
854 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ben Loftis <ben@harrisonconsoles.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/tempo.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "widgets/tooltips.h"
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "public_editor.h"
#include "main_clock.h"
#include "mini_timeline.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
2016-12-19 21:33:43 -05:00
#define PADDING 3
#define BBT_BAR_CHAR "|"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
MiniTimeline::MiniTimeline ()
: _last_update_sample (-1)
, _clock_mode (AudioClock::Timecode)
, _time_width (0)
, _time_height (0)
, _n_labels (0)
, _px_per_sample (0)
, _time_granularity (0)
, _time_span_samples (0)
, _marker_height (0)
, _pointer_x (-1)
, _pointer_y (-1)
, _minitl_context_menu (0)
_layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context());
UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MiniTimeline::set_colors));
UIConfiguration::instance().DPIReset.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MiniTimeline::dpi_changed));
set_name ("minitimeline");
Location::name_changed.connect (marker_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context ());
Location::end_changed.connect (marker_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context ());
Location::start_changed.connect (marker_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context ());
Location::changed.connect (marker_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context ());
Location::flags_changed.connect (marker_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context ());
Temporal::TempoMap::MapChanged.connect (tempo_map_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context());
ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (*this,
2017-05-14 09:15:10 -04:00
string_compose (_("<b>Navigation Timeline</b>. Use left-click to locate to time position or marker; scroll-wheel to jump, hold %1 for fine grained and %2 + %3 for extra-fine grained control. Right-click to set display range. The display unit is defined by the primary clock."),
2016-12-28 04:20:39 -05:00
Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::primary_modifier_name (),
2016-12-19 21:58:49 -05:00
Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::secondary_modifier_name ()));
MiniTimeline::~MiniTimeline ()
delete _minitl_context_menu;
_minitl_context_menu = 0;
MiniTimeline::session_going_away ()
super_rapid_connection.disconnect ();
session_connection.drop_connections ();
SessionHandlePtr::session_going_away ();
_jumplist.clear ();
delete _minitl_context_menu;
_minitl_context_menu = 0;
MiniTimeline::set_session (Session* s)
SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s);
if (!s) {
assert (!super_rapid_connection.connected ());
super_rapid_connection = Timers::super_rapid_connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MiniTimeline::super_rapid_update)
_session->config.ParameterChanged.connect (session_connection,
invalidator (*this),
boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()
_session->locations()->added.connect (session_connection,
invalidator (*this),
boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context()
_session->locations()->removed.connect (session_connection,
invalidator (*this),
boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context()
_session->locations()->changed.connect (session_connection,
invalidator (*this),
boost::bind (&MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline, this), gui_context()
_jumplist.clear ();
2016-12-18 16:58:19 -05:00
calculate_time_spacing ();
update_minitimeline ();
MiniTimeline::dpi_changed ()
calculate_time_width ();
if (is_realized()) {
queue_resize ();
MiniTimeline::set_colors ()
// TODO UIConfiguration::instance().color & font
_phead_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("play head");
MiniTimeline::parameter_changed (std::string const& p)
if (p == "minitimeline-span") {
calculate_time_spacing ();
update_minitimeline ();
MiniTimeline::on_size_request (Gtk::Requisition* req)
req->width = req->height = 0;
CairoWidget::on_size_request (req);
req->width = std::max (req->width, 1);
