
180 lines
5.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __ardour_export_dialog_h__
#define __ardour_export_dialog_h__
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <ardour/export.h>
#include <ardour/location.h>
#include "ardour_dialog.h"
class PublicEditor;
namespace ARDOUR {
class Session;
class AudioRegion;
class Port;
class ExportDialog : public ArdourDialog
ExportDialog (PublicEditor&);
~ExportDialog ();
void connect_to_session (ARDOUR::Session*);
virtual void set_range (nframes_t start, nframes_t end);
void start_export ();
virtual Gtk::FileChooserAction browse_action() const { return Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE; }
ARDOUR::AudioExportSpecification spec;
Gtk::Frame file_frame;
struct ExportModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string> output;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<bool> left;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<bool> right;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<ARDOUR::Port*> port;
ExportModelColumns() { add(output); add(left); add(right); add(port);}
ExportModelColumns exp_cols;
// These methods are intended to be used in constructors of subclasses
void do_not_allow_track_and_master_selection();
void do_not_allow_channel_count_selection();
void do_not_allow_export_cd_markers();
// Checks the given filename for validity when export gets started.
// Export will interrupt when this method returns 'false'.
// Method is responsible for informing user.
virtual bool is_filepath_valid(string &filepath);
// Gets called from within do_export. Is responsible for exporting the
// audio data. spec has already been filled with user input before calling
// this method. The dialog will be closed after this function exited.
virtual void export_audio_data() = 0;
virtual bool wants_dir() { return false; }
// reads the user input and fills spec with the according values
// filepath: complete path to the target file, including filename
void initSpec(string &filepath);
void set_progress_fraction(double progress) {
progress_bar.set_fraction (progress); }
ARDOUR::Session& getSession() { return *session; };
string get_selected_header_format() {
return header_format_combo.get_active_text(); };
string get_selected_file_name() { return file_entry.get_text(); };
PublicEditor& editor;
ARDOUR::Session* session;
bool track_and_master_selection_allowed;
bool channel_count_selection_allowed;
bool export_cd_markers_allowed;
Gtk::VBox track_vpacker;
Gtk::HBox hpacker;
Gtk::Table format_table;
Gtk::Frame format_frame;
Gtk::Label cue_file_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText cue_file_combo;
Gtk::Label channel_count_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText channel_count_combo;
Gtk::Label header_format_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText header_format_combo;
Gtk::Label bitdepth_format_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText bitdepth_format_combo;
Gtk::Label endian_format_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText endian_format_combo;
Gtk::Label sample_rate_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText sample_rate_combo;
Gtk::Label src_quality_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText src_quality_combo;
Gtk::Label dither_type_label;
Gtk::ComboBoxText dither_type_combo;
Gtk::CheckButton cuefile_only_checkbox;
Gtk::Entry file_entry;
Gtk::HBox file_hbox;
Gtk::FileChooserWidget file_chooser;
Gtk::Button* ok_button;
Gtk::Button* cancel_button;
Gtk::Label cancel_label;
Gtk::ProgressBar progress_bar;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow track_scroll;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow master_scroll;
Gtk::Button track_selector_button;
Gtk::TreeView track_selector;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> track_list;
Gtk::TreeView master_selector;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> master_list;
static void *_thread (void *arg);
// sets the export progress in the progress bar
virtual gint progress_timeout ();
sigc::connection progress_connection;
void build_window ();
void end_dialog();
void header_chosen ();
void channels_chosen ();
void bitdepth_chosen ();
void sample_rate_chosen ();
void cue_file_type_chosen();
void file_chooser_selection_changed();
void fill_lists();
void write_track_and_master_selection_to_spec();
void do_export_cd_markers (const string& path, const string& cuefile_type);
void export_cue_file (ARDOUR::Locations::LocationList& locations, const string& path);
void export_toc_file (ARDOUR::Locations::LocationList& locations, const string& path);
void do_export ();
gint window_closed (GdkEventAny *ignored);
void track_selector_button_click ();
void set_state();
void save_state();
#endif // __ardour_export_dialog_h__