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/* Copyright: <09> Copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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#include "CAAudioUnit.h"
#include <AudioUnit/MusicDevice.h>
#include <MusicDevice.h>
#include "CAReferenceCounted.h"
#include "AUOutputBL.h" //this is for the Preroll only
struct StackAUChannelInfo {
StackAUChannelInfo (UInt32 inSize) : mChanInfo ((AUChannelInfo*)malloc (inSize)) {}
~StackAUChannelInfo() { free (mChanInfo); }
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
AUChannelInfo* mChanInfo;
class CAAudioUnit::AUState : public CAReferenceCounted {
AUState (Component inComp)
: mUnit(0), mNode (0)
OSStatus result = ::OpenAComponent (inComp, &mUnit);
if (result)
throw result;
AUState (const AUNode &inNode, const AudioUnit& inUnit)
: mUnit (inUnit), mNode (inNode)
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
AudioUnit mUnit;
AUNode mNode;
OSStatus GetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID inID, AudioUnitScope scope, AudioUnitElement element,
Float32 &outValue) const
if (mGetParamProc != NULL) {
return reinterpret_cast<AudioUnitGetParameterProc>(mGetParamProc) (mConnInstanceStorage,
inID, scope, element, &outValue);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return AudioUnitGetParameter(mUnit, inID, scope, element, &outValue);
OSStatus SetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID inID, AudioUnitScope scope, AudioUnitElement element,
Float32 value, UInt32 bufferOffsetFrames)
if (mSetParamProc != NULL) {
return reinterpret_cast<AudioUnitSetParameterProc>(mSetParamProc) (mConnInstanceStorage,
inID, scope, element, value, bufferOffsetFrames);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return AudioUnitSetParameter(mUnit, inID, scope, element, value, bufferOffsetFrames);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
OSStatus Render (AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp * inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inOutputBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList * ioData)
if (mRenderProc != NULL) {
return reinterpret_cast<AudioUnitRenderProc>(mRenderProc) (mConnInstanceStorage,
ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inOutputBusNumber, inNumberFrames, ioData);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return AudioUnitRender(mUnit, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inOutputBusNumber, inNumberFrames, ioData);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
OSStatus MIDIEvent (UInt32 inStatus,
UInt32 inData1,
UInt32 inData2,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame)
if (mMIDIEventProc != NULL) {
return reinterpret_cast<MusicDeviceMIDIEventProc>(mMIDIEventProc) (mConnInstanceStorage,
inStatus, inData1, inData2, inOffsetSampleFrame);
return MusicDeviceMIDIEvent (mUnit, inStatus, inData1, inData2, inOffsetSampleFrame);
return paramErr;
OSStatus StartNote (MusicDeviceInstrumentID inInstrument,
MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID,
NoteInstanceID * outNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame,
const MusicDeviceNoteParams * inParams)
return MusicDeviceStartNote (mUnit, inInstrument, inGroupID, outNoteInstanceID, inOffsetSampleFrame, inParams);
return paramErr;
OSStatus StopNote (MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID,
NoteInstanceID inNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame)
return MusicDeviceStopNote (mUnit, inGroupID, inNoteInstanceID, inOffsetSampleFrame);
return paramErr;
// get the fast dispatch pointers
void Init()
UInt32 size = sizeof(AudioUnitRenderProc);
if (AudioUnitGetProperty(mUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, kAudioUnitRenderSelect,
&mRenderProc, &size) != noErr)
mRenderProc = NULL;
if (AudioUnitGetProperty(mUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, kAudioUnitGetParameterSelect,
&mGetParamProc, &size) != noErr)
mGetParamProc = NULL;
if (AudioUnitGetProperty(mUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, kAudioUnitSetParameterSelect,
&mSetParamProc, &size) != noErr)
mSetParamProc = NULL;
if (AudioUnitGetProperty(mUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, kMusicDeviceMIDIEventSelect,
&mMIDIEventProc, &size) != noErr)
mMIDIEventProc = NULL;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
if (mRenderProc || mGetParamProc || mSetParamProc || mMIDIEventProc)
mConnInstanceStorage = GetComponentInstanceStorage(mUnit);
mConnInstanceStorage = NULL;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
ProcPtr mRenderProc, mGetParamProc, mSetParamProc, mMIDIEventProc;
void * mConnInstanceStorage;
// get the compiler to tell us when we do a bad thing!!!
