/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "midi_channel_selector.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "step_editor.h" #include "step_entry.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace ArdourWidgets; Gtkmm2ext::Bindings* StepEntry::bindings = 0; StepEntry* StepEntry::_instance = 0; StepEntry& StepEntry::instance() { if (!_instance) { _instance = new StepEntry; } return *_instance; } StepEntry::StepEntry () : ArdourWindow (string()) , _current_note_length (1, 0) , _current_note_velocity (64) , triplet_button ("3") , dot_adjustment (0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0) , beat_resync_button (_(">beat")) , bar_resync_button (_(">bar")) , resync_button (_(">EP")) , sustain_button (_("sustain")) , rest_button (_("rest")) , grid_rest_button (_("g-rest")) , back_button (_("back")) , channel_adjustment (1, 1, 16, 1, 4) , channel_spinner (channel_adjustment) , octave_adjustment (4, 0, 10, 1, 4) // start in octave 4 , octave_spinner (octave_adjustment) , length_divisor_adjustment (4.0, 1.0, 128, 1.0, 4.0) , length_divisor_spinner (length_divisor_adjustment) , velocity_adjustment (64.0, 0.0, 127.0, 1.0, 4.0) , velocity_spinner (velocity_adjustment) , bank_adjustment (0, 0.0, 127.0, 1.0, 4.0) , bank_spinner (bank_adjustment) , bank_button (_("+")) , program_adjustment (0, 0.0, 127.0, 1.0, 4.0) , program_spinner (program_adjustment) , program_button (_("+")) , se (0) { set_data ("ardour-bindings", bindings); Pango::FontDescription font (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::sanitized_font ("ArdourSans 24")); length_1_button.set_layout_font (font); length_2_button.set_layout_font (font); length_4_button.set_layout_font (font); length_8_button.set_layout_font (font); length_16_button.set_layout_font (font); length_32_button.set_layout_font (font); length_64_button.set_layout_font (font); length_1_button.set_width_padding (.2); length_2_button.set_width_padding (.2); length_4_button.set_width_padding (.2); length_8_button.set_width_padding (.2); length_16_button.set_width_padding (.2); length_32_button.set_width_padding (.2); length_64_button.set_width_padding (.2); chord_button.set_layout_font (font); chord_button.set_width_padding (.2); Pango::FontDescription font2 (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::sanitized_font ("ArdourSans 12")); velocity_ppp_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_pp_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_p_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_mp_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_mf_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_f_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_ff_button.set_layout_font (font2); velocity_fff_button.set_layout_font (font2); RefPtr act; act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-whole"); length_1_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-half"); length_2_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-quarter"); length_4_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-eighth"); length_8_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-sixteenth"); length_16_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-thirtysecond"); length_32_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-length-sixtyfourth"); length_64_button.set_related_action (act); note_length_box.pack_start (length_1_button, false, false); note_length_box.pack_start (length_2_button, false, false); note_length_box.pack_start (length_4_button, false, false); note_length_box.pack_start (length_8_button, false, false); note_length_box.pack_start (length_16_button, false, false); note_length_box.pack_start (length_32_button, false, false); note_length_box.pack_start (length_64_button, false, false); set_tooltip (&length_1_button, _("Set note length to a whole note"), ""); set_tooltip (&length_2_button, _("Set note length to a half note"), ""); set_tooltip (&length_4_button, _("Set note length to a quarter note"), ""); set_tooltip (&length_8_button, _("Set note length to a eighth note"), ""); set_tooltip (&length_16_button, _("Set note length to a sixteenth note"), ""); set_tooltip (&length_32_button, _("Set note length to a thirty-second note"), ""); set_tooltip (&length_64_button, _("Set note length to a sixty-fourth note"), ""); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-ppp"); velocity_ppp_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-pp"); velocity_pp_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-p"); velocity_p_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-mp"); velocity_mp_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-mf"); velocity_mf_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-f"); velocity_f_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-ff"); velocity_ff_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-fff"); velocity_fff_button.set_related_action (act); set_tooltip (&velocity_ppp_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to pianississimo"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_pp_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to pianissimo"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_p_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to piano"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_mp_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to mezzo-piano"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_mf_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to mezzo-forte"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_f_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to forte"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_ff_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to fortissimo"), ""); set_tooltip (&velocity_fff_button, _("Set volume (velocity) to