Add option to use ArduorButton as standalone Toggle/Checkbox.
Usually ArdourButton relegates this to Actions or is backed by Config.
This allows to use the Button as standalone Toggle, get_active()
It should maybe be a derived Class, but ArdourButton is already beyond
* update current search when toggling search_ignore_checkbox
* take filter-view into account when changing plugin-status,
immediately hide hidden or un-favorerd plugins from view.
* default to "effects only"
* tag-file is loaded early on (before scanning plugin) retain factory
set tag from file, don't use plugin-categories.
* load user plugin-tag file after factory plugin-tag file
* accept " ,\n" as separator
* produce only " " as separator
* squelch error message for empty-string tokenization
* clean up code, use existing API methods for lower-case transform
This is a squashed commit of various 'nutag' topic branch commits:
* re-layout plugin-manager
* remove category, add tags
* combine I/O columns in list.
* update filter to search name and tags
* move plugin-meta-data (status, tag) into dedicated sub-dir
* load/save space separated tags
* pre-seed tags with plugin-category (if unset)
* breaking API change: PluginStatusesChanged() signal includes change
Previously changing track-selection emitted 2 "stripable_selection_changed"
events: select (nil); select (new).
This fixes an issue with the FaderPort ctrl surface when editing plugins:
Switching from one track to another follows selection, but if no track is
selected, the FP switches from "Edit Plugins" to "Track" mode.