
1015 lines
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# -*- python -*-
import os
import sys
import re
import shutil
import glob
import errno
import time
import platform
Large nasty commit in the form of a 5000 line patch chock-full of completely unecessary changes. (Sorry, doing a "sprint" based thing, this is the end of the first one) Achieved MIDI track and bus creation, associated Jack port and diskstream creation, and minimal GUI stuff for creating them. Should be set to start work on actually recording and playing midi to/from disk now. Relevant (significant) changes: - Creation of a Buffer class. Base class is type agnostic so things can point to a buffer but not care what kind it is (otherwise it'd be a template). Derived into AudioBuffer and MidiBuffer, with a type tag because checking type is necessary in parts of the code where dynamic_cast wouldn't be wise. Originally I considered this a hack, but passing around a type proved to be a very good solution to all the other problems (below). There is a 1:1 mapping between jack port data types and ardour Buffer types (with a conversion function), but that's easily removed if it ever becomes necessary. Having the type scoped in the Buffer class is maybe not the best spot for it, but whatever (this is proof of concept kinda stuff right now...) - IO now has a "default" port type (passed to the constructor and stored as a member), used by ensure_io (and similar) to create n ports. IO::register_***_port has a type argument that defaults to the default type if not passed. Rationale: previous IO API is identical, no changes needed to existing code, but path is paved for multiple port types in one IO, which we will need for eg synth plugin inserts, among other things. This is not quite ideal (best would be to only have the two port register functions and have them take a type), but the alternative is a lot of work (namely destroying the 'ensure' functions and everything that uses them) for very little gain. (I am convinced after quite a few tries at the whiteboard that subclassing IO in any way is not a feasible option, look at it's inheritance diagram in Doxygen and you can see why) - AudioEngine::register_audio_input_port is now register_input_port and takes a type argument. Ditto for output. - (Most significant change) AudioDiskstream abstracted into Distream, and sibling MidiDiskstream created. Very much still a work in progress, but Diskstream is there to switch references over to (most already are), which is the important part. It is still unclear what the MIDI diskstream's relation to channels is, but I'm pretty sure they will be single channel only (so SMF Type 0) since noone can come up with a reason otherwise. - MidiTrack creation. Same thing as AudioTrack but with a different default type basically. No big deal here. - Random cleanups and variable renamings etc. because I have OCD and can't help myself. :) Known broken: Loading of sessions containing MIDI tracks. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@641 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-06-26 12:01:34 -04:00
import string
from sets import Set
import SCons.Node.FS
EnsureSConsVersion(0, 96)
version = '2.0beta5.1'
subst_dict = { }
# Command-line options
opts = Options('scache.conf')
('ARCH', 'Set architecture-specific compilation flags by hand (all flags as 1 argument)',''),
BoolOption('AUDIOUNITS', 'Compile with Apple\'s AudioUnit library. (experimental)', 0),
BoolOption('COREAUDIO', 'Compile with Apple\'s CoreAudio library', 0),
BoolOption('DEBUG', 'Set to build with debugging information and no optimizations', 0),
PathOption('DESTDIR', 'Set the intermediate install "prefix"', '/'),
EnumOption('DIST_TARGET', 'Build target for cross compiling packagers', 'auto', allowed_values=('auto', 'i386', 'i686', 'x86_64', 'powerpc', 'tiger', 'panther', 'none' ), ignorecase=2),
BoolOption('DMALLOC', 'Compile and link using the dmalloc library', 0),
BoolOption('EXTRA_WARN', 'Compile with -Wextra, -ansi, and -pedantic. Might break compilation. For pedants', 0),
BoolOption('FFT_ANALYSIS', 'Include FFT analysis window', 0),
BoolOption('FPU_OPTIMIZATION', 'Build runtime checked assembler code', 1),
BoolOption('LIBLO', 'Compile with support for liblo library', 1),
BoolOption('NLS', 'Set to turn on i18n support', 1),
PathOption('PREFIX', 'Set the install "prefix"', '/usr/local'),
BoolOption('SURFACES', 'Build support for control surfaces', 0),
BoolOption('SYSLIBS', 'USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: CANCELS ALL SUPPORT FROM ARDOUR AUTHORS: Use existing system versions of various libraries instead of internal ones', 0),
BoolOption('VERSIONED', 'Add version information to ardour/gtk executable name inside the build directory', 0),
BoolOption('VST', 'Compile with support for VST', 0)
# a handy helper that provides a way to merge compile/link information
# from multiple different "environments"
class LibraryInfo(Environment):
def __init__(self,*args,**kw):
Environment.__init__ (self,*args,**kw)
def Merge (self,others):
for other in others:
self.Append (LIBS = other.get ('LIBS',[]))
self.Append (LIBPATH = other.get ('LIBPATH', []))
self.Append (CPPPATH = other.get('CPPPATH', []))
self.Append (LINKFLAGS = other.get('LINKFLAGS', []))
self.Replace(LIBPATH = list(Set(self.get('LIBPATH', []))))
self.Replace(CPPPATH = list(Set(self.get('CPPPATH',[]))))
#doing LINKFLAGS breaks -framework
#doing LIBS break link order dependency
def ENV_update(self, src_ENV):
for k in src_ENV.keys():
if k in self['ENV'].keys() and k in [ 'PATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH',
self['ENV'][k]=SCons.Util.AppendPath(self['ENV'][k], src_ENV[k])
env = LibraryInfo (options = opts,
CPPPATH = [ '.' ],
VERSION = version,
TARBALL='ardour-' + version + '.tar.bz2',
DISTTREE = '#ardour-' + version,
DISTCHECKDIR = '#ardour-' + version + '/check'
# Builders
# Handy subst-in-file builder
def do_subst_in_file(targetfile, sourcefile, dict):
"""Replace all instances of the keys of dict with their values.