fortississimo"), ""); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_ppp_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_pp_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_p_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_mp_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_mf_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_f_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_ff_button, false, false); note_velocity_box.pack_start (velocity_fff_button, false, false); /* https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1D100.pdf */ velocity_ppp_button.set_text ("\U0001D18F\U0001D18F\U0001D18F"); //MUSICAL SYMBOL PIANO (U+1D18F) velocity_pp_button.set_text ("\U0001D18F\U0001D18F"); velocity_p_button.set_text ("\U0001D18F"); velocity_mp_button.set_text ("\U0001D190\U0001D18F"); //MUSICAL SYMBOL MEZZO (U+1D190) velocity_mf_button.set_text ("\U0001D190\U0001D191"); velocity_f_button.set_text ("\U0001D191"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL FORTE (U+1D191) velocity_ff_button.set_text ("\U0001D191\U0001D191"); velocity_fff_button.set_text ("\U0001D191\U0001D191\U0001D191"); length_1_button.set_text ("\U0001D15D"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL WHOLE NOTE length_2_button.set_text ("\U0001D15E"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL HALF NOTE length_4_button.set_text ("\U0001D15F"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL QUARTER NOTE length_8_button.set_text ("\U0001D160"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL EIGHTH NOTE length_16_button.set_text ("\U0001D161"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE length_32_button.set_text ("\U0001D162"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL THIRTY-SECOND NOTE length_64_button.set_text ("\U0001D163"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTY-FOURTH NOTE chord_button.set_text ("\U0001D1D6"); // MUSICAL SYMBOL SCANDICUS (customized in ArdourSans) Label* l = manage (new Label); l->set_markup ("-"); l->show (); dot0_button.add (*l); l = manage (new Label); l->set_markup ("."); l->show (); dot1_button.add (*l); l = manage (new Label); l->set_markup (".."); l->show (); dot2_button.add (*l); l = manage (new Label); l->set_markup ("..."); l->show (); dot3_button.add (*l); dot_box1.pack_start (dot0_button, true, false); dot_box1.pack_start (dot1_button, true, false); dot_box2.pack_start (dot2_button, true, false); dot_box2.pack_start (dot3_button, true, false); rest_box.pack_start (rest_button, true, false); rest_box.pack_start (grid_rest_button, true, false); rest_box.pack_start (back_button, true, false); resync_box.pack_start (beat_resync_button, true, false); resync_box.pack_start (bar_resync_button, true, false); resync_box.pack_start (resync_button, true, false); set_tooltip (&chord_button, _("Stack inserted notes to form a chord"), ""); set_tooltip (&sustain_button, _("Extend selected notes by note length"), ""); set_tooltip (&dot0_button, _("Use undotted note lengths"), ""); set_tooltip (&dot1_button, _("Use dotted (* 1.5) note lengths"), ""); set_tooltip (&dot2_button, _("Use double-dotted (* 1.75) note lengths"), ""); set_tooltip (&dot3_button, _("Use triple-dotted (* 1.875) note lengths"), ""); set_tooltip (&rest_button, _("Insert a note-length's rest"), ""); set_tooltip (&grid_rest_button, _("Insert a grid-unit's rest"), ""); set_tooltip (&beat_resync_button, _("Insert a rest until the next beat"), ""); set_tooltip (&bar_resync_button, _("Insert a rest until the next bar"), ""); set_tooltip (&bank_button, _("Insert a bank change message"), ""); set_tooltip (&program_button, _("Insert a program change message"), ""); set_tooltip (&back_button, _("Move Insert Position Back by Note Length"), ""); set_tooltip (&resync_button, _("Move Insert Position to Edit Point"), ""); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/back"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (back_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (back_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/sync-to-edit-point"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (resync_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (resync_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/toggle-triplet"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (triplet_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (triplet_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/no-dotted"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot0_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot0_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/toggle-dotted"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot1_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot1_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/toggle-double-dotted"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot2_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot2_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/toggle-triple-dotted"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot3_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (dot3_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/insert-rest"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (rest_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (rest_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/insert-snap-rest"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (grid_rest_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (grid_rest_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/sustain"); gtk_activatable_set_use_action_appearance (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (sustain_button.gobj()), false); gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (sustain_button.gobj()), act->gobj()); act = ActionManager::get_action ("StepEditing/toggle-chord"); chord_button.set_related_action (act); upper_box.set_spacing (6); upper_box.pack_start (chord_button, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (note_length_box, false, false, 12); upper_box.pack_start (triplet_button, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (dot_box1, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (dot_box2, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (sustain_button, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (rest_box, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (resync_box, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (note_velocity_box, false, false, 12); VBox* v; v = manage (new VBox); l = manage (new Label (_("Channel"))); v->set_spacing (6); v->pack_start (*l, false, false); v->pack_start (channel_spinner, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (*v, false, false); v = manage (new VBox); l = manage (new Label (_("1/Note"))); v->set_spacing (6); v->pack_start (*l, false, false); v->pack_start (length_divisor_spinner, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (*v, false, false); v = manage (new VBox); l = manage (new Label (_("Velocity"))); v->set_spacing (6); v->pack_start (*l, false, false); v->pack_start (velocity_spinner, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (*v, false, false); v = manage (new VBox); l = manage (new Label (_("Octave"))); v->set_spacing (6); v->pack_start (*l, false, false); v->pack_start (octave_spinner, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (*v, false, false); #if 0 // not implemented in StepEditor v = manage (new VBox); l = manage (new Label (_("Bank"))); v->set_spacing (6); v->pack_start (*l, false, false); v->pack_start (bank_spinner, false, false); v->pack_start (bank_button, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (*v, false, false); v = manage (new VBox); l = manage (new Label (_("Program"))); v->set_spacing (6); v->pack_start (*l, false, false); v->pack_start (program_spinner, false, false); v->pack_start (program_button, false, false); upper_box.pack_start (*v, false, false); #endif velocity_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::velocity_value_change)); length_divisor_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::length_value_change)); dot_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::dot_value_change)); _piano.set_can_focus (); _piano.NoteOff.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::note_off_event_handler)); _piano.Rest.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::rest_event_handler)); program_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::program_click)); bank_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::bank_click)); beat_resync_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::beat_resync_click)); bar_resync_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepEntry::bar_resync_click)); packer.set_spacing (6); packer.pack_start (upper_box, false, false); packer.pack_start (_piano, false, false); packer.show_all (); add (packer); /* initial settings: quarter note and mezzo forte */ ActionManager::get_radio_action ("StepEditing/note-length-quarter")->set_active (true); ActionManager::get_radio_action ("StepEditing/note-velocity-mf")->set_active (true); length_value_change (); velocity_value_change (); } StepEntry::~StepEntry() { } void StepEntry::set_step_editor (StepEditor* seditor) { if (se && se != seditor) { se->step_entry_done (); } se = seditor; if (se) { set_title (string_compose (_("Step Entry: %1"), se->name())); #if 0 /* set channel selector to first selected channel. if none are selected, it will remain at the value set in its constructor, above (1) */ uint16_t chn_mask = se->channel_selector().get_selected_channels(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (chn_mask & (1<step_edit_rest (Temporal::Beats()); } } Temporal::Beats StepEntry::note_length () { double base_time = 4.0 / (double) length_divisor_adjustment.get_value(); RefPtr tact = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("StepEditing/toggle-triplet"); bool triplets = tact->get_active (); if (triplets) { base_time *= (2.0/3.0); } double dots = dot_adjustment.get_value (); if (dots > 0) { dots = pow (2.0, dots); base_time *= 1 + ((dots - 1.0)/dots); } return Temporal::Beats::from_double (base_time); } uint8_t StepEntry::note_velocity () const { return velocity_adjustment.get_value(); } uint8_t StepEntry::note_channel() const { return channel_adjustment.get_value() - 1; } void StepEntry::note_off_event_handler (int note) { insert_note (note); } void StepEntry::on_show () { ArdourWindow::on_show (); //_piano->grab_focus (); } void StepEntry::beat_resync_click () { if (se) { se->step_edit_beat_sync (); } } void StepEntry::bar_resync_click () { if (se) { se->step_edit_bar_sync (); } } void StepEntry::register_actions () { /* add named actions for the step editor */ Glib::RefPtr group = ActionManager::create_action_group (bindings, X_("StepEditing")); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-a", _("Insert Note A"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_a)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-asharp", _("Insert Note A-sharp"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_asharp)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-b", _("Insert Note B"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_b)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-c", _("Insert Note C"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_c)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-csharp", _("Insert Note C-sharp"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_csharp)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-d", _("Insert Note D"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_d)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-dsharp", _("Insert Note D-sharp"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_dsharp)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-e", _("Insert