#include #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "canvas-flag.h" #include "time_axis_view_item.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace Gnome::Canvas; using namespace std; CanvasFlag::CanvasFlag (MidiRegionView& region, Group& parent, double height, guint outline_color_rgba, guint fill_color_rgba, double x, double y) : Group(parent, x, y) , _name_pixbuf(0) , _height(height) , _outline_color_rgba(outline_color_rgba) , _fill_color_rgba(fill_color_rgba) , _region(region) , name_pixbuf_width (0) , _line(0) , _rect(0) { signal_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &CanvasFlag::on_event)); } void CanvasFlag::delete_allocated_objects() { delete _name_pixbuf; _name_pixbuf = 0; delete _line; _line = 0; delete _rect; _rect = 0; } void CanvasFlag::set_text (const string& text) { delete_allocated_objects(); _name_pixbuf = new ArdourCanvas::Pixbuf (*this); name_pixbuf_width = Gtkmm2ext::pixel_width (text, TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_FONT) + 2; Gdk::Color c; set_color (c, _outline_color_rgba); _name_pixbuf->property_pixbuf() = Gtkmm2ext::pixbuf_from_string (text, TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_FONT, name_pixbuf_width, TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_HEIGHT, c); _name_pixbuf->property_x() = 10.0; _name_pixbuf->property_y() = 2.0; _name_pixbuf->show(); double flagwidth = name_pixbuf_width + 8.0; double flagheight = TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_HEIGHT + 3.0; _line = new SimpleLine(*this, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _height); _line->property_color_rgba() = _outline_color_rgba; _rect = new SimpleRect(*this, 0.0, 0.0, flagwidth, flagheight); _rect->property_outline_color_rgba() = _outline_color_rgba; _rect->property_fill_color_rgba() = _fill_color_rgba; _name_pixbuf->raise_to_top(); } CanvasFlag::~CanvasFlag() { delete_allocated_objects(); } bool CanvasFlag::on_event(GdkEvent* /*ev*/) { /* XXX if you change this function to actually do anything, be sure to fix the connections commented out elsewhere in this file. */ return false; } void CanvasFlag::set_height (double h) { _height = h; if (_line) { _line->property_y2() = _height; } }