/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Paul Davis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef __ardour_lppro_h__ #define __ardour_lppro_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ABSTRACT_UI_EXPORTS #include "pbd/abstract_ui.h" #include "midi++/types.h" #include "ardour/mode.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h" #include "control_protocol/types.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h" #include "midi_surface/midi_byte_array.h" #include "midi_surface/midi_surface.h" namespace MIDI { class Parser; class Port; } namespace ARDOUR { class AutomationControl; class Port; class MidiBuffer; class MidiTrack; class Trigger; } namespace ArdourSurface { class LPPRO_GUI; class LaunchPadPro : public MIDISurface { public: /* use hex for these constants, because we'll see them (as note numbers and CC numbers) in hex within MIDI messages when debugging. */ enum PadID { /* top */ Shift = 0x5a, Left = 0x5b, Right = 0x5c, Session = 0x5d, Note = 0x5e, Chord = 0x5f, Custom = 0x60, Sequencer = 0x61, Projects = 0x62, /* right side */ Patterns = 0x59, Steps = 0x4f, PatternSettings = 0x45, Velocity = 0x3b, Probability = 0x31, Mutation = 0x27, MicroStep = 0x1d, PrintToClip = 0x13, /* lower bottom */ StopClip = 0x8, Device = 0x7, Sends = 0x6, Pan = 0x5, Volume = 0x4, Solo = 0x3, Mute = 0x2, RecordArm = 0x1, /* left side */ CaptureMIDI = 0xa, Play = 0x14, FixedLength = 0x1e, Quantize = 0x28, Duplicate = 0x32, Clear = 0x3c, Down = 0x46, Up = 0x50, /* upper bottom */ Lower1 = 0x65, Lower2 = 0x66, Lower3 = 0x67, Lower4 = 0x68, Lower5 = 0x69, Lower6 = 0x6a, Lower7 = 0x6b, Lower8 = 0x6c, /* Logo */ Logo = 0x63 }; bool light_logo(); void all_pads_out (); static const PadID all_pad_ids[]; LaunchPadPro (ARDOUR::Session&); ~LaunchPadPro (); static bool available (); static bool match_usb (uint16_t, uint16_t); static bool probe (std::string&, std::string&); std::string input_port_name () const; std::string output_port_name () const; bool has_editor () const { return true; } void* get_gui () const; void tear_down_gui (); int set_active (bool yn); XMLNode& get_state() const; int set_state (const XMLNode & node, int version); private: enum DeviceMode { Standalone, DAW, Programmer }; enum Layout { SessionLayout, Fader, ChordLayout, CustomLayout, NoteLayout, Scale, SequencerSettings, SequencerSteps, SequencerVelocity, SequencerPatternSettings, SequencerProbability, SequencerMutation, SequencerMicroStep, SequencerProjects, SequencerPatterns, SequencerTempo, SequencerSwing, ProgrammerLayout, Settings, CustomSettings }; enum FaderBank { VolumeFaders, PanFaders, SendFaders, DeviceFaders }; static const Layout AllLayouts[]; struct Pad { enum ColorMode { Static = 0x0, Flashing = 0x1, Pulsing = 0x2 }; typedef void (LaunchPadPro::*ButtonMethod)(Pad&); typedef void (LaunchPadPro::*PadMethod)(Pad&, int velocity); Pad (PadID pid, ButtonMethod press_method, ButtonMethod long_press_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax, ButtonMethod release_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax) : id (pid) , x (-1) , y (-1) { on_press = press_method; on_release = release_method; on_long_press = long_press_method; } Pad (int pid, int xx, int yy, PadMethod press_method, ButtonMethod long_press_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax, ButtonMethod release_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax) : id (pid) , x (xx) , y (yy) { on_pad_press = press_method; on_release = release_method; on_long_press = long_press_method; } MIDI::byte status_byte() const { if (x < 0) return 0xb0; return 0x90; } bool is_pad () const { return x >= 0; } bool is_button () const { return x < 0; } int id; int x; int y; /* It's either a button (CC number) or a pad (note number * w/velocity info), never both. */ union { ButtonMethod on_press; PadMethod on_pad_press; }; ButtonMethod on_release; ButtonMethod on_long_press; sigc::connection timeout_connection; }; void relax (Pad& p); std::set consumed; MIDI::byte logo_color; int scroll_x_offset; int scroll_y_offset; typedef std::pair StripableSlot; typedef std::vector StripableSlotRow; typedef std::vector StripableSlotColumn; StripableSlotColumn stripable_slots; StripableSlot get_stripable_slot (int x, int y) const; typedef std::map PadMap; PadMap pad_map; void build_pad_map(); Pad* pad_by_id (int pid); typedef std::map ColorMap; ColorMap color_map; void build_color_map (); int find_closest_palette_color (uint32_t); typedef std::map NearestMap; NearestMap nearest_map; int begin_using_device (); int stop_using_device (); int device_acquire () { return 0; } void device_release () { } void run_event_loop (); void stop_event_loop (); void stripable_selection_changed (); void select_stripable (int col); std::weak_ptr _current_pad_target; void light_pad (int pad_id, int color, int mode = 0); void pad_off (int pad_id); void all_pads_off (); void all_pads_on (int color); void set_device_mode (DeviceMode); void set_layout (Layout, int page = 0); void handle_midi_controller_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*); void handle_midi_note_on_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*); void handle_midi_note_off_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*); void handle_midi_sysex (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::byte *, size_t count); MIDI::Port* _daw_in_port; MIDI::Port* _daw_out_port; std::shared_ptr _daw_in; std::shared_ptr _daw_out; void port_registration_handler (); int