/* Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "pbd/pthread_utils.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/location.h" #include "control_protocol/basic_ui.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using ARDOUR::nframes_t; PBD::Signal2 BasicUI::AccessAction; BasicUI::BasicUI (Session& s) : session (&s) { } BasicUI::BasicUI () : session (0) { } BasicUI::~BasicUI () { } void BasicUI::register_thread (std::string name) { std::string pool_name = name; pool_name += " events"; SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool (pool_name, 64); } void BasicUI::access_action ( std::string action_path ) { int split_at = action_path.find( "/" ); std::string group = action_path.substr( 0, split_at ); std::string item = action_path.substr( split_at + 1 ); AccessAction( group, item ); } void BasicUI::loop_toggle () { if (session->get_play_loop()) { session->request_play_loop (false); } else { session->request_play_loop (true); if (!session->transport_rolling()) { session->request_transport_speed (1.0); } } } void BasicUI::goto_start () { session->goto_start (); } void BasicUI::goto_end () { session->goto_end (); } void BasicUI::add_marker () { nframes_t when = session->audible_frame(); session->locations()->add (new Location (*session, when, when, _("unnamed"), Location::IsMark)); } void BasicUI::rewind () { session->request_transport_speed (-2.0f); } void BasicUI::ffwd () { session->request_transport_speed (2.0f); } void BasicUI::transport_stop () { session->request_transport_speed (0.0); } void BasicUI::transport_play (bool from_last_start) { bool rolling = session->transport_rolling (); if (session->get_play_loop()) { session->request_play_loop (false); } if (session->get_play_range ()) { session->request_play_range (0); } if (from_last_start && rolling) { session->request_locate (session->last_transport_start(), true); } session->request_transport_speed (1.0f); } void BasicUI::rec_enable_toggle () { switch (session->record_status()) { case Session::Disabled: if (session->ntracks() == 0) { // string txt = _("Please create 1 or more track\nbefore trying to record.\nCheck the Session menu."); // MessageDialog msg (*editor, txt); // msg.run (); return; } session->maybe_enable_record (); break; case Session::Recording: case Session::Enabled: session->disable_record (true); } } void BasicUI::save_state () { session->save_state (""); } void BasicUI::prev_marker () { Location *location = session->locations()->first_location_before (session->transport_frame()); if (location) { session->request_locate (location->start(), session->transport_rolling()); } else { session->goto_start (); } } void BasicUI::next_marker () { Location *location = session->locations()->first_location_after (session->transport_frame()); if (location) { session->request_locate (location->start(), session->transport_rolling()); } else { session->request_locate (session->current_end_frame()); } } void BasicUI::set_transport_speed (double speed) { session->request_transport_speed (speed); } double BasicUI::get_transport_speed () { return session->transport_speed (); } void BasicUI::undo () { session->undo (1); } void BasicUI::redo () { session->redo (1); } void BasicUI::toggle_all_rec_enables () { if (session->get_record_enabled()) { // session->record_disenable_all (); } else { // session->record_enable_all (); } } void BasicUI::toggle_punch_in () { session->config.set_punch_in (!session->config.get_punch_in()); } void BasicUI::toggle_punch_out () { session->config.set_punch_out (!session->config.get_punch_out()); } bool BasicUI::get_record_enabled () { return session->get_record_enabled(); } void BasicUI::set_record_enable (bool yn) { if (yn) { session->maybe_enable_record (); } else { session->disable_record (false, true); } } nframes_t BasicUI::transport_frame () { return session->transport_frame(); } void BasicUI::locate (nframes_t where, bool roll_after_locate) { session->request_locate (where, roll_after_locate); } bool BasicUI::locating () { return session->locate_pending(); } bool BasicUI::locked () { return session->transport_locked (); } nframes_t BasicUI::timecode_frames_per_hour () { return session->timecode_frames_per_hour (); } void BasicUI::timecode_time (nframes_t where, Timecode::Time& timecode) { session->timecode_time (where, *((Timecode::Time *) &timecode)); } void BasicUI::timecode_to_sample (Timecode::Time& timecode, int64_t& sample, bool use_offset, bool use_subframes) const { session->timecode_to_sample (*((Timecode::Time*)&timecode), sample, use_offset, use_subframes); } void BasicUI::sample_to_timecode (int64_t sample, Timecode::Time& timecode, bool use_offset, bool use_subframes) const { session->sample_to_timecode (sample, *((Timecode::Time*)&timecode), use_offset, use_subframes); } #if 0 this stuff is waiting to go in so that all UIs can offer complex solo/mute functionality void BasicUI::solo_release (boost::shared_ptr r) { } void BasicUI::solo_press (boost::shared_ptr r, bool momentary, bool global, bool exclusive, bool isolate, bool solo_group) { if (momentary) { _solo_release = new SoloMuteRelease (_route->soloed()); } if (global) { if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->routes = _session->get_routes (); } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (_session->get_routes(), !_route->listening(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } else { _session->set_solo (_session->get_routes(), !_route->soloed(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } else if (exclusive) { if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->exclusive = true; boost::shared_ptr routes = _session->get_routes(); for (RouteList::iterator i = routes->begin(); i != routes->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->soloed ()) { _solo_release->routes_on->push_back (*i); } else { _solo_release->routes_off->push_back (*i); } } } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { /* ??? we need a just_one_listen() method */ } else { _session->set_just_one_solo (_route, true); } } else if (isolate) { // shift-click: toggle solo isolated status _route->set_solo_isolated (!_route->solo_isolated(), this); delete _solo_release; _solo_release = 0; } else if (solo_group) { /* Primary-button1: solo mix group. NOTE: Primary-button2 is MIDI learn. */ if (_route->route_group()) { if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->routes = _route->route_group()->route_list(); } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (_route->route_group()->route_list(), !_route->listening(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } else { _session->set_solo (_route->route_group()->route_list(), !_route->soloed(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } } else { /* click: solo this route */ boost::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (route()); if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->routes = rl; } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (rl, !_route->listening()); } else { _session->set_solo (rl, !_route->soloed()); } } } #endif