For example, if dict is {'%VERSION%': '1.2345', '%BASE%': 'MyProg'},
then all instances of %VERSION% in the file will be replaced with 1.2345 etc.
f = open(sourcefile, 'rb')
contents = f.read()
raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Can't read source file %s"%sourcefile
for (k,v) in dict.items():
contents = re.sub(k, v, contents)
f = open(targetfile, 'wb')
raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Can't write target file %s"%targetfile
return 0 # success
def subst_in_file(target, source, env):
if not env.has_key('SUBST_DICT'):
raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "SubstInFile requires SUBST_DICT to be set."
d = dict(env['SUBST_DICT']) # copy it
for (k,v) in d.items():
if callable(v):
d[k] = env.subst(v())
elif SCons.Util.is_String(v):
raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "SubstInFile: key %s: %s must be a string or callable"%(k, repr(v))
for (t,s) in zip(target, source):
return do_subst_in_file(str(t), str(s), d)
def subst_in_file_string(target, source, env):
"""This is what gets printed on the console."""
return '\n'.join(['Substituting vars from %s into %s'%(str(s), str(t))
for (t,s) in zip(target, source)])
def subst_emitter(target, source, env):
"""Add dependency from substituted SUBST_DICT to target.
Returns original target, source tuple unchanged.
d = env['SUBST_DICT'].copy() # copy it
for (k,v) in d.items():
if callable(v):
d[k] = env.subst(v())
elif SCons.Util.is_String(v):
Depends(target, SCons.Node.Python.Value(d))
# Depends(target, source) # this doesn't help the install-sapphire-linux.sh problem
return target, source
subst_action = Action (subst_in_file, subst_in_file_string)
env['BUILDERS']['SubstInFile'] = Builder(action=subst_action, emitter=subst_emitter)
# internationalization
# po_builder: builder function to copy po files to the parent directory while updating them
# first source: .po file
# second source: .pot file
def po_builder(target,source,env):
os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'cp', ['cp', str(source[0]), str(target[0])])
args = [ 'msgmerge',
print 'Updating ' + str(target[0])
return os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'msgmerge', args)
po_bld = Builder (action = po_builder)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'PoBuild' : po_bld})
# mo_builder: builder function for (binary) message catalogs (.mo)
# first source: .po file
def mo_builder(target,source,env):
args = [ 'msgfmt',
return os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'msgfmt', args)
mo_bld = Builder (action = mo_builder)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'MoBuild' : mo_bld})
# pot_builder: builder function for message templates (.pot)
# source: list of C/C++ etc. files to extract messages from
def pot_builder(target,source,env):
args = [ 'xgettext',
'-o', target[0].get_path(),
"--default-domain=" + env['PACKAGE'],
'--copyright-holder="Paul Davis"' ]
args += [ src.get_path() for src in source ]
return os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'xgettext', args)
pot_bld = Builder (action = pot_builder)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'PotBuild' : pot_bld})
# utility function, not a builder
def i18n (buildenv, sources, installenv):
domain = buildenv['PACKAGE']
potfile = buildenv['POTFILE']
installenv.Alias ('potupdate', buildenv.PotBuild (potfile, sources))
p_oze = [ os.path.basename (po) for po in glob.glob ('po/*.po') ]
languages = [ po.replace ('.po', '') for po in p_oze ]
for po_file in p_oze:
buildenv.PoBuild(po_file, ['po/'+po_file, potfile])
mo_file = po_file.replace (".po", ".mo")
installenv.Alias ('install', buildenv.MoBuild (mo_file, po_file))
for lang in languages:
modir = (os.path.join (install_prefix, 'share/locale/' + lang + '/LC_MESSAGES/'))
moname = domain + '.mo'
installenv.Alias('install', installenv.InstallAs (os.path.join (modir, moname), lang + '.mo'))
# A generic builder for version.cc files
# note: requires that DOMAIN, MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO are set in the construction environment
# note: assumes one source files, the header that declares the version variables
def version_builder (target, source, env):
text = "int " + env['DOMAIN'] + "_major_version = " + str (env['MAJOR']) + ";\n"
text += "int " + env['DOMAIN'] + "_minor_version = " + str (env['MINOR']) + ";\n"
text += "int " + env['DOMAIN'] + "_micro_version = " + str (env['MICRO']) + ";\n"
o = file (target[0].get_path(), 'w')
o.write (text)
o.close ()
except IOError:
print "Could not open", target[0].get_path(), " for writing\n"
sys.exit (-1)
text = "#ifndef __" + env['DOMAIN'] + "_version_h__\n"
text += "#define __" + env['DOMAIN'] + "_version_h__\n"
text += "extern int " + env['DOMAIN'] + "_major_version;\n"
text += "extern int " + env['DOMAIN'] + "_minor_version;\n"
text += "extern int " + env['DOMAIN'] + "_micro_version;\n"
text += "#endif /* __" + env['DOMAIN'] + "_version_h__ */\n"
o = file (target[1].get_path(), 'w')
o.write (text)
o.close ();
except IOError:
print "Could not open", target[1].get_path(), " for writing\n"
sys.exit (-1)
return None
version_bld = Builder (action = version_builder)
env.Append (BUILDERS = {'VersionBuild' : version_bld})
