The backend holds `_port_callback_mutex` while disconnecting ports.
In some cases disconnecting a port can drop the last reference
resulting in a port-deletion from the connection handler.
This in turn will eventually aquire the `_port_callback_mutex`
and deadlock.
This is now circumvented by using atomic operations instead of
taking a lock to set the `_port_change_flag`.
The flag is also used to trigger a latency update in some cases,
atomic is preferable to taking a lock to set this flag.
Full bt:
#1 in pthread_mutex_lock ()
#2 in ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl::port_connect_add_remove_callback()
#3 in ARDOUR::BackendPort::~BackendPort()
#4 in ARDOUR::DummyPort::~DummyPort()
#6 in ARDOUR::DummyAudioPort::~DummyAudioPort()
#7 in boost::checked_delete<ARDOUR::BackendPort>(ARDOUR::BackendPort*)
#12 in boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ProtoPort>::reset()
#13 in ARDOUR::Port::drop()
#14 in ARDOUR::Port::~Port()
#15 in ARDOUR::AudioPort::~AudioPort()
#17 in ARDOUR::AudioEngine::add_pending_port_deletion(ARDOUR::Port*)
#20 in boost::detail::sp_counted_base::release()
#37 in ARDOUR::PortManager::connect_callback() at libs/ardour/
#38 in ARDOUR::DummyAudioBackend::main_process_thread() at libs/backends/dummy/
This allow to restore original engine port-names as set
by the backend. ALSA MIDI, CoreAudio, CoreMIDI and PortAudio
drivers can provide human readable physical port names for
some devices.
When exporting long sessions with freewheeling, pulseaudio
may meanwhile suspend the corked audio device. The "FAIL_ON_SUSPEND"
option then prevents ardour to uncork it after export, and the
audio-backend is halted.
This potentially breaks various assumptions (e.g. no resampling,
fixed buffersize) when the stream is moved to a different device.
Then again it's pulseaudio, which is unsuitable for pro-audio to
begin with.