/* Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/track.h" #include "ardour/monitor_control.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/meter.h" #include "ardour/phase_control.h" #include "ardour/solo_isolate_control.h" #include "ardour/solo_safe_control.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "osc.h" #include "osc_select_observer.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourSurface; OSCSelectObserver::OSCSelectObserver (boost::shared_ptr s, lo_address a, uint32_t gm, std::bitset<32> fb) : _strip (s) ,gainmode (gm) ,feedback (fb) ,nsends (0) { addr = lo_address_new (lo_address_get_hostname(a) , lo_address_get_port(a)); if (feedback[0]) { // buttons are separate feedback _strip->PropertyChanged.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::name_changed, this, boost::lambda::_1), OSC::instance()); name_changed (ARDOUR::Properties::name); _strip->mute_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/mute"), _strip->mute_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/mute", _strip->mute_control()); _strip->solo_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/solo"), _strip->solo_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/solo", _strip->solo_control()); if (_strip->solo_isolate_control()) { _strip->solo_isolate_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/solo_iso"), _strip->solo_isolate_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/solo_iso", _strip->solo_isolate_control()); } if (_strip->solo_safe_control()) { _strip->solo_safe_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/solo_safe"), _strip->solo_safe_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/solo_safe", _strip->solo_safe_control()); } boost::shared_ptr track = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (_strip); if (track) { track->monitoring_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::monitor_status, this, track->monitoring_control()), OSC::instance()); monitor_status (track->monitoring_control()); } boost::shared_ptr rec_controllable = _strip->rec_enable_control (); if (rec_controllable) { rec_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/recenable"), _strip->rec_enable_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/recenable", _strip->rec_enable_control()); } boost::shared_ptr recsafe_controllable = _strip->rec_safe_control (); if (recsafe_controllable) { recsafe_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/record_safe"), _strip->rec_safe_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/record_safe", _strip->rec_safe_control()); } boost::shared_ptr phase_controllable = _strip->phase_control (); if (phase_controllable) { phase_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/polarity"), _strip->phase_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/polarity", _strip->phase_control()); } } if (feedback[1]) { // level controls if (gainmode) { _strip->gain_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::gain_message, this, X_("/select/fader"), _strip->gain_control()), OSC::instance()); gain_message ("/select/fader", _strip->gain_control()); } else { _strip->gain_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::gain_message, this, X_("/select/gain"), _strip->gain_control()), OSC::instance()); gain_message ("/select/gain", _strip->gain_control()); } boost::shared_ptr trim_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_strip->trim_control()); if (trim_controllable) { trim_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::trim_message, this, X_("/select/trimdB"), _strip->trim_control()), OSC::instance()); trim_message ("/select/trimdB", _strip->trim_control()); } boost::shared_ptr pan_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_strip->pan_azimuth_control()); if (pan_controllable) { pan_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/pan_stereo_position"), _strip->pan_azimuth_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/pan_stereo_position", _strip->pan_azimuth_control()); } boost::shared_ptr width_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_strip->pan_width_control()); if (width_controllable) { width_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/pan_stereo_width"), _strip->pan_width_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/pan_stereo_width", _strip->pan_width_control()); } // detecting processor changes requires cast to route boost::shared_ptr r = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_strip); if (r) { r->processors_changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::send_restart, this, -1), OSC::instance()); send_init(); } } if (feedback[13]) { // Well known controls // Rest of possible pan controls... Untested because I can't find a way to get them in the GUI :) if (_strip->pan_elevation_control ()) { _strip->pan_elevation_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/pan_elevation_position"), _strip->pan_elevation_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/pan_elevation_position", _strip->pan_elevation_control()); } if (_strip->pan_frontback_control ()) { _strip->pan_frontback_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/pan_frontback_position"), _strip->pan_frontback_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/pan_frontback_position", _strip->pan_frontback_control()); } if (_strip->pan_lfe_control ()) { _strip->pan_lfe_control()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/pan_lfe_position"), _strip->pan_lfe_control()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/pan_lfe_position", _strip->pan_lfe_control()); } // Compressor