
833 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2009-2015 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <gtkmm/cellrenderercombo.h>
#include "evoral/Note.h"
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
#include "evoral/midi_util.h"
#include "ardour/midi_model.h"
#include "ardour/midi_region.h"
#include "ardour/midi_source.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/tempo.h"
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
#include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h"
#include "midi_list_editor.h"
#include "note_player.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace Glib;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using Temporal::BBT_Time;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
static map<int32_t, std::string> note_length_map;
static void
fill_note_length_map ()
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat * 4, _("Whole")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat * 2, _("Half")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat * 2 / 3, _("Triplet")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 1, _("Quarter")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 2, _("Eighth")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 4, _("Sixteenth")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 8, _("Thirty-second")));
note_length_map.insert (make_pair<int32_t, string> (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 16, _("Sixty-fourth")));
MidiListEditor::MidiListEditor (Session* s, std::shared_ptr<MidiRegion> r, std::shared_ptr<MidiTrack> tr)
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
: ArdourWindow (r->name ())
, buttons (1, 1)
, region (r)
, track (tr)
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (note_length_map.empty ()) {
fill_note_length_map ();
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
/* We do not handle nested sources/regions. Caller should have tackled this */
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (r->max_source_level () > 0) {
throw failed_constructor ();
set_session (s);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
edit_column = -1;
editing_renderer = 0;
editing_editable = 0;
model = ListStore::create (columns);
view.set_model (model);
note_length_model = ListStore::create (note_length_columns);
TreeModel::Row row;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (std::map<int, string>::iterator i = note_length_map.begin (); i != note_length_map.end (); ++i) {
row = *(note_length_model->append ());
row[note_length_columns.ticks] = i->first;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
row[note_length_columns.name] = i->second;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
view.signal_key_press_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::key_press), false);
view.signal_key_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::key_release), false);
view.signal_scroll_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::scroll_event), false);
view.append_column (_("Start"), columns.start);
view.append_column (_("Channel"), columns.channel);
view.append_column (_("Num"), columns.note);
view.append_column (_("Name"), columns.note_name);
view.append_column (_("Vel"), columns.velocity);
/* use a combo renderer for length, so that we can offer a selection
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
* of pre-defined note lengths. we still allow edited values with
* arbitrary length (in ticks).
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
Gtk::TreeViewColumn* lenCol = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeViewColumn (_("Length")));
Gtk::CellRendererCombo* comboCell = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererCombo);
lenCol->pack_start (*comboCell);
lenCol->add_attribute (comboCell->property_text (), columns.length);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
comboCell->property_model () = note_length_model;
comboCell->property_text_column () = 1;
comboCell->property_has_entry () = false;
view.append_column (*lenCol);
view.set_headers_visible (true);
view.set_rules_hint (true);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
view.get_selection ()->set_mode (SELECTION_MULTIPLE);
view.get_selection ()->signal_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::selection_changed));
/* Editing the first column (BBT) as text is currently not supported
* -> use editable AudioClock, implement parse_as_bbt */
for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
CellRendererText* renderer = dynamic_cast<CellRendererText*> (view.get_column_cell_renderer (i));
TreeViewColumn* col = view.get_column (i);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
col->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER (i));
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
renderer->property_editable () = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
renderer->signal_editing_started ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::editing_started), i));
renderer->signal_editing_canceled ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::editing_canceled));
renderer->signal_edited ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::edited));
scroller.add (view);
scroller.set_policy (POLICY_NEVER, POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
redisplay_model ();
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
region->midi_source (0)->model ()->ContentsChanged.connect (content_connections, invalidator (*this),
boost::bind (&MidiListEditor::redisplay_model, this), gui_context ());
region->PropertyChanged.connect (content_connections, invalidator (*this),
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
boost::bind (&MidiListEditor::redisplay_model, this), gui_context ());
buttons.attach (sound_notes_button, 0, 1, 0, 1);
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act = ActionManager::get_action ("Editor", "sound-midi-notes");
if (act) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (sound_notes_button.gobj ()), act->gobj ());
view.show ();
scroller.show ();
buttons.show ();
vbox.show ();
sound_notes_button.show ();
vbox.set_spacing (6);
vbox.set_border_width (6);
vbox.pack_start (buttons, false, false);
vbox.pack_start (scroller, true, true);
add (vbox);
set_size_request (-1, 400);
MidiListEditor::~MidiListEditor ()
MidiListEditor::scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev)
TreeModel::Path path;
TreeViewColumn* col;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
int cellx;
int celly;
int idelta = 0;
Temporal::Beats beat_delta;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
bool apply = false;
bool was_selected = false;
char const* opname;
MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property prop (MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber);
if (!view.get_path_at_pos (ev->x, ev->y, path, col, cellx, celly)) {
return false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (view.get_selection ()->count_selected_rows () == 0) {
was_selected = false;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
} else if (view.get_selection ()->is_selected (path)) {
was_selected = true;
} else {
was_selected = false;
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
int colnum = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (col->get_data (X_("colnum")));
switch (colnum) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case 0:
/* This is dangerous. Changing position with the mouse-wheel can reorder
* notes. The mouse-position does not change and then affect different notes.
