/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include "pbd/string_convert.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/audio_port.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/midi_port.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/monitor_return.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/region.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/solo_mute_release.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/window_title.h" #include "widgets/prompter.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "actions.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "instrument_selector.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "recorder_group_tabs.h" #include "recorder_ui.h" #include "timers.h" #include "timers.h" #include "track_record_axis.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace ArdourWidgets; using namespace Gtk; using namespace std; RecorderUI::RecorderUI () : Tabbable (_content, _("Recorder"), X_("recorder")) , _toolbar_sep (1.0) , _btn_rec_all (_("All")) , _btn_rec_none (_("None")) , _btn_rec_forget (_("Discard Last Take")) , _btn_peak_reset (_("Reset Peak Hold")) , _monitor_in_button (_("All In")) , _monitor_disk_button (_("All Disk")) , _auto_input_button (_("Auto-Input"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , _toolbar_button_height (SizeGroup::create (Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_VERTICAL)) , _toolbar_recarm_width (SizeGroup::create (Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL)) , _toolbar_monitoring_width (SizeGroup::create (Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL)) , _meter_box_width (50) , _meter_area_cols (2) , _vertical (false) , _ruler_sep (1.0) { load_bindings (); register_actions (); _transport_ctrl.setup (ARDOUR_UI::instance ()); _transport_ctrl.map_actions (); _transport_ctrl.set_no_show_all (); signal_tabbed_changed.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::tabbed_changed)); /* monitoring */ _auto_input_button.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action ("Transport", "ToggleAutoInput")); _auto_input_button.set_name ("transport option button"); _monitor_in_button.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action ("Transport", "SessionMonitorIn")); _monitor_in_button.set_name ("monitor button"); _monitor_disk_button.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action ("Transport", "SessionMonitorDisk")); _monitor_disk_button.set_name ("monitor button"); /* rec all/none */ _recs_label.set_text(_("Arm Tracks:")); _btn_rec_all.set_name ("generic button"); _btn_rec_all.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action (X_("Recorder"), X_("arm-all"))); _btn_rec_none.set_name ("generic button"); _btn_rec_none.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action (X_("Recorder"), X_("arm-none"))); _btn_rec_forget.set_name ("generic button"); _btn_rec_forget.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("remove-last-capture"))); _btn_peak_reset.set_name ("generic button"); _btn_peak_reset.set_related_action (ActionManager::get_action (X_("Recorder"), X_("reset-input-peak-hold"))); /* standardize some button width. */ _toolbar_recarm_width->add_widget (_btn_rec_none); _toolbar_recarm_width->add_widget (_btn_rec_all); _toolbar_monitoring_width->add_widget (_monitor_in_button); _toolbar_monitoring_width->add_widget (_monitor_disk_button); /* standardize some button heights. */ _toolbar_button_height->add_widget (_btn_rec_all); _toolbar_button_height->add_widget (_btn_rec_none); _toolbar_button_height->add_widget (_btn_rec_forget); _toolbar_button_height->add_widget (_monitor_in_button); _toolbar_button_height->add_widget (_monitor_disk_button); _toolbar_button_height->add_widget (_auto_input_button); _meter_area.set_spacing (0); _meter_area.pack_start (_meter_table, true, true); _meter_area.signal_size_request().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::meter_area_size_request)); _meter_area.signal_size_allocate ().connect (mem_fun (this, &RecorderUI::meter_area_size_allocate)); _meter_scroller.add (_meter_area); _meter_scroller.set_policy (POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC); _scroller_base.set_flags (CAN_FOCUS); _scroller_base.add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); _scroller_base.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RecorderUI::scroller_button_release)); /* create a button to add mixer strips */ _add_route_button.add (*manage (new Image (Stock::ADD, ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))); _add_route_button.set_can_focus(false); _add_route_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*ARDOUR_UI::instance(), &ARDOUR_UI::add_route)); /* LAYOUT */ _rec_area.set_spacing (0); _rec_area.pack_end (_scroller_base, true, true); _rec_area.pack_end (_add_route_button, false, true); _rec_area.pack_end (_ruler_sep, false, false, 0); /* HBox [ groups | tracks] */ _rec_group_tabs = new RecorderGroupTabs (this); _rec_groups.pack_start (*_rec_group_tabs, false, false); _rec_groups.pack_start (_rec_area, true, true); /* Vertical scroll, all tracks */ _rec_scroller.add (_rec_groups); _rec_scroller.set_shadow_type(SHADOW_IN); _rec_scroller.set_policy (POLICY_NEVER, POLICY_AUTOMATIC); /* HBox, ruler on top [ space above headers | time-ruler ] */ _ruler_box.pack_start (_space, false, false); _ruler_box.pack_start (_ruler, true, true); /* VBox, ruler + scroll-area for tracks */ _rec_container.pack_start (_ruler_box, false, false); _rec_container.pack_start (_rec_scroller, true, true); _pane.add (_rec_container); _pane.add (_meter_scroller); /* Top-level VBox */ _content.pack_start (_toolbar_sep, false, false, 1); _content.pack_start (_toolbar, false, false, 2); _content.pack_start (_pane, true, true); /* button_table setup is similar to transport_table in ardour_ui */ int vpadding = 1; int hpadding = 2; int spacepad = 3; int col = 0; _button_table.attach (_transport_ctrl, col, col + 1, 0, 1, FILL, FILL, hpadding, vpadding); col += 1; _button_table.attach (_duration_info_box, col, col + 1, 0, 1, FILL, FILL, hpadding, vpadding); _button_table.attach (_xrun_info_box, col + 1, col + 2, 0, 1, FILL, FILL, hpadding, vpadding); _button_table.attach (_btn_rec_forget, col, col + 2, 1, 2, FILL, SHRINK, hpadding, vpadding); col += 2; _button_table.attach (*(manage (new ArdourVSpacer ())), col, col + 1, 0, 2, FILL, FILL, spacepad, vpadding); col += 1; _button_table.attach (_recs_label, col, col + 2, 0, 1, FILL, FILL, hpadding, vpadding); _button_table.attach (_btn_rec_all, col, col + 1, 1, 2, FILL, FILL, hpadding, vpadding); _button_table.attach (_btn_rec_none, col + 1, col + 2, 1, 2, FILL, FILL, hpadding, vpadding); col += 2; _button_table.attach (*(manage (new ArdourVSpacer ())), col, col + 1, 0, 2, FILL, FILL, spacepad, vpadding); col += 1; _button_table.attach (_auto_input_button, col, col + 2, 0, 1 , FILL, SHRINK, hpadding, vpadding); _button_table.attach (_monitor_in_button, col, col + 1, 1, 2 , FILL, SHRINK, hpadding, vpadding); _button_table.attach (_monitor_disk_button, col + 1, col + 2, 1, 2 , FILL, SHRINK, hpadding, vpadding); col += 2; _toolbar.pack_start (_button_table, false, false); _toolbar.pack_end (_btn_peak_reset, false, false, 4); _toolbar.pack_end (_remain_info_box, false, false, 4); /* tooltips */ set_tooltip (_btn_rec_all, _("Record enable all tracks")); set_tooltip (_btn_rec_none, _("Disable recording of all tracks")); set_tooltip (_btn_peak_reset, _("Reset peak-hold indicator of all input meters")); set_tooltip (_auto_input_button, _("Track Input Monitoring automatically follows transport state")); set_tooltip (_monitor_in_button, _("Force all tracks to monitor Input, unless they are explicitly set to monitor Disk")); set_tooltip (_monitor_disk_button, _("Force all tracks to monitor Disk playback, unless they are explicitly set to Input")); set_tooltip (_xrun_info_box, _("X-runs: Soundcard buffer under- or over-run occurrences in the last recording take")); set_tooltip (_remain_info_box, _("Remaining Time: Recording time available on the current disk with currently armed tracks")); set_tooltip (_duration_info_box, _("Duration: Length of the most recent (or current) recording take")); set_tooltip (_btn_rec_forget, _("Delete the region AND the audio files of the last recording take")); /* show [almost] all */ _btn_rec_all.show (); _btn_rec_none.show (); _btn_rec_forget.show (); _btn_peak_reset.show (); _button_table.show (); _monitor_in_button.show (); _monitor_disk_button.show (); _auto_input_button.show (); _space.show (); _ruler_box.show (); _ruler_sep.show (); _add_route_button.show_all (); _scroller_base.show (); _toolbar_sep.show (); _rec_area.show (); _rec_scroller.show (); _rec_groups.show (); _rec_group_tabs->show (); _rec_container.show (); _duration_info_box.show (); _xrun_info_box.show (); _remain_info_box.show (); _meter_table.show (); _meter_area.show (); _meter_scroller.show (); _pane.show (); _content.show (); /* setup keybidings */ _content.set_data ("ardour-bindings", bindings); /* subscribe to signals */ AudioEngine::instance ()->Running.connect (_engine_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::start_updating, this), gui_context ()); AudioEngine::instance ()->Stopped.connect (_engine_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::stop_updating, this), gui_context ()); AudioEngine::instance ()->Halted.connect (_engine_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::stop_updating, this), gui_context ()); AudioEngine::instance ()->PortConnectedOrDisconnected.connect (_engine_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::port_connected_or_disconnected, this, _2, _4), gui_context ()); AudioEngine::instance ()->PortPrettyNameChanged.connect (_engine_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::port_pretty_name_changed, this, _1), gui_context ()); AudioEngine::instance ()->PhysInputChanged.connect (_engine_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::add_or_remove_io, this, _1, _2, _3), gui_context ()); PresentationInfo::Change.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::presentation_info_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context ()); UIConfiguration::instance().ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::parameter_changed)); //ARDOUR_UI::instance()->Escape.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::escape, this), gui_context()); /* init */ update_title (); update_sensitivity (); float fract; XMLNode const* settings = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->recorder_settings(); if (!settings || !settings->get_property ("recorder-vpane-pos", fract) || fract > 1.0) { fract = 0.75f; } _pane.set_divider (0, fract); } RecorderUI::~RecorderUI () { delete _rec_group_tabs; } void RecorderUI::cleanup () { _visible_recorders.clear (); stop_updating (); _engine_connections.drop_connections (); } Gtk::Window* RecorderUI::use_own_window (bool and_fill_it) { bool new_window = !own_window (); Gtk::Window* win = Tabbable::use_own_window (and_fill_it); if (win && new_window) { win->set_name ("RecorderWindow"); ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->setup_toplevel_window (*win, _("Recorder"), this); win->signal_event ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&Keyboard::catch_user_event_for_pre_dialog_focus), win)); win->set_data ("ardour-bindings", bindings); update_title (); #if 0 // TODO if (!win->get_focus()) { win->set_focus (scroller); } #endif } contents ().show (); return win; } void RecorderUI::tabbed_changed (bool tabbed) { if (tabbed) { _transport_ctrl.hide (); } else { _transport_ctrl.show (); } } XMLNode& RecorderUI::get_state () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Recorder")); node->add_child_nocopy (Tabbable::get_state ()); node->set_property (X_("recorder-vpane-pos"), _pane.get_divider ()); return *node; } int RecorderUI::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int version) { return Tabbable::set_state (node, version); } void RecorderUI::load_bindings () { bindings = Bindings::get_bindings (X_("Recorder")); } void RecorderUI::register_actions () { Glib::RefPtr group = ActionManager::create_action_group (bindings, X_("Recorder")); ActionManager::register_action (group, "reset-input-peak-hold", _("Reset Input Peak Hold"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::peak_reset)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "arm-all", _("Record Arm All Tracks"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::arm_all)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "arm-none", _("Disable Record Arm of All Tracks"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::arm_none)); } void RecorderUI::set_session (Session* s) { SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s); _ruler.set_session (s); _duration_info_box.set_session (s); _xrun_info_box.set_session (s); _remain_info_box.set_session (s); _transport_ctrl.set_session (s); _rec_group_tabs->set_session (s); update_sensitivity (); if (!_session) { _recorders.clear (); _visible_recorders.clear (); return; } XMLNode* node = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->recorder_settings(); set_state (*node, Stateful::loading_state_version); _session->DirtyChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::update_title, this), gui_context ()); _session->StateSaved.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::update_title, this), gui_context ()); _session->RouteAdded.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::add_routes, this, _1), gui_context ()); TrackRecordAxis::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::remove_route, this, _1), gui_context ()); TrackRecordAxis::EditNextName.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::tra_name_edit, this, _1, _2), gui_context ()); _session->config.ParameterChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context ()); Region::RegionPropertyChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::gui_extents_changed, this), gui_context()); _session->StartTimeChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::gui_extents_changed, this), gui_context()); _session->EndTimeChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::gui_extents_changed, this), gui_context()); _session->RecordStateChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::update_sensitivity, this), gui_context()); _session->UpdateRouteRecordState.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::update_recordstate, this), gui_context()); /* map_parameters */ parameter_changed ("show-group-tabs"); update_title (); initial_track_display (); start_updating (); } void RecorderUI::session_going_away () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RecorderUI::session_going_away); SessionHandlePtr::session_going_away (); update_title (); } void RecorderUI::update_title () { if (!own_window ()) { return; } if (_session) { string n; if (_session->snap_name () != _session->name ()) { n = _session->snap_name (); } else { n = _session->name (); } if (_session->dirty ()) { n = "*" + n; } WindowTitle title (n); title += S_("Window|Recorder"); title += Glib::get_application_name (); own_window ()->set_title (title.get_string ()); } else { WindowTitle title (S_("Window|Recorder")); title += Glib::get_application_name (); own_window ()->set_title (title.get_string ()); } } void RecorderUI::update_sensitivity () { const bool en = _session ? true : false; const bool have_ms = Config->get_use_monitor_bus(); ActionManager::get_action (X_("Recorder"), X_("arm-all"))->set_sensitive (en); ActionManager::get_action (X_("Recorder"), X_("arm-none"))->set_sensitive (en); for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { i->second->allow_monitoring (have_ms && en); i->second->set_sensitive (en); if (!en) { i->second->clear (); } } } void RecorderUI::update_recordstate () { for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { i->second->update_rec_stat (); } } void RecorderUI::update_monitorstate (std::string pn, bool en) { InputPortMap::iterator im = _input_ports.find (pn); if (im != _input_ports.end()) { im->second->update_monitorstate (en); } } void RecorderUI::parameter_changed (string const& p) { if (p == "input-meter-layout") { start_updating (); } else if (p == "input-meter-scopes") { start_updating (); } else if (p == "use-monitor-bus") { bool have_ms = Config->get_use_monitor_bus(); for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { i->second->allow_monitoring (have_ms); } } else if (p == "show-group-tabs") { bool const s = _session ? _session->config.get_show_group_tabs () : true; if (s) { _rec_group_tabs->show (); } else { _rec_group_tabs->hide (); } } } bool RecorderUI::scroller_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->add_route (); return true; } return false; } void RecorderUI::start_updating () { if (_input_ports.size ()) { stop_updating (); } PortManager::AudioInputPorts const aip (AudioEngine::instance ()->audio_input_ports ()); PortManager::MIDIInputPorts const mip (AudioEngine::instance ()->midi_input_ports ()); if (aip.size () + mip.size () == 0) { return; } switch (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_input_meter_layout ()) { case LayoutAutomatic: if (aip.size () + mip.size () > 16) { _vertical = true; } else { _vertical = false; } break; case LayoutVertical: _vertical = true; break; case LayoutHorizontal: _vertical = false; break; } /* Audio */ for (PortManager::AudioInputPorts::const_iterator i = aip.begin (); i != aip.end (); ++i) { _input_ports[i->first] = boost::shared_ptr (new InputPort (i->first, DataType::AUDIO, this, _vertical)); set_connections (i->first); } /* MIDI */ for (PortManager::MIDIInputPorts::const_iterator i = mip.begin (); i != mip.end (); ++i) { _input_ports[i->first] = boost::shared_ptr (new InputPort (i->first, DataType::MIDI, this, _vertical)); set_connections (i->first); } update_io_widget_labels (); meter_area_layout (); _meter_area.queue_resize (); MonitorPort& mp (AudioEngine::instance()->monitor_port ()); mp.MonitorInputChanged.connect (_monitor_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RecorderUI::update_monitorstate, this, _1, _2), gui_context()); const bool en = _session ? true : false; const bool have_ms = Config->get_use_monitor_bus(); for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { i->second->update_monitorstate (mp.monitoring (i->first)); i->second->allow_monitoring (have_ms && en); i->second->set_sensitive (en); } _fast_screen_update_connection.disconnect (); /* https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.html#G-PRIORITY-HIGH-IDLE:CAPS */ _fast_screen_update_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::update_meters), 40, GDK_PRIORITY_REDRAW + 10); } void RecorderUI::stop_updating () { _fast_screen_update_connection.disconnect (); _monitor_connection.disconnect (); container_clear (_meter_table); _input_ports.clear (); } void RecorderUI::add_or_remove_io (DataType dt, vector ports, bool add) { _fast_screen_update_connection.disconnect (); bool spill_changed = false; if (add) { for (vector::const_iterator i = ports.begin (); i != ports.end (); ++i) { _input_ports[*i] = boost::shared_ptr (new InputPort (*i, dt, this, _vertical)); set_connections (*i); } } else { for (vector::const_iterator i = ports.begin (); i != ports.end (); ++i) { _input_ports.erase (*i); spill_changed |= 0 != _spill_port_names.erase (*i); } } update_io_widget_labels (); update_sensitivity (); meter_area_layout (); _meter_area.queue_resize (); if (spill_changed) { update_rec_table_layout (); } if (_input_ports.size ()) { _fast_screen_update_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::update_meters), 40, GDK_PRIORITY_REDRAW + 10); } } void RecorderUI::update_io_widget_labels () { uint32_t n_audio = 0; uint32_t n_midi = 0; InputPortSet ips; for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { ips.insert (i->second); } for (InputPortSet::const_iterator i = ips.begin (); i != ips.end (); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr const& ip = *i; switch (ip->data_type ()) { case DataType::AUDIO: ip->set_frame_label (string_compose (_("Audio Input %1"), ++n_audio)); break; case DataType::MIDI: ip->set_frame_label (string_compose (_("MIDI Input %1"), ++n_midi)); break; } } } bool RecorderUI::update_meters () { PortManager::AudioInputPorts const aip (AudioEngine::instance ()->audio_input_ports ()); /* scope data needs to be read contiously */ for (PortManager::AudioInputPorts::const_iterator i = aip.begin (); i != aip.end (); ++i) { InputPortMap::iterator im = _input_ports.find (i->first); if (im != _input_ports.end()) { im->second->update (*(i->second.scope)); } } if (!contents ().is_mapped ()) { return true; } for (PortManager::AudioInputPorts::const_iterator i = aip.begin (); i != aip.end (); ++i) { InputPortMap::iterator im = _input_ports.find (i->first); if (im != _input_ports.end()) { im->second->update (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (i->second.meter->level), accurate_coefficient_to_dB (i->second.meter->peak)); } } PortManager::MIDIInputPorts const mip (AudioEngine::instance ()->midi_input_ports ()); for (PortManager::MIDIInputPorts::const_iterator i = mip.begin (); i != mip.end (); ++i) { InputPortMap::iterator im = _input_ports.find (i->first); im->second->update ((float const*)i->second.meter->chn_active); im->second->update (*(i->second.monitor)); } for (list::const_iterator i = _recorders.begin (); i != _recorders.end (); ++i) { (*i)->fast_update (); } if (_session && _session->actively_recording ()) { /* maybe grow showing rec-regions */ gui_extents_changed (); } return true; } int RecorderUI::calc_columns (int child_width, int parent_width) { int n_col = parent_width / child_width; if (n_col <= 2) { /* at least 2 columns*/ return 2; } else if (n_col <= 4) { /* allow 3 (2 audio + 1 MIDI) */ return n_col; } /* otherwise only even number of cols */ return n_col & ~1; } void RecorderUI::meter_area_layout () { container_clear (_meter_table); int col = 0; int row = 0; int spc = 2; InputPortSet ips; for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr const& ip = i->second; ip->show (); ips.insert (ip); } for (InputPortSet::const_iterator i = ips.begin (); i != ips.end (); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr const& ip = *i; _meter_table.attach (*ip, col, col + 1, row, row + 1, SHRINK|FILL, SHRINK, spc, spc); if (++col >= _meter_area_cols) { col = 0; ++row; } } } void RecorderUI::meter_area_size_allocate (Allocation& allocation) { int mac = calc_columns (_meter_box_width, _meter_area.get_width ()); #if 0 printf ("RecorderUI::meter_area_size_allocate: %dx%d | mbw: %d cols:%d new-cols: %d\n", allocation.get_width (), allocation.get_height (), _meter_box_width, _meter_area_cols, mac); #endif if (_meter_area_cols == mac || _input_ports.size () == 0) { return; } _meter_area_cols = mac; meter_area_layout (); _meter_area.queue_resize (); } void RecorderUI::meter_area_size_request (GtkRequisition* requisition) { int width = 2; int height = 2; int spc = 2; for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr const& ip = i->second; Requisition r = ip->size_request (); width = std::max (width, r.width + spc * 2); height = std::max (height, r.height + spc * 2); } _meter_box_width = width; //height *= ceilf (_input_ports.size () / (float)_meter_area_cols); Requisition r = _meter_table.size_request (); requisition->width = _meter_box_width * 2; // at least 2 columns wide requisition->height = std::max (r.height, height); #if 0 printf ("RecorderUI::meter_area_size_request: %dx%d\n", requisition->width, requisition->height); #endif } void RecorderUI::port_connected_or_disconnected (string p1, string p2) { if (_input_ports.find (p1) != _input_ports.end ()) { set_connections (p1); } if (_input_ports.find (p2) != _input_ports.end ()) { set_connections (p2); } } void RecorderUI::port_pretty_name_changed (string pn) { if (_input_ports.find (pn) != _input_ports.end ()) { _input_ports[pn]->setup_name (); } } void RecorderUI::gui_extents_changed () { pair ext = PublicEditor::instance().session_gui_extents (); if (ext.first == max_samplepos || ext.first >= ext.second) { return; } for (list::const_iterator i = _recorders.begin (); i != _recorders.end (); ++i) { (*i)->rec_extent (ext.first, ext.second); } /* round to the next minute */ if (_session) { const samplecnt_t one_minute = 60 * _session->nominal_sample_rate (); ext.first = (ext.first / one_minute) * one_minute; ext.second = ((ext.second / one_minute) + 1) * one_minute; } _ruler.set_gui_extents (ext.first, ext.second); for (list::const_iterator i = _recorders.begin (); i != _recorders.end (); ++i) { (*i)->set_gui_extents (ext.first, ext.second); } } void RecorderUI::set_connections (string const& p) { if (!_session) { return; } WeakRouteList wrl; boost::shared_ptr rl = _session->get_tracks (); for (RouteList::const_iterator r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { if ((*r)->input()->connected_to (p)) { wrl.push_back (*r); } } _input_ports[p]->set_connections (wrl); // TODO: think. // only clear when port is spilled and cnt == 0 ? // otherwise only update spilled tracks if port is spilled? if (!_spill_port_names.empty ()) { for (InputPortMap::const_iterator i = _input_ports.begin (); i != _input_ports.end (); ++i) { i->second->spill (false); } _spill_port_names.clear (); update_rec_table_layout (); } } void RecorderUI::add_track (string const& p) { if (!_session) { return; } new_track_for_port (_input_ports[p]->data_type (), p); } void RecorderUI::spill_port (string const& p) { bool ok = false; if (_input_ports[p]->spilled ()) { ok = _input_ports[p]->spill (true); } bool update; if (ok) { pair::iterator, bool> rv = _spill_port_names.insert (p); update = rv.second; } else { update = 0 != _spill_port_names.erase (p); } if (update) { update_rec_table_layout (); } } void RecorderUI::initial_track_display () { boost::shared_ptr r = _session->get_tracks (); RouteList rl (*r); _recorders.clear (); add_routes (rl); } void RecorderUI::add_routes (RouteList& rl) { rl.sort (Stripable::Sorter ()); for (RouteList::iterator r = rl.begin (); r != rl.end (); ++r) { /* we're only interested in Tracks */ if (!boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (*r)) { continue; } TrackRecordAxis* rec = new TrackRecordAxis (/**this,*/ _session, *r); _recorders.push_back (rec); } gui_extents_changed (); update_rec_table_layout (); } void RecorderUI::remove_route (TrackRecordAxis* ra) { if (!_session || _session->deletion_in_progress ()) { _recorders.clear (); return; } list::iterator i = find (_recorders.begin (), _recorders.end (), ra); assert (i != _recorders.end ()); _rec_area.remove (**i); _recorders.erase (i); update_rec_table_layout (); } void RecorderUI::tra_name_edit (TrackRecordAxis* tra, bool next) { list::iterator i = find (_visible_recorders.begin (), _visible_recorders.end (), tra); if (i == _visible_recorders.end ()) { return; } if (next && ++i != _visible_recorders.end ()) { (*i)->start_rename (); } else if (!next && i != _visible_recorders.begin ()) { (*--i)->start_rename (); } } struct TrackRecordAxisSorter { bool operator() (const TrackRecordAxis* ca, const TrackRecordAxis* cb) { boost::shared_ptr const& a = ca->stripable (); boost::shared_ptr const& b = cb->stripable (); return Stripable::Sorter(true)(a, b); } }; void RecorderUI::presentation_info_changed (PBD::PropertyChange const& what_changed) { if (what_changed.contains (Properties::hidden)) { update_rec_table_layout (); } else if (what_changed.contains (Properties::order)) { /* test if effective order changed. When deleting tracks * the PI:order_key changes, but the layout does not change. */ list rec (_recorders); _recorders.sort (TrackRecordAxisSorter ()); if (_recorders != rec) { update_rec_table_layout (); } } } void RecorderUI::update_rec_table_layout () { _visible_recorders.clear (); _recorders.sort (TrackRecordAxisSorter ()); _ruler_width_update_connection.disconnect (); list::const_iterator i; for (i = _recorders.begin (); i != _recorders.end (); ++i) { if ((*i)->route ()->presentation_info ().hidden ()) { if ((*i)->get_parent ()) { _rec_area.remove (**i); } continue; } /* spill */ if (!_spill_port_names.empty ()) { bool connected = false; for (set::const_iterator j = _spill_port_names.begin(); j != _spill_port_names.end(); ++j) { if ((*i)->route ()->input()->connected_to (*j)) { connected = true; break; } } if (!connected) { if ((*i)->get_parent ()) { _rec_area.remove (**i); } continue; } } if (!