/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "mixer_strip.h" #include "plugin_selector.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "check_mark.h" #include "prompter.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace sigc; static const gchar* track_display_titles[] = { N_("Strips"), 0 }; static const gchar* snapshot_display_titles[] = { N_("Snapshots"), 0 }; static const gchar* group_list_titles[] = { N_("***"), N_("Bar"), 0 }; GdkPixmap* Mixer_UI::check_pixmap = 0; GdkBitmap* Mixer_UI::check_mask = 0; GdkPixmap* Mixer_UI::empty_pixmap = 0; GdkBitmap* Mixer_UI::empty_mask = 0; Mixer_UI::Mixer_UI (AudioEngine& eng) : Gtk::Window (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL), KeyboardTarget (*this, "mixer"), engine (eng), track_display_list (internationalize (track_display_titles)), group_list (internationalize (group_list_titles)), snapshot_display (internationalize (snapshot_display_titles)) { _strip_width = Wide; track_menu = 0; check_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d (NULL, gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET(group_list.gobj())), &check_mask, NULL, (gchar **) check_xpm); empty_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d (NULL, gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET(group_list.gobj())), &empty_mask, NULL, (gchar **) empty_xpm); XMLNode* node = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->mixer_settings(); set_state (*node); scroller_base.signal_add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); scroller_base.set_name ("MixerWindow"); scroller_base.signal_button_release_event.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_scroller_button_release)); // add as last item of strip packer strip_packer.pack_end (scroller_base, true, true); scroller.add_with_viewport (strip_packer); scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); track_display_list.column_titles_active(); track_display_list.set_name ("MixerTrackDisplayList"); track_display_list.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); track_display_list.set_selection_mode (GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); track_display_list.set_reorderable (true); track_display_list.set_size_request (75, -1); track_display_scroller.add (track_display_list); track_display_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); snapshot_display.column_titles_active(); snapshot_display.set_name ("MixerSnapshotDisplayList"); snapshot_display.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); snapshot_display.set_selection_mode (GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); snapshot_display.set_reorderable (true); snapshot_display.set_size_request (75, -1); snapshot_display_scroller.add (snapshot_display); snapshot_display_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); group_list_button_label.set_text (_("Mix Groups")); group_list_button_label.set_name ("MixerGroupTitleButton"); group_list_button.add (group_list_button_label); group_list_button.set_name ("MixerGroupTitleButton"); group_list.column_titles_hide(); group_list.set_name ("MixerGroupList"); group_list.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); group_list.set_selection_mode (GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); group_list.set_reorderable (false); group_list.set_size_request (75, -1); group_list.set_column_auto_resize (0, true); group_list_scroller.add (group_list); group_list_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); group_list_vbox.pack_start (group_list_button, false, false); group_list_vbox.pack_start (group_list_scroller, true, true); list stupid_list; stupid_list.push_back (""); stupid_list.push_back (_("-all-")); group_list.rows().push_back (stupid_list); group_list.rows().back().set_data (0); group_list.rows().back().select(); group_list.cell(0,0).set_pixmap (check_pixmap); track_display_frame.set_name("BaseFrame"); track_display_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); track_display_frame.add(track_display_scroller); group_list_frame.set_name ("BaseFrame"); group_list_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); group_list_frame.add (group_list_vbox); rhs_pane1.add1 (track_display_frame); rhs_pane1.add2 (rhs_pane2); rhs_pane2.add1 (group_list_frame); rhs_pane2.add2 (snapshot_display_scroller); list_vpacker.pack_start (rhs_pane1, true, true); global_hpacker.pack_start (scroller, true, true); global_hpacker.pack_start (out_packer, false, false); list_hpane.add1(list_vpacker); list_hpane.add2(global_hpacker); rhs_pane1.size_allocate.connect_after (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::pane_allocation_handler), static_cast (&rhs_pane1))); rhs_pane2.size_allocate.connect_after (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::pane_allocation_handler), static_cast (&rhs_pane2))); list_hpane.size_allocate.connect_after (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::pane_allocation_handler), static_cast (&list_hpane))); rhs_pane1.set_data ("collapse-direction", (gpointer) 0); rhs_pane2.set_data ("collapse-direction", (gpointer) 0); list_hpane.set_data ("collapse-direction", (gpointer) 1); rhs_pane1.signal_button_release_event.connect (bind (ptr_fun (pane_handler), static_cast(&rhs_pane1))); rhs_pane2.signal_button_release_event.connect (bind (ptr_fun (pane_handler), static_cast(&rhs_pane2))); list_hpane.signal_button_release_event.connect (bind (ptr_fun (pane_handler), static_cast(&list_hpane))); global_vpacker.pack_start (list_hpane, true, true); add (global_vpacker); set_name ("MixerWindow"); set_title (_("ardour: mixer")); set_wmclass (_("ardour_mixer"), "Ardour"); delete_event.connect (bind (ptr_fun (just_hide_it), static_cast(this))); add_events (Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); snapshot_display.select_row.