if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::GainFineScaleModifier)) {
beat_delta = Temporal::Beats::ticks (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 64);
} else {
beat_delta = Temporal::Beats (1, 0);
if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN || ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_LEFT) {
beat_delta = -beat_delta;
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime;
opname = _("edit note start");
apply = true;
case 1:
idelta = 1;
if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN || ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_LEFT) {
idelta = -idelta;
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel;
opname = _("edit note channel");
apply = true;
case 2:
case 3:
idelta = 1;
if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN || ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_LEFT) {
idelta = -idelta;
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber;
opname = _("edit note number");
apply = true;
case 4:
idelta = 1;
if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN || ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_LEFT) {
idelta = -idelta;
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Velocity;
opname = _("edit note velocity");
apply = true;
case 5:
if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::GainFineScaleModifier)) {
beat_delta = Temporal::Beats::ticks (Temporal::ticks_per_beat / 64);
} else {
beat_delta = Temporal::Beats (1, 0);
if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN || ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_LEFT) {
beat_delta = -beat_delta;
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length;
opname = _("edit note length");
apply = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (apply) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
std::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m (region->midi_source (0)->model ());
MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* cmd = m->new_note_diff_command (opname);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
vector<TreeModel::Path> previous_selection;
if (was_selected) {
/* use selection */
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = view.get_selection ()->get_selected_rows ();
TreeModel::iterator iter;
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> note;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin (); i != rows.end (); ++i) {
previous_selection.push_back (*i);
if ((iter = model->get_iter (*i))) {
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
note = (*iter)[columns._note];
switch (prop) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime:
if (note->time () + beat_delta >= Temporal::Beats ()) {
cmd->change (note, prop, note->time () + beat_delta);
} else {
cmd->change (note, prop, Temporal::Beats ());
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Velocity:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->velocity () + idelta));
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length:
if (note->length () <= Temporal::Beats::one_tick () && beat_delta.to_ticks () > 0) {
/* Special case increments starting at 1 tick.
* Next step up after 1 is 1920 (not 1921) - or fine grained 30 (not 31).
cmd->change (note, prop, beat_delta);
} else if (note->length () + beat_delta >= Temporal::Beats::one_tick ()) {
cmd->change (note, prop, note->length () + beat_delta);
} else {
cmd->change (note, prop, Temporal::Beats::one_tick ());
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->channel () + idelta));
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->note () + idelta));
} else {
/* just this row */
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
TreeModel::iterator iter;
iter = model->get_iter (path);
previous_selection.push_back (path);
if (iter) {
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> note = (*iter)[columns._note];
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
switch (prop) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime:
if (note->time () + beat_delta >= Temporal::Beats ()) {
cmd->change (note, prop, note->time () + beat_delta);
} else {
cmd->change (note, prop, Temporal::Beats ());
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Velocity:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->velocity () + idelta));
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length:
if (note->length () + beat_delta >= Temporal::Beats::one_tick ()) {
cmd->change (note, prop, note->length () + beat_delta);
} else {
cmd->change (note, prop, Temporal::Beats::one_tick ());
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->channel () + idelta));
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->note () + idelta));
m->apply_diff_command_as_commit (*_session, cmd);
/* reset selection to be as it was before we rebuilt */
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (vector<TreeModel::Path>::iterator i = previous_selection.begin (); i != previous_selection.end (); ++i) {
view.get_selection ()->select (*i);
return true;
MidiListEditor::key_press (GdkEventKey* ev)
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
bool ret = false;
TreeModel::Path path;
TreeViewColumn* col;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
int colnum;
switch (ev->keyval) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_Tab:
if (edit_column > 0) {
colnum = edit_column;
path = edit_path;
if (editing_editable) {
editing_editable->editing_done ();
if (colnum >= 5) {
/* wrap to next line */
/* XXX never reached. Editing Length shows a dropdown menu,
* which returns edit focus to the dialog.
