/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Karsten Wiese * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2006 Hans Fugal * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009 Hans Baier * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Ben Loftis * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2016 Julien "_FrnchFrgg_" RIVAUD * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/string_convert.h" #include "pbd/types_convert.h" #include "pbd/unwind.h" #include "ardour/automation_control.h" #include "ardour/automation_list.h" #include "ardour/event_type_map.h" #include "ardour/parameter_types.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "automation_streamview.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "paste_context.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "selection.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "point_selection.h" #include "control_point.h" #include "utils.h" #include "item_counts.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourWidgets; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Editing; Pango::FontDescription AutomationTimeAxisView::name_font; bool AutomationTimeAxisView::have_name_font = false; /** \a a the automatable object this time axis is to display data for. * For route/track automation (e.g. gain) pass the route for both \r and \a. * For route child (e.g. plugin) automation, pass the child for \a. * For region automation (e.g. MIDI CC), pass null for \a. */ AutomationTimeAxisView::AutomationTimeAxisView ( Session* s, std::shared_ptr strip, std::shared_ptr a, std::shared_ptr c, Evoral::Parameter p, PublicEditor& e, TimeAxisView& parent, bool show_regions, ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas, const string & nom, const string & nomparent ) : SessionHandlePtr (s) , TimeAxisView (s, e, &parent, canvas) , _stripable (strip) , _control (c) , _automatable (a) , _parameter (p) , _base_rect (new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (_canvas_display)) , _view (show_regions ? new AutomationStreamView (*this) : 0) , auto_dropdown () , _show_regions (show_regions) , _velocity_mode (VelocityModeLollipops) { //concatenate plugin name and param name into the tooltip string tipname = nomparent; if (!tipname.empty()) { tipname += ": "; } tipname += nom; set_tooltip(controls_ebox, tipname); //plugin name and param name appear on 2 separate lines in the track header tipname = nomparent; if (!tipname.empty()) { tipname += "\n"; } tipname += nom; _name = tipname; CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_canvas_display, string_compose ("main for auto %2/%1", _name, strip->name())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (selection_group, string_compose ("selections for auto %2/%1", _name, strip->name())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_ghost_group, string_compose ("ghosts for auto %2/%1", _name, strip->name())); if (!have_name_font) { name_font = get_font_for_style (X_("AutomationTrackName")); have_name_font = true; } if (_control) { _controller = AutomationController::create (_control->parameter(), _control->desc(), _control); } const std::string fill_color_name = (dynamic_cast(&parent) ? "midi automation track fill" : "audio automation track fill"); auto_off_item = 0; auto_touch_item = 0; auto_latch_item = 0; auto_write_item = 0; auto_play_item = 0; mode_discrete_item = 0; mode_line_item = 0; mode_log_item = 0; mode_exp_item = 0; ignore_state_request = false; ignore_mode_request = false; first_call_to_set_height = true; CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_base_rect, string_compose ("base rect for %1", _name)); _base_rect->set_x1 (ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX); _base_rect->set_outline (false); _base_rect->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod (fill_color_name, "automation track fill")); _base_rect->set_data ("trackview", this); _base_rect->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (_editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_automation_track_event), _base_rect, this)); if (!a) { _base_rect->lower_to_bottom(); } using namespace Menu_Helpers; auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (automation_state_off_string(), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) ARDOUR::Off))); auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Play"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Play))); if (!parameter_is_midi(_parameter.type ())) { auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Write"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Write))); auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Touch"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Touch))); auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Latch"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Latch))); } /* XXX translators: use a string