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::snapshot_display_selected)); track_display_list.select_row.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::track_display_selected)); track_display_list.unselect_row.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::track_display_unselected)); track_display_list.row_move.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::queue_track_display_reordered)); track_display_list.click_column.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::track_column_click)); group_list_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::group_list_button_clicked)); group_list.signal_button_press_event.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::group_list_button_press_event)); group_list.select_row.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::group_selected)); group_list.unselect_row.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::group_unselected)); _plugin_selector = new PluginSelector (PluginManager::the_manager()); _plugin_selector->signal_delete_event.connect (bind (ptr_fun (just_hide_it), static_cast (_plugin_selector))); configure_event.connect (mem_fun (*ARDOUR_UI::instance(), &ARDOUR_UI::configure_handler)); _selection.RoutesChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::follow_strip_selection)); } Mixer_UI::~Mixer_UI () { } void Mixer_UI::ensure_float (Window& win) { win.set_transient_for (*this); } void Mixer_UI::show_window () { show_all (); /* now reset each strips width so the right widgets are shown */ MixerStrip* ms; CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { ms = (MixerStrip *) i->get_data (); ms->set_width (ms->get_width()); } } void Mixer_UI::add_strip (Route* route) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::add_strip), route)); MixerStrip* strip; if (route->hidden()) { return; } strip = new MixerStrip (*this, *session, *route); strips.push_back (strip); strip->set_width (_strip_width); show_strip (strip); const gchar* rowdata[1]; rowdata[0] = route->name().c_str(); track_display_list.freeze (); track_display_list.rows().push_back (rowdata); track_display_list.rows().back().set_data (strip); track_display_list.thaw (); if (strip->marked_for_display() || strip->packed()) { track_display_list.rows().back().select (); } route->name_changed.connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_name_changed), strip)); strip->GoingAway.connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::remove_strip), strip)); strip->signal_button_release_event.connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_button_release_event), strip)); // if (width() < gdk_screen_width()) { // set_size_request (width() + (_strip_width == Wide ? 75 : 50), height()); // } } void Mixer_UI::remove_strip (MixerStrip* strip) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::remove_strip), strip)); CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator ri; list::iterator i; if ((i = find (strips.begin(), strips.end(), strip)) != strips.end()) { strips.erase (i); } for (ri = track_display_list.rows().begin(); ri != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++ri) { if ((MixerStrip *) ri->get_data () == strip) { track_display_list.rows().erase (ri); break; } } } void Mixer_UI::follow_strip_selection () { for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected (_selection.selected (&(*i)->route())); } } gint Mixer_UI::strip_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *ev, MixerStrip *strip) { if (ev->button == 1) { /* this allows the user to click on the strip to terminate comment editing. XXX it needs improving so that we don't select the strip at the same time. */ ARDOUR_UI::instance()->allow_focus (false); if (_selection.selected (&strip->route())) { _selection.remove (&strip->route()); } else { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::Shift)) { _selection.add (&strip->route()); } else { _selection.set (&strip->route()); } } } return TRUE; } void Mixer_UI::connect_to_session (Session* sess) { session = sess; string wintitle = _("ardour: mixer: "); wintitle += session->name(); set_title (wintitle); track_display_list.freeze (); track_display_list.clear (); session->foreach_route (this, &Mixer_UI::add_strip); track_display_list.thaw (); session->going_away.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::disconnect_from_session)); session->RouteAdded.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::add_strip)); session->mix_group_added.