffering):"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); _playback_slider.set_update_policy (UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); HBox* h = manage (new HBox); h->set_spacing (4); h->pack_start (*l, false, false); h->pack_start (_playback_slider, true, true); _box->pack_start (*h, false, false); _capture_adjustment.set_value (_rc_config->get_audio_capture_buffer_seconds()); l = manage (new Label (_("Recording (seconds of buffering):"))); l->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); _capture_slider.set_update_policy (UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); h = manage (new HBox); h->set_spacing (4); h->pack_start (*l, false, false); h->pack_start (_capture_slider, true, true); _box->pack_start (*h, false, false); _capture_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &BufferingOptions::capture_changed)); _playback_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &BufferingOptions::playback_changed)); } void parameter_changed (string const & p) { if (p == "playback-buffer-seconds") { _playback_adjustment.set_value (_rc_config->get_audio_playback_buffer_seconds()); } else if (p == "capture-buffer-seconds") { _capture_adjustment.set_value (_rc_config->get_audio_capture_buffer_seconds()); } } void set_state_from_config () { parameter_changed ("playback-buffer-seconds"); parameter_changed ("capture-buffer-seconds"); } private: void playback_changed () { _rc_config->set_audio_playback_buffer_seconds ((long) _playback_adjustment.get_value()); } void capture_changed () { _rc_config->set_audio_capture_buffer_seconds ((long) _capture_adjustment.get_value()); } RCConfiguration* _rc_config; Adjustment _playback_adjustment; Adjustment _capture_adjustment; HScale _playback_slider; HScale _capture_slider; }; class ControlSurfacesOptions : public OptionEditorBox { public: ControlSurfacesOptions (Gtk::Window& parent) : _parent (parent) { _store = ListStore::create (_model); _view.set_model (_store); _view.append_column (_("Name"), _model.name); _view.get_column(0)->set_resizable (true); _view.get_column(0)->set_expand (true); _view.append_column_editable (_("Enabled"), _model.enabled); _view.append_column_editable (_("Feedback"), _model.feedback); _box->pack_start (_view, false, false); Label* label = manage (new Label); label->set_markup (string_compose (X_("%1"), _("Double-click on a name to edit settings for an enabled protocol"))); _box->pack_start (*label, false, false); label->show (); _store->signal_row_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::model_changed)); _view.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::edit_clicked)); } void parameter_changed (std::string const &) { } void set_state_from_config () { _store->clear (); ControlProtocolManager& m = ControlProtocolManager::instance (); for (list::iterator i = m.control_protocol_info.begin(); i != m.control_protocol_info.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->mandatory) { TreeModel::Row r = *_store->append (); r[_model.name] = (*i)->name; r[_model.enabled] = ((*i)->protocol || (*i)->requested); r[_model.feedback] = ((*i)->protocol && (*i)->protocol->get_feedback ()); r[_model.protocol_info] = *i; } } } private: void model_changed (TreeModel::Path const &, TreeModel::iterator const & i) { TreeModel::Row r = *i; ControlProtocolInfo* cpi = r[_model.protocol_info]; if (!cpi) { return; } bool const was_enabled = (cpi->protocol != 0); bool const is_enabled = r[_model.enabled]; if (was_enabled != is_enabled) { if (!was_enabled) { ControlProtocolManager::instance().instantiate (*cpi); } else { ControlProtocolManager::instance().teardown (*cpi); } } bool const was_feedback = (cpi->protocol && cpi->protocol->get_feedback ()); bool const is_feedback = r[_model.feedback]; if (was_feedback != is_feedback && cpi->protocol) { cpi->protocol->set_feedback (is_feedback); } } void edit_clicked (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->type != GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) { return; } std::string name; ControlProtocolInfo* cpi; TreeModel::Row row; row = *(_view.get_selection()->get_selected()); Window* win = row[_model.editor]; if (win && !win->is_visible()) { win->present (); } else { cpi = row[_model.protocol_info]; if (cpi && cpi->protocol && cpi->protocol->has_editor ()) { Box* box = (Box*) cpi->protocol->get_gui (); if (box) { string title = row[_model.name]; ArdourWindow* win = new ArdourWindow (_parent, title); win->add (*box); box->show (); win->present (); row[_model.editor] = win; } } } } class ControlSurfacesModelColumns : public TreeModelColumnRecord { public: ControlSurfacesModelColumns () { add (name); add (enabled); add (feedback); add (protocol_info); add (editor); } TreeModelColumn name; TreeModelColumn enabled; TreeModelColumn feedback; TreeModelColumn protocol_info; TreeModelColumn editor; }; Glib::RefPtr _store; ControlSurfacesModelColumns _model; TreeView _view; Gtk::Window& _parent; }; /** A class which allows control of visibility of some editor components usign * a VisibilityGroup. The caller should pass in a `dummy' VisibilityGroup * which has the correct members, but with null widget pointers. This * class allows the user to set visibility of the members, the details * of which are stored in a configuration variable which can be watched * by parts of the editor that actually contain the widgets whose visibility * is being controlled. */ class VisibilityOption : public Option { public: /** @param name User-visible name for this group. * @param g `Dummy' VisibilityGroup (as described above). * @param get Method to get the value of the appropriate configuration variable. * @param set Method to set the value of the appropriate configuration variable. */ VisibilityOption (string name, VisibilityGroup* g, sigc::slot get, sigc::slot set) : Option (g->get_state_name(), name) , _heading (name) , _visibility_group (g) , _get (get) , _set (set) { /* Watch for changes made by the user to our members */ _visibility_group->VisibilityChanged.connect_same_thread ( _visibility_group_connection, sigc::bind (&VisibilityOption::changed, this) ); } void set_state_from_config () { /* Set our state from the current configuration */ _visibility_group->set_state (_get ()); } void