Revert "somewhat different approach to telling the user how to edit control protocol settings"

This reverts commit 4eb161cd4c.
This commit is contained in:
Paul Davis 2015-12-03 08:27:56 -05:00
parent cd339a1033
commit 0a54d28454

View File

@ -1290,27 +1290,33 @@ public:
_view.append_column (_("Control Surface Protocol"), _model.name);
_view.get_column(0)->set_resizable (true);
_view.get_column(0)->set_expand (true);
_view.append_column (_("Edit"), _model.edit);
_view.append_column_editable (_("Enabled"), _model.enabled);
_view.append_column_editable (_("Feedback"), _model.feedback);
/* hacky data marker for the edit "column", since GTK offers no
way to get the column number.
_view.get_column (1)->set_data ("edit", (void*) 0xdeadbeef);
CellRendererText* crt = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*> (_view.get_column_cell_renderer (1));
if (crt) {
crt->property_weight() = 1000;
_box->pack_start (_view, false, false);
Gtk::HBox* edit_box = manage (new Gtk::HBox);
_box->pack_start (*edit_box, false, false);
edit_box->show ();
Label* label = manage (new Label);
label->set_text (_("Click to edit the settings for selected protocol ( it must be ENABLED first ):"));
edit_box->pack_start (*label, false, false);
label->show ();
edit_button = manage (new Button(_("Show Protocol Settings")));
edit_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::edit_btn_clicked));
edit_box->pack_start (*edit_button, true, true);
edit_button->set_sensitive (false);
edit_button->show ();
ControlProtocolManager& m = ControlProtocolManager::instance ();
m.ProtocolStatusChange.connect (protocol_status_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR,
boost::bind (&ControlSurfacesOptions::protocol_status_changed, this, _1), gui_context());
_store->signal_row_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::view_changed));
_view.signal_button_release_event().connect_notify (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::edit_clicked));
_view.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::edit_clicked));
_view.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ControlSurfacesOptions::selection_changed));
@ -1329,7 +1335,6 @@ public:
if (!(*i)->mandatory) {
TreeModel::Row r = *_store->append ();
r[_model.name] = (*i)->name;
r[_model.edit] = _("Edit Settings");
r[_model.enabled] = ((*i)->protocol || (*i)->requested);
r[_model.feedback] = ((*i)->protocol && (*i)->protocol->get_feedback ());
r[_model.protocol_info] = *i;
@ -1357,6 +1362,12 @@ private:
void selection_changed ()
//enable the Edit button when a row is selected for editing
TreeModel::Row row = *(_view.get_selection()->get_selected());
if (row && row[_model.enabled])
edit_button->set_sensitive (true);
edit_button->set_sensitive (false);
void view_changed (TreeModel::Path const &, TreeModel::iterator const & i)
@ -1372,49 +1383,10 @@ private:
#if 0
/* XXX when we move to putting all editors into a notebook,
this test will have to be more subtle.
bool const was_editing = (cpi && cpi->protocol && (cpi->protocol->get_gui() != 0));
bool const is_editing = r[_model.edit];
if (was_editing != is_editing) {
if (!was_editing) {
if (!r[_model.enabled]) {
cpi = r[_model.protocol_info];
if (!cpi || !cpi->protocol || !cpi->protocol->has_editor ()) {
Box* box = (Box*) cpi->protocol->get_gui ();
if (!box) {
if (box->get_parent()) {
WindowTitle title (Glib::get_application_name());
title += r[_model.name];
title += _("Configuration");
/* once created, the window is managed by the surface itself (as ->get_parent())
* Surface's tear_down_gui() is called on session close, when de-activating
* or re-initializing a surface.
* tear_down_gui() hides an deletes the Window if it exists.
ArdourWindow* win = new ArdourWindow (_parent, title.get_string());
win->add (*box);
box->show ();
win->present ();
} else {
bool const was_enabled = (cpi->protocol != 0);
bool const is_enabled = r[_model.enabled];
if (was_enabled != is_enabled) {
if (!was_enabled) {
@ -1470,20 +1442,12 @@ private:
void edit_clicked (GdkEventButton* ev)
TreeModel::Path path;
TreeViewColumn* col;
int cell_x;
int cell_y;
if (!_view.get_path_at_pos (ev->x, ev->y, path, col, cell_x, cell_y)) {
/* no path there */
if (ev->type != GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) {
if (col && col->get_data (X_("edit"))) {
class ControlSurfacesModelColumns : public TreeModelColumnRecord
@ -1492,7 +1456,6 @@ private:
ControlSurfacesModelColumns ()
add (name);
add (edit);
add (enabled);
add (feedback);
add (protocol_info);
@ -1501,7 +1464,6 @@ private:
TreeModelColumn<string> name;
TreeModelColumn<bool> enabled;
TreeModelColumn<bool> feedback;
TreeModelColumn<string> edit;
TreeModelColumn<ControlProtocolInfo*> protocol_info;
@ -1511,6 +1473,7 @@ private:
Gtk::Window& _parent;
PBD::ScopedConnection protocol_status_connection;
uint32_t _ignore_view_change;
Gtk::Button* edit_button;
class VideoTimelineOptions : public OptionEditorBox