/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __ardour_mixer_ui_h__ #define __ardour_mixer_ui_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/stateful.h" #include "pbd/signals.h" #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/session_handle.h" #include "ardour/plugin.h" #include "ardour/plugin_manager.h" #include #include "gtkmm2ext/dndtreeview.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/treeutils.h" #include "widgets/pane.h" #include "widgets/tabbable.h" #include "axis_provider.h" #include "enums.h" #include "route_processor_selection.h" namespace ARDOUR { class Route; class RouteGroup; class VCA; }; class AxisView; class MixerStrip; class PluginSelector; class MixerGroupTabs; class MonitorSection; class VCAMasterStrip; class PluginTreeStore : public Gtk::TreeStore { public: static Glib::RefPtr create(const Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord& columns) { return Glib::RefPtr (new PluginTreeStore (columns)); } protected: PluginTreeStore (const Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord& columns) : Gtk::TreeStore (columns) {} virtual bool row_draggable_vfunc (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&) const { return true; } virtual bool row_drop_possible_vfunc (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&, const Gtk::SelectionData&) const; }; class Mixer_UI : public ArdourWidgets::Tabbable, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList, public ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr, public AxisViewProvider { public: static Mixer_UI* instance(); ~Mixer_UI(); Gtk::Window* use_own_window (bool and_fill_it); void show_window (); void set_session (ARDOUR::Session *); PluginSelector* plugin_selector(); void set_strip_width (Width, bool save = false); Width get_strip_width () const { return _strip_width; } XMLNode& get_state (); int set_state (const XMLNode&, int /* version */); void show_mixer_list (bool yn); void show_monitor_section (bool); void show_strip (MixerStrip *); void hide_strip (MixerStrip *); void maximise_mixer_space(); void restore_mixer_space(); MonitorSection* monitor_section() const { return _monitor_section; } void deselect_all_strip_processors(); void delete_processors(); void select_none (); void select_all_tracks (); void do_vca_assign (boost::shared_ptr); void do_vca_unassign (boost::shared_ptr); void show_spill (boost::shared_ptr); bool showing_spill_for (boost::shared_ptr) const; sigc::signal1 > show_spill_change; RouteProcessorSelection& selection() { return _selection; } void show_editor_window () const; void register_actions (); void load_bindings (); Gtkmm2ext::Bindings* bindings; protected: void set_axis_targets_for_operation (); ARDOUR::AutomationControlSet selected_gaincontrols (); private: Mixer_UI (); static Mixer_UI* _instance; Gtk::VBox _content; Gtk::HBox global_hpacker; Gtk::VBox global_vpacker; Gtk::ScrolledWindow scroller; Gtk::EventBox scroller_base; Gtk::HBox scroller_hpacker; Gtk::VBox mixer_scroller_vpacker; Gtk::VBox list_vpacker; Gtk::Label group_display_button_label; Gtk::ScrolledWindow track_display_scroller; Gtk::ScrolledWindow group_display_scroller; Gtk::ScrolledWindow favorite_plugins_scroller; Gtk::VBox group_display_vbox; Gtk::Frame track_display_frame; Gtk::Frame group_display_frame; Gtk::Frame favorite_plugins_frame; Gtk::VBox favorite_plugins_vbox; Gtk::ComboBoxText favorite_plugins_tag_combo; ArdourWidgets::VPane rhs_pane1; ArdourWidgets::VPane rhs_pane2; ArdourWidgets::HPane inner_pane; Gtk::HBox strip_packer; Gtk::ScrolledWindow vca_scroller; Gtk::HBox vca_hpacker; Gtk::VBox vca_vpacker; Gtk::EventBox vca_label_bar; Gtk::Label vca_label; Gtk::EventBox vca_scroller_base; Gtk::HBox out_packer; Gtk::Button add_button; // should really be an ArdourButton ArdourWidgets::HPane list_hpane; MixerGroupTabs* _group_tabs; bool on_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll*); std::list strips; void scroller_drag_data_received (const Glib::RefPtr&, int, int, const Gtk::SelectionData&, guint, guint); bool strip_scroller_button_release (GdkEventButton*); bool masters_scroller_button_release (GdkEventButton*); void scroll_left (); void scroll_right (); void toggle_midi_input_active (bool flip_others); void move_stripable_into_view (boost::shared_ptr); void add_stripables (ARDOUR::StripableList&); void add_routes (ARDOUR::RouteList&); void remove_strip (MixerStrip *); void add_masters (ARDOUR::VCAList&); void remove_master (VCAMasterStrip*); MixerStrip* strip_by_route (boost::shared_ptr) const; MixerStrip* strip_by_stripable (boost::shared_ptr) const; AxisView* axis_view_by_stripable (boost::shared_ptr) const; AxisView* axis_view_by_control (boost::shared_ptr) const; gint start_updating (); gint stop_updating (); void session_going_away (); sigc::connection fast_screen_update_connection; void fast_update_strips (); void track_name_changed (MixerStrip *); void redisplay_track_list (); void spill_redisplay (boost::shared_ptr); bool no_track_list_redisplay; bool track_display_button_press (GdkEventButton*); void strip_width_changed (); void track_list_delete (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&); void track_list_reorder (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter, int* new_order); void plugin_row_activated (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column); bool plugin_row_button_press (GdkEventButton*); void popup_note_context_menu (GdkEventButton*); void plugin_drop (const Glib::RefPtr&, const Gtk::SelectionData& data); enum ProcessorPosition { AddTop, AddPreFader, AddPostFader, AddBottom }; void add_selected_processor (ProcessorPosition); void add_favorite_processor (ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr, ProcessorPosition); void remove_selected_from_favorites (); void delete_selected_preset (); ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr selected_plugin (); void initial_track_display (); void set_all_strips_visibility (bool yn); void set_all_audio_midi_visibility (int, bool); void track_visibility_changed (std::string const & path); void update_track_visibility (); void hide_all_routes (); void show_all_routes (); void show_all_audiobus (); void hide_all_audiobus (); void show_all_audiotracks(); void hide_all_audiotracks (); void show_all_miditracks(); void hide_all_miditracks (); bool in_group_row_change; void group_selected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent *ev); void group_unselected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent *ev); void group_display_active_clicked(); void new_route_group (); void remove_selected_route_group (); void activate_all_route_groups (); void disable_all_route_groups (); void add_route_group (ARDOUR::RouteGroup *); void route_groups_changed (); void route_group_name_edit (const std::string&, const std::string&); void route_group_row_change (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path,const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter); void route_group_row_deleted (Gtk::TreeModel::Path const &); Gtk::Menu *track_menu; void track_column_click (gint); void build_track_menu (); MonitorSection* _monitor_section; PluginSelector *_plugin_selector; void stripable_property_changed (const PBD::PropertyChange& what_changed, boost::weak_ptr ws); void route_group_property_changed (ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, const PBD::PropertyChange &); /* various treeviews */ struct StripableDisplayModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { StripableDisplayModelColumns () { add (text); add (visible); add (stripable); add (strip); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn visible; Gtk::TreeModelColumn text; Gtk::TreeModelColumn > stripable; Gtk::TreeModelColumn strip; }; struct GroupDisplayModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { GroupDisplayModelColumns() { add (visible); add (text); add (group); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn visible; Gtk::TreeModelColumn text; Gtk::TreeModelColumn group; }; struct PluginsDisplayModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { PluginsDisplayModelColumns() { add (name); add (plugin); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn plugin; }; ARDOUR::PluginInfoList favorite_order; std::map favorite_ui_state; StripableDisplayModelColumns stripable_columns; GroupDisplayModelColumns group_columns; PluginsDisplayModelColumns favorite_plugins_columns; Gtk::TreeView track_display; Gtk::TreeView group_display; Gtkmm2ext::DnDTreeView favorite_plugins_display; Glib::RefPtr track_model; Glib::RefPtr group_model; Glib::RefPtr favorite_plugins_model; bool group_display_button_press (GdkEventButton*); void group_display_selection_changed (); bool strip_button_release_event (GdkEventButton*, MixerStrip*); bool vca_button_release_event (GdkEventButton*, VCAMasterStrip*); Width _strip_width; void presentation_info_changed (PBD::PropertyChange const &); void sync_treeview_from_presentation_info (PBD::PropertyChange const &); void sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); bool ignore_reorder; void parameter_changed (std::string const &); void set_route_group_activation (ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, bool); void setup_track_display (); void new_track_or_bus (); static const int32_t default_width = 478; static const int32_t default_height = 765; /** true if we are rebuilding the route group list, or clearing * it during a session teardown. */ bool _in_group_rebuild_or_clear; bool _route_deletion_in_progress; void update_title (); MixerStrip* strip_by_x (int x); friend class MixerGroupTabs; void monitor_section_going_away (); void monitor_section_attached (); void monitor_section_detached (); void store_current_favorite_order(); void refiller (ARDOUR::PluginInfoList& result, const ARDOUR::PluginInfoList& plugs); void plugin_list_changed (); void refill_favorite_plugins (); void refill_tag_combo (); void tag_combo_changed (); void sync_treeview_from_favorite_order (); void sync_treeview_favorite_ui_state (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator&); void save_favorite_ui_state (const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter, const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path); /// true if we are in fullscreen mode bool _maximised; // true if mixer list is visible bool _show_mixer_list; bool _strip_selection_change_without_scroll; mutable boost::weak_ptr spilled_strip; void escape (); Gtkmm2ext::ActionMap myactions; RouteProcessorSelection _selection; AxisViewSelection _axis_targets; void vca_assign (boost::shared_ptr); void vca_unassign (boost::shared_ptr); template void control_action (boost::shared_ptr (ARDOUR::Stripable::*get_control)() const); void solo_action (); void mute_action (); void rec_enable_action (); void step_gain_up_action (); void step_gain_down_action (); void unity_gain_action (); void copy_processors (); void cut_processors (); void paste_processors (); void select_all_processors (); void toggle_processors (); void ab_plugins (); }; #endif /* __ardour_mixer_ui_h__ */