Use XMLNode::get/set_property API in ExportFormatSpecification

The float conversions are now handled automatically by PBD::to_string/string_to
so precision is improved and LocaleGuard is no longer needed.

Improves readability and in ~70 lines less code
This commit is contained in:
Tim Mayberry 2016-08-26 20:13:50 +10:00
parent be309b913d
commit 1dfcf07ba9

View File

@ -20,19 +20,29 @@
#include "ardour/export_format_specification.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "ardour/export_format_compatibility.h"
#include "ardour/export_formats.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/types_convert.h"
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/xml++.h"
#include "pbd/enumwriter.h"
#include "pbd/convert.h"
#include "pbd/enum_convert.h"
#include "pbd/string_convert.h"
#include "pbd/types_convert.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
namespace PBD {
DEFINE_ENUM_CONVERT (ARDOUR::ExportFormatBase::FormatId)
DEFINE_ENUM_CONVERT (ARDOUR::ExportFormatBase::SampleRate)
DEFINE_ENUM_CONVERT (ARDOUR::ExportFormatBase::SampleFormat)
DEFINE_ENUM_CONVERT (ARDOUR::ExportFormatBase::DitherType)
namespace ARDOUR
@ -60,25 +70,25 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::Time::get_state ()
XMLNode * node = new XMLNode ("Duration");
node->add_property ("format", enum_2_string (type));
node->set_property ("format", type);
switch (type) {
case Timecode:
node->add_property ("hours", to_string (timecode.hours, std::dec));
node->add_property ("minutes", to_string (timecode.minutes, std::dec));
node->add_property ("seconds", to_string (timecode.seconds, std::dec));
node->add_property ("frames", to_string (timecode.frames, std::dec));
node->set_property ("hours", timecode.hours);
node->set_property ("minutes", timecode.minutes);
node->set_property ("seconds", timecode.seconds);
node->set_property ("frames", timecode.frames);
case BBT:
node->add_property ("bars", to_string (bbt.bars, std::dec));
node->add_property ("beats", to_string (bbt.beats, std::dec));
node->add_property ("ticks", to_string (bbt.ticks, std::dec));
node->set_property ("bars", bbt.bars);
node->set_property ("beats", bbt.beats);
node->set_property ("ticks", bbt.ticks);
case Frames:
node->add_property ("frames", to_string (frames, std::dec));
node->set_property ("frames", frames);
case Seconds:
node->add_property ("seconds", to_string (seconds, std::dec));
node->set_property ("seconds", seconds);
@ -88,63 +98,32 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::Time::get_state ()
ExportFormatSpecification::Time::set_state (const XMLNode & node)
XMLProperty const * prop;
prop = node.property ("format");
if (!prop) { return -1; }
type = (Type) string_2_enum (prop->value(), Type);
if (!node.get_property ("format", type)) {
return -1;
switch (type) {
case Timecode:
if ((prop = node.property ("hours"))) {
timecode.hours = atoi (prop->value());
if ((prop = node.property ("minutes"))) {
timecode.minutes = atoi (prop->value());
if ((prop = node.property ("seconds"))) {
timecode.seconds = atoi (prop->value());
if ((prop = node.property ("frames"))) {
timecode.frames = atoi (prop->value());
case Timecode:
node.get_property ("hours", timecode.hours);
node.get_property ("minutes", timecode.minutes);
node.get_property ("seconds", timecode.seconds);
node.get_property ("frames", timecode.frames);
case BBT:
if ((prop = node.property ("bars"))) {
bbt.bars = atoi (prop->value());
if ((prop = node.property ("beats"))) {
bbt.beats = atoi (prop->value());
if ((prop = node.property ("ticks"))) {
bbt.ticks = atoi (prop->value());
case BBT:
node.get_property ("bars", bbt.bars);
node.get_property ("beats", bbt.beats);
node.get_property ("ticks", bbt.ticks);
case Frames:
if ((prop = node.property ("frames"))) {
std::istringstream iss (prop->value());
iss >> frames;
case Frames:
node.get_property ("frames", frames);
case Seconds:
if ((prop = node.property ("seconds"))) {
seconds = atof (prop->value());