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::add_mix_group)); session->foreach_mix_group(this, &Mixer_UI::add_mix_group); session->StateSaved.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::session_state_saved)); redisplay_snapshots (); _plugin_selector->set_session (session); start_updating (); } void Mixer_UI::disconnect_from_session () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::disconnect_from_session)); group_list.clear (); set_title (_("ardour: mixer")); stop_updating (); hide_all_strips (false); } void Mixer_UI::hide_all_strips (bool with_select) { MixerStrip* ms; CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; track_display_list.freeze (); for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { ms = (MixerStrip *) i->get_data (); if (with_select) { i->unselect (); } else { hide_strip (ms); } } track_display_list.thaw (); } void Mixer_UI::unselect_all_strips () { hide_all_strips (false); } void Mixer_UI::select_all_strips () { CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { i->select (); } } void Mixer_UI::select_all_audiotrack_strips () { MixerStrip* ms; CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; track_display_list.freeze (); for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { ms = (MixerStrip *) i->get_data (); if (ms->is_audio_track()) { i->select (); } } track_display_list.thaw (); } void Mixer_UI::unselect_all_audiotrack_strips () { MixerStrip* ms; CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; track_display_list.freeze (); for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { ms = (MixerStrip *) i->get_data (); if (ms->is_audio_track()) { i->unselect (); } } track_display_list.thaw (); } void Mixer_UI::select_all_audiobus_strips () { MixerStrip* ms; CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; track_display_list.freeze (); for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { ms = (MixerStrip *) i->get_data (); if (!ms->is_audio_track()) { i->select (); } } track_display_list.thaw (); } void Mixer_UI::unselect_all_audiobus_strips () { MixerStrip* ms; CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; track_display_list.freeze (); for (i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i) { ms = (MixerStrip *) i->get_data (); if (!ms->is_audio_track()) { i->unselect (); } } track_display_list.thaw (); } void Mixer_UI::show_strip (MixerStrip* ms) { if (!ms->packed()) { if (ms->route().master() || ms->route().control()) { out_packer.pack_start (*ms, false, false); } else { strip_packer.pack_start (*ms, false, false); } ms->set_packed (true); ms->show (); } } void Mixer_UI::hide_strip (MixerStrip* ms) { if (ms->packed()) { if (ms->route().master() || ms->route().control()) { out_packer.remove (*ms); } else { strip_packer.remove (*ms); } ms->set_packed (false); } } gint Mixer_UI::start_updating () { screen_update_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->RapidScreenUpdate.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::update_strips)); fast_screen_update_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->SuperRapidScreenUpdate.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::fast_update_strips)); return 0; } gint Mixer_UI::stop_updating () { screen_update_connection.disconnect(); fast_screen_update_connection.disconnect(); return 0; } void Mixer_UI::update_strips () { if (is_mapped () && session) { for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->update (); } } } void Mixer_UI::fast_update_strips () { if (is_mapped () && session) { for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->fast_update (); } } } void Mixer_UI::snapshot_display_selected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev) { string* snap_name; if ((snap_name = (string*) snapshot_display.get_row_data(row)) != 0){ if (session->snap_name() == *snap_name){ return; } string path = session->path(); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->load_session(path, *snap_name); } } void Mixer_UI::track_display_selected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev) { MixerStrip* strip; if ((strip = (MixerStrip *) track_display_list.get_row_data (row)) != 0) { strip->set_marked_for_display (true); show_strip (strip); /* just redraw the whole thing so that we get the right order when we reinsert the strip. */ track_display_reordered (); } } void Mixer_UI::track_display_unselected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev) { MixerStrip* strip; if ((strip = (MixerStrip *) track_display_list.get_row_data (row)) != 0) { strip->set_marked_for_display (false); hide_strip (strip); } } void Mixer_UI::unselect_strip_in_display (MixerStrip *strip) { CList_Helpers::RowIterator i; if ((i = track_display_list.rows().find_data (strip)) != track_display_list.rows().end()) { (*i).unselect (); } } void Mixer_UI::select_strip_in_display (MixerStrip *strip) { CList_Helpers::RowIterator i; if ((i = track_display_list.rows().find_data (strip)) != track_display_list.rows().end()) { (*i).select (); } } void Mixer_UI::queue_track_display_reordered (gint arg1, gint arg2) { /* the problem here is that we are called *before* the list has been reordered. so just queue up the actual re-drawer to happen once the re-ordering is complete. */ Main::idle.