/* Copyright (C) 2007 Tim Mayberry This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include // for W_OK #endif #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/debug.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/pathscanner.h" #include "pbd/stl_delete.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; namespace PBD { void get_files_in_directory (const std::string& directory_path, vector& result) { if (!Glib::file_test (directory_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) return; try { Glib::Dir dir(directory_path); std::copy(dir.begin(), dir.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); } catch (Glib::FileError& err) { warning << err.what() << endmsg; } } void find_matching_files_in_directory (const std::string& directory, const Glib::PatternSpec& pattern, vector& result) { vector tmp_files; get_files_in_directory (directory, tmp_files); result.reserve(tmp_files.size()); for (vector::iterator file_iter = tmp_files.begin(); file_iter != tmp_files.end(); ++file_iter) { if (!pattern.match(*file_iter)) continue; std::string full_path(directory); full_path = Glib::build_filename (full_path, *file_iter); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::FileUtils, string_compose("Found file %1\n", full_path) ); result.push_back(full_path); } } void find_matching_files_in_directories (const vector& paths, const Glib::PatternSpec& pattern, vector& result) { for (vector::const_iterator path_iter = paths.begin(); path_iter != paths.end(); ++path_iter) { find_matching_files_in_directory (*path_iter, pattern, result); } } void find_matching_files_in_search_path (const SearchPath& search_path, const Glib::PatternSpec& pattern, vector& result) { find_matching_files_in_directories (search_path, pattern, result); } bool find_file_in_search_path(const SearchPath& search_path, const string& filename, std::string& result) { vector tmp; Glib::PatternSpec tmp_pattern(filename); find_matching_files_in_search_path (search_path, tmp_pattern, tmp); if (tmp.size() == 0) { DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::FileUtils, string_compose("No file matching %1 found in Path: %2\n", filename, search_path.to_string()) ); return false; } if (tmp.size() != 1) { DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::FileUtils, string_compose("Found more that one file matching %1 in Path: %2\n", filename, search_path.to_string()) ); } result = tmp.front(); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::FileUtils, string_compose("Found file %1 in Path: %2\n", filename, search_path.to_string()) ); return true; } bool copy_file(const std::string & from_path, const std::string & to_path) { if (!Glib::file_test (from_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return false; Glib::RefPtr from_file = Gio::File::create_for_path(from_path); Glib::RefPtr to_file = Gio::File::create_for_path(to_path); try { from_file->copy (to_file, Gio::FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE); } catch(const Glib::Exception& ex) { error << string_compose (_("Unable to Copy file %1 to %2 (%3)"), from_path, to_path, ex.what()) << endmsg; return false; } return true; } static bool accept_all_files (string const &, void *) { return true; } void copy_files(const std::string & from_path, const std::string & to_dir) { PathScanner scanner; vector* files = scanner (from_path, accept_all_files, 0, true, false); if (files) { for (vector::iterator i = files->begin(); i != files->end(); ++i) { std::string from = Glib::build_filename (from_path, **i); std::string to = Glib::build_filename (to_dir, **i); copy_file (from, to); } vector_delete (files); } } std::string get_absolute_path (const std::string & p) { Glib::RefPtr f = Gio::File::create_for_path (p); return f->get_path (); } bool equivalent_paths (const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { struct stat bA; int const rA = g_stat (a.c_str(), &bA); struct stat bB; int const rB = g_stat (b.c_str(), &bB); return (rA == 0 && rB == 0 && bA.st_dev == bB.st_dev && bA.st_ino == bB.st_ino); } bool path_is_within (std::string const & haystack, std::string needle) { while (1) { if (equivalent_paths (haystack, needle)) { return true; } needle = Glib::path_get_dirname (needle); if (needle == "." || needle == "/") { break; } } return false; } bool exists_and_writable (const std::string & p) { /* writable() really reflects the whole folder, but if for any reason the session state file can't be written to, still make us unwritable. */ struct stat statbuf; if (g_stat (p.c_str(), &statbuf) != 0) { /* doesn't exist - not writable */ return false; } else { if (!(statbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR)) { /* exists and is not writable */ return false; } /* filesystem may be mounted read-only, so even though file * permissions permit access, the mount status does not. * access(2) seems like the best test for this. */ if (g_access (p.c_str(), W_OK) != 0) { return false; } } return true; } } // namespace PBD