case Seconds:
node.get_property ("seconds", seconds);
return 0;
@ -276,62 +255,62 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::get_state ()
XMLNode * node;
XMLNode * root = new XMLNode ("ExportFormatSpecification");
root->add_property ("name", _name);
root->add_property ("id", _id.to_s());
root->add_property ("with-cue", _with_cue ? "true" : "false");
root->add_property ("with-toc", _with_toc ? "true" : "false");
root->add_property ("with-mp4chaps", _with_mp4chaps ? "true" : "false");
root->add_property ("command", _command);
root->add_property ("analyse", _analyse ? "true" : "false");
root->add_property ("soundcloud-upload", _soundcloud_upload ? "true" : "false");
root->set_property ("name", _name);
root->set_property ("id", _id.to_s());
root->set_property ("with-cue", _with_cue);
root->set_property ("with-toc", _with_toc);
root->set_property ("with-mp4chaps", _with_mp4chaps);
root->set_property ("command", _command);
root->set_property ("analyse", _analyse);
root->set_property ("soundcloud-upload", _soundcloud_upload);
node = root->add_child ("Encoding");
node->add_property ("id", enum_2_string (format_id()));
node->add_property ("type", enum_2_string (type()));
node->add_property ("extension", extension());
node->add_property ("name", _format_name);
node->add_property ("has-sample-format", has_sample_format ? "true" : "false");
node->add_property ("channel-limit", to_string (_channel_limit, std::dec));
node->set_property ("id", format_id());
node->set_property ("type", type());
node->set_property ("extension", extension());
node->set_property ("name", _format_name);
node->set_property ("has-sample-format", has_sample_format);
node->set_property ("channel-limit", _channel_limit);
node = root->add_child ("SampleRate");
node->add_property ("rate", to_string (sample_rate(), std::dec));
node->set_property ("rate", sample_rate());
node = root->add_child ("SRCQuality");
node->add_property ("quality", enum_2_string (src_quality()));
node->set_property ("quality", src_quality());
XMLNode * enc_opts = root->add_child ("EncodingOptions");
add_option (enc_opts, "sample-format", enum_2_string (sample_format()));
add_option (enc_opts, "dithering", enum_2_string (dither_type()));
add_option (enc_opts, "tag-metadata", _tag ? "true" : "false");
add_option (enc_opts, "tag-support", supports_tagging ? "true" : "false");
add_option (enc_opts, "broadcast-info", _has_broadcast_info ? "true" : "false");
add_option (enc_opts, "sample-format", to_string(sample_format()));
add_option (enc_opts, "dithering", to_string (dither_type()));
add_option (enc_opts, "tag-metadata", to_string (_tag));
add_option (enc_opts, "tag-support", to_string (supports_tagging));
add_option (enc_opts, "broadcast-info", to_string (_has_broadcast_info));
XMLNode * processing = root->add_child ("Processing");
node = processing->add_child ("Normalize");
node->add_property ("enabled", normalize() ? "true" : "false");
node->add_property ("loudness", normalize_loudness() ? "yes" : "no");
node->add_property ("dbfs", to_string (normalize_dbfs(), std::dec));
node->add_property ("lufs", to_string (normalize_lufs(), std::dec));
node->add_property ("dbtp", to_string (normalize_dbtp(), std::dec));
node->set_property ("enabled", normalize());
node->set_property ("loudness", normalize_loudness());
node->set_property ("dbfs", normalize_dbfs());
node->set_property ("lufs", normalize_lufs());
node->set_property ("dbtp", normalize_dbtp());
XMLNode * silence = processing->add_child ("Silence");
XMLNode * start = silence->add_child ("Start");
XMLNode * end = silence->add_child ("End");
node = start->add_child ("Trim");
node->add_property ("enabled", trim_beginning() ? "true" : "false");
node->set_property ("enabled", trim_beginning());
node = start->add_child ("Add");
node->add_property ("enabled", _silence_beginning.not_zero() ? "true" : "false");
node->set_property ("enabled", _silence_beginning.not_zero());