req->height = std::max (req->height, 20);
MiniTimeline::on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& alloc)
CairoWidget::on_size_allocate (alloc);
calculate_time_spacing ();
MiniTimeline::set_span (samplecnt_t ts)
assert (_session);
if (_session->config.get_minitimeline_span () == ts) {
_session->config.set_minitimeline_span (ts);
calculate_time_spacing ();
update_minitimeline ();
MiniTimeline::super_rapid_update ()
2016-12-20 06:28:54 -05:00
if (!_session || !_session->engine().running() || !is_mapped ()) {
samplepos_t const sample = PublicEditor::instance().playhead_cursor_sample ();
AudioClock::Mode m = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->primary_clock->mode();
bool change = false;
if (fabs ((_last_update_sample - sample) * _px_per_sample) >= 1.0) {
change = true;
if (m != _clock_mode) {
_clock_mode = m;
calculate_time_width ();
change = true;
if (change) {
_last_update_sample = sample;
update_minitimeline ();
MiniTimeline::update_minitimeline ()
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
MiniTimeline::calculate_time_width ()
switch (_clock_mode) {
case AudioClock::Timecode:
_layout->set_text (" 88:88:88,888 ");
case AudioClock::BBT:
_layout->set_text ("888|88|8888");
case AudioClock::MinSec:
_layout->set_text ("88:88:88,88");
2017-11-22 14:36:28 -05:00
case AudioClock::Seconds:
case AudioClock::Samples:
_layout->set_text ("8888888888");
_layout->get_pixel_size (_time_width, _time_height);
MiniTimeline::calculate_time_spacing ()
_n_labels = floor (get_width () / (_time_width * 1.15));
if (_n_labels == 0 || !_session) {
const samplecnt_t time_span = _session->config.get_minitimeline_span () / 2;
_time_span_samples = time_span * _session->nominal_sample_rate ();
_time_granularity = _session->nominal_sample_rate () * ceil (2. * time_span / _n_labels);
_px_per_sample = get_width () / (2. * _time_span_samples);
//_px_per_sample = 1.0 / round (1.0 / _px_per_sample);
MiniTimeline::format_time (samplepos_t when)
switch (_clock_mode) {
case AudioClock::Timecode:
Timecode::Time TC;
_session->timecode_time (when, TC);
// chop of leading space or minus.
_layout->set_text (Timecode::timecode_format_time (TC).substr(1));
case AudioClock::BBT:
char buf[64];
Temporal::BBT_Time BBT = Temporal::TempoMap::use()->bbt_at (timepos_t (when));
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%03" PRIu32 BBT_BAR_CHAR "%02" PRIu32 BBT_BAR_CHAR "%04" PRIu32,
2020-11-16 13:19:22 -05:00
BBT.bars, BBT.beats, BBT.ticks);
_layout->set_text (buf);
case AudioClock::MinSec:
char buf[32];
AudioClock::print_minsec (when, buf, sizeof (buf), _session->sample_rate());
_layout->set_text (std::string(buf).substr(1));
2017-11-22 14:36:28 -05:00
case AudioClock::Seconds:
char buf[32];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.1f", when / (float)_session->sample_rate());
_layout->set_text (buf);
case AudioClock::Samples:
char buf[32];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%" PRId64, when);
_layout->set_text (buf);
MiniTimeline::draw_dots (cairo_t* cr, int left, int right, int y, Gtkmm2ext::Color color)
if (left + 1 >= right) {
cairo_move_to (cr, left + .5, y + .5);
cairo_line_to (cr, right - .5, y + .5);
Gtkmm2ext::set_source_rgb_a(cr, color, 0.3);
const double dashes[] = { 0, 1 };
cairo_set_dash (cr, dashes, 2, 1);
cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_stroke (cr);
cairo_set_dash (cr, 0, 0, 0);
MiniTimeline::draw_mark (cairo_t* cr, int x0, int x1, const std::string& label, bool& prelight)
int h = _marker_height;
/* ArdourMarker shape
* MH = 13
* Mark:
* (0,0) -- (6,0)
* | |
* | |
* (0,MH*.4) (6,MH*.4)
* \ /
* (3,MH)
2016-12-19 21:33:43 -05:00
const int y = PADDING;
int w2 = (h - 1) / 4;
double h0 = h * .6;
double h1 = h - h0;
int lw, lh;
_layout->set_text (label);
_layout->get_pixel_size (lw, lh);
int rw = std::min (x1, x0 + w2 + lw + 2);
if (_pointer_y >= 0 && _pointer_y <= y + h && _pointer_x >= x0 - w2 && _pointer_x <= rw) {
prelight = true;
const double scale = UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ();
uint32_t color = UIConfiguration::instance().color (
prelight ? "entered marker" : "location marker");
//shrink the height of the 'flag' part, a bit.