add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { _heading.add_to_page (p); add_widget_to_page (p, _visibility_group->list_view ()); } private: void changed () { /* The user has changed something, so reflect this change in the RCConfiguration. */ _set (_visibility_group->get_state_value ()); } OptionEditorHeading _heading; VisibilityGroup* _visibility_group; sigc::slot _get; sigc::slot _set; PBD::ScopedConnection _visibility_group_connection; }; RCOptionEditor::RCOptionEditor () : OptionEditor (Config, string_compose (_("%1 Preferences"), PROGRAM_NAME)) , _rc_config (Config) , _mixer_strip_visibility ("mixer-strip-visibility") { /* MISC */ uint32_t hwcpus = hardware_concurrency (); if (hwcpus > 1) { add_option (_("Misc"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("DSP CPU Utilization"))); ComboOption* procs = new ComboOption ( "processor-usage", _("Signal processing uses"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_processor_usage), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_processor_usage) ); procs->add (-1, _("all but one processor")); procs->add (0, _("all available processors")); for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= hwcpus; ++i) { procs->add (i, string_compose (_("%1 processors"), i)); } add_option (_("Misc"), procs); } add_option (_("Misc"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Undo"))); add_option (_("Misc"), new UndoOptions (_rc_config)); add_option (_("Misc"), new BoolOption ( "verify-remove-last-capture", _("Verify removal of last capture"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_verify_remove_last_capture), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_verify_remove_last_capture) )); add_option (_("Misc"), new BoolOption ( "periodic-safety-backups", _("Make periodic backups of the session file"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_periodic_safety_backups), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_periodic_safety_backups) )); add_option (_("Misc"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Misc"))); add_option (_("Misc"), new BoolOption ( "only-copy-imported-files", _("Always copy imported files"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_only_copy_imported_files), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_only_copy_imported_files) )); add_option (_("Misc"), new DirectoryOption ( X_("default-session-parent-dir"), _("Default folder for new sessions:"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_default_session_parent_dir), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_default_session_parent_dir) )); add_option (_("Misc"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Click"))); add_option (_("Misc"), new ClickOptions (_rc_config, this)); /* TRANSPORT */ add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "latched-record-enable", _("Keep record-enable engaged on stop"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_latched_record_enable), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_latched_record_enable) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "stop-recording-on-xrun", _("Stop recording when an xrun occurs"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_stop_recording_on_xrun), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_stop_recording_on_xrun) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "create-xrun-marker", _("Create markers where xruns occur"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_create_xrun_marker), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_create_xrun_marker) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "stop-at-session-end", _("Stop at the end of the session"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_stop_at_session_end), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_stop_at_session_end) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "seamless-loop", _("Do seamless looping (not possible when slaved to MTC, JACK etc)"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_seamless_loop), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_seamless_loop) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "primary-clock-delta-edit-cursor", _("Primary clock delta to edit cursor"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_primary_clock_delta_edit_cursor), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_primary_clock_delta_edit_cursor) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "secondary-clock-delta-edit-cursor", _("Secondary clock delta to edit cursor"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_secondary_clock_delta_edit_cursor), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_secondary_clock_delta_edit_cursor) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "disable-disarm-during-roll", _("Disable per-track record disarm while rolling"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_disable_disarm_during_roll), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_disable_disarm_during_roll) )); add_option (_("Transport"), new BoolOption ( "quieten_at_speed", _("12dB gain reduction during fast-forward and fast-rewind"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_quieten_at_speed), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_quieten_at_speed) )); /* EDITOR */ add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "link-region-and-track-selection", _("Link selection of regions and tracks"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_link_region_and_track_selection), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_link_region_and_track_selection) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "automation-follows-regions", _("Move relevant automation when audio regions are moved"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_automation_follows_regions), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_automation_follows_regions) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "show-track-meters", _("Show meters on tracks in the editor"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_show_track_meters), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_show_track_meters) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "use-overlap-equivalency", _("Use overlap equivalency