# a builder that makes a hard link from the 'source' executable to a name with
# a "build ID" based on the most recent CVS activity that might be reasonably
# related to version activity. this relies on the idea that the SConscript
# file that builds the executable is updated with new version info and committed
# to the source code repository whenever things change.
def versioned_builder(target,source,env):
# build ID is composed of a representation of the date of the last CVS transaction
# for this (SConscript) file
o = file (source[0].get_dir().get_path() + '/CVS/Entries', "r")
except IOError:
print "Could not CVS/Entries for reading"
return -1
last_date = ""
lines = o.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[0:12] == '/SConscript/':
parts = line.split ("/")
last_date = parts[3]
o.close ()
if last_date == "":
print "No SConscript CVS update info found - versioned executable cannot be built"
return -1
tag = time.strftime ('%Y%M%d%H%m', time.strptime (last_date))
print "The current build ID is " + tag
tagged_executable = source[0].get_path() + '-' + tag
if os.path.exists (tagged_executable):
print "Replacing existing executable with the same build tag."
os.unlink (tagged_executable)
return os.link (source[0].get_path(), tagged_executable)
verbuild = Builder (action = versioned_builder)
env.Append (BUILDERS = {'VersionedExecutable' : verbuild})
# source tar file builder
def distcopy (target, source, env):
treedir = str (target[0])
os.mkdir (treedir)
except OSError, (errnum, strerror):
if errnum != errno.EEXIST:
print 'mkdir ', treedir, ':', strerror
cmd = 'tar cf - '
# we don't know what characters might be in the file names
# so quote them all before passing them to the shell
all_files = ([ str(s) for s in source ])
cmd += " ".join ([ "'%s'" % quoted for quoted in all_files])
cmd += ' | (cd ' + treedir + ' && tar xf -)'
p = os.popen (cmd)
return p.close ()
def tarballer (target, source, env):
cmd = 'tar -jcf ' + str (target[0]) + ' ' + str(source[0]) + " --exclude '*~'"
print 'running ', cmd, ' ... '
p = os.popen (cmd)
return p.close ()
dist_bld = Builder (action = distcopy,
target_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry,
source_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry,
multi = 1)
tarball_bld = Builder (action = tarballer,
target_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry,
source_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry)
env.Append (BUILDERS = {'Distribute' : dist_bld})
env.Append (BUILDERS = {'Tarball' : tarball_bld})
Large nasty commit in the form of a 5000 line patch chock-full of completely unecessary changes. (Sorry, doing a "sprint" based thing, this is the end of the first one) Achieved MIDI track and bus creation, associated Jack port and diskstream creation, and minimal GUI stuff for creating them. Should be set to start work on actually recording and playing midi to/from disk now. Relevant (significant) changes: - Creation of a Buffer class. Base class is type agnostic so things can point to a buffer but not care what kind it is (otherwise it'd be a template). Derived into AudioBuffer and MidiBuffer, with a type tag because checking type is necessary in parts of the code where dynamic_cast wouldn't be wise. Originally I considered this a hack, but passing around a type proved to be a very good solution to all the other problems (below). There is a 1:1 mapping between jack port data types and ardour Buffer types (with a conversion function), but that's easily removed if it ever becomes necessary. Having the type scoped in the Buffer class is maybe not the best spot for it, but whatever (this is proof of concept kinda stuff right now...) - IO now has a "default" port type (passed to the constructor and stored as a member), used by ensure_io (and similar) to create n ports. IO::register_***_port has a type argument that defaults to the default type if not passed. Rationale: previous IO API is identical, no changes needed to existing code, but path is paved for multiple port types in one IO, which we will need for eg synth plugin inserts, among other things. This is not quite ideal (best would be to only have the two port register functions and have them take a type), but the alternative is a lot of work (namely destroying the 'ensure' functions and everything that uses them) for very little gain. (I am convinced after quite a few tries at the whiteboard that subclassing IO in any way is not a feasible option, look at it's inheritance diagram in Doxygen and you can see why) - AudioEngine::register_audio_input_port is now register_input_port and takes a type argument. Ditto for output. - (Most significant change) AudioDiskstream abstracted into Distream, and sibling MidiDiskstream created. Very much still a work in progress, but Diskstream is there to switch references over to (most already are), which is the important part. It is still unclear what the MIDI diskstream's relation to channels is, but I'm pretty sure they will be single channel only (so SMF Type 0) since noone can come up with a reason otherwise. - MidiTrack creation. Same thing as AudioTrack but with a different default type basically. No big deal here. - Random cleanups and variable renamings etc. because I have OCD and can't help myself. :) Known broken: Loading of sessions containing MIDI tracks. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@641 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-06-26 12:01:34 -04:00
# Make sure they know what they are doing
if env['VST']:
sys.stdout.write ("Are you building Ardour for personal use (rather than distributiont to others)? [no]: ")
answer = sys.stdin.readline ()
answer = answer.rstrip().strip()
if answer != "yes" and answer != "y":
print 'You cannot build Ardour with VST support for distribution to others.\nIt is a violation of several different licenses. Build with VST=false.'
