/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif /* this file exists solely to break compilation dependencies that would connect changes to the mixer or editor objects. */ #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/bindings.h" #include "actions.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "meterbridge.h" #include "luawindow.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "splash.h" #include "rc_option_editor.h" #include "route_params_ui.h" #include "opts.h" #include "utils.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace PBD; namespace ARDOUR { class Session; class Route; } using namespace ARDOUR; void ARDOUR_UI::we_have_dependents () { install_actions (); load_bindings (); ProcessorBox::register_actions (); /* Global, editor, mixer, processor box actions are defined now. Link them with any bindings, so that GTK does not get a chance to define the GTK accel map entries first when we ask the GtkUIManager to create menus/widgets. If GTK adds the actions to its accel map before we do, we lose our freedom to use any keys. More precisely, we can use any keys, but ones that GTK considers illegal as accelerators will not show up in menus. There are other dynamic actions that can be created by a monitor section, by step entry dialogs. These need to be handled separately. They don't tend to use GTK-illegal bindings and more importantly they don't have menus showing the bindings, so it is less of an issue. */ Gtkmm2ext::Bindings::associate_all (); editor->setup_tooltips (); editor->UpdateAllTransportClocks.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::update_transport_clocks)); /* catch up on tabbable state, in the right order to leave the editor * selected by default */ tabbable_state_change (*rc_option_editor); tabbable_state_change (*mixer); tabbable_state_change (*editor); /* all actions are defined */ ActionManager::load_menus (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::menus_file); editor->track_mixer_selection (); mixer->track_editor_selection (); /* catch up on parameters */ boost::function pc (boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::parameter_changed, this, _1)); Config->map_parameters (pc); UIConfiguration::instance().reset_dpi (); } void ARDOUR_UI::connect_dependents_to_session (ARDOUR::Session *s) { DisplaySuspender ds; BootMessage (_("Setup Editor")); editor->set_session (s); BootMessage (_("Setup Mixer")); mixer->set_session (s); meterbridge->set_session (s); luawindow->set_session (s); /* its safe to do this now */ BootMessage (_("Reload Session History")); s->restore_history (""); } /** The main editor window has been closed */ gint ARDOUR_UI::exit_on_main_window_close (GdkEventAny * /*ev*/) { #ifdef TOP_MENUBAR /* just hide the window, and return - the top menu stays up */ editor->hide (); return TRUE; #else /* time to get out of here */ finish(); return TRUE; #endif } GtkNotebook* ARDOUR_UI::tab_window_root_drop (GtkNotebook* src, GtkWidget* w, gint x, gint y, gpointer) { using namespace std; Gtk::Notebook* nb = 0; Gtk::Window* win = 0; Gtkmm2ext::Tabbable* tabbable = 0; if (w == GTK_WIDGET(editor->contents().gobj())) { tabbable = editor; } else if (w == GTK_WIDGET(mixer->contents().gobj())) { tabbable = mixer; } else if (w == GTK_WIDGET(rc_option_editor->contents().gobj())) { tabbable = rc_option_editor; } else { return 0; } nb = tabbable->tab_root_drop (); win = tabbable->own_window (); if (nb) { win->move (x, y); win->show_all (); win->present (); return nb->gobj(); } return 0; /* what was that? */ } bool ARDOUR_UI::idle_ask_about_quit () { if (_session && _session->dirty()) { finish (); } else { /* no session or session not dirty, but still ask anyway */ Gtk::MessageDialog msg (string_compose ("Quit %1?", PROGRAM_NAME), false, /* no markup */ Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO, true); /* modal */ msg.set_default_response (Gtk::RESPONSE_YES); if (msg.run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_YES) { finish (); } } /* not reached but keep the compiler happy */ return false; } bool ARDOUR_UI::main_window_delete_event (GdkEventAny* ev) { /* quit the application as soon as we go idle. If we call this here, * the window manager/desktop can think we're taking too longer to * handle the "delete" event */ Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::idle_ask_about_quit)); return true; } static GtkNotebook* tab_window_root_drop (GtkNotebook* src, GtkWidget* w, gint x, gint y, gpointer user_data) { return ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tab_window_root_drop (src, w, x, y, user_data); } int ARDOUR_UI::setup_windows () { /* actions do not need to be defined when we load keybindings. They * will be lazily discovered. But bindings do need to exist when we * create windows/tabs with their own binding sets. */ keyboard->setup_keybindings (); _tabs.