Another Lua example script

* Track template
* MIDI track creation
* Adding plugins and setting parameters
* Dialogs
This commit is contained in:
Robin Gareus 2017-09-26 20:49:50 +02:00
parent b137a2982f
commit 53fb2f6235

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
ardour {
["type"] = "EditorAction",
name = "Rob's 16 MIDI Trick Pony",
description = [[clearly broken approach to go about things]]
function route_setup ()
return {
['Insert_at'] = ARDOUR.PresentationInfo.max_order,
['name'] = 'Sweet16',
['group'] = false, -- return value will be a RouteGroup* or nil
function factory (p) return function ()
local name = "Sweet16"
local insert_at = ARDOUR.PresentationInfo.max_order
local group = nil
-- check for "MIDI Channel Map" LV2 from x42 midifilters.lv2
if ARDOUR.LuaAPI.new_plugin_info ("http://gareus.org/oss/lv2/midifilter#channelmap", ARDOUR.PluginType.LV2):isnil () then
LuaDialog.Message ("16 MIDI Tracks", "Error: Plugin 'MIDI Simple Channel Map' was not found.", LuaDialog.MessageType.Info, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run ()
if type (p) == 'table' and p['how_many'] ~= nil then
-- used from the AddRouteDialog (or w/action_params)
name = p["name"] or 'Sweet16'
insert_at = p["insert_at"] or ARDOUR.PresentationInfo.max_order;
group = p["group"] or nil
-- used standalone, prompt for name and insert position
local dialog_options = {
{ type = "entry", key = "name", default = 'Sweet16', title = "Name Prefix" },
{ type = "entry", key = "group", default = '', title = "Group (empty for none)" },
{ type = "dropdown", key = "insertpos", title = "Position", default = "Last", values =
["First"] = ArdourUI.InsertAt.First,
["Before Selection"] = ArdourUI.InsertAt.BeforeSelection,
["After Selection"] = ArdourUI.InsertAt.AfterSelection,
["Last"] = ArdourUI.InsertAt.Last
local od = LuaDialog.Dialog ("16 MIDI Tracks", dialog_options)
local rv = od:run()
if (not rv) then return end
name = rv['name'] or 'Sweet16'
if rv['insertpos'] then
insert_at = ArdourUI.translate_order (rv['insertpos'])
if rv['group'] and rv['group'] ~= '' then
group = Session:new_route_group (rv['group'])
collectgarbage ()
-- all systems go
local tl = Session:new_midi_track (
ARDOUR.ChanCount(ARDOUR.DataType ("midi"), 1),
ARDOUR.ChanCount(ARDOUR.DataType ("midi"), 1),
true, -- strict i/o
ARDOUR.PluginInfo(), nil, -- no instrument, no instrument preset
16, -- how many
name, insert_at, ARDOUR.TrackMode.Normal)
local i = 1
for track in tl:iter() do
local p = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.new_plugin(Session, "http://gareus.org/oss/lv2/midifilter#channelmap", ARDOUR.PluginType.LV2, "")
assert (not p:isnil ())
track:add_processor_by_index(p, 0, nil, true)
for j = 1, 16 do
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_processor_param (p, j, i)
i = i + 1
collectgarbage () -- drop references to tracks.
end end