NO-OP: whitespace & scope

This commit is contained in:
Robin Gareus 2017-08-18 00:18:18 +02:00
parent 5ed68fd2f8
commit 44657d8fc6

View File

@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog ()
vbox->set_spacing (18);
vbox->set_border_width (5);
{ //Template & Template Description area
HBox* template_hbox = manage (new HBox);
template_hbox->set_spacing (8);
@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog ()
trk_template_desc_frame.add (*desc_scroller);
template_hbox->pack_start (trk_template_desc_frame, true, true);
//template_chooser is the treeview showing available templates
/* template_chooser is the treeview showing available templates */
trk_template_model = TreeStore::create (track_template_columns);
trk_template_chooser.set_model (trk_template_model);
trk_template_chooser.append_column (_("Template"), track_template_columns.name);
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog ()
trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::trk_template_row_selected));
trk_template_chooser.set_sensitive (true);
//template_desc is the textview that displays the currently selected template's description
/* template_desc is the textview that displays the currently selected template's description */
trk_template_desc.set_editable (false);
trk_template_desc.set_wrap_mode (Gtk::WRAP_WORD);
@ -146,27 +145,15 @@ AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog ()
trk_template_desc.set_border_width (6);
vbox->pack_start (*template_hbox, true, true);
// {
// HBox *trk_go_hbox = manage (new HBox);
// trk_go_hbox->pack_start (*(manage (new Gtk::HSeparator)), true, true);
// trk_go_hbox->pack_start (*(manage (new Gtk::Button(_("Add template")))), false, false);
// trk_go_hbox->set_spacing (6);
// vbox->pack_start (*trk_go_hbox, true, true);
// }
HBox *separator_hbox = manage (new HBox);
separator_hbox->pack_start (manual_label, false, false);
separator_hbox->pack_start (*(manage (new Gtk::HSeparator)), true, true);
separator_hbox->set_spacing (6);
vbox->pack_start (*separator_hbox, true, true);
/* track/bus choice */
Table *add_table = manage (new Table (8, 8, false));
add_table->set_row_spacings (8);
add_table->set_col_spacings (3);
@ -261,7 +248,7 @@ AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog ()
show_all_children ();
/* track template info will be managed whenever
this dialog is shown, via ::on_show()
* this dialog is shown, via ::on_show()
add_button (_("Add and Close"), AddAndClose);