(*i)->get_parent ()) { _rec_area.pack_start (**i, false, false); } else { _rec_area.reorder_child (**i, -1); } (*i)->show (); _visible_recorders.push_back (*i); if (!_ruler_width_update_connection.connected ()) { _ruler_width_update_connection = (*i)->signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::update_spacer_width), *i)); } } if (!_ruler_width_update_connection.connected ()) { _ruler.hide (); } else { _ruler.show (); } _rec_group_tabs->set_dirty (); } list RecorderUI::visible_recorders () const { return _visible_recorders; } void RecorderUI::update_spacer_width (Allocation&, TrackRecordAxis* rec) { int w = rec->summary_xpos (); if (_rec_group_tabs->is_visible ()) { w += _rec_group_tabs->get_width (); } _space.set_size_request (w, -1); //< Note: this is idempotent _ruler.set_right_edge (rec->summary_width ()); } void RecorderUI::new_track_for_port (DataType dt, string const& port_name) { ArdourDialog d (_("Create track for input"), true, false); Entry track_name_entry; InstrumentSelector instrument_combo; ComboBoxText strict_io_combo; string pn = AudioEngine::instance()->get_pretty_name_by_name (port_name); if (!pn.empty ()) { track_name_entry.set_text (pn); } else { track_name_entry.set_text (port_name); } strict_io_combo.append_text (_("Flexible-I/O")); strict_io_combo.append_text (_("Strict-I/O")); strict_io_combo.set_active (Config->get_strict_io () ? 1 : 0); Label* l; Table t; int row = 0; t.set_spacings (6); l = manage (new Label (string_compose (_("Create new track connected to port '%1'"), pn.empty() ? port_name : pn))); t.attach (*l, 0, 2, row, row + 1, EXPAND | FILL, SHRINK); ++row; l = manage (new Label (_("Track name:"))); t.attach (*l, 0, 1, row, row + 1, SHRINK, SHRINK); t.attach (track_name_entry, 1, 2, row, row + 1, EXPAND | FILL, SHRINK); ++row; if (dt == DataType::MIDI) { l = manage (new Label (_("Instrument:"))); t.attach (*l, 0, 1, row, row + 1, SHRINK, SHRINK); t.attach (instrument_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, EXPAND | FILL, SHRINK); ++row; } if (Profile->get_mixbus ()) { strict_io_combo.set_active (1); } else { l = manage (new Label (_("Strict I/O:"))); t.attach (*l, 0, 1, row, row + 1, SHRINK, SHRINK); t.attach (strict_io_combo, 1, 3, row, row + 1, FILL, SHRINK); set_tooltip (strict_io_combo, _("With strict-i/o enabled, Effect Processors will not modify the number of channels on a track. The number of output channels will always match the number of input channels.")); } d.get_vbox()->pack_start (t, false, false); d.get_vbox()->set_border_width (12); d.add_button(Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); d.add_button(Stock::OK, RESPONSE_OK); d.set_default_response (RESPONSE_OK); d.set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); d.show_all (); track_name_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (d, &Dialog::response), RESPONSE_OK)); if (d.run() != RESPONSE_OK) { return; } d.hide (); bool strict_io = strict_io_combo.get_active_row_number () == 1; string track_name = track_name_entry.get_text(); uint32_t outputs = 2; if (_session->master_out ()) { outputs = max (outputs, _session->master_out ()->n_inputs ().n_audio ()); } if (dt == DataType::AUDIO) { boost::shared_ptr r; try { list > tl = _session->new_audio_track (1, outputs, NULL, 1, track_name, PresentationInfo::max_order, Normal, false); r = tl.front (); } catch (...) { return; } if (r) { r->set_strict_io (strict_io); r->input ()->audio (0)->connect (port_name); } } else if (dt == DataType::MIDI) { boost::shared_ptr r; try { list > tl = _session->new_midi_track ( ChanCount (DataType::MIDI, 1), ChanCount (DataType::MIDI, 1), strict_io, instrument_combo.selected_instrument (), (Plugin::PresetRecord*) 0, (RouteGroup*) 0, 1, track_name, PresentationInfo::max_order, Normal, false); r = tl.front (); } catch (...) { return; } if (r) { r->input ()->midi (0)->connect (port_name); } } } void RecorderUI::arm_all () { if (_session) { _session->set_all_tracks_record_enabled (true); } } void RecorderUI::arm_none () { if (_session) { _session->set_all_tracks_record_enabled (false); } } void RecorderUI::peak_reset () { AudioEngine::instance ()->reset_input_meters (); } /* ****************************************************************************/ #define PX_SCALE(px) std::max ((float)px, rintf ((float)px* UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ())) bool RecorderUI::InputPort::_size_groups_initialized = false; Glib::RefPtr RecorderUI::InputPort::_name_size_group; Glib::RefPtr RecorderUI::InputPort::_ctrl_size_group; Glib::RefPtr RecorderUI::InputPort::_monitor_size_group; RecorderUI::InputPort::InputPort (string const& name, DataType dt, RecorderUI* parent, bool vertical) : _dt (dt) , _monitor (dt, AudioEngine::instance()->sample_rate (), vertical ? InputPortMonitor::Vertical : InputPortMonitor::Horizontal) , _alignment (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0) , _frame (vertical ? ArdourWidgets::Frame::Vertical : ArdourWidgets::Frame::Horizontal) , _spill_button ("", ArdourButton::default_elements, true) , _monitor_button (_("PFL"), ArdourButton::default_elements) , _name_button (name) , _name_label ("", ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_CENTER, false) , _add_button ("+") , _port_name (name) , _solo_release (0) { if (!