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::track_display_reordered)); } int Mixer_UI::track_display_reordered () { CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; long order; // hide_all_strips (false); for (order = 0, i = track_display_list.rows().begin(); i != track_display_list.rows().end(); ++i, ++order) { MixerStrip* strip = (MixerStrip *) (*i)->get_data (); if (strip->marked_for_display()) { strip->route().set_order_key (N_("signal"), order); strip_packer.reorder_child (*strip, -1); /* put at end */ } } return FALSE; } void Mixer_UI::track_column_click (gint col) { if (track_menu == 0) { build_track_menu (); } track_menu->popup (0, 0); } void Mixer_UI::build_track_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; using namespace Gtk; track_menu = new Menu; track_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = track_menu->items(); track_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All"), mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::select_all_strips))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All"), mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::unselect_all_strips))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All AudioTrack MixerStrips"), mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::select_all_audiotrack_strips))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All AudioTrack MixerStrips"), mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::unselect_all_audiotrack_strips))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All AudioBus MixerStrips"), mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::select_all_audiobus_strips))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All AudioBus MixerStrips"), mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::unselect_all_audiobus_strips))); } void Mixer_UI::strip_name_changed (void* src, MixerStrip* mx) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_name_changed), src, mx)); CList_Helpers::RowList::iterator i; if ((i = track_display_list.rows().find_data (mx)) == track_display_list.rows().end()) { error << _("track display list item for renamed strip not found!") << endmsg; return; } track_display_list.cell ((*i)->get_row_num(), 0).set_text (mx->route().name()); } void Mixer_UI::new_mix_group () { ArdourPrompter prompter; string result; prompter.set_prompt (_("Name for new mix group")); prompter.done.connect (Main::quit.slot()); prompter.show_all (); Main::run (); if (prompter.status != Gtkmm2ext::Prompter::entered) { return; } prompter.get_result (result); if (result.length()) { session->add_mix_group (result); } } void Mixer_UI::group_list_button_clicked () { if (session) { new_mix_group (); } } gint Mixer_UI::group_list_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { gint row, col; RouteGroup* group; if (group_list.get_selection_info ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, &row, &col) == 0) { return FALSE; } switch (col) { case 1: if (Keyboard::is_edit_event (ev)) { // RouteGroup* group = (RouteGroup *) group_list.row(row).get_data (); // edit_mix_group (group); return stop_signal (group_list, "button_press_event"); } else { /* allow regular select to occur */ return FALSE; } case 0: stop_signal (group_list, "button_press_event"); if ((group = (RouteGroup *) group_list.row(row).get_data ()) != 0) { group->set_active (!group->is_active (), this); } break; } return TRUE; } void Mixer_UI::group_selected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev) { RouteGroup* group = (RouteGroup *) group_list.row(row).get_data (); if (group) { group->set_hidden (false, this); } else { /* the master group */ for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { show_strip (*i); } track_display_reordered (); } } void Mixer_UI::group_unselected (gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev) { RouteGroup* group = (RouteGroup *) group_list.row(row).get_data (); if (group) { group->set_hidden (true, this); } else { /* the master group */ for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { hide_strip (*i); } } } void Mixer_UI::group_flags_changed (void* src, RouteGroup* group) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::group_flags_changed), src, group)); if (src != this) { // select row } CList_Helpers::RowIterator ri = group_list.rows().find_data (group); for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->route().mix_group() == group) { if (group->is_hidden ()) { unselect_strip_in_display(*i); } else { select_strip_in_display(*i); (*ri)->select(); } } } if (group->is_active()) { group_list.cell (ri->get_row_num(),0).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } else { group_list.cell (ri->get_row_num(),0).