triggerbox: reimplement enqueue_trigger_source using a map of UISTate entries

* "Range->Bounce to Trigger Clip" needs to set tempo
* Range->bounce can operate on multiple tracks (regions) in one operation
This commit is contained in:
Ben Loftis 2022-02-11 07:31:03 -06:00
parent 742e3659ff
commit 40a1997c0e
2 changed files with 79 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ class LIBARDOUR_API Trigger : public PBD::Stateful {
TriggerBox& box() const { return _box; }
double estimated_tempo() const { return _estimated_tempo; }
virtual double segment_tempo() const = 0;
virtual void set_segment_tempo (double t) = 0;
Temporal::Meter meter() const { return _meter; }
@ -349,6 +351,11 @@ class LIBARDOUR_API Trigger : public PBD::Stateful {
static void request_trigger_delete (Trigger* t);
/* these operations are provided to get/set all the "user visible" trigger properties at once */
/* examples: drag+dropping from slot to slot, or "Range->Bounce to Slot", where a single operation sets many */
void get_ui_state (UIState &state) const;
void set_ui_state (UIState &state);
struct UIRequests {
std::atomic<bool> stop;
@ -371,7 +378,6 @@ class LIBARDOUR_API Trigger : public PBD::Stateful {
gain_t _velocity_gain;
bool _cue_launched;
void copy_ui_state (UIState&);
void copy_to_ui_state ();
@ -539,6 +545,11 @@ class LIBARDOUR_API MIDITrigger : public Trigger {
void unset_all_patch_changes ();
bool patch_change_set (uint8_t channel) const;
/* theoretically, MIDI files can have a dedicated tempo outside the session tempo map (*un-stretched*) but this is currently unimplemented */
/* boilerplate tempo functions are provided here so we don't have to do constant dynamic_cast checks to use the tempo API */
virtual double segment_tempo() const {return 120.0;}
virtual void set_segment_tempo (double t) {}
void set_channel_map (int channel, int target);
void unset_channel_map (int channel);
int channel_map (int channel);
@ -710,7 +721,7 @@ class LIBARDOUR_API TriggerBox : public Processor
void non_realtime_locate (samplepos_t now);
void realtime_handle_transport_stopped ();
void enqueue_trigger_source (PBD::ID queued);
void enqueue_trigger_state_for_region (boost::shared_ptr<Region>, boost::shared_ptr<Trigger::UIState>);
/* valid only within the ::run() call tree */
int32_t active_scene() const { return _active_scene; }
@ -832,8 +843,6 @@ class LIBARDOUR_API TriggerBox : public Processor
static std::atomic<int> active_trigger_boxes;
static std::atomic<bool> _cue_recording;
static std::string _enqueued_drop_source;
class TriggerReference

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@ -213,6 +213,49 @@ Trigger::request_trigger_delete (Trigger* t)
TriggerBox::worker->request_delete_trigger (t);
Trigger::get_ui_state (Trigger::UIState &state) const
/* this is used for operations like d&d when we want to query the current state */
/* you can't return ui_state here because that struct is used to queue properties that are being input *to* the trigger */
/* TODO: rename our member variable ui_state to _queued_ui_state or similar @paul ? */
state.launch_style = _launch_style;
state.follow_action0 = _follow_action0;
state.follow_action1 = _follow_action1;
state.follow_action_probability = _follow_action_probability;
state.follow_count = _follow_count;
state.quantization = _quantization;
state.follow_length = _follow_length;
state.use_follow_length = _use_follow_length;
state.legato = _legato;
state.gain = _gain;
state.velocity_effect = _velocity_effect;
state.stretchable = _stretchable;
state.cue_isolated = _cue_isolated;
state.stretch_mode = _stretch_mode;
state.name = _name;
state.color = _color;
/* tempo is currently not a property */
state.tempo = segment_tempo();
Trigger::set_ui_state (Trigger::UIState &state)
ui_state = state;
/* increment ui_state generation so vals will get loaded when the trigger stops */
unsigned int g = ui_state.generation.load();
while (!ui_state.generation.compare_exchange_strong (g, g+1));
/* tempo is currently outside the scope of ui_state */
if (state.tempo > 0) {
Trigger::update_properties ()
@ -238,6 +281,15 @@ Trigger::update_properties ()
_stretchable = ui_state.stretchable;
_cue_isolated = ui_state.cue_isolated;
_stretch_mode = ui_state.stretch_mode;
_color = ui_state.color;
/* during construction of a new trigger, the ui_state.name is initialized and queued
* ...but in the interim, we have likely been assigned a name from a region in a separate thread
* ...so don't overwrite our name if ui_state.name is empty
if (ui_state.name != "" ) {
_name = ui_state.name;
last_property_generation = g;
@ -267,6 +319,8 @@ Trigger::copy_to_ui_state ()
ui_state.stretchable = _stretchable;
ui_state.cue_isolated = _cue_isolated;
ui_state.stretch_mode = _stretch_mode;
ui_state.name = _name;
ui_state.color = _color;
@ -2555,7 +2609,9 @@ TriggerBoxThread* TriggerBox::worker = 0;
CueRecords TriggerBox::cue_records (256);
std::atomic<bool> TriggerBox::_cue_recording (false);
PBD::Signal0<void> TriggerBox::CueRecordingChanged;
std::string TriggerBox::_enqueued_drop_source("0");
typedef std::map <boost::shared_ptr<Region>, boost::shared_ptr<Trigger::UIState>> RegionStateMap;
RegionStateMap enqueued_state_map;
TriggerBox::init ()
@ -2781,16 +2837,15 @@ TriggerBox::set_region (uint32_t slot, boost::shared_ptr<Region> region)
/* set_region_in_worker_thread makes some guesses about whether a clip is a one-shot or looping*/
/* set_region_in_worker_thread estimates a tempo, and makes some guesses about whether a clip is a one-shot or looping*/
t->set_region_in_worker_thread (region);
/* if we are the target of a drag&drop from another Trigger Slot, we probably want the name, color and other properties to carry over */
boost::shared_ptr<Trigger> source = session().trigger_by_id (PBD::ID(_enqueued_drop_source));
if (source) {
_enqueued_drop_source = "0";
/* if we are the target of a drag&drop from another Trigger Slot, we need the name, color and other properties to carry over with the region */
RegionStateMap::iterator rs;
if ((rs = enqueued_state_map.find (region)) != enqueued_state_map.end()) {
Trigger::UIState copy; copy = *(rs->second);
//* always preserve the launch-style and cue_isolate status. It's likely to be right, but if it's wrong the user can "see" it's wrong anyway */
@ -2908,9 +2963,9 @@ TriggerBox::trigger_by_id (PBD::ID check)
TriggerBox::enqueue_trigger_source (PBD::ID queued)
TriggerBox::enqueue_trigger_state_for_region (boost::shared_ptr<Region> region, boost::shared_ptr<Trigger::UIState> state)
_enqueued_drop_source = queued.to_s ();
enqueued_state_map.insert (std::make_pair(region, state));