Note E"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_e)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-f", _("Insert Note F"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_f)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-fsharp", _("Insert Note F-sharp"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_fsharp)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-g", _("Insert Note G"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_g)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-gsharp", _("Insert Note G-sharp"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_gsharp)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-rest", _("Insert a Note-length Rest"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_rest)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "insert-snap-rest", _("Insert a Snap-length Rest"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_insert_grid_rest)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "next-octave", _("Move to next octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_next_octave)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "prev-octave", _("Move to next octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_prev_octave)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "next-note-length", _("Move to Next Note Length"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_next_note_length)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "prev-note-length", _("Move to Previous Note Length"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_prev_note_length)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "inc-note-length", _("Increase Note Length"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_inc_note_length)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "dec-note-length", _("Decrease Note Length"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_dec_note_length)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "next-note-velocity", _("Move to Next Note Velocity"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_next_note_velocity)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "prev-note-velocity", _("Move to Previous Note Velocity"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_prev_note_velocity)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "inc-note-velocity", _("Increase Note Velocity"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_inc_note_velocity)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "dec-note-velocity", _("Decrease Note Velocity"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_dec_note_velocity)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-0", _("Switch to the 1st octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_0)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-1", _("Switch to the 2nd octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_1)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-2", _("Switch to the 3rd octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_2)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-3", _("Switch to the 4th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_3)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-4", _("Switch to the 5th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_4)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-5", _("Switch to the 6th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_5)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-6", _("Switch to the 7th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_6)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-7", _("Switch to the 8th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_7)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-8", _("Switch to the 9th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_8)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-9", _("Switch to the 10th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_9)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "octave-10", _("Switch to the 11th octave"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_octave_10)); ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "toggle-triplet", _("Toggle Triple Notes"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_toggle_triplet)); ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "toggle-chord", _("Toggle Chord Entry"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_toggle_chord)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "sustain", _("Sustain Selected Notes by Note Length"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_do_sustain)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "sync-to-edit-point", _("Move Insert Position to Edit Point"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_sync_to_edit_point)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "back", _("Move Insert Position Back by Note Length"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_back)); RadioAction::Group note_length_group; ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-whole", _("Set Note Length to Whole"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 1); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-half", _("Set Note Length to 1/2"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 2); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-third", _("Set Note Length to 1/3"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 3); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-quarter", _("Set Note Length to 1/4"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 4); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-eighth", _("Set Note Length to 1/8"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 8); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-sixteenth", _("Set