ports_acquire (); void ports_release (); void connect_daw_ports (); void daw_write (const MidiByteArray&); void daw_write (MIDI::byte const *, size_t); void reconnect_for_programmer (); void reconnect_for_session (); void scroll_text (std::string const &, int color, bool loop, float speed = 0); mutable LPPRO_GUI* _gui; void build_gui (); Layout _current_layout; bool pad_filter (ARDOUR::MidiBuffer& in, ARDOUR::MidiBuffer& out) const; void maybe_start_press_timeout (Pad& pad); void start_press_timeout (Pad& pad); bool long_press_timeout (int pad_id); bool _shift_pressed; bool _clear_pressed; bool _duplicate_pressed; bool _session_pressed; void cue_press (Pad&, int row); /* named pad methods */ void shift_press (Pad&); void shift_release (Pad&); void shift_long_press (Pad&) {} void left_press (Pad&); void left_release (Pad&) {} void left_long_press (Pad&) {} void right_press (Pad&); void right_release (Pad&) {} void right_long_press (Pad&) {} void session_press (Pad&); void session_release (Pad&); void session_long_press (Pad&) {} void note_press (Pad&); void note_release (Pad&) {} void note_long_press (Pad&) {} void chord_press (Pad&); void chord_release (Pad&) {} void chord_long_press (Pad&) {} void custom_press (Pad&); void custom_release (Pad&) {} void custom_long_press (Pad&) {} void sequencer_press (Pad&); void sequencer_release (Pad&) {} void sequencer_long_press (Pad&) {} void projects_press (Pad&); void projects_release (Pad&) {} void projects_long_press (Pad&) {} void patterns_press (Pad&); void patterns_release (Pad&) {} void patterns_long_press (Pad&) {} void steps_press (Pad&); void steps_release (Pad&) {} void steps_long_press (Pad&) {} void pattern_settings_press (Pad&); void pattern_settings_release (Pad&) {} void pattern_settings_long_press (Pad&) {} void velocity_press (Pad&); void velocity_release (Pad&) {} void velocity_long_press (Pad&) {} void probability_press (Pad&); void probability_release (Pad&) {} void probability_long_press (Pad&) {} void mutation_press (Pad&); void mutation_release (Pad&) {} void mutation_long_press (Pad&) {} void microstep_press (Pad&); void microstep_release (Pad&) {} void microstep_long_press (Pad&) {} void print_to_clip_press (Pad&); void print_to_clip_release (Pad&) {} void print_to_clip_long_press (Pad&) {} void stop_clip_press (Pad&); void stop_clip_release (Pad&) {} void stop_clip_long_press (Pad&) {} void device_press (Pad&); void device_release (Pad&) {} void device_long_press (Pad&) {} void sends_press (Pad&); void sends_release (Pad&) {} void sends_long_press (Pad&) {} void pan_press (Pad&); void pan_release (Pad&) {} void pan_long_press (Pad&) {} void volume_press (Pad&); void volume_release (Pad&) {} void volume_long_press (Pad&) {} void solo_press (Pad&); void solo_release (Pad&) {} void solo_long_press (Pad&); void mute_press (Pad&); void mute_release (Pad&) {} void mute_long_press (Pad&) {} void record_arm_press (Pad&); void record_arm_release (Pad&) {} void record_arm_long_press (Pad&) {} void capture_midi_press (Pad&); void capture_midi_release (Pad&) {} void capture_midi_long_press (Pad&) {} void play_press (Pad&); void play_release (Pad&) {} void play_long_press (Pad&) {} void fixed_length_press (Pad&); void fixed_length_release (Pad&) {} void fixed_length_long_press (Pad&) {} void quantize_press (Pad&); void quantize_release (Pad&) {} void quantize_long_press (Pad&) {} void duplicate_press (Pad&); void duplicate_release (Pad&) {} void duplicate_long_press (Pad&) {} void clear_press (Pad&); void clear_release (Pad&); void clear_long_press (Pad&) {} void down_press (Pad&); void down_release (Pad&) {} void down_long_press (Pad&) {} void up_press (Pad&); void up_release (Pad&) {} void up_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower1_press (Pad&); void lower1_release (Pad&) {} void lower1_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower2_press (Pad&); void lower2_release (Pad&) {} void lower2_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower3_press (Pad&); void lower3_release (Pad&) {} void lower3_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower4_press (Pad&); void lower4_release (Pad&) {} void lower4_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower5_press (Pad&); void lower5_release (Pad&) {} void lower5_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower6_press (Pad&); void lower6_release (Pad&) {} void lower6_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower7_press (Pad&); void lower7_release (Pad&) {} void lower7_long_press (Pad&) {} void lower8_press (Pad&); void lower8_release (Pad&) {} void lower8_long_press (Pad&) {} void fader_long_press (Pad&); void fader_release (Pad&); void pad_press (Pad&, int velocity); void pad_long_press (Pad&); void trigger_property_change (PBD::PropertyChange, ARDOUR::Trigger*); PBD::ScopedConnectionList trigger_connections; void display_session_layout (); bool did_session_display; void transport_state_changed (); void record_state_changed (); void map_triggers (); void map_triggerbox (int col); void viewport_changed (); void route_property_change (PBD::PropertyChange const &, int x); PBD::ScopedConnectionList route_connections; void setup_faders (FaderBank); void map_faders (); void fader_move (int cc, int val); void automation_control_change (int n, std::weak_ptr); PBD::ScopedConnectionList control_connections; FaderBank current_fader_bank; bool revert_layout_on_fader_release; Layout pre_fader_layout; }; } /* namespace */ #endif /* __ardour_lppro_h__ */