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } } void Mixer_UI::add_mix_group (RouteGroup* group) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::add_mix_group), group)); list names; names.push_back (""); names.push_back (group->name()); group_list.rows().push_back (names); group_list.rows().back().set_data (group); /* update display to reflect group flags */ group_flags_changed (0, group); group->FlagsChanged.connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::group_flags_changed), group)); } void Mixer_UI::redisplay_snapshots () { if (session == 0) { return; } vector* states; if ((states = session->possible_states()) == 0) { return; } snapshot_display.freeze(); snapshot_display.rows().clear (); for (vector::iterator i = states->begin(); i != states->end(); ++i) { string statename = *(*i); const char *rowtext[1]; rowtext[0] = statename.c_str(); snapshot_display.rows().push_back (rowtext); snapshot_display.rows().back().set_data (new string (statename), deferred_delete); delete *i; } delete states; snapshot_display.thaw(); } void Mixer_UI::session_state_saved (string snap_name) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::session_state_saved), snap_name)); redisplay_snapshots (); } gint Mixer_UI::strip_scroller_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->add_route(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void Mixer_UI::set_strip_width (Width w) { _strip_width = w; for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_width (w); } } int Mixer_UI::set_state (const XMLNode& node) { const XMLProperty* prop; XMLNode* geometry; int x, y, width, height, xoff, yoff; if ((geometry = find_named_node (node, "geometry")) == 0) { width = default_width; height = default_height; x = 1; y = 1; xoff = 0; yoff = 21; } else { width = atoi(geometry->property("x_size")->value().c_str()); height = atoi(geometry->property("y_size")->value().c_str()); x = atoi(geometry->property("x_pos")->value().c_str()); y = atoi(geometry->property("y_pos")->value().c_str()); xoff = atoi(geometry->property("x_off")->value().c_str()); yoff = atoi(geometry->property("y_off")->value().c_str()); } set_default_size(width, height); set_uposition(x, y-yoff); if ((prop = node.property ("narrow-strips"))) { if (prop->value() == "yes") { set_strip_width (Narrow); } else { set_strip_width (Wide); } } return 0; } XMLNode& Mixer_UI::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode ("Mixer"); if (is_realized()) { Gdk_Window win = get_window(); int x, y, xoff, yoff, width, height; win.get_root_origin(x, y); win.get_position(xoff, yoff); win.get_size(width, height); XMLNode* geometry = new XMLNode ("geometry"); char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", width); geometry->add_property(X_("x_size"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", height); geometry->add_property(X_("y_size"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", x); geometry->add_property(X_("x_pos"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", y); geometry->add_property(X_("y_pos"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", xoff); geometry->add_property(X_("x_off"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", yoff); geometry->add_property(X_("y_off"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf), "%d",gtk_paned_get_position (static_cast(&rhs_pane1)->gobj())); geometry->add_property(X_("mixer_rhs_pane1_pos"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf), "%d",gtk_paned_get_position (static_cast(&rhs_pane2)->gobj())); geometry->add_property(X_("mixer_rhs_pane2_pos"), string(buf)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf), "%d",gtk_paned_get_position (static_cast(&list_hpane)->gobj())); geometry->add_property(X_("mixer_list_hpane_pos"), string(buf)); node->add_child_nocopy (*geometry); } node->add_property ("narrow-strips", _strip_width == Narrow ? "yes" : "no"); return *node; } void Mixer_UI::pane_allocation_handler (GtkAllocation *alloc, Gtk::Paned* which) { int pos; XMLProperty* prop = 0; char buf[32]; XMLNode* node = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->mixer_settings(); XMLNode* geometry; int width, height; static int32_t done[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; if ((geometry = find_named_node (*node, "geometry")) == 0) { width = default_width; height = default_height; } else { width = atoi(geometry->property("x_size")->value()); height = atoi(geometry->property("y_size")->value()); } if (which == static_cast (&rhs_pane1)) { if (done[0]) { return; } if (!geometry || (prop = geometry->property("mixer_rhs_pane1_pos")) == 0) { pos = height / 3; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", pos); } else { pos = atoi (prop->value()); } if ((done[0] = GTK_WIDGET(rhs_pane1.gobj())->allocation.height > pos)) { rhs_pane1.set_position (pos); } } else if (which == static_cast (&rhs_pane2)) { if (done[1]) { return; } if (!geometry || (prop = geometry->property("mixer_rhs_pane2_pos")) == 0) { pos = height / 3; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", pos); } else { pos = atoi (prop->value()); } if ((done[1] = GTK_WIDGET(rhs_pane2.gobj())->allocation.height > pos)) { rhs_pane2.set_position (pos); } } else if (which == static_cast (&list_hpane)) { if (done[2]) { return; } if (!geometry || (prop = geometry->property("mixer_list_hpane_pos")) == 0) { pos = 75; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", pos); } else { pos = atoi (prop->value()); } if ((done[2] = GTK_WIDGET(list_hpane.gobj())->allocation.width > pos)) { list_hpane.set_position (pos); } } }