fix initial state of Import Dialog

This commit is contained in:
Robin Gareus 2015-09-20 20:02:40 +02:00
parent 70bed9d6a0
commit cff0852df9

View File

@ -1698,16 +1698,6 @@ SoundFileOmega::SoundFileOmega (string title, ARDOUR::Session* s,
hbox->pack_start (*vbox, false, false);
options.pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
/* dummy entry for action combo so that it doesn't look odd if we
come up with no tracks selected.
str.clear ();
str.push_back (importmode2string (mode_hint));
set_popdown_strings (action_combo, str);
action_combo.set_active_text (str.front());
action_combo.set_sensitive (false);
l = manage (new Label);
l->set_markup (_("<b>Insert at</b>"));
@ -1775,8 +1765,6 @@ SoundFileOmega::SoundFileOmega (string title, ARDOUR::Session* s,
src_combo.set_sensitive (false);
src_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileOmega::src_combo_changed));
reset_options ();
action_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileOmega::reset_options_noret));
channel_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileOmega::reset_options_noret));
@ -1814,19 +1802,22 @@ SoundFileOmega::SoundFileOmega (string title, ARDOUR::Session* s,
selects a file to import, which in turn prevents the size of the dialog from jumping
around. */
vector<string> t;
t.push_back (_("one track per file"));
t.push_back (_("one track per channel"));
t.push_back (_("sequence files"));
t.push_back (_("all files in one region"));
set_popdown_strings (channel_combo, t);
str.clear ();
str.push_back (_("one track per file"));
str.push_back (_("one track per channel"));
str.push_back (_("sequence files"));
str.push_back (_("all files in one region"));
set_popdown_strings (channel_combo, str);
t.clear ();
t.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsTrack));
t.push_back (importmode2string (ImportToTrack));
t.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsRegion));
t.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsTapeTrack));
set_popdown_strings (action_combo, t);
str.clear ();
str.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsTrack));
str.push_back (importmode2string (ImportToTrack));
str.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsRegion));
str.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsTapeTrack));
set_popdown_strings (action_combo, str);
action_combo.set_active_text (importmode2string(mode_hint));
reset (selected_audio_tracks, selected_midi_tracks);