node->add_child_nocopy (_silence_beginning.get_state());
node = end->add_child ("Trim");
node->add_property ("enabled", trim_end() ? "true" : "false");
node->set_property ("enabled", trim_end());
node = end->add_child ("Add");
node->add_property ("enabled", _silence_end.not_zero() ? "true" : "false");
node->set_property ("enabled", _silence_end.not_zero());
node->add_child_nocopy (_silence_end.get_state());
return *root;
@ -340,97 +319,71 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::get_state ()
ExportFormatSpecification::set_state (const XMLNode & root)
XMLProperty const * prop;
XMLNode const * child;
string value;
string str;
LocaleGuard lg;
if ((prop = root.property ("name"))) {
_name = prop->value();
root.get_property ("name", _name);
if (root.get_property ("id", str)) {
_id = str;
if ((prop = root.property ("id"))) {
_id = prop->value();
if ((prop = root.property ("with-cue"))) {
_with_cue = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
} else {
if (!root.get_property ("with-cue", _with_cue)) {
_with_cue = false;
if ((prop = root.property ("with-toc"))) {
_with_toc = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
} else {
if (!root.get_property ("with-toc", _with_toc)) {
_with_toc = false;
if ((prop = root.property ("with-mp4chaps"))) {
_with_mp4chaps = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
} else {
if (!root.get_property ("with-mp4chaps", _with_mp4chaps)) {
_with_mp4chaps = false;
if ((prop = root.property ("command"))) {
_command = prop->value();
} else {
if (!root.get_property ("command", _command)) {
_command = "";
if ((prop = root.property ("analyse"))) {
_analyse = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
} else {
if (!root.get_property ("analyse", _analyse)) {
_analyse = false;
if ((prop = root.property ("soundcloud-upload"))) {
_soundcloud_upload = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
} else {
if (!root.get_property ("soundcloud-upload", _soundcloud_upload)) {
_soundcloud_upload = false;
/* Encoding and SRC */
if ((child = root.child ("Encoding"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("id"))) {
set_format_id ((FormatId) string_2_enum (prop->value(), FormatId));
FormatId fid;
if (child->get_property ("id", fid)) {
set_format_id (fid);
if ((prop = child->property ("type"))) {
set_type ((Type) string_2_enum (prop->value(), Type));
ExportFormatBase::Type type;
if (child->get_property ("type", type)) {
set_type (type);
if ((prop = child->property ("extension"))) {
set_extension (prop->value());
if (child->get_property ("extension", str)) {
set_extension (str);
if ((prop = child->property ("name"))) {
_format_name = prop->value();
if ((prop = child->property ("has-sample-format"))) {
has_sample_format = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
if ((prop = child->property ("has-sample-format"))) {
has_sample_format = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
if ((prop = child->property ("channel-limit"))) {
_channel_limit = atoi (prop->value());
child->get_property ("name", _format_name);
child->get_property ("has-sample-format", has_sample_format);
child->get_property ("channel-limit", _channel_limit);
if ((child = root.child ("SampleRate"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("rate"))) {
set_sample_rate ( (SampleRate) string_2_enum (prop->value(), SampleRate));
SampleRate rate;
if (child->get_property ("rate", rate)) {
set_sample_rate (rate);
if ((child = root.child ("SRCQuality"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("quality"))) {
_src_quality = (SRCQuality) string_2_enum (prop->value(), SRCQuality);
child->get_property ("quality", _src_quality);
/* Encoding options */
@ -438,9 +391,9 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::set_state (const XMLNode & root)
if ((child = root.child ("EncodingOptions"))) {
set_sample_format ((SampleFormat) string_2_enum (get_option (child, "sample-format"), SampleFormat));