sys.exit (-1);
Large nasty commit in the form of a 5000 line patch chock-full of completely unecessary changes. (Sorry, doing a "sprint" based thing, this is the end of the first one) Achieved MIDI track and bus creation, associated Jack port and diskstream creation, and minimal GUI stuff for creating them. Should be set to start work on actually recording and playing midi to/from disk now. Relevant (significant) changes: - Creation of a Buffer class. Base class is type agnostic so things can point to a buffer but not care what kind it is (otherwise it'd be a template). Derived into AudioBuffer and MidiBuffer, with a type tag because checking type is necessary in parts of the code where dynamic_cast wouldn't be wise. Originally I considered this a hack, but passing around a type proved to be a very good solution to all the other problems (below). There is a 1:1 mapping between jack port data types and ardour Buffer types (with a conversion function), but that's easily removed if it ever becomes necessary. Having the type scoped in the Buffer class is maybe not the best spot for it, but whatever (this is proof of concept kinda stuff right now...) - IO now has a "default" port type (passed to the constructor and stored as a member), used by ensure_io (and similar) to create n ports. IO::register_***_port has a type argument that defaults to the default type if not passed. Rationale: previous IO API is identical, no changes needed to existing code, but path is paved for multiple port types in one IO, which we will need for eg synth plugin inserts, among other things. This is not quite ideal (best would be to only have the two port register functions and have them take a type), but the alternative is a lot of work (namely destroying the 'ensure' functions and everything that uses them) for very little gain. (I am convinced after quite a few tries at the whiteboard that subclassing IO in any way is not a feasible option, look at it's inheritance diagram in Doxygen and you can see why) - AudioEngine::register_audio_input_port is now register_input_port and takes a type argument. Ditto for output. - (Most significant change) AudioDiskstream abstracted into Distream, and sibling MidiDiskstream created. Very much still a work in progress, but Diskstream is there to switch references over to (most already are), which is the important part. It is still unclear what the MIDI diskstream's relation to channels is, but I'm pretty sure they will be single channel only (so SMF Type 0) since noone can come up with a reason otherwise. - MidiTrack creation. Same thing as AudioTrack but with a different default type basically. No big deal here. - Random cleanups and variable renamings etc. because I have OCD and can't help myself. :) Known broken: Loading of sessions containing MIDI tracks. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@641 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-06-26 12:01:34 -04:00
print "OK, VST support will be enabled"
Large nasty commit in the form of a 5000 line patch chock-full of completely unecessary changes. (Sorry, doing a "sprint" based thing, this is the end of the first one) Achieved MIDI track and bus creation, associated Jack port and diskstream creation, and minimal GUI stuff for creating them. Should be set to start work on actually recording and playing midi to/from disk now. Relevant (significant) changes: - Creation of a Buffer class. Base class is type agnostic so things can point to a buffer but not care what kind it is (otherwise it'd be a template). Derived into AudioBuffer and MidiBuffer, with a type tag because checking type is necessary in parts of the code where dynamic_cast wouldn't be wise. Originally I considered this a hack, but passing around a type proved to be a very good solution to all the other problems (below). There is a 1:1 mapping between jack port data types and ardour Buffer types (with a conversion function), but that's easily removed if it ever becomes necessary. Having the type scoped in the Buffer class is maybe not the best spot for it, but whatever (this is proof of concept kinda stuff right now...) - IO now has a "default" port type (passed to the constructor and stored as a member), used by ensure_io (and similar) to create n ports. IO::register_***_port has a type argument that defaults to the default type if not passed. Rationale: previous IO API is identical, no changes needed to existing code, but path is paved for multiple port types in one IO, which we will need for eg synth plugin inserts, among other things. This is not quite ideal (best would be to only have the two port register functions and have them take a type), but the alternative is a lot of work (namely destroying the 'ensure' functions and everything that uses them) for very little gain. (I am convinced after quite a few tries at the whiteboard that subclassing IO in any way is not a feasible option, look at it's inheritance diagram in Doxygen and you can see why) - AudioEngine::register_audio_input_port is now register_input_port and takes a type argument. Ditto for output. - (Most significant change) AudioDiskstream abstracted into Distream, and sibling MidiDiskstream created. Very much still a work in progress, but Diskstream is there to switch references over to (most already are), which is the important part. It is still unclear what the MIDI diskstream's relation to channels is, but I'm pretty sure they will be single channel only (so SMF Type 0) since noone can come up with a reason otherwise. - MidiTrack creation. Same thing as AudioTrack but with a different default type basically. No big deal here. - Random cleanups and variable renamings etc. because I have OCD and can't help myself. :) Known broken: Loading of sessions containing MIDI tracks. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@641 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-06-26 12:01:34 -04:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Construction environment setup