AUState () {}
AUState (const AUState& other) : CAReferenceCounted (other) {}
AUState& operator= (const AUState&) { return *this; }
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
CAAudioUnit::AUState::~AUState ()
if (mUnit && (mNode == 0)) {
::CloseComponent (mUnit);
mNode = 0;
mUnit = 0;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::Open (const CAComponent& inComp, CAAudioUnit &outUnit)
try {
outUnit = inComp;
return noErr;
} catch (OSStatus res) {
return res;
} catch (...) {
return -1;
CAAudioUnit::CAAudioUnit (const AudioUnit& inUnit)
: mComp (inUnit), mDataPtr (new AUState (-1, inUnit))
CAAudioUnit::CAAudioUnit (const CAComponent& inComp)
: mComp (inComp), mDataPtr (0)
mDataPtr = new AUState (mComp.Comp());
CAAudioUnit::CAAudioUnit (const AUNode &inNode, const AudioUnit& inUnit)
: mComp (inUnit), mDataPtr(new AUState (inNode, inUnit))
CAAudioUnit::~CAAudioUnit ()
if (mDataPtr) {
mDataPtr = NULL;
CAAudioUnit& CAAudioUnit::operator= (const CAAudioUnit &a)
if (mDataPtr != a.mDataPtr) {
if (mDataPtr)
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
if ((mDataPtr = a.mDataPtr) != NULL)
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
mComp = a.mComp;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return *this;
bool CAAudioUnit::operator== (const CAAudioUnit& y) const
if (mDataPtr == y.mDataPtr) return true;
AudioUnit au1 = mDataPtr ? mDataPtr->mUnit : 0;
AudioUnit au2 = y.mDataPtr ? y.mDataPtr->mUnit : 0;
return au1 == au2;
bool CAAudioUnit::operator== (const AudioUnit& y) const
if (!mDataPtr) return false;
return mDataPtr->mUnit == y;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
#pragma mark __State Management
bool CAAudioUnit::IsValid () const
return mDataPtr ? mDataPtr->mUnit != 0 : false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
AudioUnit CAAudioUnit::AU() const
return mDataPtr ? mDataPtr->mUnit : 0;
AUNode CAAudioUnit::GetAUNode () const
return mDataPtr ? mDataPtr->mNode : 0;
#pragma mark __Format Handling
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
bool CAAudioUnit::CanDo ( int inChannelsIn,
int inChannelsOut) const
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// this is the default assumption of an audio effect unit
Boolean* isWritable = 0;
UInt32 dataSize = 0;
// lets see if the unit has any channel restrictions
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(),
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&dataSize, isWritable); //don't care if this is writable
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// if this property is NOT implemented an FX unit
// is expected to deal with same channel valance in and out
if (result)
2015-02-22 17:38:42 -05:00
if ((Comp().Desc().IsEffect() && (inChannelsIn == inChannelsOut))
|| (Comp().Desc().IsOffline() && (inChannelsIn == inChannelsOut)))
return true;
// the au should either really tell us about this
// or we will assume the worst
return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
StackAUChannelInfo info (dataSize);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
result = GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
info.mChanInfo, &dataSize);
if (result) { return false; }
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return ValidateChannelPair (inChannelsIn, inChannelsOut, info.mChanInfo, (dataSize / sizeof (AUChannelInfo)));
int CAAudioUnit::GetChannelInfo (AUChannelInfo** chaninfo, UInt32& cnt)
// this is the default assumption of an audio effect unit
Boolean* isWritable = 0;
UInt32 dataSize = 0;
// lets see if the unit has any channel restrictions
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(),
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&dataSize, isWritable); //don't care if this is writable
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// if this property is NOT implemented an FX unit
// is expected to deal with same channel valance in and out
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
if (result)
if (Comp().Desc().IsEffect())
return 1;
else if (Comp().Desc().IsGenerator() || Comp().Desc().IsMusicDevice()) {
// directly query Bus Formats
// Note that that these may refer to different subBusses
// (eg. Kick, Snare,.. on a Drummachine)
// eventually the Bus-Name for each configuration should be exposed
// for the User to select..