colnum = 0;
path.next ();
} else {
if (!path.empty ()) {
col = view.get_column (colnum);
view.set_cursor (path, *col, true);
ret = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_Up:
case GDK_uparrow:
if (edit_column > 0) {
colnum = edit_column;
path = edit_path;
if (editing_editable) {
editing_editable->editing_done ();
path.prev ();
if (!path.empty ()) {
col = view.get_column (colnum);
view.set_cursor (path, *col, true);
ret = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_Down:
case GDK_downarrow:
if (edit_column > 0) {
colnum = edit_column;
path = edit_path;
if (editing_editable) {
editing_editable->editing_done ();
path.next ();
if (!path.empty ()) {
col = view.get_column (colnum);
view.set_cursor (path, *col, true);
ret = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_Escape:
stop_editing (true);
return ret;
MidiListEditor::key_release (GdkEventKey* ev)
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
bool ret = false;
TreeModel::Path path;
TreeViewColumn* col;
TreeModel::iterator iter;
MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* cmd;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
std::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m (region->midi_source (0)->model ());
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> note;
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> copy;
switch (ev->keyval) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_Insert:
/* add a new note to the model, based on the note at the cursor pos */
view.get_cursor (path, col);
iter = model->get_iter (path);
cmd = m->new_note_diff_command (_("insert new note"));
if (iter) {
note = (*iter)[columns._note];
copy.reset (new NoteType (*note.get ()));
} else {
Temporal::Beats pos = Temporal::TempoMap::use ()->quarters_at_sample (region->start ().samples ());
copy.reset (new NoteType (0, pos, Temporal::Beats (1, 0), 60, 100));
cmd->add (copy);
m->apply_diff_command_as_commit (*_session, cmd);
/* model has been redisplayed by now */
path.next ();
if (!path.empty ()) {
/* select, start editing column 2 (note) */
col = view.get_column (2);
view.set_cursor (path, *col, true);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_Delete:
case GDK_BackSpace:
if (edit_column < 0) {
delete_selected_note ();
ret = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case GDK_z:
if (_session && Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) {
_session->undo (1);
ret = true;
case GDK_r:
if (_session && Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) {
_session->redo (1);
ret = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
return ret;
MidiListEditor::delete_selected_note ()
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
Glib::RefPtr<TreeSelection> selection = view.get_selection ();
TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = selection->get_selected_rows ();
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (rows.empty ()) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
typedef vector<std::shared_ptr<NoteType>> Notes;
Notes to_delete;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin (); i != rows.end (); ++i) {
TreeIter iter;
if ((iter = model->get_iter (*i))) {
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> note = (*iter)[columns._note];
to_delete.push_back (note);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
std::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m (region->midi_source (0)->model ());
MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* cmd = m->new_note_diff_command (_("delete notes (from list)"));
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (Notes::iterator i = to_delete.begin (); i != to_delete.end (); ++i) {
cmd->remove (*i);
m->apply_diff_command_as_commit (*_session, cmd);
MidiListEditor::stop_editing (bool cancelled)
if (!cancelled) {
if (editing_editable) {
editing_editable->editing_done ();
} else {
if (editing_renderer) {
editing_renderer->stop_editing (cancelled);
MidiListEditor::editing_started (CellEditable* ed, const string& path, int colno)
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
edit_path = TreePath (path);
edit_column = colno;
editing_renderer = dynamic_cast<CellRendererText*> (view.get_column_cell_renderer (colno));
editing_editable = ed;
if (ed) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
Gtk::Entry* e = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Entry*> (ed);
if (e) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
e->signal_key_press_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::key_press), false);
e->signal_key_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiListEditor::key_release), false);
MidiListEditor::editing_canceled ()
edit_path.clear ();
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
edit_column = -1;
editing_renderer = 0;
editing_editable = 0;
MidiListEditor::edited (const std::string& path, const std::string& text)
TreeModel::iterator iter = model->get_iter (path);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (!iter || text.empty ()) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> note = (*iter)[columns._note];
MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property prop (MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
Temporal::Beats bval;
int ival;
bool apply = false;
int idelta = 0;
Temporal::Beats delta;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
char const* opname;
switch (edit_column) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case 0: // start
case 1: // channel
/* correct ival for zero-based counting after scan */
if (sscanf (text.c_str (), "%d", &ival) == 1 && --ival != note->channel ()) {
idelta = ival - note->channel ();
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel;
opname = _("change note channel");
apply = true;
case 2: // note
if (sscanf (text.c_str (), "%d", &ival) == 1 && ival != note->note ()) {
idelta = ival - note->note ();
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber;
opname = _("change note number");
apply = true;
case 3: // name
ival = ParameterDescriptor::midi_note_num (text);
if (ival < 128) {
idelta = ival - note->note ();
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber;
opname = _("change note number");
apply = true;
case 4: // velocity
if (sscanf (text.c_str (), "%d", &ival) == 1 && ival != note->velocity ()) {
idelta = ival - note->velocity ();
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Velocity;
opname = _("change note velocity");
apply = true;
case 5: // length
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
try {
stringstream ss (text);
ss >> bval;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
} catch (...) {
/* assume its text from the combo. look for the map
* entry for the actual note ticks
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
uint64_t len_ticks = note->length ().to_ticks ();
std::map<int, string>::iterator x = note_length_map.find (len_ticks);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (x == note_length_map.end ()) {
/* tick length not in map - was
* displaying numeric value ... use new value
* from note length map, and convert to beats.