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
libraries = { }
libraries['core'] = LibraryInfo (CCFLAGS = '-Ilibs')
#libraries['sndfile'] = LibraryInfo()
#libraries['sndfile'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs sndfile')
libraries['lrdf'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['lrdf'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs lrdf')
libraries['raptor'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['raptor'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs raptor')
libraries['samplerate'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['samplerate'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs samplerate')
if env['FFT_ANALYSIS']:
libraries['fftw3f'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['fftw3f'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs fftw3f')
libraries['jack'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['jack'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs jack')
libraries['xml'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['xml'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs libxml-2.0')
libraries['xslt'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['xslt'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs libxslt')
libraries['glib2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['glib2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0')
libraries['glib2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs gobject-2.0')
libraries['glib2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs gmodule-2.0')
libraries['glib2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs gthread-2.0')
libraries['gtk2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['gtk2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0')
libraries['pango'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['pango'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs pango')
libraries['libgnomecanvas2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['libgnomecanvas2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libgnomecanvas-2.0')
#libraries['flowcanvas'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='flowcanvas', LIBPATH='#/libs/flowcanvas', CPPPATH='#libs/flowcanvas')
# The Ardour Control Protocol Library
libraries['ardour_cp'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='ardour_cp', LIBPATH='#libs/surfaces/control_protocol',
# The Ardour backend/engine
libraries['ardour'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='ardour', LIBPATH='#libs/ardour', CPPPATH='#libs/ardour')
libraries['midi++2'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='midi++', LIBPATH='#libs/midi++2', CPPPATH='#libs/midi++2')
libraries['pbd'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='pbd', LIBPATH='#libs/pbd', CPPPATH='#libs/pbd')
libraries['gtkmm2ext'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='gtkmm2ext', LIBPATH='#libs/gtkmm2ext', CPPPATH='#libs/gtkmm2ext')
# Check for libusb
libraries['usb'] = LibraryInfo ()
conf = Configure (libraries['usb'])
if conf.CheckLib ('usb', 'usb_interrupt_write'):
have_libusb = True
have_libusb = False
libraries['usb'] = conf.Finish ()
# Check for FLAC
libraries['flac'] = LibraryInfo ()
conf = Configure (libraries['flac'])
conf.CheckLib ('FLAC', 'FLAC__stream_decoder_new', language='CXX')
libraries['flac'] = conf.Finish ()
# or if that fails...
#libraries['flac'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='FLAC')
# boost (we don't link against boost, just use some header files)
libraries['boost'] = LibraryInfo ()
conf = Configure (libraries['boost'])
if conf.CheckHeader ('boost/shared_ptr.hpp', language='CXX') == 0:
print "Boost header files do not appear to be installed."
sys.exit (1)
libraries['boost'] = conf.Finish ()
# Check for liblo
if env['LIBLO']:
libraries['lo'] = LibraryInfo ()
conf = Configure (libraries['lo'])
if conf.CheckLib ('lo', 'lo_server_new') == False:
print "liblo does not appear to be installed."
sys.exit (1)
libraries['lo'] = conf.Finish ()
# Check for dmalloc
libraries['dmalloc'] = LibraryInfo ()
# look for the threaded version
conf = Configure (libraries['dmalloc'])
if conf.CheckLib ('dmallocth', 'dmalloc_shutdown'):
have_libdmalloc = True
have_libdmalloc = False
libraries['dmalloc'] = conf.Finish ()
# Audio/MIDI library (needed for MIDI, since audio is all handled via JACK)
conf = Configure(env)
if conf.CheckCHeader('jack/midiport.h'):
libraries['sysmidi'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='jack')
subst_dict['%MIDITAG%'] = "control"
subst_dict['%MIDITYPE%'] = "jack"
print "Using JACK MIDI"
elif conf.CheckCHeader('alsa/asoundlib.h'):
libraries['sysmidi'] = LibraryInfo (LIBS='asound')
env['SYSMIDI'] = 'ALSA Sequencer'
subst_dict['%MIDITAG%'] = "seq"
subst_dict['%MIDITYPE%'] = "alsa/sequencer"
print "Using ALSA MIDI"
elif conf.CheckCHeader('/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h'):
# this line is needed because scons can't handle -framework in ParseConfig() yet.
libraries['sysmidi'] = LibraryInfo (LINKFLAGS= '-framework CoreMIDI -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreServices -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox -bind_at_load')
env['SYSMIDI'] = 'CoreMIDI'
subst_dict['%MIDITAG%'] = "ardour"
subst_dict['%MIDITYPE%'] = "coremidi"
print "Using CoreMIDI"
print "It appears you don't have the required MIDI libraries installed."