_size_groups_initialized) { _size_groups_initialized = true; _name_size_group = Gtk::SizeGroup::create (Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL); _ctrl_size_group = Gtk::SizeGroup::create (Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL); _monitor_size_group = Gtk::SizeGroup::create (Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_BOTH); } Box* box_t; Box* box_n; Table* ctrls = manage (new Table); if (vertical) { box_t = manage (new VBox); box_n = manage (new VBox); } else { box_t = manage (new HBox); box_n = manage (new VBox); } _spill_button.set_name ("generic button"); _spill_button.set_sizing_text(_("(none)")); _spill_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*parent, &RecorderUI::spill_port), name)); _monitor_button.set_name ("solo button"); //_monitor_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*parent, &RecorderUI::monitor_port), name)); _monitor_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InputPort::monitor_press), false); _monitor_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InputPort::monitor_release), false); set_tooltip (_monitor_button, _("Solo/Listen to this input")); _add_button.set_name ("generic button"); _add_button.set_icon (ArdourIcon::PlusSign); _add_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*parent, &RecorderUI::add_track), name)); set_tooltip (_add_button, _("Add a track for this input port")); _name_button.set_corner_radius (2); _name_button.set_name ("generic button"); _name_button.set_text_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE); _name_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RecorderUI::InputPort::rename_port)); _name_label.set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE); setup_name (); ctrls->attach (_spill_button, 0, 2, 0, 1, EXPAND|FILL, EXPAND|FILL, 1, 1); if (dt == DataType::AUDIO) { ctrls->attach (_add_button, 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK|FILL, EXPAND|FILL, 1, 1); ctrls->attach (_monitor_button, 1, 2, 1, 2, SHRINK|FILL, EXPAND|FILL, 1, 1); } else { ctrls->attach (_add_button, 0, 2, 1, 2, EXPAND|FILL, EXPAND|FILL, 1, 1); } box_n->pack_start (_name_button, true, true); #if 0 // MIXBUS ? box_n->pack_start (_name_label, true, true); #endif int nh; if (vertical) { nh = 64 * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale (); box_t->pack_start (_monitor, false, false); box_t->pack_start (*ctrls, false, false, 1); box_t->pack_start (*box_n, false, false, 1); _name_label.set_max_width_chars (9); } else { nh = 120 * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale (); box_t->pack_start (*ctrls, false, false, 1); box_t->pack_start (*box_n, false, false, 1); box_t->pack_start (_monitor, false, false); _name_label.set_max_width_chars (18); } _name_button.set_layout_ellipsize_width (nh * PANGO_SCALE); if (!vertical) { /* match width of all name labels */ _name_size_group->add_widget (*box_n); /* match width of control boxes */ _ctrl_size_group->add_widget (*ctrls); } /* equal size for all meters + event monitors */ _monitor_size_group->add_widget (_monitor); Gdk::Color bg; ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::set_color_from_rgba (bg, UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:background2")); _frame.modify_bg (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, bg); /* top level packing with border */ _alignment.add (*box_t); _alignment.set_padding (2, 2, 4, 4); _frame.add (_alignment); _frame.set_border_width (3); _frame.set_padding (3); add (_frame); show_all (); update_rec_stat (); } RecorderUI::InputPort::~InputPort () { delete _solo_release; } void RecorderUI::InputPort::clear () { delete _solo_release; _solo_release = 0; _monitor.clear (); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::update (float l, float p) { _monitor.update (l, p); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::update (CircularSampleBuffer& csb) { _monitor.update (csb); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::update (float const* v) { _monitor.update (v); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::update (CircularEventBuffer& ceb) { _monitor.update (ceb); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::set_frame_label (std::string const& lbl) { _frame.set_label (lbl); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::update_rec_stat () { bool armed = false; for (WeakRouteList::const_iterator r = _connected_routes.begin(); r != _connected_routes.end(); ++r) { boost::shared_ptr rt = r->lock (); if (!rt || !rt->rec_enable_control ()) { continue; } if (rt->rec_enable_control ()->get_value ()) { armed = true; break; } } if (armed) { _frame.set_edge_color (0xff0000ff); // red } else { _frame.set_edge_color (0x000000ff); // black } } void RecorderUI::InputPort::set_connections (WeakRouteList wrl) { _connected_routes = wrl; size_t cnt = wrl.size (); if (cnt > 0) { _spill_button.set_text (string_compose("(%1)", cnt)); _spill_button.set_sensitive (true); set_tooltip (_spill_button, string_compose(_("This port feeds %1 tracks. Click to show them"), cnt)); } else { _spill_button.set_text (_("(none)")); _spill_button.set_sensitive (false); set_tooltip (_spill_button, _("This port is not feeding any tracks")); } update_rec_stat (); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::setup_name () { string pn = AudioEngine::instance()->get_pretty_name_by_name (_port_name); if (!pn.empty ()) { _name_button.set_text (pn); _name_label.set_text (_port_name); } else { _name_button.set_text (_port_name); _name_label.set_text (""); } set_tooltip (_name_button, string_compose (_("Set or edit the custom name for input port '%1'"), _port_name)); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::rename_port () { Prompter prompter (true, true); prompter.set_name ("Prompter"); prompter.add_button (Stock::REMOVE, RESPONSE_NO); prompter.