And some more action-script icons

This commit is contained in:
Robin Gareus 2017-02-20 03:58:52 +01:00
parent 0aa631b6af
commit 120e75b420
3 changed files with 77 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -55,3 +55,20 @@ function factory (params)
function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height)
local wh = math.min (width, height) * .5
local x0 = math.ceil (wh * .4)
local x1 = math.floor (wh * 1.6)
ctx:rectangle (wh * .4, wh * .4, wh * 1.2, wh * 1.2)
ctx:set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1)
ctx:fill ()
ctx:set_line_width (1)
ctx:set_source_rgba (.0, .0, .0, 1)
ctx:move_to (x0, wh)
for x = x0, x1 do
ctx:line_to (x, wh - math.sin (2 * math.pi * (x-x0) / (x1-x0)) * wh * .5)
ctx:stroke ()
end end

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ardour {
function factory () return function ()
local names = {
@ -34,3 +33,41 @@ function factory () return function ()
end --foreach track
end end -- function factory
function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height)
local x = width * .5
local y = height * .5
local r = math.min (x, y) * .7
ctx:save ()
ctx:translate (x, y)
ctx:scale (1, .5)
ctx:translate (-x, -y)
ctx:arc (x, y, r, 0, 2 * math.pi)
ctx:set_source_rgba (.9, .9, 1, 1)
ctx:fill ()
ctx:arc (x, y, r, 0, math.pi)
ctx:arc_negative (x, y * 1.6, r, math.pi, 0)
ctx:set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1)
ctx:fill ()
ctx:restore ()
ctx:set_source_rgba (.6, .4, .2, 1)
ctx:translate (x, y)
ctx:scale (.7, 1)
ctx:translate (-x, -y)
ctx:set_line_cap (Cairo.LineCap.Round)
function drumstick (xp, lr)
ctx:set_line_width (r * .3)
ctx:move_to (x * xp, y)
ctx:close_path ()
ctx:stroke ()
ctx:set_line_width (r * .2)
ctx:move_to (x * xp, y)
ctx:rel_line_to (lr * x, y)
ctx:stroke ()
drumstick (1.2, 1.2)
drumstick (0.7, -.5)
end end

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@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Remove Unknown Plugins",
function factory (params) return function ()
-- iterate over all tracks and busses
-- iterate over all tracks and busses (aka routes)
for route in Session:get_routes ():iter () do
-- route is-a http://manual.ardour.org/lua-scripting/class_reference/#ARDOUR:Route
local i = 0;
-- we need to iterate one-by one, removing a processor invalidates the list
proc = route:nth_processor (i)
-- proc is a http://manual.ardour.org/lua-scripting/class_reference/#ARDOUR:Processor
@ -21,3 +22,23 @@ function factory (params) return function ()
until proc:isnil ()
end end
function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg)
local txt = Cairo.PangoLayout (ctx, "ArdourMono ".. math.ceil (math.min (width, height) * .5) .. "px")
txt:set_text ("Fx")
local tw, th = txt:get_pixel_size ()
ctx:move_to (.5 * (width - tw), .5 * (height - th))
txt:layout_cairo_path (ctx)
ctx:set_source_rgba (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (fg))
ctx:set_line_width (3)
ctx:stroke_preserve ()
ctx:set_source_rgba (.8, .2, .2, 1)
ctx:set_line_width (2)
ctx:stroke_preserve ()
ctx:set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1)
ctx:fill ()
end end