sys.exit (1)
env = conf.Finish()
if env['SYSLIBS']:
libraries['sigc2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['sigc2'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs sigc++-2.0')
libraries['glibmm2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['glibmm2'].ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs glibmm-2.4')
libraries['gdkmm2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['gdkmm2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs gdkmm-2.4')
libraries['gtkmm2'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['gtkmm2'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkmm-2.4')
libraries['atkmm'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['atkmm'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs atkmm-1.6')
libraries['pangomm'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['pangomm'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs pangomm-1.4')
libraries['libgnomecanvasmm'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['libgnomecanvasmm'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libgnomecanvasmm-2.6')
# cannot use system one for the time being
libraries['sndfile'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libsndfile',
CPPPATH=['#libs/libsndfile', '#libs/libsndfile/src'])
# libraries['libglademm'] = LibraryInfo()
# libraries['libglademm'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libglademm-2.4')
# libraries['flowcanvas'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='flowcanvas', LIBPATH='#/libs/flowcanvas', CPPPATH='#libs/flowcanvas')
libraries['soundtouch'] = LibraryInfo()
libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
libraries['appleutility'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libappleutility',
coredirs = [
subdirs = [
# these are unconditionally included but have
# tests internally to avoid compilation etc
# if VST is not set
# this is unconditionally included but has
# tests internally to avoid compilation etc
# if COREAUDIO is not set
gtk_subdirs = [
# 'libs/flowcanvas',
libraries['sigc2'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='sigc++2',
libraries['glibmm2'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='glibmm2',
libraries['pangomm'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='pangomm',
libraries['atkmm'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='atkmm',
libraries['gdkmm2'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='gdkmm2',
libraries['gtkmm2'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='gtkmm2',
libraries['libgnomecanvasmm'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libgnomecanvasmm',
libraries['soundtouch'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='soundtouch',
CPPPATH=['#libs', '#libs/soundtouch'])
libraries['sndfile'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libsndfile',
CPPPATH=['#libs/libsndfile', '#libs/libsndfile/src'])
# libraries['libglademm'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libglademm',
# LIBPATH='#libs/libglademm',
# CPPPATH='#libs/libglademm')
libraries['appleutility'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libappleutility',
coredirs = [
subdirs = [
# these are unconditionally included but have
# tests internally to avoid compilation etc
# if VST is not set
# this is unconditionally included but has
# tests internally to avoid compilation etc
# if COREAUDIO is not set
gtk_subdirs = [
# 'libs/flowcanvas',
# always build the LGPL control protocol lib, since we link against it ourselves
# ditto for generic MIDI
surface_subdirs = [ 'libs/surfaces/control_protocol', 'libs/surfaces/generic_midi' ]
if env['SURFACES']:
if have_libusb:
surface_subdirs += [ 'libs/surfaces/tranzport' ]
if os.access ('libs/surfaces/sony9pin', os.F_OK):
surface_subdirs += [ 'libs/surfaces/sony9pin' ]
opts.Save('scache.conf', env)
if os.environ.has_key('PATH'):
env.Append(PATH = os.environ['PATH'])
if os.environ.has_key('PKG_CONFIG_PATH'):
env.Append(PKG_CONFIG_PATH = os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'])
if os.environ.has_key('CC'):
env['CC'] = os.environ['CC']
if os.environ.has_key('CXX'):
env['CXX'] = os.environ['CXX']
if os.environ.has_key('DISTCC_HOSTS'):
env['ENV']['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS']
env['ENV']['HOME'] = os.environ['HOME']
final_prefix = '$PREFIX'
if env['DESTDIR'] :
install_prefix = '$DESTDIR/$PREFIX'
install_prefix = env['PREFIX']
subst_dict['%INSTALL_PREFIX%'] = install_prefix;
subst_dict['%FINAL_PREFIX%'] = final_prefix;
subst_dict['%PREFIX%'] = final_prefix;
if env['PREFIX'] == '/usr':
final_config_prefix = '/etc'
final_config_prefix = env['PREFIX'] + '/etc'
config_prefix = '$DESTDIR' + final_config_prefix
