/* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include "editor.h" #include "mixer_strip.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "selection.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "actions.h" #include "i18n.h" void Editor::editor_mixer_button_toggled () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("show-editor-mixer")); if (act) { Glib::RefPtr tact = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act); show_editor_mixer (tact->get_active()); } } void Editor::cms_deleted () { current_mixer_strip = 0; } void Editor::show_editor_mixer (bool yn) { show_editor_mixer_when_tracks_arrive = false; if (yn) { if (current_mixer_strip == 0) { if (selection->tracks.empty()) { if (track_views.empty()) { show_editor_mixer_when_tracks_arrive = true; return; } for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { AudioTimeAxisView* atv; if ((atv = dynamic_cast (*i)) != 0) { current_mixer_strip = new MixerStrip (*ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_mixer(), *session, atv->route(), false); current_mixer_strip->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Editor::cms_deleted)); break; } } } else { sort_track_selection (); for (TrackSelection::iterator i = selection->tracks.begin(); i != selection->tracks.end(); ++i) { AudioTimeAxisView* atv; if ((atv = dynamic_cast (*i)) != 0) { current_mixer_strip = new MixerStrip (*ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_mixer(), *session, atv->route(), false); current_mixer_strip->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Editor::cms_deleted)); break; } } } if (current_mixer_strip == 0) { return; } } if (current_mixer_strip->get_parent() == 0) { current_mixer_strip->set_embedded (true); current_mixer_strip->Hiding.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Editor::current_mixer_strip_hidden)); current_mixer_strip->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Editor::current_mixer_strip_removed)); current_mixer_strip->set_width (editor_mixer_strip_width); global_hpacker.pack_start (*current_mixer_strip, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); global_hpacker.reorder_child (*current_mixer_strip, 0); current_mixer_strip->show_all (); } } else { if (current_mixer_strip) { editor_mixer_strip_width = current_mixer_strip->get_width (); if (current_mixer_strip->get_parent() != 0) { global_hpacker.remove (*current_mixer_strip); } } } } void Editor::set_selected_mixer_strip (TimeAxisView& view) { AudioTimeAxisView* at; bool show = false; if (!session || (at = dynamic_cast(&view)) == 0) { return; } if (current_mixer_strip) { /* might be nothing to do */ if (current_mixer_strip->route() == at->route()) { return; } if (current_mixer_strip->get_parent()) { show = true; } delete current_mixer_strip; current_mixer_strip = 0; } current_mixer_strip = new MixerStrip (*ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_mixer(), *session, at->route()); current_mixer_strip->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Editor::cms_deleted)); if (show) { show_editor_mixer (true); } } double current = 0.0; bool currentInitialized = 0; void Editor::update_current_screen () { if (session && engine.running()) { nframes_t frame; frame = session->audible_frame(); if (_dragging_playhead) { goto almost_done; } /* only update if the playhead is on screen or we are following it */ if (_follow_playhead) { playhead_cursor->canvas_item.show(); if (frame != last_update_frame) { #undef CONTINUOUS_SCROLL #ifndef CONTINUOUS_SCROLL if (frame < leftmost_frame || frame > leftmost_frame + current_page_frames()) { if (session->transport_speed() < 0) { if (frame > (current_page_frames()/2)) { center_screen (frame-(current_page_frames()/2)); } else { center_screen (current_page_frames()/2); } } else { center_screen (frame+(current_page_frames()/2)); } } playhead_cursor->set_position (frame); #else // CONTINUOUS_SCROLL /* don't do continuous scroll till the new position is in the rightmost quarter of the editor canvas */ if (session->transport_speed()) { double target = ((double)frame - (double)current_page_frames()/2.0) / frames_per_unit; if (target <= 0.0) target = 0.0; if ( fabs(target - current) < current_page_frames()/frames_per_unit ) { target = (target * 0.15) + (current * 0.85); } else { /* relax */ } //printf("frame: %d, cpf: %d, fpu: %6.6f, current: %6.6f, target : %6.6f\n", frame, current_page_frames(), frames_per_unit, current, target ); current = target; horizontal_adjustment.set_value ( current ); } playhead_cursor->set_position (frame); #endif // CONTINUOUS_SCROLL } } else { if (frame != last_update_frame) { if (frame < leftmost_frame || frame > leftmost_frame + current_page_frames()) { playhead_cursor->canvas_item.hide(); } else { playhead_cursor->set_position (frame); } } } almost_done: last_update_frame = frame; if (current_mixer_strip) { current_mixer_strip->fast_update (); } } } void Editor::current_mixer_strip_removed () { if (current_mixer_strip) { /* it is being deleted */ current_mixer_strip = 0; } } void Editor::current_mixer_strip_hidden () { for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { AudioTimeAxisView* tmp; if ((tmp = dynamic_cast(*i)) != 0) { if (tmp->route() == current_mixer_strip->route()) { (*i)->set_selected (false); break; } } } Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("show-editor-mixer")); if (act) { Glib::RefPtr tact = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act); tact->set_active (false); } } void Editor::session_going_away () { for (vector::iterator i = session_connections.begin(); i != session_connections.end(); ++i) { (*i).disconnect (); } stop_scrolling (); selection->clear (); cut_buffer->clear (); clicked_regionview = 0; clicked_trackview = 0; clicked_audio_trackview = 0; clicked_crossfadeview = 0; entered_regionview = 0; entered_track = 0; latest_regionview = 0; last_update_frame = 0; drag_info.item = 0; last_canvas_frame = 0; /* hide all tracks */ hide_all_tracks (false); /* rip everything out of the list displays */ region_list_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); route_list_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); named_selection_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); edit_group_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); region_list_model->clear (); route_display_model->clear (); named_selection_model->clear (); group_model->clear (); region_list_display.set_model (region_list_model); route_list_display.set_model (route_display_model); named_selection_display.set_model (named_selection_model); edit_group_display.set_model (group_model); edit_cursor_clock.set_session (0); zoom_range_clock.set_session (0); nudge_clock.set_session (0); /* put editor/mixer toggle button in off position and disable until a new session is loaded */ editor_mixer_button.set_active(false); editor_mixer_button.set_sensitive(false); /* clear tempo/meter rulers */ remove_metric_marks (); hide_measures (); clear_marker_display (); if (current_bbt_points) { delete current_bbt_points; current_bbt_points = 0; } /* mixer strip will be deleted all by itself when its route is deleted. */ current_mixer_strip = 0; set_title (_("ardour: editor")); session = 0; }