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); prompter.set_title (_("Customize port name")); prompter.set_prompt (_("Port name")); prompter.set_initial_text (AudioEngine::instance()->get_pretty_name_by_name (_port_name)); string name; switch (prompter.run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: prompter.get_result (name); break; case RESPONSE_NO: /* use blank name, reset */ break; default: return; } AudioEngine::instance()->set_port_pretty_name (_port_name, name); } bool RecorderUI::InputPort::spill (bool en) { bool active = _spill_button.get_active (); bool act = active; if (!en) { act = false; } if (_connected_routes.size () == 0) { act = false; } if (active != act) { _spill_button.set_active (act); } return act; } bool RecorderUI::InputPort::spilled () const { return _spill_button.get_active (); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::allow_monitoring (bool en) { if (_dt != DataType::AUDIO) { en = false; } if (!en && _monitor_button.get_active ()) { _monitor_button.set_active (false); } _monitor_button.set_sensitive (en); } void RecorderUI::InputPort::update_monitorstate (bool en) { if (_dt == DataType::AUDIO) { _monitor_button.set_active (en); } } bool RecorderUI::InputPort::monitor_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS ) { return true; } if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { return false; } if (ev->button != 1 && !Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { return false; } MonitorPort& mp (AudioEngine::instance()->monitor_port ()); Session* s = AudioEngine::instance()->session (); assert (s); if (Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { /* momentary */ _solo_release = new SoloMuteRelease (mp.monitoring (_port_name)); } if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::TertiaryModifier))) { /* Primary-Tertiary-click applies change to all */ if (_solo_release) { s->prepare_momentary_solo (_solo_release); } if (!_monitor_button.get_active ()) { std::vector ports; AudioEngine::instance()->get_physical_inputs (DataType::AUDIO, ports); std::list portlist; std::copy (ports.begin (), ports.end (), std::back_inserter (portlist)); mp.set_active_monitors (portlist); } else { mp.clear_ports (false); } } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::SecondaryModifier)) || (!_monitor_button.get_active () && Config->get_exclusive_solo ())) { /* Primary-Secondary-click: exclusive solo */ if (_solo_release) { s->prepare_momentary_solo (_solo_release, true); } else { /* clear solo state */ s->prepare_momentary_solo (0, true); } /* exclusively solo */ if (!_monitor_button.get_active ()) { mp.add_port (_port_name); } else { delete _solo_release; _solo_release = 0; } } else { if (_solo_release) { s->prepare_momentary_solo (_solo_release); } /* Toggle Port Listen */ if (!_monitor_button.get_active ()) { mp.add_port (_port_name); } else { mp.remove_port (_port_name); } } return false; } bool RecorderUI::InputPort::monitor_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->release (AudioEngine::instance()->session (), false); delete _solo_release; _solo_release = 0; } return false; } string const& RecorderUI::InputPort::name () const { return _port_name; } DataType RecorderUI::InputPort::data_type () const { return _dt; } /* ****************************************************************************/ RecorderUI::RecRuler::RecRuler () : _width (200) , _left (0) , _right (0) { _layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ()); _layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ()); _layout->set_text ("88:88:88"); _layout->get_pixel_size (_time_width, _time_height); } void RecorderUI::RecRuler::set_right_edge (int w) { if (_width == w) { return; } _width = w; set_dirty (); } void RecorderUI::RecRuler::set_gui_extents (samplepos_t start, samplepos_t end) { if (_left == start && _right == end) { return; } _left = start; _right = end; set_dirty (); } void RecorderUI::RecRuler::render (Cairo::RefPtr const& cr, cairo_rectangle_t* r) { cr->rectangle (r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height); cr->clip (); if (!_session || _left >= _right) { return; } const int width = std::min (_width, get_width ()); const int height = get_height (); const int n_labels = floor (width / (_time_width * 1.75)); const samplecnt_t time_span = _right - _left; const samplecnt_t time_granularity = ceil (time_span / n_labels / _session->sample_rate ()) * _session->sample_rate (); const double px_per_sample = width / (double) time_span; const samplepos_t lower = (_left / time_granularity) * time_granularity; Gtkmm2ext::set_source_rgba (cr, UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ruler text")); cr->set_line_width (1); for (int i = 0; i < 2 + n_labels; ++i) { samplepos_t when = lower + i * time_granularity; int xpos = (when - _left) * px_per_sample; if (xpos < 0) { continue; } char buf[32]; int lw, lh; AudioClock::print_minsec (when, buf, sizeof (buf), _session->sample_rate (), 0); _layout->set_text (string(buf).substr(1)); _layout->get_pixel_size (lw, lh); if (xpos + lw > width) { break; } int x0 = xpos + 2; int y0 = height - _time_height - 3; cr->move_to (xpos + .5 , 0); cr->line_to (xpos + .5 , height); cr->stroke (); cr->move_to (x0, y0); _layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr); } } void RecorderUI::RecRuler::on_size_request (Requisition* req) { req->width = 200; req->height = _time_height + 4; } bool RecorderUI::RecRuler::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (!_session || _session->actively_recording()) { return false; } // TODO start "drag" editor->_dragging_playhead = true // CursorDrag::start_grab // RecRuler internal drag (leave editor + TC transmission alone?!) _session->request_locate (_left + (double) (_right - _left) * ev->x / get_width ()); return true; }