CF reports occasional “rendering icon 1 at size 1 x 1”
always followed by “rendering icon 1 at size 21 x 21”.
Probably a GTK bug with some specific version of GTK.
- Also makes "Mod4" Appear as "Windows" and adds new combination
"Alt-Windows" to the dropdown.
- Attempt to set a pair of default snap modifiers (without
knowing what it actually is for OSX)
- Copy modifier now saves
- Snap modifier modifier problem still remains.
- Copy modifier still doesn't save
- Testers please edit the Extra section of ~/.ardourN/config to allow
defaults to "take"
- Note that the current defaults overlap.
- warning - absolute snap modifier has no default and will be always
"on" unless you set it!
Note that no defaults are set - go to prefs->user interaction to
ensure that nothing is set to "no modifer"
also - the copy modifier doesn't actually save its state yet.
- user can abs/rel modifier key in prefs->user interaction
suggested for linux - absolute->alt ignore snap->alt-shift
- Constrained mode works the same as button 2 drag (initial move
sets constraint axis).
I attempted to preserve the "don't draw unless different" by ditching rounding for more
precise display_span, but that didn't work. An alternative solution would be
to draw on adjustment change if there's text, since then we need to redraw
regardless of slider position, but it seemed weird even just with respect to
the slider, so I opted for this, which really definitely redraws when the
adjustment changes, period.
If this proves to be a performance issue we'll have to figure that out.
for one, it can mess up the value when switching to
numeric-entry. It is also rather useless and not
Fader-like (faders are not scrollbars).
Besides, "stepvalue" is way to large and causes jumps
(sometimes step-value is even negative, see
"fast lookahead limiter", "release time"
-> some other bug)