if (_strip->comp_enable_controllable ()) { _strip->comp_enable_controllable ()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/comp_enable"), _strip->comp_enable_controllable()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/comp_enable", _strip->comp_enable_controllable()); } if (_strip->comp_threshold_controllable ()) { _strip->comp_threshold_controllable ()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/comp_threshold"), _strip->comp_threshold_controllable()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/comp_threshold", _strip->comp_threshold_controllable()); } if (_strip->comp_speed_controllable ()) { _strip->comp_speed_controllable ()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/comp_speed"), _strip->comp_speed_controllable()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/comp_speed", _strip->comp_speed_controllable()); } if (_strip->comp_mode_controllable ()) { _strip->comp_mode_controllable ()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/comp_mode"), _strip->comp_mode_controllable()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/comp_mode", _strip->comp_mode_controllable()); text_message ("/select/comp_mode_name", _strip->comp_mode_name(_strip->comp_mode_controllable()->get_value())); text_message ("/select/comp_speed_name", _strip->comp_speed_name(_strip->comp_mode_controllable()->get_value())); } if (_strip->comp_makeup_controllable ()) { _strip->comp_makeup_controllable ()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/comp_makeup"), _strip->comp_makeup_controllable()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/comp_makeup", _strip->comp_makeup_controllable()); } if (_strip->comp_redux_controllable ()) { _strip->comp_redux_controllable ()->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::change_message, this, X_("/select/comp_redux"), _strip->comp_redux_controllable()), OSC::instance()); change_message ("/select/comp_redux", _strip->comp_redux_controllable()); } } tick(); } OSCSelectObserver::~OSCSelectObserver () { strip_connections.drop_connections (); // all strip buttons should be off and faders 0 and etc. clear_strip ("/select/expand", 0); if (feedback[0]) { // buttons are separate feedback lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); // name is a string do it first lo_message_add_string (msg, " "); lo_send_message (addr, "/select/name", msg); lo_message_free (msg); msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_string (msg, " "); lo_send_message (addr, "/select/comment", msg); lo_message_free (msg); clear_strip ("/select/mute", 0); clear_strip ("/select/solo", 0); clear_strip ("/select/recenable", 0); clear_strip ("/select/record_safe", 0); clear_strip ("/select/monitor_input", 0); clear_strip ("/select/monitor_disk", 0); clear_strip ("/select/polarity", 0); clear_strip ("/select/n_inputs", 0); clear_strip ("/select/n_outputs", 0); } if (feedback[1]) { // level controls if (gainmode) { clear_strip ("/select/fader", 0); } else { clear_strip ("/select/gain", -193); } clear_strip ("/select/trimdB", 0); clear_strip ("/select/pan_stereo_position", 0.5); clear_strip ("/select/pan_stereo_width", 1); } if (feedback[9]) { clear_strip ("/select/signal", 0); } if (feedback[7]) { if (gainmode) { clear_strip ("/select/meter", 0); } else { clear_strip ("/select/meter", -193); } }else if (feedback[8]) { clear_strip ("/select/meter", 0); } send_end(); lo_address_free (addr); } void OSCSelectObserver::send_init() { // we don't know how many there are, so find out. bool sends; do { sends = false; if (_strip->send_level_controllable (nsends)) { _strip->send_level_controllable(nsends)->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::send_gain, this, nsends, _strip->send_level_controllable(nsends)), OSC::instance()); send_gain (nsends, _strip->send_level_controllable(nsends)); sends = true; } if (_strip->send_enable_controllable (nsends)) { _strip->send_enable_controllable(nsends)->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCSelectObserver::send_enable, this, X_("/select/send_enable"), nsends, _strip->send_enable_controllable(nsends)), OSC::instance()); send_enable ("/select/send_enable", nsends, _strip->send_enable_controllable(nsends)); sends = true; } else if (sends) { // not used by Ardour, just mixbus so in Ardour always true lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/send_enable"; if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, nsends + 1); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, nsends + 1); } lo_message_add_int32 (msg, 1); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } // this should get signalled by the route the send goes to, (TODO) if (sends) { // if the gain control is there, this is too send_name ("/select/send_name", nsends, _strip->send_name(nsends)); } // Send numbers are 0 based, OSC is 1 based so this gets incremented at the end if (sends) { nsends++; } } while (sends); } void OSCSelectObserver::send_end () { send_connections.drop_connections (); for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= nsends; i++) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); string path = "/select/send_gain"; if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, i); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, i); } if (gainmode) { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, 0); } else { lo_message_add_float (msg, -193); } lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); // next enable msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/send_enable"; if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, i); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, i); } lo_message_add_int32 (msg, 0); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); // next name msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/send_name"; if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, i); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, i); } lo_message_add_string (msg, " "); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } nsends = 0; } void OSCSelectObserver::send_restart(int x) { send_end(); send_init(); } void OSCSelectObserver::tick () { if (feedback[7] || feedback[8] || feedback[9]) { // meters enabled float now_meter; if (_strip->peak_meter()) { now_meter = _strip->peak_meter()->meter_level(0, MeterMCP); } else { now_meter = -193; } if (now_meter < -193) now_meter = -193; if (_last_meter != now_meter) { if (feedback[7] || feedback[8]) { string path = "/select/meter"; lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); if (gainmode && feedback[7]) { uint32_t lev1023 = (uint32_t)((now_meter + 54) * 17.05); lo_message_add_int32 (msg, lev1023); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); } else if ((!gainmode) && feedback[7]) { lo_message_add_float (msg, now_meter); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); } else if (feedback[8]) { uint32_t ledlvl = (uint32_t)(((now_meter + 54) / 3.75)-1); uint16_t ledbits = ~(0xfff<name().c_str()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); boost::shared_ptr route = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (_strip); if (route) { //spit out the comment at the same time msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/comment"; lo_message_add_string (msg, route->comment().c_str()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); // lets tell the surface how many inputs this strip has msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/n_inputs"; lo_message_add_int32 (msg, route->n_inputs().n_total()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); // lets tell the surface how many outputs this strip has msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/n_outputs"; lo_message_add_int32 (msg, route->n_outputs().n_total()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } } void OSCSelectObserver::change_message (string path, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_float (msg, (float) controllable->get_value()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::text_message (string path, std::string text) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_string (msg, text.c_str()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::monitor_status (boost::shared_ptr controllable) { int disk, input; float val = controllable->get_value(); switch ((int) val) { case 1: disk = 0; input = 1; break; case 2: disk = 1; input = 0; break; default: disk = 0; input = 0; } lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); string path = "/select/monitor_input"; lo_message_add_int32 (msg, (float) input); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); msg = lo_message_new (); path = "/select/monitor_disk"; lo_message_add_int32 (msg, (float) disk); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::trim_message (string path, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_float (msg, (float) accurate_coefficient_to_dB (controllable->get_value())); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::gain_message (string path, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); if (gainmode) { if (controllable->get_value() == 1) { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, 800); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, gain_to_slider_position (controllable->get_value()) * 1023); } } else { if (controllable->get_value() < 1e-15) { lo_message_add_float (msg, -200); } else { lo_message_add_float (msg, accurate_coefficient_to_dB (controllable->get_value())); } } lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::send_gain (uint32_t id, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); string path; float value; if (gainmode) { path = "/select/send_fader"; if (controllable->get_value() == 1) { value = 800; } else { value = gain_to_slider_position (controllable->get_value()); } } else { path = "/select/send_gain"; if (controllable->get_value() < 1e-15) { value = -193; } else { value = accurate_coefficient_to_dB (controllable->get_value()); } } if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, id + 1); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, id + 1); } lo_message_add_float (msg, value); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::send_enable (string path, uint32_t id, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, id + 1); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, id + 1); } lo_message_add_float (msg, (float) controllable->get_value()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCSelectObserver::send_name (string path, uint32_t id, string name) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); if (feedback[2]) { path = set_path (path, id + 1); } else { lo_message_add_int32 (msg, id + 1); } lo_message_add_string (msg, name.c_str()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } string OSCSelectObserver::set_path (string path, uint32_t id) { if (feedback[2]) { ostringstream os; os << path << "/" << id; path = os.str(); } return path; } void OSCSelectObserver::clear_strip (string path, float val) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_float (msg, val); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); }