/* * This file is part of Toolkit. * * Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * Public License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * The useraction event is emitted when a widget gets modified by user interaction. * The event is emitted for the option show. * * @event TK.Pager#useraction * * @param {string} name - The name of the option which was changed due to the users action * @param {mixed} value - The new value of the option */ "use strict"; (function(w, TK){ TK.Pager = TK.class({ /** * TK.Pager, also known as Notebook in other UI toolkits, provides * multiple containers for displaying contents which are switchable * via a {@link TK.ButtonArray}. * * @class TK.Pager * * @param {Object} [options={ }] - An object containing initial options. * * @property {String} [options.position="top"] - The position of the ButtonArray. Can either be `top`, `right`, `left` or `bottom`. * @property {Array} [options.pages=[]] - * An array of objects with the following members: * @property {String|Object} [options.pages.label=""] - A string * used as the buttons label or an object containing options for * a {@link TK.Button}. * @property {TK.Container|DOMNode|String} [options.pages.content] * - The content of the page. Can be * either an instance of {@link TK.Container} (or derivate), * a DOMNode or a string which gets wrapped in a new {@link TK.Container}. * @property {Integer} [options.show=-1] - The page to show. * * @extends TK.Container * * @example * var pager = new TK.Pager({ * pages: [ * { * label: "Empty Page 1", * content: document.createElement("span") * }, * { * label: { label:"Foobar", class:"foobar" }, * content: "


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

" * } * ] * }); */ _class: "Pager", Extends: TK.Container, _options: Object.assign(Object.create(TK.Container.prototype._options), { position: "string", direction: "string", pages: "array", show: "int", resized: "boolean", }), options: { position: "top", direction: "forward", pages: [], show: -1, resized: false, }, static_events: { set_show: function(value) { var page = this.current(); if (page) { page.set("active", true); this.show_child(page); /** * The page to show has changed. * * @param {TK.Container} page - The {@link TK.Container} instance of the newly selected page. * @param {number} id - The ID of the page. * * @event TK.Pager#changed */ this.fire_event("changed", page, value); } }, set_pages: function(value) { for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) this.pages[i].destroy(); this.pages = []; this.add_pages(value); }, set_position: function(value) { var badir; if (value === "top" || value === "bottom") { badir = "horizontal"; } else { badir = "vertical"; } this.buttonarray.set("direction", badir); }, }, initialize: function (options) { this.pages = []; TK.Container.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); /** * The main DIV element. Has the class toolkit-pager. * * @member TK.Pager#element */ /** * @member {HTMLDivElement} TK.Pager#_buttonarray_wrapper - An internal container for layout purposes containing the #TK.ButtonArray. * Has classes toolkit-buttonarray-wrapper and toolkit-wrapper. */ /** * @member {HTMLDivElement} TK.Pager#_container_wrapper - An internal container for layout purposes containing the _clip element. * Has classes toolkit-wrapper and toolkit-container-wrapper. */ /** * @member {HTMLDivElement} TK.Pager#_clip - The clipping area containing the pages. * Has class toolkit-clip. */ TK.add_class(this.element, "toolkit-pager"); /** * The {@link TK.ButtonArray} instance acting as the menu. * * @member TK.Pager#buttonarray */ this.buttonarray = new TK.ButtonArray({ container: this.element, }); this.buttonarray.add_event("userset", function(key, value) { this.parent.userset(key, value); return false; }); var b_o = this.buttonarray._options; var _o = this._options; for (var k in b_o) { if (!b_o.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; var o = "buttonarray." + k; _o[o] = b_o[k]; this.add_event("set_" + o, (function (t,k) { return function (v) { t.buttonarray.set(k, v); } })(this, k)); if (typeof this.options[o] !== "undefined") this.set(o, this.options[o]); } /** * @member {HTMLDivElement} TK.Pager#_clip - The clipping of the pages. * Has class toolkit-clip. */ this._clip = TK.element("div", "toolkit-clip"); this.element.appendChild(this._clip); this.add_child(this.buttonarray); this.add_pages(this.options.pages); this.set("position", this.options.position); this.set("show", this.options.show); }, redraw: function () { TK.Container.prototype.redraw.call(this); var O = this.options; var I = this.invalid; var E = this.element; if (I.overlap) TK[(O.overlap ? "add_" : "remove_") + "class"](E, "toolkit-overlap"); if (I.direction) { I.direction = false; TK.remove_class(E, "toolkit-forward", "toolkit-backward"); TK.add_class(E, "toolkit-" + O.direction); } if (I.position) { I.position = false; TK.remove_class(E, "toolkit-top", "toolkit-right", "toolkit-bottom", "toolkit-left", "toolkit-vertical", "toolkit-horizontal"); switch (O.position) { case "top": TK.add_class(E, "toolkit-top", "toolkit-vertical"); break; case "bottom": TK.add_class(E, "toolkit-bottom", "toolkit-vertical"); break; case "left": TK.add_class(E, "toolkit-left", "toolkit-horizontal"); break; case "right": TK.add_class(E, "toolkit-right", "toolkit-horizontal"); break; default: TK.warn("Unsupported position", O.position); } I.layout = true; } if (I.show) { I.show = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i ++) { var page = this.pages[i]; if (i === O.show) page.add_class("toolkit-active"); else page.remove_class("toolkit-active"); } } }, /** * Adds an array of pages. * * @method TK.Pager#add_pages * * @param {Array} options - An Array of objects with members * `label` and `content`. `label` is a string with the {@link TK.Button}s label or * an object containing options for the {@link TK.Button} instance. * `content` is either a {@link TK.Container} (or derivate) widget, * a DOMNode (needs option `options` to be set) or a string which * gets wrapped in a new {@link TK.Container} with options from * argument `options`. * * @example * var p = new TK.Pager(); * p.add_pages([ * { * label: "Page 1", * content: "


