/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* QM DSP Library Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This file 2005-2006 Christian Landone. Modifications: - delta threshold Description: add delta threshold used as offset in the smoothed detection function Author: Mathieu Barthet Date: June 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "DFProcess.h" #include "maths/MathUtilities.h" #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DFProcess::DFProcess( DFProcConfig Config ) { filtSrc = NULL; filtDst = NULL; m_filtScratchIn = NULL; m_filtScratchOut = NULL; m_FFOrd = 0; initialise( Config ); } DFProcess::~DFProcess() { deInitialise(); } void DFProcess::initialise( DFProcConfig Config ) { m_length = Config.length; m_winPre = Config.winPre; m_winPost = Config.winPost; m_alphaNormParam = Config.AlphaNormParam; m_isMedianPositive = Config.isMedianPositive; filtSrc = new double[ m_length ]; filtDst = new double[ m_length ]; Filter::Parameters params; params.a = std::vector(Config.LPACoeffs, Config.LPACoeffs + Config.LPOrd + 1); params.b = std::vector(Config.LPBCoeffs, Config.LPBCoeffs + Config.LPOrd + 1); m_FiltFilt = new FiltFilt(params); //add delta threshold m_delta = Config.delta; } void DFProcess::deInitialise() { delete [] filtSrc; delete [] filtDst; delete [] m_filtScratchIn; delete [] m_filtScratchOut; delete m_FiltFilt; } void DFProcess::process(double *src, double* dst) { if (m_length == 0) return; removeDCNormalize( src, filtSrc ); m_FiltFilt->process( filtSrc, filtDst, m_length ); medianFilter( filtDst, dst ); } void DFProcess::medianFilter(double *src, double *dst) { int i,k,j,l; int index = 0; double val = 0; double* y = new double[ m_winPost + m_winPre + 1]; memset( y, 0, sizeof( double ) * ( m_winPost + m_winPre + 1) ); double* scratch = new double[ m_length ]; for( i = 0; i < m_winPre; i++) { if (index >= m_length) break; k = i + m_winPost + 1; for( j = 0; j < k; j++) { y[ j ] = src[ j ]; } scratch[ index ] = MathUtilities::median( y, k ); index++; } for( i = 0; i + m_winPost + m_winPre < m_length; i ++) { if (index >= m_length) break; l = 0; for( j = i; j < ( i + m_winPost + m_winPre + 1); j++) { y[ l ] = src[ j ]; l++; } scratch[ index++ ] = MathUtilities::median( y, (m_winPost + m_winPre + 1 )); } for( i = std::max( m_length - m_winPost, 1); i < m_length; i++) { if (index >= m_length) break; k = std::max( i - m_winPre, 1); l = 0; for( j = k; j < m_length; j++) { y[ l ] = src[ j ]; l++; } scratch[ index++ ] = MathUtilities::median( y, l); } for( i = 0; i < m_length; i++ ) { //add a delta threshold used as an offset when computing the smoothed detection function //(helps to discard noise when detecting peaks) val = src[ i ] - scratch[ i ] - m_delta; if( m_isMedianPositive ) { if( val > 0 ) { dst[ i ] = val; } else { dst[ i ] = 0; } } else { dst[ i ] = val; } } delete [] y; delete [] scratch; } void DFProcess::removeDCNormalize( double *src, double*dst ) { double DFmax = 0; double DFMin = 0; double DFAlphaNorm = 0; MathUtilities::getFrameMinMax( src, m_length, &DFMin, &DFmax ); MathUtilities::getAlphaNorm( src, m_length, m_alphaNormParam, &DFAlphaNorm ); for (int i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { dst[ i ] = ( src[ i ] - DFMin ) / DFAlphaNorm; } }