port-meta-data depends on the audioengine backend/device
settings. Those are only available after the engine is started,
not from within the backend's _start() method.
This is is only relevant for callback based backends.
Backends with a blocking process thread explicitly emit
port-manager callbacks there before entering the main loop.
This is mostly a simple lexical search+replace but the absence of operator< for
std::weak_ptr<T> leads to some complications, particularly with Evoral::Sequence
and ExportPortChannel.
PBD::Transmitter is neither thread-safe nor rt-safe. This likely
fixes a crash on macOS when process-threads are started.
Many threads simultaneously enter coreaudio_process_thread() and
log a message calling `PBD::info << .. << endmsg` simultaneously.
In all years of using these assert()s never triggered. Besides
there are valid_port() tests in other strategic locations that
are not periodically hit in realtime context.
The backend holds `_port_callback_mutex` while disconnecting ports.
In some cases disconnecting a port can drop the last reference
resulting in a port-deletion from the connection handler.
This in turn will eventually aquire the `_port_callback_mutex`
and deadlock.
This is now circumvented by using atomic operations instead of
taking a lock to set the `_port_change_flag`.
The flag is also used to trigger a latency update in some cases,
atomic is preferable to taking a lock to set this flag.
Full bt: https://paste.debian.net/1184056/
#1 in pthread_mutex_lock ()
#2 in ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl::port_connect_add_remove_callback()
#3 in ARDOUR::BackendPort::~BackendPort()
#4 in ARDOUR::DummyPort::~DummyPort()
#6 in ARDOUR::DummyAudioPort::~DummyAudioPort()
#7 in boost::checked_delete<ARDOUR::BackendPort>(ARDOUR::BackendPort*)
#12 in boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ProtoPort>::reset()
#13 in ARDOUR::Port::drop()
#14 in ARDOUR::Port::~Port()
#15 in ARDOUR::AudioPort::~AudioPort()
#17 in ARDOUR::AudioEngine::add_pending_port_deletion(ARDOUR::Port*)
#20 in boost::detail::sp_counted_base::release()
#37 in ARDOUR::PortManager::connect_callback() at libs/ardour/port_manager.cc:788
#38 in ARDOUR::DummyAudioBackend::main_process_thread() at libs/backends/dummy/dummy_audiobackend.cc:1018
This allow to restore original engine port-names as set
by the backend. ALSA MIDI, CoreAudio, CoreMIDI and PortAudio
drivers can provide human readable physical port names for
some devices.
Previously this was inherited via PBD.
On MacOS/X, this adds
"-undefined dynamic_lookup -flat_namespace"
and various "-framework .." options to linkflags
Without this flag, .dylibs fail to link usually because
of missing `-lintl` (Undefined symbols: "_libintl_dgettext")
On other systems this is a NO-OP:
are only set on the darwin platform.