", * } * ]); * */ add_pages: function (options) { for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) this.add_page(options[i].label, options[i].content); }, /** * Adds a {@link TK.Container} to the pager and a corresponding {@link TK.Button} * to the pagers {@link TK.ButtonArray}. * * @method TK.Pager#add_page * * @param {string|Object} button - A string with the {@link TK.Button}s label or * an object containing options for the {@link TK.Button} instance. * @param {TK.Widget|Class|string} content - The content of the page. * Either a {@link TK.Container} (or derivate) widget, * a DOMNode (needs option `options` to be set) or a string which * gets wrapped in a new {@link TK.Container} with options from * argument `options`. * @param {Object} [options={ }] - An object containing options for * the {@link TK.Container} to be added as page if `content` is * either a string or a DOMNode. * @param {integer|undefined} position - The position to add the new * page to. If undefined, the page is added at the end. * @emits TK.Pager#added */ add_page: function (button, content, position, options) { var p; if (typeof button === "string") button = {label: button}; this.buttonarray.add_button(button, position); if (typeof content === "string" || TK.is_dom_node(content)) { if (!options) options = {}; options.content = content; p = new TK.Container(options); } else if (typeof content === "function") { // assume here content is a subclass of Container p = new content(options); } else { p = content; } p.add_class("toolkit-page"); p.set("container", this._clip); var len = this.pages.length; if (position >= 0 && position < len - 1) { this.pages.splice(position, 0, p); this._clip.insertBefore(p.element, this._clip.childNodes[position]); } else { position = len; this.pages.push(p); this._clip.appendChild(p.element); } /** * A page was added to the TK.Pager. * * @event TK.Pager#added * * @param {TK.Container} page - The {@link TK.Container} which was added as a page. */ this.fire_event("added", p); this.add_child(p); // TODO: not always necessary if (this.current() === p) { this.options.show = position; this.buttonarray.set("show", position); p.set("active", true); p.set("display_state", "show"); } else { /* do not use animation */ p.force_hide(); this.hide_child(p); } this.invalid.layout = true; this.trigger_draw(); return p; }, /** * Removes a page from the TK.Pager. * * @method TK.Pager#remove_page * * @param {integer|TK.Container} page - The container to remove. Either a * position or the {@link TK.Container} widget generated by add_page. * * @emits TK.Pager#removed */ remove_page: function (page) { if (typeof page === "object") page = this.pages.indexOf(page); if (page < 0 || page >= this.pages.length) return; this.buttonarray.remove_button(page); if (page < this.options.show) this.set("show", this.options.show-1); else if (page === this.options.show) this.set("show", this.options.show); var p = this.pages[page]; this.pages.splice(page, 1); p.destroy(); this.remove_child(p); this.invalid.layout = true; this.trigger_draw(); /** * A page was removed from the Pager * * @event TK.Pager#removed * * @param {TK.Container} page - The {@link TK.Container} which was removed. */ this.fire_event("removed", p); }, current: function() { /** * Returns the currently displayed page or null. * * @method TK.Pager#current */ var n = this.options.show; if (n >= 0 && n < this.pages.length) { return this.pages[n]; } return null; }, /** * Opens the first page of the pager. Returns true if a * first page exists, false otherwise. * * @method TK.Pager#first */ first: function() { if (this.pages.length) { this.set("show", 0); return true; } return false; }, /** * Opens the last page of the pager. Returns true if a * last page exists, false otherwise. * * @method TK.Pager#last */ last: function() { if (this.pages.length) { this.set("show", this.pages.length-1); return true; } return false; }, /** * Opens the next page of the pager. Returns true if a * next page exists, false otherwise. * * @method TK.Pager#next */ next: function() { var c = this.options.show; return this.set("show", c+1) !== c; }, /** * Opens the previous page of the pager. Returns true if a * previous page exists, false otherwise. * * @method TK.Pager#prev */ prev: function() { var c = this.options.show; return this.set("show", c-1) !== c; }, set: function (key, value) { var page; if (key === "show") { if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value >= this.pages.length) value = this.pages.length - 1; if (value === this.options.show) return value; if (value > this.options.show) { this.set("direction", "forward"); } else { this.set("direction", "backward"); } page = this.current(); if (page) { this.hide_child(page); page.set("active", false); } this.buttonarray.set("show", value); } return TK.Container.prototype.set.call(this, key, value); }, get: function (key) { if (key === "pages") return this.pages; return TK.Container.prototype.get.call(this, key); } }); })(this, this.TK);