for regions"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_use_overlap_equivalency), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_use_overlap_equivalency) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "rubberbanding-snaps-to-grid", _("Make rubberband selection rectangle snap to the grid"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_rubberbanding_snaps_to_grid), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_rubberbanding_snaps_to_grid) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "show-waveforms", _("Show waveforms in regions"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_show_waveforms), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_show_waveforms) )); ComboOption* wfs = new ComboOption ( "waveform-scale", _("Waveform scale"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_waveform_scale), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_waveform_scale) ); wfs->add (Linear, _("linear")); wfs->add (Logarithmic, _("logarithmic")); add_option (_("Editor"), wfs); ComboOption* wfsh = new ComboOption ( "waveform-shape", _("Waveform shape"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_waveform_shape), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_waveform_shape) ); wfsh->add (Traditional, _("traditional")); wfsh->add (Rectified, _("rectified")); add_option (_("Editor"), wfsh); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "show-waveforms-while-recording", _("Show waveforms for audio while it is being recorded"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_show_waveforms_while_recording), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_show_waveforms_while_recording) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "show-zoom-tools", _("Show zoom toolbar"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_show_zoom_tools), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_show_zoom_tools) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "color-regions-using-track-color", _("Color regions using their track's color"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_color_regions_using_track_color), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_color_regions_using_track_color) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "update-editor-during-summary-drag", _("Update editor window during drags of the summary"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_update_editor_during_summary_drag), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_update_editor_during_summary_drag) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "sync-all-route-ordering", _("Synchronise editor and mixer track order"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_sync_all_route_ordering), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_sync_all_route_ordering) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "link-editor-and-mixer-selection", _("Synchronise editor and mixer selection"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_link_editor_and_mixer_selection), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_link_editor_and_mixer_selection) )); add_option (_("Editor"), new BoolOption ( "name-new-markers", _("Name new markers"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_name_new_markers), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_name_new_markers) )); /* AUDIO */ add_option (_("Audio"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Buffering"))); add_option (_("Audio"), new BufferingOptions (_rc_config)); add_option (_("Audio"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Monitoring"))); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "use-monitor-bus", _("Use a monitor bus (allows AFL/PFL and more control)"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_use_monitor_bus), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_use_monitor_bus) )); ComboOption* mm = new ComboOption ( "monitoring-model", _("Record monitoring handled by"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_monitoring_model), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_monitoring_model) ); #ifndef __APPLE__ /* no JACK monitoring on CoreAudio */ if (AudioEngine::instance()->can_request_hardware_monitoring()) { mm->add (HardwareMonitoring, _("JACK")); } #endif mm->add (SoftwareMonitoring, _("ardour")); mm->add (ExternalMonitoring, _("audio hardware")); add_option (_("Audio"), mm); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "tape-machine-mode", _("Tape machine mode"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_tape_machine_mode), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_tape_machine_mode) )); add_option (_("Audio"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Connection of tracks and busses"))); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "auto-connect-standard-busses", _("Auto-connect master/monitor busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_auto_connect_standard_busses), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_auto_connect_standard_busses) )); ComboOption* iac = new ComboOption ( "input-auto-connect", _("Connect track inputs"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_input_auto_connect), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_input_auto_connect) ); iac->add (AutoConnectPhysical, _("automatically to physical inputs")); iac->add (ManualConnect, _("manually")); add_option (_("Audio"), iac); ComboOption* oac = new ComboOption ( "output-auto-connect", _("Connect track and bus outputs"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_output_auto_connect), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_output_auto_connect) ); oac->add (AutoConnectPhysical, _("automatically to physical outputs")); oac->add (AutoConnectMaster, _("automatically to master bus")); oac->add (ManualConnect, _("manually")); add_option (_("Audio"), oac); add_option (_("Audio"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Denormals"))); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "denormal-protection", _("Use DC bias to protect against denormals"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_denormal_protection), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_denormal_protection) )); ComboOption* dm = new ComboOption ( "denormal-model", _("Processor handling"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_denormal_model), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_denormal_model) ); dm->add (DenormalNone, _("no processor handling")); FPU fpu; if (fpu.has_flush_to_zero()) { dm->add (DenormalFTZ, _("use FlushToZero")); } if (fpu.has_denormals_are_zero()) { dm->add (DenormalDAZ, _("use DenormalsAreZero")); } if (fpu.has_flush_to_zero() && fpu.has_denormals_are_zero()) { dm->add (DenormalFTZDAZ, _("use FlushToZero and DenormalsAreZero")); } add_option (_("Audio"), dm); add_option (_("Audio"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Plugins"))); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "plugins-stop-with-transport", _("Stop plugins when the transport is stopped"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_plugins_stop_with_transport), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_plugins_stop_with_transport) )); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "do-not-record-plugins", _("Disable plugins during recording"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_do_not_record_plugins), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_do_not_record_plugins) )); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "new-plugins-active", _("Make new plugins active"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_new_plugins_active), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_new_plugins_active) )); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "auto-analyse-audio", _("Enable automatic analysis of audio"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_auto_analyse_audio), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_auto_analyse_audio) )); add_option (_("Audio"), new BoolOption ( "replicate-missing-region-channels", _("Replicate missing region channels"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_replicate_missing_region_channels), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_replicate_missing_region_channels) )); /* SOLO AND MUTE */ add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new FaderOption ( "solo-mute-gain", _("Solo-in-place mute cut (dB)"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_solo_mute_gain), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_solo_mute_gain) )); _solo_control_is_listen_control = new BoolOption ( "solo-control-is-listen-control", _("Solo controls are Listen controls"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_solo_control_is_listen_control), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_solo_control_is_listen_control) ); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), _solo_control_is_listen_control); _listen_position = new ComboOption ( "listen-position", _("Listen Position"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_listen_position), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_listen_position) ); _listen_position->add (AfterFaderListen, _("after-fader (AFL)")); _listen_position->add (PreFaderListen, _("pre-fader (PFL)")); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), _listen_position); ComboOption* pp = new ComboOption ( "pfl-position", _("PFL signals come from"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_pfl_position), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_pfl_position) ); pp->add (PFLFromBeforeProcessors, _("before pre-fader processors")); pp->add (PFLFromAfterProcessors, _("pre-fader but after pre-fader processors")); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), pp); ComboOption* pa = new ComboOption ( "afl-position", _("AFL signals come from"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_afl_position), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_afl_position) ); pa->add (AFLFromBeforeProcessors, _("immediately post-fader")); pa->add (AFLFromAfterProcessors, _("after post-fader processors (before pan)")); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), pa); parameter_changed ("use-monitor-bus"); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "exclusive-solo", _("Exclusive solo"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_exclusive_solo), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_exclusive_solo) )); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "show-solo-mutes", _("Show solo muting"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_show_solo_mutes), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_show_solo_mutes) )); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "solo-mute-override", _("Soloing overrides muting"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_solo_mute_override), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_solo_mute_override) )); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Default track / bus muting options"))); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "mute-affects-pre-fader", _("Mute affects pre-fader sends"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mute_affects_pre_fader), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mute_affects_pre_fader) )); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "mute-affects-post-fader", _("Mute affects post-fader sends"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mute_affects_post_fader), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mute_affects_post_fader) )); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "mute-affects-control-outs", _("Mute affects control outputs"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mute_affects_control_outs), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mute_affects_control_outs) )); add_option (_("Solo / mute"), new BoolOption ( "mute-affects-main-outs", _("Mute affects main outputs"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mute_affects_main_outs), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mute_affects_main_outs) )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new BoolOption ( "send-midi-clock", _("Send MIDI Clock"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_send_midi_clock), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_send_midi_clock) )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new BoolOption ( "send-mtc", _("Send