/* Copyright (C) 2014 Waves Audio Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id: fastmeter.h 570 2006-06-07 21:21:21Z sampo $ */ #include #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/fader.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Gtk; using namespace std; #define CORNER_RADIUS 4 #define CORNER_SIZE 2 #define CORNER_OFFSET 1 #define FADER_RESERVE 5 static void get_closest_point_on_line(double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb, double xp, double yp, double& xl, double& yl ) { // Storing vector A->B double a_to_b_x = xb - xa; double a_to_b_y = yb - ya; // Storing vector A->P double a_to_p_x = xp - xa; double a_to_p_y = yp - ya; // Basically finding the squared magnitude // of a_to_b double atb2 = a_to_b_x * a_to_b_x + a_to_b_y * a_to_b_y; // The dot product of a_to_p and a_to_b double atp_dot_atb = a_to_p_x * a_to_b_x + a_to_p_y * a_to_b_y; // The normalized "distance" from a to // your closest point double t = atp_dot_atb / atb2; // The vector perpendicular to a_to_b; // This step can also be combined with the next double perpendicular_x = -a_to_b_y; double perpendicular_y = a_to_b_x; // Finding Q, the point "in the right direction" // If you want a mess, you can also combine this // with the next step. double xq = xp + perpendicular_x; double yq = yp + perpendicular_y; // Add the distance to A, moving // towards B double x = xa + a_to_b_x * t; double y = ya + a_to_b_y * t; if ((xa != xb)) { if ((x < xa) && (x < xb)) { if (xa < xb) { x = xa; y = ya; } else { x = xb; y = yb; } } else if ((x > xa) && (x > xb)) { if (xb > xa) { x = xb; y = yb; } else { x = xa; y = ya; } } } else { if ((y < ya) && (y < yb)) { if (ya < yb) { x = xa; y = ya; } else { x = xb; y = yb; } } else if ((y > ya) && (y > yb)) { if (yb > ya) { x = xb; y = yb; } else { x = xa; y = ya; } } } xl = x; yl = y; } Fader::Fader (Gtk::Adjustment& adj, const Glib::RefPtr& face_pixbuf, const Glib::RefPtr& active_face_pixbuf, const Glib::RefPtr& underlay_pixbuf, const Glib::RefPtr& handle_pixbuf, const Glib::RefPtr& active_handle_pixbuf, int min_pos_x, int min_pos_y, int max_pos_x, int max_pos_y, bool read_only) : adjustment (adj) , _face_pixbuf (face_pixbuf) , _active_face_pixbuf (active_face_pixbuf) , _underlay_pixbuf (underlay_pixbuf) , _handle_pixbuf (handle_pixbuf) , _active_handle_pixbuf (active_handle_pixbuf) , _min_pos_x (min_pos_x) , _min_pos_y (min_pos_y) , _max_pos_x (max_pos_x) , _max_pos_y (max_pos_y) , _default_value (adjustment.get_value()) , _dragging (false) , _read_only (read_only) , _grab_window (0) , _touch_cursor (0) { update_unity_position (); if (!_read_only) { add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK|Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK|Gdk::SCROLL_MASK|Gdk::ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK|Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK); } adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &Fader::adjustment_changed)); adjustment.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &Fader::adjustment_changed)); CairoWidget::set_size_request(_face_pixbuf->get_width(), _face_pixbuf->get_height()); } Fader::~Fader () { if (_touch_cursor) { delete _touch_cursor; } } void Fader::set_touch_cursor (const Glib::RefPtr& touch_cursor) { _touch_cursor = new Gdk::Cursor (Gdk::Display::get_default(), touch_cursor, 12, 12); } void Fader::render (cairo_t* cr, cairo_rectangle_t*) { get_handle_position (_last_drawn_x, _last_drawn_y); if (_underlay_pixbuf != 0) { cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, get_width(), get_height()); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, _underlay_pixbuf->gobj(), _last_drawn_x - (int)(_underlay_pixbuf->get_width()/2.0 + 0.5), _last_drawn_y - (int)(_underlay_pixbuf->get_height()/2.0 + 0.5)); cairo_fill (cr); } cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, get_width(), get_height()); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, ((get_state () == Gtk::STATE_ACTIVE) && (_active_face_pixbuf != 0)) ? _active_face_pixbuf->gobj() : _face_pixbuf->gobj(), 0, 0); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, get_width(), get_height()); if (_dragging) { gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, _active_handle_pixbuf->gobj(), _last_drawn_x - (int)(_active_handle_pixbuf->get_width()/2.0 + 0.5), _last_drawn_y - (int)(_active_handle_pixbuf->get_height()/2.0 + 0.5)); } else { gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, _handle_pixbuf->gobj(), _last_drawn_x - (int)(_handle_pixbuf->get_width()/2.0 + 0.5), _last_drawn_y - (int)(_handle_pixbuf->get_height()/2.0 + 0.5)); } cairo_fill (cr); } void Fader::on_size_request (GtkRequisition* req) { req->width = _face_pixbuf->get_width(); req->height = _face_pixbuf->get_height(); } void Fader::on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& alloc) { CairoWidget::on_size_allocate(alloc); update_unity_position (); } bool Fader::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { focus_handler(); if (_read_only) { return false; } if (ev->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { return false; } if (ev->button != 1 && ev->button != 2) { return false; } if (_touch_cursor) { get_window()->set_cursor (*_touch_cursor); } _grab_start_mouse_x = ev->x; _grab_start_mouse_y = ev->y; get_handle_position (_grab_start_handle_x, _grab_start_handle_y); double hw = _handle_pixbuf->get_width(); double hh = _handle_pixbuf->get_height(); if ((ev->x < (_grab_start_handle_x - hw/2)) || (ev->x > (_grab_start_handle_x + hw/2)) || (ev->y < (_grab_start_handle_y - hh/2)) || (ev->y > (_grab_start_handle_y + hh/2))) { return false; } double ev_pos_x; double ev_pos_y; get_closest_point_on_line(_min_pos_x, _min_pos_y, _max_pos_x, _max_pos_y, ev->x, ev->y, ev_pos_x, ev_pos_y ); add_modal_grab (); _grab_window = ev->window; _dragging = true; gdk_pointer_grab(ev->window,false, GdkEventMask (Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK), NULL, NULL, ev->time); queue_draw(); return true; } bool Fader::on_button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (_read_only) { return false; } if (_touch_cursor) { get_window()->set_cursor (); } if (_dragging) { //temp remove_modal_grab(); _dragging = false; gdk_pointer_ungrab (GDK_CURRENT_TIME); queue_draw (); } return false; } bool Fader::on_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev) { if (_read_only) { return false; } int step_factor = 1; switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: case GDK_SCROLL_UP: #ifdef __APPLE__ if ( ev->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) { step_factor = -1; } else { step_factor = 1; } #else step_factor = 1; #endif break; case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: #ifdef __APPLE__ if ( ev->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) { step_factor = 1; } else { step_factor = -1; } #else step_factor = -1; #endif break; default: return false; } adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_value() + step_factor * (adjustment.get_step_increment() )); return true; } bool Fader::on_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion* ev) { if (_read_only) { return false; } if (_dragging) { double ev_pos_x; double ev_pos_y; if (ev->window != _grab_window) { _grab_window = ev->window; return true; } get_closest_point_on_line(_min_pos_x, _min_pos_y, _max_pos_x, _max_pos_y, _grab_start_handle_x + (ev->x - _grab_start_mouse_x), _grab_start_handle_y + (ev->y - _grab_start_mouse_y), ev_pos_x, ev_pos_y ); double const fract = sqrt((ev_pos_x - _min_pos_x) * (ev_pos_x - _min_pos_x) + (ev_pos_y - _min_pos_y) * (ev_pos_y - _min_pos_y)) / sqrt((_max_pos_x - _min_pos_x) * (_max_pos_x - _min_pos_x) + (_max_pos_y - _min_pos_y) * (_max_pos_y - _min_pos_y)); adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_lower() + (adjustment.get_upper() - adjustment.get_lower()) * fract); } return true; } void Fader::adjustment_changed () { double handle_x; double handle_y; get_handle_position (handle_x, handle_y); if ((handle_x != _last_drawn_x) || (handle_y != _last_drawn_y)) { queue_draw (); } } /** @return pixel offset of the current value from the right or bottom of the fader */ void Fader::get_handle_position (double& x, double& y) { double fract = (adjustment.get_value () - adjustment.get_lower()) / ((adjustment.get_upper() - adjustment.get_lower())); x = (int)(_min_pos_x + (_max_pos_x - _min_pos_x) * fract); y = (int)(_min_pos_y + (_max_pos_y - _min_pos_y) * fract); } bool Fader::on_enter_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing*) { _hovering = true; Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus (); queue_draw (); return false; } bool Fader::on_leave_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing*) { if (_read_only) { return false; } if (!_dragging) { _hovering = false; Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus(); queue_draw (); } return false; } void Fader::set_default_value (float d) { _default_value = d; update_unity_position (); } void Fader::update_unity_position () { }