Variables by these names are only used from the local wscript and when
running "waf configure", which already for other reasons only can run at
the top-level.
These variables are thus not mandatory and not used.
Done with ad hoc scripting hacks processing unused imports found by pyflakes:
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Logs.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i 's/^import waflib.Logs as Logs,/import/g' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Options.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i 's/import waflib.Options as Options, /import /g' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Options.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i 's/^from waflib import Options,/from waflib import/g' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep ' imported but unused$' | sed "s/^\([^:]*\):[0-9]*:[0-9]* '\(.*\)'.*/\1 \2/g" | while read f lib; do sed -i "/^import $lib$/d" $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Options.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i '/from waflib import Options$/d' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.TaskGen.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i '/from waflib import TaskGen$/d' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Task.Task.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i '/^from waflib.Task import Task$/d' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Tools.winres.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i '/^from waflib.Tools import winres$/d' $f; done
for f in $( find * -name wscript ); do echo; pyflakes $f; done | grep 'waflib.Utils.* but unused' | cut -d: -f1 | while read f; do sed -i '/^import waflib.Utils as Utils$/d' $f; done
Keep file-system paths and PBD::Searchpath mostly separate.
This amends 58c2b0a848 libs/fst directly includes relevant
ardour C++ code, so lib/fst must not link against libardour.
The problem was that 58c2b0a848 introduced additional
dependencies on other libardour functions.
Previously this was inherited via PBD.
On MacOS/X, this adds
"-undefined dynamic_lookup -flat_namespace"
and various "-framework .." options to linkflags
Without this flag, .dylibs fail to link usually because
of missing `-lintl` (Undefined symbols: "_libintl_dgettext")
On other systems this is a NO-OP:
are only set on the darwin platform.
The same source file cannot safely be used in different wscripts
with concurrency (if they were in the same wscript it works
.c.1.o .c.2.o, etc).
[387/764] c: libs/fst/vstwin.c -> build/libs/fst/vstwin.c.1.o
[731/764] c: libs/fst/vstwin.c -> build/libs/fst/vstwin.c.1.o
[746/764] cxxprogram: build/libs/fst/ build/libs/fst/vstwin.c.1.o -> build/libs/fst/ardour-vst-scanner.exe
[750/764] cxxshlib: [...] build/libs/fst/vstwin.c.1.o [...] -> build/libs/ardour/ardour-3.dll
and about one every full moon (depending on concurrency) it failed:
missing file: 'build/libs/fst/vstwin.c.1.o'