2015-02-22 20:49:37 -05:00
UInt32 elCountIn, elCountOut;
if (GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Input, elCountIn)) return -1;
if (GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Output, elCountOut)) return -1;
2015-02-22 20:49:37 -05:00
cnt = std::max(elCountIn, elCountOut);
2015-02-22 20:49:37 -05:00
*chaninfo = (AUChannelInfo*) malloc (sizeof (AUChannelInfo) * cnt);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elCountIn; ++i) {
UInt32 numChans;
if (NumberChannels (kAudioUnitScope_Input, i, numChans)) return -1;
(*chaninfo)[i].inChannels = numChans;
2015-02-22 20:49:37 -05:00
for (unsigned int i = elCountIn; i < cnt; ++i) {
(*chaninfo)[i].inChannels = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elCountOut; ++i) {
UInt32 numChans;
if (NumberChannels (kAudioUnitScope_Output, i, numChans)) return -1;
(*chaninfo)[i].outChannels = numChans;
2015-02-22 20:49:37 -05:00
for (unsigned int i = elCountOut; i < cnt; ++i) {
(*chaninfo)[i].outChannels = 0;
return 0;
// the au should either really tell us about this
// or we will assume the worst
return -1;
*chaninfo = (AUChannelInfo*) malloc (dataSize);
cnt = dataSize / sizeof (AUChannelInfo);
result = GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
*chaninfo, &dataSize);
if (result) { return -1; }
return 0;
bool CAAudioUnit::ValidateChannelPair (int inChannelsIn,
int inChannelsOut,
const AUChannelInfo * info,
UInt32 numChanInfo) const
// we've the following cases (some combinations) to test here:
>0 An explicit number of channels on either side
0 that side (generally input!) has no elements
-1 wild card:
-1,-1 any num channels as long as same channels on in and out
-1,-2 any num channels channels on in and out - special meaning
-2+ indicates total num channs AU can handle
- elements configurable to any num channels,
- element count in scope must be writable
//now chan layout can contain -1 for either scope (ie. doesn't care)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChanInfo; ++i)
//less than zero on both sides - check for special attributes
if ((info[i].inChannels < 0) && (info[i].outChannels < 0))
// these are our wild card matches
if (info[i].inChannels == -1 && info[i].outChannels == -1) {
if (inChannelsOut == inChannelsIn) {
return true;
else if ((info[i].inChannels == -1 && info[i].outChannels == -2)
|| (info[i].inChannels == -2 && info[i].outChannels == -1))
return true;
// these are our total num channels matches
// element count MUST be writable
else {
bool outWrite = false; bool inWrite = false;
IsElementCountWritable (kAudioUnitScope_Output, outWrite);
IsElementCountWritable (kAudioUnitScope_Input, inWrite);
if (inWrite && outWrite) {
if ((inChannelsOut <= abs(info[i].outChannels))
&& (inChannelsIn <= abs(info[i].inChannels)))
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// special meaning on input, specific num on output
else if (info[i].inChannels < 0) {
if (info[i].outChannels == inChannelsOut)
// can do any in channels
if (info[i].inChannels == -1) {
return true;
// total chans on input
else {
bool inWrite = false;
IsElementCountWritable (kAudioUnitScope_Input, inWrite);
if (inWrite && (inChannelsIn <= abs(info[i].inChannels))) {
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// special meaning on output, specific num on input
else if (info[i].outChannels < 0) {
if (info[i].inChannels == inChannelsIn)
// can do any out channels
if (info[i].outChannels == -1) {
return true;
// total chans on output
else {
bool outWrite = false;
IsElementCountWritable (kAudioUnitScope_Output, outWrite);
if (outWrite && (inChannelsOut <= abs(info[i].outChannels))) {
return true;
// both chans in struct >= 0 - thus has to explicitly match
else if ((info[i].inChannels == inChannelsIn) && (info[i].outChannels == inChannelsOut)) {
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// now check to see if a wild card on the args (inChannelsIn or inChannelsOut chans is zero) is found
// tells us to match just one side of the scopes
else if (inChannelsIn == 0) {
if (info[i].outChannels == inChannelsOut) {
return true;
else if (inChannelsOut == 0) {
if (info[i].inChannels == inChannelsIn) {
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return false;