# For colorgcc
Large nasty commit in the form of a 5000 line patch chock-full of completely unecessary changes. (Sorry, doing a "sprint" based thing, this is the end of the first one) Achieved MIDI track and bus creation, associated Jack port and diskstream creation, and minimal GUI stuff for creating them. Should be set to start work on actually recording and playing midi to/from disk now. Relevant (significant) changes: - Creation of a Buffer class. Base class is type agnostic so things can point to a buffer but not care what kind it is (otherwise it'd be a template). Derived into AudioBuffer and MidiBuffer, with a type tag because checking type is necessary in parts of the code where dynamic_cast wouldn't be wise. Originally I considered this a hack, but passing around a type proved to be a very good solution to all the other problems (below). There is a 1:1 mapping between jack port data types and ardour Buffer types (with a conversion function), but that's easily removed if it ever becomes necessary. Having the type scoped in the Buffer class is maybe not the best spot for it, but whatever (this is proof of concept kinda stuff right now...) - IO now has a "default" port type (passed to the constructor and stored as a member), used by ensure_io (and similar) to create n ports. IO::register_***_port has a type argument that defaults to the default type if not passed. Rationale: previous IO API is identical, no changes needed to existing code, but path is paved for multiple port types in one IO, which we will need for eg synth plugin inserts, among other things. This is not quite ideal (best would be to only have the two port register functions and have them take a type), but the alternative is a lot of work (namely destroying the 'ensure' functions and everything that uses them) for very little gain. (I am convinced after quite a few tries at the whiteboard that subclassing IO in any way is not a feasible option, look at it's inheritance diagram in Doxygen and you can see why) - AudioEngine::register_audio_input_port is now register_input_port and takes a type argument. Ditto for output. - (Most significant change) AudioDiskstream abstracted into Distream, and sibling MidiDiskstream created. Very much still a work in progress, but Diskstream is there to switch references over to (most already are), which is the important part. It is still unclear what the MIDI diskstream's relation to channels is, but I'm pretty sure they will be single channel only (so SMF Type 0) since noone can come up with a reason otherwise. - MidiTrack creation. Same thing as AudioTrack but with a different default type basically. No big deal here. - Random cleanups and variable renamings etc. because I have OCD and can't help myself. :) Known broken: Loading of sessions containing MIDI tracks. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@641 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-06-26 12:01:34 -04:00
if os.environ.has_key('PATH'):
env['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH']
if os.environ.has_key('TERM'):
env['TERM'] = os.environ['TERM']
if os.environ.has_key('HOME'):
env['HOME'] = os.environ['HOME']
# SCons should really do this for us
conf = Configure (env)
have_cxx = conf.TryAction (Action (env['CXX'] + ' --version'))
if have_cxx[0] != 1:
print "This system has no functional C++ compiler. You cannot build Ardour from source without one."
exit (1)
print "Congratulations, you have a functioning C++ compiler."
env = conf.Finish()
# Compiler flags and other system-dependent stuff
opt_flags = []
debug_flags = [ '-g' ]
# guess at the platform, used to define compiler flags
config_guess = os.popen("tools/config.guess").read()[:-1]
config_cpu = 0
config_arch = 1
config_kernel = 2
config_os = 3
config = config_guess.split ("-")
print "system triple: " + config_guess
# Autodetect
if env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'auto':
if config[config_arch] == 'apple':
# The [.] matches to the dot after the major version, "." would match any character
if re.search ("darwin[0-7][.]", config[config_kernel]) != None:
env['DIST_TARGET'] = 'panther'
env['DIST_TARGET'] = 'tiger'
if re.search ("x86_64", config[config_cpu]) != None:
env['DIST_TARGET'] = 'x86_64'
elif re.search("i[0-5]86", config[config_cpu]) != None:
env['DIST_TARGET'] = 'i386'
elif re.search("powerpc", config[config_cpu]) != None:
env['DIST_TARGET'] = 'powerpc'
env['DIST_TARGET'] = 'i686'
print "\n*******************************"
print "detected DIST_TARGET = " + env['DIST_TARGET']
print "*******************************\n"
if config[config_cpu] == 'powerpc' and env['DIST_TARGET'] != 'none':
# Apple/PowerPC optimization options
# -mcpu=7450 does not reliably work with gcc 3.*
if env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'panther' or env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'tiger':
if config[config_arch] == 'apple':
opt_flags.extend ([ "-mcpu=7450", "-faltivec"])
opt_flags.extend ([ "-mcpu=7400", "-maltivec", "-mabi=altivec"])
opt_flags.extend([ "-mcpu=750", "-mmultiple" ])
opt_flags.extend (["-mhard-float", "-mpowerpc-gfxopt"])
elif ((re.search ("i[0-9]86", config[config_cpu]) != None) or (re.search ("x86_64", config[config_cpu]) != None)) and env['DIST_TARGET'] != 'none':
build_host_supports_sse = 0