h -= 4*scale;
// draw marker first
cairo_move_to (cr, x0 - .5, y + .5);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, -w2 , 0);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, h0);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, w2, h1);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, w2, -h1);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, -h0);
cairo_close_path (cr);
set_source_rgba (cr, color);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
cairo_fill (cr);
if (rw < x0) {
rw = x1;
} else {
cairo_save (cr);
set_source_rgba (cr, color);
cairo_rectangle (cr, x0-5*scale, y, rw - x0 + 4*scale, h);
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_clip (cr);
// marker label
cairo_move_to (cr, x0 + w2 - 4*scale, y + .5 * (h - lh));
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
cairo_restore (cr);
/* right line */
cairo_rectangle (cr, rw-2*scale, y, 1*scale, h);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.7);
cairo_fill (cr);
return rw;
MiniTimeline::draw_cue (cairo_t* cr, int x0, int x1, int cue_index, bool& prelight)
int y_offs = _marker_height * 1.4; //make room for 'regular' markers
int h = _marker_height;
x0 -= h/2; //left side of circle
x1 = x0 + h; //right side of circle
if (_pointer_y >= y_offs && _pointer_y <= y_offs+h && _pointer_x >= x0 && _pointer_x <= x1) {
prelight = true;
const double scale = UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ();
uint32_t color = UIConfiguration::instance().color (
prelight ? "entered marker" : "location marker");
// draw Cue as a circle
cairo_arc(cr, x0+h/2, y_offs+h/2, (h/2)-1*scale, 0, 2*M_PI);
set_source_rgba (cr, color);
cairo_fill (cr);
//draw cue letter
_layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1"), (char) ('A' + cue_index)));
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); //black
cairo_move_to (cr, x0 + h/2, y_offs+h/2); //move to center of circle
int tw, th;
_layout->get_pixel_size (tw, th);
cairo_rel_move_to (cr, -tw/2, -th/2); //move to top-left of text
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
MiniTimeline::draw_edge (cairo_t* cr, int x0, int x1, bool left, const std::string& label, bool& prelight)
int h = _marker_height;
int w2 = (h - 1) / 4;
const int y = PADDING;
const double yc = rint (h * .5);
const double dy = h * .4;
bool with_label;
int lw, lh, lx;
_layout->set_text (label);
_layout->get_pixel_size (lw, lh);
double px, dx;
if (left) {
if (x0 + 2 * w2 + lw + 2 < x1) {
x1 = std::min (x1, x0 + 2 * w2 + lw + 2);
with_label = true;
} else {
x1 = std::min (x1, x0 + 2 * w2);
with_label = false;
px = x0;
dx = 2 * w2;
lx = x0 + dx;
} else {
if (x1 - 2 * w2 - lw - 2 > x0) {
x0 = std::max (x0, x1 - 2 * w2 - lw - 2);
with_label = true;
} else {
x0 = std::max (x0, x1 - 2 * w2);
with_label = false;
px = x1;
dx = -2 * w2;
lx = x1 + dx - lw - 2;
if (x1 - x0 < 2 * w2) {
return left ? x0 : x1;
if (_pointer_y >= 0 && _pointer_y <= y + h && _pointer_x >= x0 && _pointer_x <= x1) {
prelight = true;
// TODO cache in set_colors()
uint32_t color = UIConfiguration::instance().color (
prelight ? "entered marker" : "location marker");
double r, g, b, a;
Gtkmm2ext::color_to_rgba (color, r, g, b, a);
if (with_label) {
const int y = PADDING;
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_rectangle (cr, lx, y, lw + 2, h);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, r, g, b, 0.5); // this should use a shaded color
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_clip (cr);
// marker label
cairo_move_to (cr, lx + 1, y + .5 * (h - lh));
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
cairo_restore (cr);
// draw arrow
cairo_move_to (cr, px - .5, PADDING + yc - .5);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, dx , dy);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, -2. * dy);
cairo_close_path (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, r, g, b, 1.0);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
cairo_fill (cr);
return left ? x1 : x0;
struct LocationMarker {
LocationMarker (int idx, const std::string& l, Temporal::timepos_t const & w)
: cue_index(idx), label (l), when (w) {}
int cue_index;
std::string label;
2020-10-15 01:09:22 -04:00
Temporal::timepos_t when;
struct LocationMarkerSort {
bool operator() (const LocationMarker& a, const LocationMarker& b) {
return (a.when < b.when);