bool CheckDynCount (SInt32 inTotalChans, const CAAUChanHelper &inHelper)
int totalChans = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inHelper.mNumEls; ++i)
totalChans += inHelper.mChans[i];
return (totalChans <= inTotalChans);
bool CAAudioUnit::CheckOneSide (const CAAUChanHelper &inHelper,
bool checkOutput,
const AUChannelInfo *info,
UInt32 numInfo) const
// now we can use the wildcard option (see above impl) to see if this matches
for (unsigned int el = 0; el < inHelper.mNumEls; ++el) {
bool testAlready = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < el; ++i) {
if (inHelper.mChans[i] == inHelper.mChans[el]) {
testAlready = true;
if (!testAlready) {
if (checkOutput) {
if (!ValidateChannelPair (0, inHelper.mChans[el], info, numInfo)) return false;
} else {
if (!ValidateChannelPair (inHelper.mChans[el], 0, info, numInfo)) return false;
return true;
bool CAAudioUnit::CanDo (const CAAUChanHelper &inputs,
const CAAUChanHelper &outputs) const
// first check our state
// huh!
if (inputs.mNumEls == 0 && outputs.mNumEls == 0) return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
UInt32 elCount;
if (GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Input, elCount)) { return false; }
if (elCount != inputs.mNumEls) return false;
if (GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Output, elCount)) { return false; }
if (elCount != outputs.mNumEls) return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// (1) special cases (effects and sources (generators and instruments) only)
UInt32 dataSize = 0;
if (GetPropertyInfo (kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &dataSize, NULL) != noErr)
if (Comp().Desc().IsEffect() || Comp().Desc().IsOffline()) {
UInt32 numChan = outputs.mNumEls > 0 ? outputs.mChans[0] : inputs.mChans[0];
for (unsigned int in = 0; in < inputs.mNumEls; ++in)
if (numChan != inputs.mChans[in]) return false;
for (unsigned int out = 0; out < outputs.mNumEls; ++out)
if (numChan != outputs.mChans[out]) return false;
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// in this case, all the channels have to match the current config
if (Comp().Desc().IsGenerator() || Comp().Desc().IsMusicDevice()) {
for (unsigned int in = 0; in < inputs.mNumEls; ++in) {
UInt32 chan;
if (NumberChannels (kAudioUnitScope_Input, in, chan)) return false;
if (chan != UInt32(inputs.mChans[in])) return false;
for (unsigned int out = 0; out < outputs.mNumEls; ++out) {
UInt32 chan;
if (NumberChannels (kAudioUnitScope_Output, out, chan)) return false;
if (chan != UInt32(outputs.mChans[out])) return false;
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// if we get here we can't determine anything about channel capabilities
return false;
StackAUChannelInfo info (dataSize);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
if (GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
info.mChanInfo, &dataSize) != noErr)
return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
int numInfo = dataSize / sizeof(AUChannelInfo);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// (2) Test for dynamic capability (or no elements on that scope)
SInt32 dynInChans = 0;
if (ValidateDynamicScope (kAudioUnitScope_Input, dynInChans, info.mChanInfo, numInfo)) {
if (CheckDynCount (dynInChans, inputs) == false) return false;
SInt32 dynOutChans = 0;
if (ValidateDynamicScope (kAudioUnitScope_Output, dynOutChans, info.mChanInfo, numInfo)) {
if (CheckDynCount (dynOutChans, outputs) == false) return false;
if (dynOutChans && dynInChans) { return true; }
// (3) Just need to test one side
if (dynInChans || (inputs.mNumEls == 0)) {
return CheckOneSide (outputs, true, info.mChanInfo, numInfo);
if (dynOutChans || (outputs.mNumEls == 0)) {
return CheckOneSide (inputs, false, info.mChanInfo, numInfo);
// (4) - not a dynamic AU, has ins and outs, and has channel constraints so we test every possible pairing
for (unsigned int in = 0; in < inputs.mNumEls; ++in)
bool testInAlready = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in; ++i) {
if (inputs.mChans[i] == inputs.mChans[in]) {
testInAlready = true;
if (!testInAlready) {
for (unsigned int out = 0; out < outputs.mNumEls; ++out) {
// try to save a little bit and not test the same pairing multiple times...
