ardour { ["type"] = "dsp", name = "SinGen", category = "Instrument", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Simple sine wave generator with gain and frequency controls]] } function presets () return { -- one can speficy parmaters by name.. { name = "1k", params = { Frequency = 1000, Gain = -18 } }, { name = "440", params = { Frequency = 440, Gain = -3 } }, -- ..or using zero-based indexing as number. { name = "C4", params = { [0] = 261.625565, [1] = -6 } }, -- partial preset are also possible { name = "max volume", params = { [1] = 0 } }, } end local lpf = 0 function dsp_params () return { { ["type"] = "input", name = "Frequency", min = 20, max = 20000, default = 1000, unit="Hz", logarithmic = true }, { ["type"] = "input", name = "Gain", min = -90, max = 0, default = -18, unit="dB" }, } end function dsp_ioconfig () return { [1] = { audio_in = -1, audio_out = -1}, } end function dsp_init (rate) r = rate lpf = 2048 / rate end function low_pass_filter_param(old, new, limit) if math.abs (old - new) < limit then return new else return old + lpf * (new - old) end end local p = 0 local fo = 0 local ao = 0 function dsp_run (ins, outs, n_samples) local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array() --call parameters local a = {} --init array local f = ctrl[1] or 1000 local amp = low_pass_filter_param(ao, ARDOUR.DSP.dB_to_coefficient(ctrl[2]), 0.02) local inc = f / r for s = 1, n_samples do --fill table with fragments of a sine wave p = p + inc a[s] = amp * math.sin(p * (2 * math.pi)) end for c = 1,#outs do outs[c]:set_table(a, n_samples) --passes array into buffer end if (f ~= fo) or (a ~= ao) then self:queue_draw() end fo = f ao = amp end function render_inline (ctx, w, max_h) --inline display local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array() h = 30 p = 0 inc = 1/w f = ctrl[1] / 1000 if f < 0.5 then f = 0.5 end if f > 8 then f = 8 end --draw rectangle ctx:rectangle(0, 0, w, h) ctx:set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0) ctx:fill() ctx:set_line_width(1.5) ctx:set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) l_x = 0 l_y = 0 for x = 0,w do y = ARDOUR.DSP.dB_to_coefficient(ctrl[2]) * math.sin(f * (2 * math.pi * (p))) yc = 0.5 * h + ((-0.5 * h) * y) ctx:move_to (x, yc + 3) ctx:line_to (l_x, l_y + 3) l_x = x l_y = yc ctx:stroke() p = p + inc end return {w, h + 6} end