Note Length to 1/16"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 16); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-thirtysecond", _("Set Note Length to 1/32"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 32); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_length_group, "note-length-sixtyfourth", _("Set Note Length to 1/64"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_length_change), 64); RadioAction::Group note_velocity_group; ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-ppp", _("Set Note Velocity to Pianississimo"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 1); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-pp", _("Set Note Velocity to Pianissimo"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 16); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-p", _("Set Note Velocity to Piano"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 32); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-mp", _("Set Note Velocity to Mezzo-Piano"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 64); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-mf", _("Set Note Velocity to Mezzo-Forte"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 80); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-f", _("Set Note Velocity to Forte"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 96); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-ff", _("Set Note Velocity to Fortississimo"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 112); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, note_velocity_group, "note-velocity-fff", _("Set Note Velocity to Fortississimo"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_note_velocity_change), 127); RadioAction::Group dot_group; ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, dot_group, "no-dotted", _("No Dotted Notes"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_dot_change), 0); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, dot_group, "toggle-dotted", _("Toggled Dotted Notes"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_dot_change), 1); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, dot_group, "toggle-double-dotted", _("Toggled Double-Dotted Notes"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_dot_change), 2); ActionManager::register_radio_action (group, dot_group, "toggle-triple-dotted", _("Toggled Triple-Dotted Notes"), sigc::ptr_fun (&StepEntry::se_dot_change), 3); } void StepEntry::setup_actions_and_bindings () { load_bindings (); register_actions (); } void StepEntry::load_bindings () { bindings = Bindings::get_bindings (X_("Step Editing")); } void StepEntry::toggle_triplet () { if (se) { se->set_step_edit_cursor_width (note_length()); } } void StepEntry::toggle_chord () { if (se) { se->step_edit_toggle_chord (); } } void StepEntry::dot_change (GtkAction* act) { if (gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(act))) { gint v = gtk_radio_action_get_current_value (GTK_RADIO_ACTION (act)); dot_adjustment.set_value (v); } } void StepEntry::dot_value_change () { RefPtr act; RefPtr ract; double val = dot_adjustment.get_value(); bool inconsistent = true; vector dot_actions; dot_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/no-dotted"); dot_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/toggle-dotted"); dot_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/toggle-double-dotted"); dot_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/toggle-triple-dotted"); for (vector::iterator i = dot_actions.begin(); i != dot_actions.end(); ++i) { act = ActionManager::get_action (*i); if (act) { ract = RefPtr::cast_dynamic (act); if (ract) { if (ract->property_value() == val) { ract->set_active (true); inconsistent = false; break; } } } } dot1_button.set_inconsistent (inconsistent); dot2_button.set_inconsistent (inconsistent); dot3_button.set_inconsistent (inconsistent); if (se) { se->set_step_edit_cursor_width (note_length()); } } void StepEntry::program_click () { if (se) { se->step_add_program_change (note_channel(), (int8_t) floor (program_adjustment.get_value())); } } void StepEntry::bank_click () { if (se) { se->step_add_bank_change (note_channel(), (int8_t) floor (bank_adjustment.get_value())); } } void StepEntry::insert_rest () { if (se) { se->step_edit_rest (note_length()); } } void StepEntry::insert_grid_rest () { if (se) { se->step_edit_rest (Temporal::Beats()); } } void StepEntry::insert_note (uint8_t note) { if (note > 127) { return; } if (se) { se->step_add_note (note_channel(), note, note_velocity(), note_length()); } } void StepEntry::insert_c () { insert_note (0 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_csharp () { insert_note (1 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_d () { insert_note (2 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_dsharp () { insert_note (3 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_e () { insert_note (4 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_f () { insert_note (5 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_fsharp () { insert_note (6 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_g () { insert_note (7 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_gsharp () { insert_note (8 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_a () { insert_note (9 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_asharp () { insert_note (10 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::insert_b () { insert_note (11 + (current_octave() * 12)); } void StepEntry::note_length_change (GtkAction* act) { /* it doesn't matter which note length action we look up - we are interested in the current_value which is global across the whole group of note length actions. this method is called twice for every user operation, once for the action that became "inactive" and once for the action that