bool testOutAlready = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < out; ++i) {
if (outputs.mChans[i] == outputs.mChans[out]) {
testOutAlready = true;
if (!testOutAlready) {
if (!ValidateChannelPair (inputs.mChans[in], outputs.mChans[out],info.mChanInfo, numInfo)) {
return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return true;
bool CAAudioUnit::SupportsNumChannels () const
// this is the default assumption of an audio effect unit
Boolean* isWritable = 0;
UInt32 dataSize = 0;
// lets see if the unit has any channel restrictions
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(),
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&dataSize, isWritable); //don't care if this is writable
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// if this property is NOT implemented an FX unit
// is expected to deal with same channel valance in and out
if (result) {
if (Comp().Desc().IsEffect() || Comp().Desc().IsOffline())
return true;
return result == noErr;
bool CAAudioUnit::GetChannelLayouts (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
ChannelTagVector &outChannelVector) const
if (HasChannelLayouts (inScope, inEl) == false) return false;
UInt32 dataSize;
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(),
inScope, inEl,
&dataSize, NULL);
if (result == kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty) {
// if we get here we can do layouts but we've got the speaker config property
outChannelVector.erase (outChannelVector.begin(), outChannelVector.end());
outChannelVector.push_back (kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo);
outChannelVector.push_back (kAudioChannelLayoutTag_StereoHeadphones);
outChannelVector.push_back (kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Quadraphonic);
outChannelVector.push_back (kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AudioUnit_5_0);
return true;
if (result) return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
bool canDo = false;
// OK lets get our channel layouts and see if the one we want is present
AudioChannelLayoutTag* info = (AudioChannelLayoutTag*)malloc (dataSize);
result = AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(),
inScope, inEl,
info, &dataSize);
if (result) goto home;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
outChannelVector.erase (outChannelVector.begin(), outChannelVector.end());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (dataSize / sizeof (AudioChannelLayoutTag)); ++i)
outChannelVector.push_back (info[i]);
free (info);
return canDo;
bool CAAudioUnit::HasChannelLayouts (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl) const
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(),
inScope, inEl,
return !result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetChannelLayout (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
CAAudioChannelLayout &outLayout) const
UInt32 size;
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout,
inScope, inEl, &size, NULL);
if (result) return result;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
AudioChannelLayout *layout = (AudioChannelLayout*)malloc (size);
require_noerr (result = AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout,
inScope, inEl, layout, &size), home);
outLayout = CAAudioChannelLayout (layout);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
free (layout);
return result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetChannelLayout (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
CAAudioChannelLayout &inLayout)
OSStatus result = AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(),
inScope, inEl,
inLayout, inLayout.Size());
return result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetChannelLayout (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
AudioChannelLayout &inLayout,
UInt32 inSize)
OSStatus result = AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(),
inScope, inEl,
&inLayout, inSize);
return result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::ClearChannelLayout (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl)
return AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(),
inScope, inEl, NULL, 0);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetFormat (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
AudioStreamBasicDescription &outFormat) const
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof (AudioStreamBasicDescription);
return AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
inScope, inEl,
&outFormat, &dataSize);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetFormat (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
const AudioStreamBasicDescription &inFormat)
return AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
inScope, inEl,
sizeof (AudioStreamBasicDescription));
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetSampleRate (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
Float64 &outRate) const
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof (Float64);
return AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate,
inScope, inEl,
&outRate, &dataSize);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetSampleRate (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
Float64 inRate)
AudioStreamBasicDescription desc;
OSStatus result = GetFormat (inScope, inEl, desc);
if (result) return result;
desc.mSampleRate = inRate;
return SetFormat (inScope, inEl, desc);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetSampleRate (Float64 inSampleRate)
OSStatus result;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
UInt32 elCount;
require_noerr (result = GetElementCount(kAudioUnitScope_Input, elCount), home);
if (elCount) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elCount; ++i) {
require_noerr (result = SetSampleRate (kAudioUnitScope_Input, i, inSampleRate), home);
require_noerr (result = GetElementCount(kAudioUnitScope_Output, elCount), home);
if (elCount) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elCount; ++i) {
require_noerr (result = SetSampleRate (kAudioUnitScope_Output, i, inSampleRate), home);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::NumberChannels (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
UInt32 &outChans) const
AudioStreamBasicDescription desc;
OSStatus result = GetFormat (inScope, inEl, desc);
if (!result)
outChans = desc.mChannelsPerFrame;
return result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetNumberChannels (AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inEl,
UInt32 inChans)
// set this as the output of the AU
CAStreamBasicDescription desc;
OSStatus result = GetFormat (inScope, inEl, desc);
if (result) return result;
desc.SetCanonical (inChans, desc.IsInterleaved());
result = SetFormat (inScope, inEl, desc);
return result;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::IsElementCountWritable (AudioUnitScope inScope, bool &outWritable) const
Boolean isWritable;
UInt32 outDataSize;
OSStatus result = GetPropertyInfo (kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount, inScope, 0, &outDataSize, &isWritable);
if (result)
return result;
outWritable = isWritable ? true : false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return noErr;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetElementCount (AudioUnitScope inScope, UInt32 &outCount) const
UInt32 propSize = sizeof(outCount);
return GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount, inScope, 0, &outCount, &propSize);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetElementCount (AudioUnitScope inScope, UInt32 inCount)
return SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount, inScope, 0, &inCount, sizeof(inCount));
bool CAAudioUnit::HasDynamicScope (AudioUnitScope inScope, SInt32 &outTotalNumChannels) const
// ok - now we need to check the AU's capability here.
// this is the default assumption of an audio effect unit
Boolean* isWritable = 0;
UInt32 dataSize = 0;
OSStatus result = GetPropertyInfo (kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&dataSize, isWritable); //don't care if this is writable
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// AU has to explicitly tell us about this.
if (result) return false;
StackAUChannelInfo info (dataSize);
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
result = GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
info.mChanInfo, &dataSize);
if (result) return false;
return ValidateDynamicScope (inScope, outTotalNumChannels, info.mChanInfo, (dataSize / sizeof(AUChannelInfo)));
// as we've already checked that the element count is writable
// the following conditions will match this..
-1, -2 -> signifies no restrictions
-2, -1 -> signifies no restrictions -> in this case outTotalNumChannels == -1 (any num channels)
-N (where N is less than -2), signifies the total channel count on the scope side (in or out)
bool CAAudioUnit::ValidateDynamicScope (AudioUnitScope inScope,
SInt32 &outTotalNumChannels,
const AUChannelInfo *info,
UInt32 numInfo) const
bool writable = false;
OSStatus result = IsElementCountWritable (inScope, writable);
if (result || (writable == false))
return false;
//now chan layout can contain -1 for either scope (ie. doesn't care)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInfo; ++i)
// lets test the special wild card case first...