here that will be at least as long as the longest automation label (see ::automation_state_changed() below). be sure to include a descender. */ auto_dropdown.set_sizing_text(_("Mgnual")); hide_button.set_icon (ArdourIcon::CloseCross); hide_button.set_tweaks(ArdourButton::TrackHeader); auto_dropdown.set_name ("route button"); hide_button.set_name ("route button"); auto_dropdown.set_can_focus (false); hide_button.set_can_focus (false); controls_table.set_no_show_all(); set_tooltip(auto_dropdown, _("automation state")); set_tooltip(hide_button, _("hide track")); uint32_t height; if (get_gui_property ("height", height)) { set_height (height); } else { set_height (preset_height (HeightNormal)); } //name label isn't editable on an automation track; remove the tooltip set_tooltip (name_label, X_("")); /* repack the name label, which TimeAxisView has already attached to * the controls_table */ if (name_label.get_parent()) { name_label.get_parent()->remove (name_label); } name_label.set_text (_name); name_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_START, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); name_label.set_name (X_("TrackParameterName")); name_label.set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END); name_label.set_size_request (floor (50.0 * UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale()), -1); /* add the buttons */ controls_table.set_border_width (0); controls_table.attach (hide_button, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); if (show_automation_controls()) { controls_table.attach (name_label, 2, 3, 1, 3, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 2, 0); controls_table.attach (auto_dropdown, 3, 4, 2, 3, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); } else { controls_table.attach (name_label, 3, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 2, 0); } Gtk::DrawingArea *blank0 = manage (new Gtk::DrawingArea()); Gtk::DrawingArea *blank1 = manage (new Gtk::DrawingArea()); RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = dynamic_cast(&parent); // TODO use rtv->controls_base_unselected_name // subscribe to route_active_changed, ... if (rtv && rtv->is_audio_track()) { blank0->set_name ("AudioTrackControlsBaseUnselected"); } else if (rtv && rtv->is_midi_track()) { blank0->set_name ("MidiTrackControlsBaseUnselected"); } else if (rtv) { blank0->set_name ("AudioBusControlsBaseUnselected"); } else { blank0->set_name ("UnknownControlsBaseUnselected"); } blank0->set_size_request (-1, -1); blank1->set_size_request (1, 0); VSeparator* separator = manage (new VSeparator()); separator->set_name("TrackSeparator"); separator->set_size_request (1, -1); controls_button_size_group->add_widget(hide_button); controls_button_size_group->add_widget(*blank0); time_axis_hbox.pack_start (*blank0, false, false); time_axis_hbox.pack_start (*separator, false, false); time_axis_hbox.reorder_child (*blank0, 0); time_axis_hbox.reorder_child (*separator, 1); time_axis_hbox.reorder_child (time_axis_vbox, 2); if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus() ) { time_axis_hbox.pack_start (*blank1, false, false); } blank0->show(); separator->show(); name_label.show (); hide_button.show (); if (show_automation_controls() && _controller) { _controller->disable_vertical_scroll (); controls_table.attach (*_controller.get(), 2, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); } controls_table.show_all (); hide_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::hide_clicked)); controls_base_selected_name = X_("AutomationTrackControlsBaseSelected"); controls_base_unselected_name = X_("AutomationTrackControlsBase"); controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); time_axis_frame.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); add_contents (show_regions); /* make sure labels etc. are correct */ automation_state_changed (); UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::color_handler)); _stripable->DropReferences.connect ( _stripable_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationTimeAxisView::route_going_away, this), gui_context () ); set_velocity_mode (_velocity_mode, true); } AutomationTimeAxisView::~AutomationTimeAxisView () { if (_stripable) { cleanup_gui_properties (); } delete _view; CatchDeletion (this); } bool AutomationTimeAxisView::show_automation_controls() const { return (_parameter.type() != MidiVelocityAutomation) || (velocity_mode() != VelocityModeLollipops); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::add_contents (bool show_regions) { /* ask for notifications of any new RegionViews */ if (show_regions) { if (_view) { _view->attach (); } } else { /* no regions, just a single line for the entire track (e.g. bus gain) */ assert (_control); std::shared_ptr line ( new AutomationLine ( ARDOUR::EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol(_parameter), *this, *_canvas_display, _control->alist(), _control->desc() ) ); line->set_line_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("processor automation line")); line->set_fill (true); line->queue_reset (); add_line (line); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::route_going_away () { cleanup_gui_properties (); _stripable.reset (); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state (AutoState state) { if (ignore_state_request) { return; } if (_automatable) { _automatable->set_parameter_automation_state (_parameter, state); } else if (_control) { _control->set_automation_state (state); _session->set_dirty (); } if (_view) { _view->set_automation_state (state); /* AutomationStreamViews don't signal when their automation state changes, so handle our updates `manually'. */ automation_state_changed (); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::automation_state_changed () { AutoState state; /* update button label */ if (_view) { state = _view->automation_state (); } else if (_line) { assert (_control); state = _control->alist()->automation_state (); } else { state = ARDOUR::Off; } switch (state & (ARDOUR::Off|Play|Touch|Write|Latch)) { case ARDOUR::Off: auto_dropdown.set_text (automation_state_off_string()); ignore_state_request = true; if (auto_off_item) { auto_off_item->set_active (true); auto_play_item->set_active (false); } if (auto_touch_item) { auto_touch_item->set_active (false); auto_latch_item->set_active (false); auto_write_item->set_active (false); } ignore_state_request = false; break; case Play: auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Play")); ignore_state_request = true; if (auto_off_item) { auto_play_item->set_active (true); auto_off_item->set_active (false); } if (auto_touch_item) { auto_touch_item->set_active (false); auto_latch_item->set_active (false); auto_write_item->set_active (false); } ignore_state_request = false; break; case Write: auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Write")); ignore_state_request = true; if (auto_off_item) { auto_off_item->set_active (false); auto_play_item->set_active (false); } if (auto_touch_item) { auto_write_item->set_active (true); auto_touch_item->set_active (false); auto_latch_item->set_active (false); } ignore_state_request = false; break; case Touch: auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Touch")); ignore_state_request = true; if (auto_off_item) { auto_off_item->set_active (false); auto_play_item->set_active (false); } if (auto_touch_item) { auto_touch_item->set_active (true); auto_write_item->set_active (false); auto_latch_item->set_active (false); } ignore_state_request = false; break; case Latch: auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Latch")); ignore_state_request = true; if (auto_off_item) { auto_off_item->set_active (false); auto_play_item->set_active (false); } if (auto_touch_item) { auto_latch_item->set_active (true); auto_touch_item->set_active (false); auto_write_item->set_active (false); } ignore_state_request = false; break; default: auto_dropdown.set_text (_("???")); break; } } /** The interpolation style of our AutomationList has changed, so update */ void AutomationTimeAxisView::interpolation_changed (AutomationList::InterpolationStyle s) { if (ignore_mode_request) { return; } PBD::Unwinder uw (ignore_mode_request, true); switch (s) { case AutomationList::Discrete: if (mode_discrete_item) { mode_discrete_item->set_active(true); } break; case AutomationList::Linear: if (mode_line_item) { mode_line_item->set_active(true); } break; case AutomationList::Logarithmic: if (mode_log_item) { mode_log_item->set_active(true); } break; case AutomationList::Exponential: if (mode_exp_item) { mode_exp_item->set_active(true); } break; default: break; } } /** A menu item has been selected to change our interpolation mode */ void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation (AutomationList::InterpolationStyle style) { /* Tell our view's list, if we have one, otherwise tell our own. * Everything else will be signalled back from that. */ if (_view) { _view->set_interpolation (style); } else { assert (_control); _control->list()->set_interpolation (style); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::clear_clicked () { assert (_line || _view); _editor.begin_reversible_command (_("clear automation")); if (_line) { _line->clear (); } else if (_view) { _view->clear (); } if (!EventTypeMap::instance().type_is_midi (_control->parameter().type())) { set_automation_state ((AutoState) ARDOUR::Off); } _editor.commit_reversible_command (); _session->set_dirty (); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_height (uint32_t h, TrackHeightMode m, bool from_idle) { bool const changed = (height != (uint32_t) h) || first_call_to_set_height; uint32_t const normal = preset_height (HeightNormal); bool const changed_between_small_and_normal = ( (height < normal && h >= normal) || (height >= normal || h < normal) ); TimeAxisView::set_height (h, m, from_idle); _base_rect->set_y1 (h); if (_line) { _line->set_height(h - 2.5); } if (_view) { _view->set_height(h); _view->update_contents_height(); } if (changed_between_small_and_normal || first_call_to_set_height) { first_call_to_set_height = false; if (h >= preset_height (HeightNormal)) { auto_dropdown.show(); name_label.show(); hide_button.show(); } else if (h >= preset_height (HeightSmall)) { controls_table.hide_all (); auto_dropdown.hide(); name_label.hide(); } } if (changed) { if (_canvas_display->visible() && _stripable) { /* only emit the signal if the height really changed and we were visible */ _stripable->gui_changed ("visible_tracks", (void *) 0); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::update_name_from_param () { /* Note that this is intended for MidiTrack::describe_parameter() * -> instrument_info().get_controller_name() * It does not work with parent/plug_name for plugins. */ std::shared_ptr r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (_stripable); if (!r) { return; } _name = r->describe_parameter(_parameter); set_tooltip (controls_ebox, _name); name_label.set_text (_name); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { TimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); if (_line) { _line->reset (); } if (_view) { _view->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::hide_clicked () { hide_button.set_sensitive(false); set_marked_for_display (false); StripableTimeAxisView* stv = dynamic_cast(parent); if (stv) { stv->request_redraw (); } hide_button.set_sensitive(true); } string AutomationTimeAxisView::automation_state_off_string () const { if (parameter_is_midi(_parameter.type ()) || _parameter == Evoral::Parameter (MidiVelocityAutomation)) { return S_("Automation|Off"); } return S_("Automation|Manual"); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::build_display_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; /* prepare it */ TimeAxisView::build_display_menu (); /* now fill it with our stuff */ MenuList& items = display_menu->items(); if (_parameter == Evoral::Parameter (MidiVelocityAutomation)) { RadioMenuItem::Group mode_group; items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Lollipops"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_velocity_mode), VelocityModeLollipops, false))); if (velocity_mode() == VelocityModeLollipops) { dynamic_cast (&items.back())->set_active (true); } items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Line"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_velocity_mode), VelocityModeLine, false))); if (velocity_mode() == VelocityModeLine) { dynamic_cast (&items.back())->set_active (true); } items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); } items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::hide_clicked))); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); if (_parameter != Evoral::Parameter (MidiVelocityAutomation)) { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::clear_clicked))); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); /* state menu */ Menu* auto_state_menu = manage (new Menu); auto_state_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& as_items = auto_state_menu->items(); as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (automation_state_off_string(), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) ARDOUR::Off))); auto_off_item = dynamic_cast(&as_items.back()); as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Play"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Play))); auto_play_item = dynamic_cast(&as_items.back()); if (!parameter_is_midi(_parameter.type ())) { as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Write"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Write))); auto_write_item = dynamic_cast(&as_items.back()); as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Touch"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Touch))); auto_touch_item = dynamic_cast(&as_items.back()); as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Latch"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Latch))); auto_latch_item = dynamic_cast(&as_items.back()); } items.push_back (MenuElem (_("State"), *auto_state_menu)); /* mode menu */ /* current interpolation state */ AutomationList::InterpolationStyle const s = _view ? _view->interpolation() : _control->list()->interpolation (); if (ARDOUR::parameter_is_midi((AutomationType)_parameter.type())) { Menu* auto_mode_menu = manage (new Menu); auto_mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& am_items = auto_mode_menu->items(); RadioMenuItem::Group group; am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Discrete"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation), AutomationList::Discrete))); mode_discrete_item = dynamic_cast(&am_items.back()); am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Linear"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation), AutomationList::Linear))); mode_line_item = dynamic_cast(&am_items.back()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Mode"), *auto_mode_menu)); } else { Menu* auto_mode_menu = manage (new Menu); auto_mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& am_items = auto_mode_menu->items(); bool have_options = false; RadioMenuItem::Group group; am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Linear"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation), AutomationList::Linear))); mode_line_item = dynamic_cast(&am_items.back()); if (_control->desc().logarithmic) { am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Logarithmic"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation), AutomationList::Logarithmic))); mode_log_item = dynamic_cast(&am_items.back()); have_options = true; } else { mode_log_item = 0; } if (_line->get_uses_gain_mapping () && !_control->desc().logarithmic) { am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Exponential"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation), AutomationList::Exponential))); mode_exp_item = dynamic_cast(&am_items.back()); have_options = true; } else { mode_exp_item = 0; } if (have_options) { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Interpolation"), *auto_mode_menu)); } else { mode_line_item = 0; delete auto_mode_menu; auto_mode_menu = 0; } } /* make sure the automation menu state is correct */ automation_state_changed (); interpolation_changed (s); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::merge_drawn_line (DrawnPoints const & points) { if (points.empty()) { return; } if (!_line) { return; } std::shared_ptr list = _line->the_list (); if (list->in_write_pass()) { /* do not allow the GUI to add automation events during an automation write pass. */ return; } XMLNode& before = list->get_state(); std::list results; bool failed = false; Temporal::timepos_t earliest = timepos_t::max (points.front().when.time_domain()); Temporal::timepos_t latest = timepos_t::zero (points.front().when.time_domain()); for (auto const & dp : points) { /* compute vertical fractional position */ double y = 1.0 - (dp.y / _line->height()); std::cerr << "merge point at fract " << y << std::endl; /* map using line */ _line->view_to_model_coord_y (y); if (!list->editor_add (dp.when, y, false)) { failed = true; break; } earliest = std::min (earliest, dp.when); latest = std::max (latest, dp.when); } list->thin (1.0); if (_control->automation_state () == ARDOUR::Off) { set_automation_state (ARDOUR::Play); } if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_automation_edit_cancels_auto_hide () && _control == _session->recently_touched_controllable ()) { RouteTimeAxisView::signal_ctrl_touched (false); } XMLNode& after = list->get_state(); _editor.begin_reversible_command (_("draw automation")); _session->add_command (new MementoCommand (*list.get (), &before, &after)); _line->get_selectables (earliest, latest, 0.0, 1.0, results); _editor.get_selection ().set (results); _editor.commit_reversible_command (); _session->set_dirty (); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::add_automation_event (GdkEvent* event, timepos_t const & pos, double y, bool with_guard_points) { if (!_line) { return; } std::shared_ptr list = _line->the_list (); if (list->in_write_pass()) { /* do not allow the GUI to add automation events during an automation write pass. */ return; } timepos_t when (pos); _editor.snap_to_with_modifier (when, event); if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_new_automation_points_on_lane() || _control->list()->size () == 0) { if (_control->list()->size () == 0) { y = _control->get_value (); } else { y = _control->list()->eval (when); } } else { double x = 0; _line->grab_item().canvas_to_item (x, y); /* compute vertical fractional position */ y = 1.0 - (y / _line->height()); /* map using line */ _line->view_to_model_coord_y (y); } XMLNode& before = list->get_state(); std::list results; if (list->editor_add (when, y, with_guard_points)) { if (_control->automation_state () == ARDOUR::Off) { set_automation_state (ARDOUR::Play); } if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_automation_edit_cancels_auto_hide () && _control == _session->recently_touched_controllable ()) { RouteTimeAxisView::signal_ctrl_touched (false); } XMLNode& after = list->get_state(); _editor.begin_reversible_command (_("add automation event")); _session->add_command (new MementoCommand (*list.get (), &before, &after)); _line->get_selectables (when, when, 0.0, 1.0, results); _editor.get_selection ().set (results); _editor.commit_reversible_command (); _session->set_dirty (); } } bool AutomationTimeAxisView::paste (timepos_t const & pos, const Selection& selection, PasteContext& ctx) { if (_line) { return