MIDI Time Code"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_send_mtc), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_send_mtc) )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new SpinOption ( "mtc-qf-speed-tolerance", _("Percentage either side of normal transport speed to transmit MTC"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mtc_qf_speed_tolerance), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mtc_qf_speed_tolerance), 0, 20, 1, 5 )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new BoolOption ( "mmc-control", _("Obey MIDI Machine Control commands"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mmc_control), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mmc_control) )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new BoolOption ( "send-mmc", _("Send MIDI Machine Control commands"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_send_mmc), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_send_mmc) )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new BoolOption ( "midi-feedback", _("Send MIDI control feedback"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_midi_feedback), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_midi_feedback) )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new SpinOption ( "mmc-receive-device-id", _("Inbound MMC device ID"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mmc_receive_device_id), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mmc_receive_device_id), 0, 128, 1, 10 )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new SpinOption ( "mmc-send-device-id", _("Outbound MMC device ID"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mmc_send_device_id), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mmc_send_device_id), 0, 128, 1, 10 )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new SpinOption ( "initial-program-change", _("Initial program change"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_initial_program_change), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_initial_program_change), -1, 65536, 1, 10 )); add_option (_("MIDI"), new BoolOption ( "diplay-first-midi-bank-as-zero", _("Display first MIDI bank/program as 0"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_first_midi_bank_is_zero), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_first_midi_bank_is_zero) )); /* USER INTERACTION */ add_option (_("User interaction"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Keyboard"))); add_option (_("User interaction"), new KeyboardOptions); add_option (_("User interaction"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Control surfaces"))); add_option (_("User interaction"), new ControlSurfacesOptions (*this)); ComboOption* rm = new ComboOption ( "remote-model", _("Control surface remote ID"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_remote_model), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_remote_model) ); rm->add (UserOrdered, _("assigned by user")); rm->add (MixerOrdered, _("follows order of mixer")); rm->add (EditorOrdered, _("follows order of editor")); add_option (_("User interaction"), rm); /* INTERFACE */ add_option (S_("Visual|Interface"), new BoolOption ( "widget_prelight", _("Graphically indicate mouse pointer hovering over various widgets"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_widget_prelight), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_widget_prelight) )); #ifndef GTKOSX /* font scaling does nothing with GDK/Quartz */ add_option (S_("Visual|Interface"), new FontScalingOptions (_rc_config)); #endif /* The names of these controls must be the same as those given in MixerStrip for the actual widgets being controlled. */ _mixer_strip_visibility.add (0, X_("PhaseInvert"), _("Phase Invert")); _mixer_strip_visibility.add (0, X_("SoloSafe"), _("Solo Safe")); _mixer_strip_visibility.add (0, X_("SoloIsolated"), _("Solo Isolated")); _mixer_strip_visibility.add (0, X_("Comments"), _("Comments")); _mixer_strip_visibility.add (0, X_("Group"), _("Group")); _mixer_strip_visibility.add (0, X_("MeterPoint"), _("Meter Point")); add_option ( S_("Visual|Interface"), new VisibilityOption ( _("Mixer Strip"), &_mixer_strip_visibility, sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_mixer_strip_visibility), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_mixer_strip_visibility) ) ); add_option (S_("Visual|Interface"), new BoolOption ( "default-narrow_ms", _("Use narrow mixer strips by default"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_default_narrow_ms), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_default_narrow_ms) )); add_option (S_("Visual|Interface"), new OptionEditorHeading (_("Metering"))); ComboOption* mht = new ComboOption ( "meter-hold", _("Meter hold time"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_meter_hold), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_meter_hold) ); mht->add (MeterHoldOff, _("off")); mht->add (MeterHoldShort, _("short")); mht->add (MeterHoldMedium, _("medium")); mht->add (MeterHoldLong, _("long")); add_option (S_("Visual|Interface"), mht); ComboOption* mfo = new ComboOption ( "meter-falloff", _("Meter fall-off"), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::get_meter_falloff), sigc::mem_fun (*_rc_config, &RCConfiguration::set_meter_falloff) ); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_OFF, _("off")); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_SLOWEST, _("slowest")); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_SLOW, _("slow")); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_MEDIUM, _("medium")); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_FAST, _("fast")); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_FASTER, _("faster")); mfo->add (METER_FALLOFF_FASTEST, _("fastest")); add_option (S_("Visual|Interface"), mfo); } void RCOptionEditor::parameter_changed (string const & p) { OptionEditor::parameter_changed (p); if (p == "use-monitor-bus") { bool const s = Config->get_use_monitor_bus (); if (!s) { /* we can't use this if we don't have a monitor bus */ Config->set_solo_control_is_listen_control (false); } _solo_control_is_listen_control->set_sensitive (s); _listen_position->set_sensitive (s); } }