MiniTimeline::render (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> const& ctx, cairo_rectangle_t*)
cairo_t* cr = ctx->cobj();
// TODO cache, set_colors()
Gtkmm2ext::Color base = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ruler base");
Gtkmm2ext::Color text = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ruler text");
if (_n_labels == 0) {
cairo_push_group (cr);
const int width = get_width ();
const int height = get_height ();
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, height, 4);
Gtkmm2ext::set_source_rgba(cr, base);
cairo_fill (cr);
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, PADDING, PADDING, width - PADDING - PADDING, height - PADDING - PADDING, 4);
cairo_clip (cr);
if (_session == 0) {
cairo_pop_group_to_source (cr);
cairo_paint (cr);
/* time */
const samplepos_t phead = _last_update_sample; //playhead location
const samplepos_t lower = (std::max ((samplepos_t)0, (phead - _time_span_samples)) / _time_granularity) * _time_granularity;
int dot_left = width * .5 + (lower - phead) * _px_per_sample;
for (int i = 0; i < 2 + _n_labels; ++i) {
samplepos_t when = lower + i * _time_granularity;
double xpos = width * .5 + (when - phead) * _px_per_sample;
// TODO round to nearest display TC in +/- 1px
// prefer to display BBT |0 or .0
int lw, lh;
format_time (when);
_layout->get_pixel_size (lw, lh);
int x0 = xpos - lw / 2.0;
int y0 = height - PADDING - _time_height;
draw_dots (cr, dot_left, x0, y0 + _time_height * .5, text);
cairo_move_to (cr, x0, y0);
Gtkmm2ext::set_source_rgba(cr, text);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
dot_left = x0 + lw;
draw_dots (cr, dot_left, width, height - PADDING - _time_height * .5, text);
/* playhead beneath locations */
int xc = width * 0.5f;
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
double r,g,b,a; Gtkmm2ext::color_to_rgba(_phead_color, r,g,b,a);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, r,g,b); // playhead color
cairo_move_to (cr, xc - .5, 0);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, height);
cairo_stroke (cr);
cairo_move_to (cr, xc - .5, height);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, -3, 0);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 3, -4);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 3, 4);
cairo_close_path (cr);
cairo_fill (cr);
/* locations */
samplepos_t lmin = std::max ((samplepos_t)0, (phead - _time_span_samples));
samplepos_t lmax = phead + _time_span_samples;
int tw, th;
_layout->set_text (X_("Marker@"));
_layout->get_pixel_size (tw, th);
_marker_height = th + 2;
assert (_marker_height > 4);
const int mw = (_marker_height - 1) / 4;
lmin -= mw / _px_per_sample;
lmax += mw / _px_per_sample;
std::vector<LocationMarker> lm;
const Locations::LocationList& ll (_session->locations ()->list ());
for (Locations::LocationList::const_iterator l = ll.begin(); l != ll.end(); ++l) {
if ((*l)->is_session_range ()) {
lm.push_back (LocationMarker(-1, _("start"), (*l)->start ()));
lm.push_back (LocationMarker(-1, _("end"), (*l)->end ()));
if (!(*l)->is_mark () || (*l)->name().substr (0, 4) == "xrun") {
int cue_idx = (*l)->is_cue_marker () ? (*l)->cue_id() : -1;
lm.push_back (LocationMarker(cue_idx, (*l)->name(), (*l)->start ()));
_jumplist.clear ();
LocationMarkerSort location_marker_sort;
std::sort (lm.begin(), lm.end(), location_marker_sort);
std::vector<LocationMarker>::const_iterator outside_left = lm.end();
std::vector<LocationMarker>::const_iterator outside_right = lm.end();
int left_limit = 0;
int right_limit = width * .5 + mw;
int id = 0;
for (std::vector<LocationMarker>::const_iterator l = lm.begin(); l != lm.end(); ++id) {
2020-10-15 01:09:22 -04:00
const samplepos_t when = (*l).when.samples();
if (when < lmin) {
outside_left = l;
if (++l != lm.end()) {
left_limit = floor (width * .5 + (when - phead) * _px_per_sample) - 1 - mw;
} else {
left_limit = width * .5 - mw;
if (when > lmax) {
outside_right = l;
int x0 = floor (width * .5 + (when - phead) * _px_per_sample);
int x1 = width;
const std::string& label = (*l).label;
const int cue_index = (*l).cue_index;
std::vector<LocationMarker>::const_iterator peek = l;
for (peek++; peek != lm.end(); peek++) {
if ((*peek).cue_index == -1) {
x1 = floor (width * .5 + ((*peek).when.samples() - phead) * _px_per_sample) - 1 - mw;
//draw the mark
bool prelight = false;