becaome "active". so ... only bother to actually change the value when this is called for the "active" action. */ if (gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(act))) { gint v = gtk_radio_action_get_current_value (GTK_RADIO_ACTION (act)); length_divisor_adjustment.set_value (v); } } void StepEntry::note_velocity_change (GtkAction* act) { /* it doesn't matter which note velocity action we look up - we are interested in the current_value which is global across the whole group of note velocity actions. this method is called twice for every user operation, once for the action that became "inactive" and once for the action that becaome "active". so ... only bother to actually change the value when this is called for the "active" action. */ if (gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(act))) { gint v = gtk_radio_action_get_current_value (GTK_RADIO_ACTION (act)); velocity_adjustment.set_value (v); } } void StepEntry::velocity_value_change () { RefPtr act; RefPtr ract; double val = velocity_adjustment.get_value(); bool inconsistent = true; vector velocity_actions; velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-ppp"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-pp"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-p"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-mp"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-mf"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-f"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-ff"); velocity_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-velocity-fff"); for (vector::iterator i = velocity_actions.begin(); i != velocity_actions.end(); ++i) { act = ActionManager::get_action (*i); if (act) { ract = RefPtr::cast_dynamic (act); if (ract) { if (ract->property_value() == val) { ract->set_active (false); ract->set_active (true); inconsistent = false; break; } } } } if (inconsistent) { velocity_ppp_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_pp_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_p_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_mp_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_mf_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_f_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_ff_button.unset_active_state (); velocity_fff_button.unset_active_state (); } } void StepEntry::length_value_change () { RefPtr act; RefPtr ract; double val = length_divisor_adjustment.get_value(); bool inconsistent = true; vector length_actions; length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-whole"); length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-half"); length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-quarter"); length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-eighth"); length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-sixteenth"); length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-thirtysecond"); length_actions.push_back ("StepEditing/note-length-sixtyfourth"); for (vector::iterator i = length_actions.begin(); i != length_actions.end(); ++i) { Glib::RefPtr ract = ActionManager::get_radio_action (*i); if (ract) { if (ract->property_value() == val) { ract->set_active (false); ract->set_active (true); inconsistent = false; break; } } } if (inconsistent) { length_1_button.unset_active_state (); length_2_button.unset_active_state (); length_4_button.unset_active_state (); length_8_button.unset_active_state (); length_16_button.unset_active_state (); length_32_button.unset_active_state (); length_64_button.unset_active_state (); } if (se) { se->set_step_edit_cursor_width (note_length()); } } void StepEntry::next_octave () { octave_adjustment.set_value (octave_adjustment.get_value() + 1.0); } void StepEntry::prev_octave () { octave_adjustment.set_value (octave_adjustment.get_value() - 1.0); } void StepEntry::inc_note_length () { length_divisor_adjustment.set_value (length_divisor_adjustment.get_value() - 1.0); } void StepEntry::dec_note_length () { length_divisor_adjustment.set_value (length_divisor_adjustment.get_value() + 1.0); } void StepEntry::prev_note_length () { double l = length_divisor_adjustment.get_value(); int il = (int) lrintf (l); // round to nearest integer il = (il/2) * 2; // round to power of 2 if (il == 0) { il = 1; } il *= 2; // double length_divisor_adjustment.set_value (il); } void StepEntry::next_note_length () { double l = length_divisor_adjustment.get_value(); int il = (int) lrintf (l); // round to nearest integer il = (il/2) * 2; // round to power of 2 if (il == 0) { il = 1; } il /= 2; // half if (il > 0) { length_divisor_adjustment.set_value (il); } } void StepEntry::inc_note_velocity () { velocity_adjustment.set_value (velocity_adjustment.get_value() + 1.0); } void StepEntry::dec_note_velocity () { velocity_adjustment.set_value (velocity_adjustment.get_value() - 1.0); } void StepEntry::next_note_velocity () { double l = velocity_adjustment.get_value (); if (l < 16) { l = 16; } else if (l < 32) { l = 32; } else if (l < 48) { l = 48; } else if (l < 64) { l = 64; } else if (l < 80) { l = 80; } else if (l < 96) { l = 96; } else if (l < 112) { l = 112; } else if (l < 127) { l = 127; } velocity_adjustment.set_value (l); } void StepEntry::prev_note_velocity () { double l = velocity_adjustment.get_value (); if (l > 112) { l = 112; } else if (l > 96) { l = 96; } else if (l > 80) { l = 80; } else if (l > 64) { l = 64; } else if (l > 48) { l = 48; } else if (l > 32) { l = 32; } else if (l > 16) { l = 16; } else { l = 1; } velocity_adjustment.set_value (l); } void StepEntry::octave_n (int n) { octave_adjustment.set_value (n); } void StepEntry::do_sustain () { if (se) { se->step_edit_sustain (note_length()); } } void StepEntry::back () { if (se) { se->move_step_edit_beat_pos (-note_length()); } } void StepEntry::sync_to_edit_point () { if (se) { se->resync_step_edit_to_edit_point (); } }