// this says the AU can do any num channels on input or output - for eg. Matrix Mixer
if (((info[i].inChannels == -1) && (info[i].outChannels == -2))
|| ((info[i].inChannels == -2) && (info[i].outChannels == -1)))
outTotalNumChannels = -1;
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
// ok lets now test our special case....
if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Input) {
// isn't dynamic on this side at least
if (info[i].inChannels >= 0)
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
if (info[i].inChannels < -2) {
outTotalNumChannels = abs (info[i].inChannels);
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
else if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Output) {
// isn't dynamic on this side at least
if (info[i].outChannels >= 0)
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
if (info[i].outChannels < -2) {
outTotalNumChannels = abs (info[i].outChannels);
return true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
else {
break; // wrong scope was specified
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
return false;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::ConfigureDynamicScope (AudioUnitScope inScope,
UInt32 inNumElements,
UInt32 *inChannelsPerElement,
Float64 inSampleRate)
SInt32 numChannels = 0;
bool isDyamic = HasDynamicScope (inScope, numChannels);
if (isDyamic == false)
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
//lets to a sanity check...
// if numChannels == -1, then it can do "any"...
if (numChannels > 0) {
SInt32 count = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inNumElements; ++i)
count += inChannelsPerElement[i];
if (count > numChannels)
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
OSStatus result = SetElementCount (inScope, inNumElements);
if (result)
return result;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
CAStreamBasicDescription desc;
desc.mSampleRate = inSampleRate;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inNumElements; ++i) {
desc.SetCanonical (inChannelsPerElement[i], false);
result = SetFormat (inScope, i, desc);
if (result)
return result;
return noErr;
#pragma mark __Properties
bool CAAudioUnit::CanBypass () const
Boolean outWritable;
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_BypassEffect,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
NULL, &outWritable);
return (!result && outWritable);
bool CAAudioUnit::GetBypass () const
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof (UInt32);
UInt32 outBypass;
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_BypassEffect,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&outBypass, &dataSize);
return (result ? false : outBypass);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetBypass (bool inBypass) const
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
UInt32 bypass = inBypass ? 1 : 0;
return AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_BypassEffect,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&bypass, sizeof (UInt32));
Float64 CAAudioUnit::Latency () const
Float64 secs;
UInt32 size = sizeof(secs);
if (GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_Latency, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &secs, &size))
return 0;
return secs;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetAUPreset (CFPropertyListRef &outData) const
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof(outData);
return AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&outData, &dataSize);
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetAUPreset (CFPropertyListRef &inData)
return AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&inData, sizeof (CFPropertyListRef));
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetPresentPreset (AUPreset &outData) const
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof(outData);
OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&outData, &dataSize);
if (result == kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty) {
dataSize = sizeof(outData);
result = AudioUnitGetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&outData, &dataSize);
if (result == noErr) {
// we now retain the CFString in the preset so for the client of this API
// it is consistent (ie. the string should be released when done)
if (outData.presetName)
CFRetain (outData.presetName);
return result;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetPresentPreset (AUPreset &inData)
OSStatus result = AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&inData, sizeof (AUPreset));
if (result == kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty) {
result = AudioUnitSetProperty (AU(), kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&inData, sizeof (AUPreset));
return result;
bool CAAudioUnit::HasCustomView () const
UInt32 dataSize = 0;
OSStatus result = GetPropertyInfo(kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&dataSize, NULL);
if (result || !dataSize) {
dataSize = 0;
result = GetPropertyInfo(kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
&dataSize, NULL);
if (result || !dataSize)