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::tabs_switch)); _tabs.signal_page_added().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::tabs_page_added)); _tabs.signal_page_removed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::tabs_page_removed)); rc_option_editor = new RCOptionEditor; rc_option_editor->StateChange.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::tabbable_state_change)); if (create_editor ()) { error << _("UI: cannot setup editor") << endmsg; return -1; } if (create_mixer ()) { error << _("UI: cannot setup mixer") << endmsg; return -1; } if (create_meterbridge ()) { error << _("UI: cannot setup meterbridge") << endmsg; return -1; } if (create_luawindow ()) { error << _("UI: cannot setup luawindow") << endmsg; return -1; } /* order of addition affects order seen in initial window display */ rc_option_editor->add_to_notebook (_tabs, _("Preferences")); mixer->add_to_notebook (_tabs, _("Mixer")); editor->add_to_notebook (_tabs, _("Editor")); /* all other dialogs are created conditionally */ we_have_dependents (); #ifdef TOP_MENUBAR EventBox* status_bar_event_box = manage (new EventBox); status_bar_event_box->add (status_bar_label); status_bar_event_box->add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); status_bar_label.set_size_request (300, -1); status_bar_label.show (); status_bar_event_box->show (); status_bar_event_box->signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::status_bar_button_press)); status_bar_hpacker.pack_start (*status_bar_event_box, true, true, 6); status_bar_hpacker.pack_start (menu_bar_base, false, false, 2); #else top_packer.pack_start (menu_bar_base, false, false); #endif main_vpacker.pack_start (top_packer, false, false); /* now add the transport frame to the top of main window */ main_vpacker.pack_start (transport_frame, false, false); main_vpacker.pack_start (_tabs, true, true); #ifdef TOP_MENUBAR main_vpacker.pack_start (status_bar_hpacker, false, false); #endif for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { std::string const a = string_compose (X_("script-action-%1"), i + 1); Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action(X_("Editor"), a.c_str()); assert (act); action_script_call_btn[i].set_text (string_compose ("%1", i+1)); action_script_call_btn[i].set_related_action (act); const int row = i % 3; const int col = i / 3; action_script_table.attach (action_script_call_btn[i], col, col + 1, row, row + 1, EXPAND, EXPAND, 1, 1); action_script_call_btn[i].set_no_show_all (); } action_script_table.show (); setup_transport(); build_menu_bar (); setup_tooltips (); _main_window.signal_delete_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::main_window_delete_event)); /* pack the main vpacker into the main window and show everything */ _main_window.add (main_vpacker); transport_frame.show_all (); const XMLNode* mnode = main_window_settings (); if (mnode) { XMLProperty const * prop; gint x = -1; gint y = -1; gint w = -1; gint h = -1; if ((prop = mnode->property (X_("x"))) != 0) { x = atoi (prop->value()); } if ((prop = mnode->property (X_("y"))) != 0) { y = atoi (prop->value()); } if ((prop = mnode->property (X_("w"))) != 0) { w = atoi (prop->value()); } if ((prop = mnode->property (X_("h"))) != 0) { h = atoi (prop->value()); } if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && w >= 0 && h >= 0) { _main_window.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_NONE); } if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { _main_window.move (x, y); } if (w > 0 && h > 0) { _main_window.set_default_size (w, h); } std::string current_tab; if ((prop = mnode->property (X_("current-tab"))) != 0) { current_tab = prop->value(); } else { current_tab = "editor"; } if (mixer && current_tab == "mixer") { _tabs.set_current_page (_tabs.page_num (mixer->contents())); } else if (rc_option_editor && current_tab == "preferences") { _tabs.set_current_page (_tabs.page_num (rc_option_editor->contents())); } else if (editor) { _tabs.set_current_page (_tabs.page_num (editor->contents())); } } setup_toplevel_window (_main_window, "", this); _main_window.show_all (); _tabs.set_show_tabs (false); /* It would be nice if Gtkmm had wrapped this rather than just * deprecating the old set_window_creation_hook() method, but oh well... */ g_signal_connect (_tabs.gobj(), "create-window", (GCallback) ::tab_window_root_drop, this); return 0; }