set_dither_type ((DitherType) string_2_enum (get_option (child, "dithering"), DitherType));
set_tag (!(get_option (child, "tag-metadata").compare ("true")));
supports_tagging = (!(get_option (child, "tag-support").compare ("true")));
_has_broadcast_info = (!(get_option (child, "broadcast-info").compare ("true")));
set_tag (string_to<bool>(get_option (child, "tag-metadata")));
supports_tagging = string_to<bool>(get_option (child, "tag-support"));
_has_broadcast_info = string_to<bool>(get_option (child, "broadcast-info"));
/* Processing */
@ -449,30 +402,13 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::set_state (const XMLNode & root)
if (!proc) { std::cerr << X_("Could not load processing for export format") << std::endl; return -1; }
if ((child = proc->child ("Normalize"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("enabled"))) {
_normalize = (!prop->value().compare ("true"));
child->get_property ("enabled", _normalize);
// old formats before ~ 4.7-930ish
if ((prop = child->property ("target"))) {
_normalize_dbfs = atof (prop->value());
if ((prop = child->property ("loudness"))) {
_normalize_loudness = string_is_affirmative (prop->value());
if ((prop = child->property ("dbfs"))) {
_normalize_dbfs = atof (prop->value());
if ((prop = child->property ("lufs"))) {
_normalize_lufs = atof (prop->value());
if ((prop = child->property ("dbtp"))) {
_normalize_dbtp = atof (prop->value());
child->get_property ("target", _normalize_dbfs);
child->get_property ("loudness", _normalize_loudness);
child->get_property ("dbfs", _normalize_dbfs);
child->get_property ("lufs", _normalize_lufs);
child->get_property ("dbtp", _normalize_dbtp);
XMLNode const * silence = proc->child ("Silence");
@ -485,40 +421,33 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::set_state (const XMLNode & root)
/* Silence start */
if ((child = start->child ("Trim"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("enabled"))) {
_trim_beginning = (!prop->value().compare ("true"));
child->get_property ("enabled", _trim_beginning);
bool enabled;
if ((child = start->child ("Add"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("enabled"))) {
if (!prop->value().compare ("true")) {
if ((child = child->child ("Duration"))) {
_silence_beginning.set_state (*child);
} else {
_silence_beginning.type = Time::Timecode;
if (child->get_property ("enabled", enabled) && enabled) {
if ((child = child->child ("Duration"))) {
_silence_beginning.set_state (*child);
} else {
_silence_beginning.type = Time::Timecode;
/* Silence end */
if ((child = end->child ("Trim"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("enabled"))) {
_trim_end = (!prop->value().compare ("true"));
child->get_property ("enabled", _trim_end);
if ((child = end->child ("Add"))) {
if ((prop = child->property ("enabled"))) {
if (!prop->value().compare ("true")) {
if ((child = child->child ("Duration"))) {
_silence_end.set_state (*child);
} else {
_silence_end.type = Time::Timecode;
if (child->get_property ("enabled", enabled) && enabled) {
if ((child = child->child ("Duration"))) {
_silence_end.set_state (*child);
} else {
_silence_end.type = Time::Timecode;
@ -706,8 +635,8 @@ void
ExportFormatSpecification::add_option (XMLNode * node, std::string const & name, std::string const & value)
node = node->add_child ("Option");
node->add_property ("name", name);
node->add_property ("value", value);
node->set_property ("name", name);
node->set_property ("value", value);
@ -716,11 +645,10 @@ ExportFormatSpecification::get_option (XMLNode const * node, std::string const &
XMLNodeList list (node->children ("Option"));
for (XMLNodeList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
XMLProperty const * prop = (*it)->property ("name");
if (prop && !name.compare (prop->value())) {
prop = (*it)->property ("value");
if (prop) {
return prop->value();
std::string str;
if ((*it)->get_property ("name", str) && name == str) {
if ((*it)->get_property ("value", str)) {
return str;