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for (x = note_length_map.begin (); x != note_length_map.end (); ++x) {
if (x->second == text) {
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (x != note_length_map.end ()) {
bval = Temporal::Beats::ticks (x->first);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
} else {
bval = Temporal::Beats ();
if (text != x->second) {
/* get ticks for the newly selected
* note length
for (x = note_length_map.begin (); x != note_length_map.end (); ++x) {
if (x->second == text) {
if (x != note_length_map.end ()) {
/* convert to beats */
bval = Temporal::Beats::ticks (x->first);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (bval) {
delta = bval - note->length ();
prop = MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length;
opname = _("change note length");
apply = true;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (apply) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
std::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m (region->midi_source (0)->model ());
MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* cmd = m->new_note_diff_command (opname);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = view.get_selection ()->get_selected_rows ();
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin (); i != rows.end (); ++i) {
if ((iter = model->get_iter (*i))) {
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
note = (*iter)[columns._note];
switch (prop) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Velocity:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->velocity () + idelta));
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length:
cmd->change (note, prop, note->length () + delta);
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->channel () + idelta));
case MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber:
cmd->change (note, prop, (uint8_t) (note->note () + idelta));
m->apply_diff_command_as_commit (*_session, cmd);
/* model has been redisplayed by now */
/* keep selected row(s), move cursor there, don't continue editing */
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
TreeViewColumn* col = view.get_column (edit_column);
view.set_cursor (edit_path, *col, 0);
/* reset edit info, since we're done */
edit_path.clear ();
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
edit_column = -1;
editing_renderer = 0;
editing_editable = 0;
MidiListEditor::redisplay_model ()
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
view.set_model (Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> (0));
model->clear ();
if (_session) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
std::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m (region->midi_source (0)->model ());
TreeModel::Row row;
stringstream ss;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
MidiModel::Notes::const_iterator i = m->note_lower_bound (region->start ().beats ());
Temporal::Beats end_time = (region->start () + region->length ()).beats ();
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (; i != m->notes ().end () && (*i)->time () < end_time; ++i) {
row = *(model->append ());
row[columns.channel] = (*i)->channel () + 1;
row[columns.note_name] = ParameterDescriptor::midi_note_name ((*i)->note ());
row[columns.note] = (*i)->note ();
row[columns.velocity] = (*i)->velocity ();
2020-10-15 01:09:22 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
Temporal::BBT_Time bbt = Temporal::TempoMap::use ()->bbt_at ((region->position () + timepos_t ((*i)->time ())).earlier (region->start ()));
ss.str ("");
ss << bbt;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
row[columns.start] = ss.str ();
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
bbt.bars = 0;
const Temporal::Beats dur = (*i)->end_time () - (*i)->time ();
bbt.beats = dur.get_beats ();
bbt.ticks = dur.get_ticks ();
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
uint64_t len_ticks = (*i)->length ().to_ticks ();
std::map<int, string>::iterator x = note_length_map.find (len_ticks);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (x != note_length_map.end ()) {
row[columns.length] = x->second;
} else {
ss.str ("");
ss << len_ticks;
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
row[columns.length] = ss.str ();
row[columns._note] = (*i);
view.set_model (model);
MidiListEditor::selection_changed ()
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
if (!UIConfiguration::instance ().get_sound_midi_notes ()) {
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
TreeModel::Path path;
TreeModel::iterator iter;
std::shared_ptr<NoteType> note;
TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = view.get_selection ()->get_selected_rows ();
NotePlayer* player = new NotePlayer (track);
2023-09-24 08:25:14 -04:00
for (TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin (); i != rows.end (); ++i) {
if ((iter = model->get_iter (*i))) {
2015-10-05 10:17:49 -04:00
note = (*iter)[columns._note];
player->add (note);
player->play ();