return false;
return true;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::GetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID inID, AudioUnitScope scope, AudioUnitElement element,
Float32 &outValue) const
return mDataPtr ? (OSStatus) mDataPtr->GetParameter (inID, scope, element, outValue) : paramErr;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::SetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID inID, AudioUnitScope scope, AudioUnitElement element,
Float32 value, UInt32 bufferOffsetFrames)
return mDataPtr ? (OSStatus) mDataPtr->SetParameter (inID, scope, element, value, bufferOffsetFrames) : paramErr;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::MIDIEvent (UInt32 inStatus,
UInt32 inData1,
UInt32 inData2,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame)
return mDataPtr ? (OSStatus) mDataPtr->MIDIEvent (inStatus, inData1, inData2, inOffsetSampleFrame) : paramErr;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::StartNote (MusicDeviceInstrumentID inInstrument,
MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID,
NoteInstanceID * outNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame,
const MusicDeviceNoteParams * inParams)
return mDataPtr ? (OSStatus) mDataPtr->StartNote (inInstrument, inGroupID, outNoteInstanceID, inOffsetSampleFrame, inParams)
: paramErr;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::StopNote (MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID,
NoteInstanceID inNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame)
return mDataPtr ? (OSStatus) mDataPtr->StopNote (inGroupID, inNoteInstanceID, inOffsetSampleFrame) : paramErr;
#pragma mark __Render
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::Render (AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp * inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inOutputBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList * ioData)
return mDataPtr ? (OSStatus) mDataPtr->Render (ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inOutputBusNumber, inNumberFrames, ioData) : paramErr;
static AURenderCallbackStruct sRenderCallback;
static OSStatus PrerollRenderProc ( void * /*inRefCon*/,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * /*inActionFlags*/,
const AudioTimeStamp * /*inTimeStamp*/,
UInt32 /*inBusNumber*/,
UInt32 /*inNumFrames*/,
AudioBufferList *ioData)
AudioBuffer *buf = ioData->mBuffers;
for (UInt32 i = ioData->mNumberBuffers; i--; ++buf)
memset((Byte *)buf->mData, 0, buf->mDataByteSize);
return noErr;
OSStatus CAAudioUnit::Preroll (UInt32 inFrameSize)
CAStreamBasicDescription desc;
OSStatus result = GetFormat (kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, desc);
bool hasInput = false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
//we have input
if (result == noErr)
sRenderCallback.inputProc = PrerollRenderProc;
sRenderCallback.inputProcRefCon = 0;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
result = SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input,
0, &sRenderCallback, sizeof(sRenderCallback));
if (result) return result;
hasInput = true;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags flags = 0;
AudioTimeStamp time;
memset (&time, 0, sizeof(time));
time.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid;
CAStreamBasicDescription outputFormat;
require_noerr (result = GetFormat (kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, outputFormat), home);
AUOutputBL list (outputFormat, inFrameSize);
list.Prepare ();
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
require_noerr (result = Render (&flags, &time, 0, inFrameSize, list.ABL()), home);
require_noerr (result = GlobalReset(), home);
if (hasInput) {
// remove our installed callback
sRenderCallback.inputProc = 0;
sRenderCallback.inputProcRefCon = 0;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input,
0, &sRenderCallback, sizeof(sRenderCallback));
return result;
#pragma mark __CAAUChanHelper
CAAUChanHelper::CAAUChanHelper(const CAAudioUnit &inAU, AudioUnitScope inScope)
:mChans(NULL), mNumEls(0), mDidAllocate(false)
UInt32 elCount;
if (inAU.GetElementCount (inScope, elCount)) return;
if (elCount > 8) {
mChans = new UInt32[elCount];
mDidAllocate = true;
memset (mChans, 0, sizeof(int) * elCount);
} else {
mChans = mStaticChans;
memset (mChans, 0, sizeof(int) * 8);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elCount; ++i) {
UInt32 numChans;
if (inAU.NumberChannels (inScope, i, numChans)) return;
mChans[i] = numChans;
mNumEls = elCount;
if (mDidAllocate) delete [] mChans;
CAAUChanHelper& CAAUChanHelper::operator= (const CAAUChanHelper &c)
if (mDidAllocate) delete [] mChans;
if (c.mDidAllocate) {
mChans = new UInt32[c.mNumEls];
mDidAllocate = true;
} else {
mDidAllocate = false;
mChans = mStaticChans;
memcpy (mChans, c.mChans, c.mNumEls * sizeof(int));
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return *this;
#pragma mark __Print Utilities
void CAAudioUnit::Print (FILE* file) const
fprintf (file, "AudioUnit:%p\n", AU());
if (IsValid()) {
fprintf (file, "\tnode=%ld\t", (long)GetAUNode()); Comp().Print (file);