debug_flags.append ("-DARCH_X86")
opt_flags.append ("-DARCH_X86")
if config[config_kernel] == 'linux' :
if env['DIST_TARGET'] != 'i386':
flag_line = os.popen ("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^flags'").read()[:-1]
x86_flags = flag_line.split (": ")[1:][0].split (' ')
if "mmx" in x86_flags:
opt_flags.append ("-mmmx")
if "sse" in x86_flags:
build_host_supports_sse = 1
if "3dnow" in x86_flags:
opt_flags.append ("-m3dnow")
if config[config_cpu] == "i586":
opt_flags.append ("-march=i586")
elif config[config_cpu] == "i686":
opt_flags.append ("-march=i686")
if ((env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'i686') or (env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'x86_64')) and build_host_supports_sse:
opt_flags.extend (["-msse", "-mfpmath=sse"])
debug_flags.extend (["-msse", "-mfpmath=sse"])
# end of processor-specific section
# optimization section
if env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'tiger':
debug_flags.append ("-DBUILD_VECLIB_OPTIMIZATIONS")
libraries['core'].Append(LINKFLAGS= '-framework Accelerate')
elif env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'i686' or env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'x86_64':
opt_flags.append ("-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS")
debug_flags.append ("-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS")
if env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'x86_64':
opt_flags.append ("-DUSE_X86_64_ASM")
debug_flags.append ("-DUSE_X86_64_ASM")
if build_host_supports_sse != 1:
print "\nWarning: you are building Ardour with SSE support even though your system does not support these instructions. (This may not be an error, especially if you are a package maintainer)"
# end optimization section
# save off guessed arch element in an env
# ARCH="..." overrides all
if env['ARCH'] != '':
opt_flags = env['ARCH'].split()
# prepend boiler plate optimization flags
opt_flags[:0] = [
if env['DEBUG'] == 1:
env.Append(CCFLAGS=" ".join (debug_flags))
env.Append(CCFLAGS=" ".join (opt_flags))
# warnings flags
if env['EXTRA_WARN']:
env.Append(CCFLAGS="-Wextra -pedantic")
if env['LIBLO']:
# everybody needs this
env.Merge ([ libraries['core'] ])
# fix scons nitpickiness on APPLE
if env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'panther' or env['DIST_TARGET'] == 'tiger':
env.Append(CCFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include", LINKFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib")
# i18n support
conf = Configure (env)
if env['NLS']:
nls_error = 'This system is not configured for internationalized applications. An english-only version will be built:'
print 'Checking for internationalization support ...'
have_gettext = conf.TryAction(Action('xgettext --version'))
if have_gettext[0] != 1:
nls_error += ' No xgettext command.'
env['NLS'] = 0
print "Found xgettext"
have_msgmerge = conf.TryAction(Action('msgmerge --version'))
if have_msgmerge[0] != 1:
nls_error += ' No msgmerge command.'
env['NLS'] = 0
print "Found msgmerge"
if not conf.CheckCHeader('libintl.h'):
nls_error += ' No libintl.h.'
env['NLS'] = 0
if env['NLS'] == 0:
print nls_error
print "International version will be built."
env = conf.Finish()
if env['NLS'] == 1:
Export('env install_prefix final_prefix config_prefix final_config_prefix libraries i18n version subst_dict')
# the configuration file may be system dependent
conf = env.Configure ()
if conf.CheckCHeader('/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/Headers/CoreAudio.h'):
subst_dict['%JACK_INPUT%'] = "coreaudio:Built-in Audio:in"
subst_dict['%JACK_OUTPUT%'] = "coreaudio:Built-in Audio:out"
subst_dict['%JACK_INPUT%'] = "alsa_pcm:playback_"
subst_dict['%JACK_OUTPUT%'] = "alsa_pcm:capture_"
# posix_memalign available
if not conf.CheckFunc('posix_memalign'):
print 'Did not find posix_memalign(), using malloc'
env = conf.Finish()
rcbuild = env.SubstInFile ('ardour.rc','ardour.rc.in', SUBST_DICT = subst_dict)
env.Alias('install', env.Install(os.path.join(config_prefix, 'ardour2'), 'ardour_system.rc'))
env.Alias('install', env.Install(os.path.join(config_prefix, 'ardour2'), 'ardour.rc'))
Default (rcbuild)
# source tarball
Precious (env['DISTTREE'])
# note the special "cleanfirst" source name. this triggers removal
# of the existing disttree
env.Distribute (env['DISTTREE'],
[ 'SConstruct',
] +
glob.glob ('DOCUMENTATION/BUILD*') +
glob.glob ('DOCUMENTATION/FAQ*') +
srcdist = env.Tarball(env['TARBALL'], env['DISTTREE'])
env.Alias ('srctar', srcdist)
# don't leave the distree around
env.AddPreAction (env['DISTTREE'], Action ('rm -rf ' + str (File (env['DISTTREE']))))
env.AddPostAction (srcdist, Action ('rm -rf ' + str (File (env['DISTTREE']))))
# the subdirs
for subdir in coredirs:
SConscript (subdir + '/SConscript')
for sublistdir in [ subdirs, gtk_subdirs, surface_subdirs ]:
for subdir in sublistdir:
SConscript (subdir + '/SConscript')
# cleanup
env.Clean ('scrub', [ 'scache.conf', '.sconf_temp', '.sconsign.dblite', 'config.log'])