paste_one (pos, ctx.count, ctx.times, selection, ctx.counts, ctx.greedy); } else if (_view) { AutomationSelection::const_iterator l = selection.lines.get_nth(_parameter, ctx.counts.n_lines(_parameter)); if (l == selection.lines.end()) { if (ctx.greedy && selection.lines.size() == 1) { l = selection.lines.begin(); } } if (l != selection.lines.end() && _view->paste (pos, ctx.count, ctx.times, *l)) { ctx.counts.increase_n_lines(_parameter); return true; } } return false; } bool AutomationTimeAxisView::paste_one (timepos_t const & pos, unsigned paste_count, float times, const Selection& selection, ItemCounts& counts, bool greedy) { std::shared_ptr alist(_line->the_list()); if (_session->transport_rolling() && alist->automation_write()) { /* do not paste if this control is in write mode and we're rolling */ return false; } /* Get appropriate list from selection. */ AutomationSelection::const_iterator p = selection.lines.get_nth(_parameter, counts.n_lines(_parameter)); if (p == selection.lines.end()) { if (greedy && selection.lines.size() == 1) { p = selection.lines.begin(); } else { return false; } } counts.increase_n_lines(_parameter); /* add multi-paste offset if applicable */ Temporal::timecnt_t len = (*p)->length(); Temporal::timepos_t tpos (pos); switch (line()->the_list()->time_domain()) { case Temporal::BeatTime: tpos += _editor.get_paste_offset (pos, paste_count > 0 ? 1 : 0, len); break; case Temporal::AudioTime: tpos += _editor.get_paste_offset (pos, paste_count, len); break; } /* convert position to model's unit and position */ Temporal::timepos_t model_pos (_line->get_origin().distance (tpos)); XMLNode &before = alist->get_state(); alist->paste (**p, model_pos); _session->add_command (new MementoCommand(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state())); return true; } void AutomationTimeAxisView::get_selectables (timepos_t const & start, timepos_t const & end, double top, double bot, list& results, bool /*within*/) { if (!_line && !_view) { return; } if (touched (top, bot)) { /* remember: this is X Window - coordinate space starts in upper left and moves down. _y_position is the "origin" or "top" of the track. */ /* bottom of our track */ double const mybot = _y_position + height; double topfrac; double botfrac; if (_y_position >= top && mybot <= bot) { /* _y_position is below top, mybot is above bot, so we're fully covered vertically. */ topfrac = 1.0; botfrac = 0.0; } else { /* top and bot are within _y_position .. mybot */ topfrac = 1.0 - ((top - _y_position) / height); botfrac = 1.0 - ((bot - _y_position) / height); } if (_line) { _line->get_selectables (start, end, botfrac, topfrac, results); } else if (_view) { _view->get_selectables (start, end, botfrac, topfrac, results); } } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::get_inverted_selectables (Selection& sel, list& result) { if (_line) { _line->get_inverted_selectables (sel, result); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_selected_points (PointSelection& points) { if (_line) { _line->set_selected_points (points); } else if (_view) { _view->set_selected_points (points); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::clear_lines () { _line.reset(); _list_connections.drop_connections (); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::add_line (std::shared_ptr line) { if (_control && line) { assert(line->the_list() == _control->list()); _control->alist()->automation_state_changed.connect ( _list_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationTimeAxisView::automation_state_changed, this), gui_context() ); _control->alist()->InterpolationChanged.connect ( _list_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationTimeAxisView::interpolation_changed, this, _1), gui_context() ); } _line = line; line->set_height (height - 2.5); /* pick up the current state */ automation_state_changed (); line->add_visibility (AutomationLine::Line); } bool AutomationTimeAxisView::propagate_time_selection () const { /* MIDI automation is part of the MIDI region. It is always * implicily selected with the parent, regardless of TAV selection */ return parameter_is_midi(_parameter.type ()) || _parameter == Evoral::Parameter (MidiVelocityAutomation); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::entered() { if (_line) { _line->track_entered(); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::exited () { if (_line) { _line->track_exited(); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::color_handler () { if (_line) { _line->set_colors(); } } int AutomationTimeAxisView::set_state_2X (const XMLNode& node, int /*version*/) { if (node.name() == X_("gain") && _parameter == Evoral::Parameter (GainAutomation)) { bool shown; if (node.get_property (X_("shown"), shown)) { if (shown) { _canvas_display->show (); /* FIXME: necessary? show_at? */ set_gui_property ("visible", shown); } } else { set_gui_property ("visible", false); } } return 0; } int AutomationTimeAxisView::set_state (const XMLNode&, int /*version*/) { return 0; } /** @return true if this view has any automation data to display */ bool AutomationTimeAxisView::has_automation () const { return ( (_line && _line->npoints() > 0) || (_view && _view->has_automation()) ); } list > AutomationTimeAxisView::lines () const { list > lines; if (_line) { lines.push_back (_line); } else if (_view) { lines = _view->get_lines (); } return lines; } string AutomationTimeAxisView::state_id() const { if (_parameter && _stripable && _automatable == _stripable) { const string parameter_str = PBD::to_string (_parameter.type()) + "/" + PBD::to_string (_parameter.id()) + "/" + PBD::to_string (_parameter.channel ()); return string("automation ") + PBD::to_string(_stripable->id()) + " " + parameter_str; } else if (_automatable != _stripable && _control) { return string("automation ") + _control->id().to_s(); } else { error << "Automation time axis has no state ID" << endmsg; return ""; } } /** Given a state id string, see if it is one generated by * this class. If so, parse it into its components. * @param state_id State ID string to parse. * @param route_id Filled in with the route's ID if the state ID string is parsed. * @param has_parameter Filled in with true if the state ID has a parameter, otherwise false. * @param parameter Filled in with the state ID's parameter, if it has one. * @return true if this is a state ID generated by this class, otherwise false. */ bool AutomationTimeAxisView::parse_state_id ( string const & state_id, PBD::ID & route_id, bool & has_parameter, Evoral::Parameter & parameter) { stringstream ss; ss << state_id; string a, b, c; ss >> a >> b >> c; if (a != X_("automation")) { return false; } route_id = PBD::ID (b); if (c.empty ()) { has_parameter = false; return true; } has_parameter = true; vector p; boost::split (p, c, boost::is_any_of ("/")); assert (p.size() == 3); parameter = Evoral::Parameter ( PBD::string_to(p[0]), // type PBD::string_to(p[2]), // channel PBD::string_to(p[1]) // id ); return true; } void AutomationTimeAxisView::cut_copy_clear (Selection& selection, CutCopyOp op) { list > lines; if (_line) { lines.push_back (_line); } else if (_view) { lines = _view->get_lines (); } for (list >::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) { cut_copy_clear_one (**i, selection, op); } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::cut_copy_clear_one (AutomationLine& line, Selection& selection, CutCopyOp op) { std::shared_ptr what_we_got; std::shared_ptr alist (line.the_list()); XMLNode &before = alist->get_state(); /* convert time selection to automation list model coordinates */ timepos_t start = selection.time.front().start().earlier (line.get_origin()); timepos_t end = selection.time.front().end().earlier (line.get_origin()); switch (op) { case Delete: if (alist->cut (start, end) != 0) { _session->add_command(new MementoCommand(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state())); } break; case Cut: if ((what_we_got = alist->cut (start, end)) != 0) { _editor.get_cut_buffer().add (what_we_got); _session->add_command(new MementoCommand(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state())); } break; case Copy: if ((what_we_got = alist->copy (start, end)) != 0) { _editor.get_cut_buffer().add (what_we_got); } break; case Clear: if ((what_we_got = alist->cut (start, end)) != 0) { _session->add_command(new MementoCommand(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state())); } break; } if (what_we_got) { for (AutomationList::iterator x = what_we_got->begin(); x != what_we_got->end(); ++x) { timepos_t when = (*x)->when; double val = (*x)->value; val = line.model_to_view_coord_y (val); (*x)->when = when; (*x)->value = val; } } } PresentationInfo const & AutomationTimeAxisView::presentation_info () const { return _stripable->presentation_info(); } std::shared_ptr AutomationTimeAxisView::stripable () const { return _stripable; } Gdk::Color AutomationTimeAxisView::color () const { return gdk_color_from_rgb (_stripable->presentation_info().color()); } void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_velocity_mode (VelocityMode vm, bool force) { if (_parameter.type() != MidiVelocityAutomation) { return; } if (vm == _velocity_mode && !force) { return; } _velocity_mode = vm; switch (_velocity_mode) { case VelocityModeLollipops: _ghost_group->show (); _ghost_group->raise_to_top (); break; case VelocityModeLine: _ghost_group->hide (); break; } } void AutomationTimeAxisView::set_selected_regionviews (RegionSelection& rs) { if (_view) { _view->set_selected_regionviews (rs); } if (_parameter.type() != MidiVelocityAutomation) { return; } for (auto & ghost : ghosts) { if (std::find (rs.begin(), rs.end(), &ghost->parent_rv) != rs.end()) { ghost->set_selected (true); } else { ghost->set_selected (false); } } }