ardour { ["type"] = "dsp", name = "a-Cross Fade", category = "Amplifier", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Auotomatable Crossfade. Channels are grouped: Mono out: In 1/2 -> Out 1 Stereo out: In 1/3 -> Out 1, In 2/4 -> Out 2 Quad out: In 1/5 -> Out 1, In 2/6 -> Out 2, In 3/7 -> Out 3, In 4/8 -> Out 4 ]] } function dsp_ioconfig () return { connect_all_audio_outputs = true, -- override strict-i/o -- in theory any combination with N_in = 2 * N_out is possible { audio_in = 2, audio_out = 1}, { audio_in = 4, audio_out = 2}, { audio_in = 8, audio_out = 4}, } end function dsp_params () return { { ["type"] = "input", name = "A/B", min = 0, max = 1, default = 0} } end local sr = 48000 local cur_a = 0.0 local cur_b = 0.0 local n_aout = 0 function dsp_init (rate) sr = rate end function dsp_configure (ins, outs) n_ainp = ins:n_audio () n_aout = outs:n_audio () assert (n_aout * 2 == n_ainp) end -- the DSP callback function function dsp_runmap (bufs, in_map, out_map, n_samples, offset) local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array() -- get control port array local target_B = ctrl[1] local target_A = 1 - target_B local gA = cur_a local gB = cur_b for c = 1, n_aout do local o = out_map:get (ARDOUR.DataType ("audio"), c - 1) if o == ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid then goto next end local in_a = c local in_b = c + n_aout local ia = in_map:get (ARDOUR.DataType ("audio"), in_a - 1) local ib = in_map:get (ARDOUR.DataType ("audio"), in_b - 1) local buf_aout = bufs:get_audio(o) -- optimize hard A/B fixed gain case (copy buffers) if cur_a == target_A and cur_b == target_B then if target_A == 1.0 then if ia == ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid then buf_aout:silence (n_samples, offset) elseif buf_aout ~= bufs:get_audio(ia) then buf_aout:read_from (bufs:get_audio(ia):data (0), n_samples, offset, offset) end goto next elseif target_B == 1.0 then if ib == ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid then buf_aout:silence (n_samples, offset) else assert (buf_aout ~= bufs:get_audio(ib)) buf_aout:read_from (bufs:get_audio(ib):data (0), n_samples, offset, offset) end goto next end end -- apply gain to each input channel in-place if ia ~= ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid and ia ~= ib then cur_a = ARDOUR.Amp.apply_gain (bufs:get_audio(ia), sr, n_samples, gA, target_A, offset) end if ib ~= ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid and ia ~= ib then cur_b = ARDOUR.Amp.apply_gain (bufs:get_audio(ib), sr, n_samples, gB, target_B, offset) end -- copy input to output if needed (first set of channels may be in-place) if ia == ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid then buf_aout:silence (n_samples, offset) elseif buf_aout ~= bufs:get_audio(ia) then buf_aout:read_from (bufs:get_audio(ia):data (0), n_samples, offset, offset) end -- add the second buffer if ib ~= ARDOUR.ChanMapping.Invalid then ARDOUR.DSP.mix_buffers_no_gain (buf_aout:data (offset), bufs:get_audio(ib):data (offset), n_samples) end ::next:: end end