if (cue_index >= 0) {
draw_cue (cr, x0, x1, cue_index, prelight);
} else {
x1 = draw_mark (cr, x0, x1, label, prelight);
_jumplist.push_back (JumpRange (when, prelight));
right_limit = std::max (x1, right_limit);
if (outside_left != lm.end ()) {
if (left_limit > 3 * mw + PADDING) {
int x0 = PADDING + 1;
int x1 = left_limit - mw;
bool prelight = false;
x1 = draw_edge (cr, x0, x1, true, (*outside_left).label, prelight);
if (x0 != x1) {
_jumplist.push_back (JumpRange ((*outside_left).when.samples(), prelight));
right_limit = std::max (x1, right_limit);
if (outside_right != lm.end ()) {
if (right_limit + PADDING < width - 3 * mw) {
int x0 = right_limit;
int x1 = width - PADDING;
bool prelight = false;
x0 = draw_edge (cr, x0, x1, false, (*outside_right).label, prelight);
if (x0 != x1) {
_jumplist.push_back (JumpRange ((*outside_right).when.samples(), prelight));
cairo_pop_group_to_source (cr);
cairo_paint (cr);
MiniTimeline::build_minitl_context_menu ()
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtk::Menu_Helpers;
assert (_session);
const samplecnt_t time_span = _session->config.get_minitimeline_span ();
_minitl_context_menu = new Gtk::Menu();
MenuList& items = _minitl_context_menu->items();
// ideally this would have a heading (or rather be a sub-menu to "Visible Time")
std::map<samplecnt_t, std::string> spans;
spans[30] = _("30 sec");
spans[60] = _("1 min");
spans[120] = _("2 mins");
spans[300] = _("5 mins");
spans[600] = _("10 mins");
spans[1200] = _("20 mins");
RadioMenuItem::Group span_group;
for (std::map<samplecnt_t, std::string>::const_iterator i = spans.begin (); i != spans.end (); ++i) {
items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (span_group, i->second, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MiniTimeline::set_span), i->first)));
if (time_span == i->first) {
static_cast<RadioMenuItem*>(&items.back())->set_active ();
MiniTimeline::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton *ev)
if (Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) {
if (_session) {
2017-03-15 21:25:53 -04:00
if (_minitl_context_menu == 0) {
build_minitl_context_menu ();
_minitl_context_menu->popup (ev->button, ev->time);
return true;
return true;
MiniTimeline::on_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *ev)
if (!_session) { return true; }
if (_session->actively_recording ()) { return true; }
/* check that the release is still inside the timeline */
if (ev->y < 0 || ev->y > get_height () || ev->x < 0 || ev->x > get_width ()) {
return true;
/* check whether any marker was prelighted; if so, that's where the user will expect to jump */
for (JumpList::const_iterator i = _jumplist.begin (); i != _jumplist.end(); ++i) {
if (i->prelight) {
_session->request_locate (i->to);
return true;
if (ev->button == 1) {
samplepos_t when = _last_update_sample + (ev->x - get_width() * .5) / _px_per_sample;
_session->request_locate (std::max ((samplepos_t)0, when));
return true;
MiniTimeline::on_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion *ev)
if (!_session) { return true; }
if (_session->actively_recording ()) { return true; }
_pointer_x = ev->x;
_pointer_y = ev->y;
bool need_expose = false;
update_minitimeline ();
return true;
MiniTimeline::on_leave_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing *ev)
CairoWidget::on_leave_notify_event (ev);
_pointer_x = _pointer_y = -1;
for (JumpList::const_iterator i = _jumplist.begin (); i != _jumplist.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).prelight) {
update_minitimeline ();
return true;
MiniTimeline::on_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll *ev)
if (!_session) { return true; }
if (_session->actively_recording ()) { return true; }
const samplecnt_t time_span = _session->config.get_minitimeline_span ();
samplepos_t when = _session->audible_sample ();
double scale = time_span / 60.0;
if (ev->state & Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::GainFineScaleModifier) {
if (ev->state & Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::GainExtraFineScaleModifier) {
scale = 0.1;
} else {
scale = 0.5;
switch (ev->direction) {
2016-12-20 21:53:33 -05:00
when += scale * _session->nominal_sample_rate ();
2016-12-20 21:53:33 -05:00
when -= scale * _session->nominal_sample_rate ();
return true;
_session->request_locate (std::max ((samplepos_t)0, when));
return true;